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The Kinetic theory of gases: a theory based on a simplified molecular or particle

description of a gas, from which many gross properties of the gas can be derived.
Basic Ideal Gas Model
• The molecules obey Newton's law of motion.
• The molecules move in all direction with equal probability.
• All collisions are perfectly elastic.
• Intermolecular distances are large enough so the interaction between molecules is
• Kinetic energy of molecular motions is the only form of internal energy that
 Vertical distances traveled are small so work done by (against) gravity can be
Determination of gas pressure
o Solid container with volume V with edges parallel to xyz coordinate system
o System of N identical molecules (point masses) with mass m
 Molecules moving randomly in all directions with range of speeds
 Molecules don't interact with each other but do interact with walls
o Force exerted on wall by molecular collision equals change in momentum of
 Consider wall in yz plane
 Momentum of molecule in x direction before collision is mvx, Assuming purely
elastic collision, momentum after is -mvx and the change is 2mvx
o Total force over given time = number of collisions X momemtum change/collision
Number density of molecules no = N/V
 Due to random motion half of molecules will be moving toward wall at any given
 Total force exerted on patch of area A on wall:
 Average force per unit area (pressure) is:

o Can deal with range of velocities in all directions by taking average over distribution
of velocities

 Random motion implies average speeds in each direction are equal

 Average of squared overall speed equal to sum of individual components

 Pressure exerted on given wall in terms of total velocity is:

o Account for differing molecular masses by averaging kinetic energies

o Pressure is 2/3 kinetic energy per unit volume (or)

pV = K .E
o Then basic form of equation of state appears

Where k is Boltzmann's constant, k = 1.38 X 10-23 J K-1

o Moles: Number of molecules needed for weight in grams to equal molecular weight
Avogadro's number: N A = 6.022 X 1023 per mole

Number of moles:
Number of moles equals total mass in grams divided by molecular weight:

 Equation of state in terms of moles

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