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MODULE - 1 THE ENTREPRENEURIAL LIFE them for their time.

Many companies of this type are also

called lifestyle businesses because they permit an owner
Lesson Objective 1 – Small Business and Entrepreneurial to follow a desired lifestyle, even though they provide
Opportunity: The same or difference? only modest financial returns. Employing fewer than 10
employees, lifestyle businesses make up the largest sector
What is a Small Business? of the U.S. economy. Such enterprises usually do not
What does it mean when we talk about “small business?" attract investors and are financed with owner savings or
money provided by friends and family.
A neighborhood restaurant or bakery is clearly a small
business, and Toyota is obviously not. But among small Lifestyle businesses are not only important to the U.S.
businesses, there is great degree of diversity in size, in economy, but they have also become vital for many
growth potential, in organizational structure, and often in individuals in developing countries in Asia, South America,
culture. and Africa. In these countries, starting and running a small
business can easily double or triple a family's income and
Many efforts have been made to define the term small
make a significant difference in the quality of family
business, using such criteria as number of employees,
members' lives. To help these individuals, some
sales volume, and value of assets. But there is no generally
organizations are providing microloans, sometimes for
accepted or universally agreed-on definition. Size
only a few dollars, to allow them to buy inventory or do
standards are basically arbitrary, adopted to serve a
whatever else needs to be done to get started in
particular purpose. For example, the U.S. Small Business
Administration defines a small business as having fewer
than 500 employees. But in specific cases, the government
So, understanding a small business is dependent on our
may define a small business differently—such as one with
definition of small and the firm's growth potential. For our
fewer than 10 employees in order to exempt a very small
studies, we will mostly be directing our attention to small
business from certain regulations, if compliance would
businesses that meet the following criteria, at least in
prove to be too costly, given its small size.

In addition to size, small businesses differ drastically in 1. Compared to the largest firms in the industry, the
their growth potential. Those few businesses with business is small; in most instances, the business has fewer
phenomenal prospects for growth are called high- than 100 employees.
potential ventures, or gazelles (Has great prospects for
2. Except for its marketing function, the business's
growth) Even within this group, there is variation in styles
operations are geographically localized.
of operation and approaches to growth. Very few begin as
high-tech startups—the kind that made Silicon Valley 3. No more than a few individuals provide the equity
famous. In contrast to such high-potential ventures, financing for the business. Equity financing is the money
attractive small firms offer substantial financial rewards invested in the business by the owners and possibly by a
for their owners. Income from these entrepreneurial few other individuals.
ventures may grow into the millions or even tens of
millions of dollars. They represent a major segment of 4. The business may begin with a single individual, but it
small businesses-solid, healthy firms that can provide has the potential to become more than a “one-person
rewarding careers and create financial wealth for the show” and may eventually grow to be a midsized company
owners. or even a large firm.

The least profitable types of small businesses—including 5. The business must have growth potential, whether or
many small service companies, such as pool-cleaning not the owner chooses to capture that growth.
businesses, dry cleaners, beauty shops, and appliance
repair shops provide modest returns to their owners. Obviously, some small businesses will fail to meet all of
These are called microbusinesses (Provides minimal these standards, but they are still of great interest to us.
profits to its owner) and their distinguishing feature is For example, a small executive search firm—a firm that
their limited ability to generate significant profits. helps corporate clients recruit high-level managers—may
Entrepreneurs who devote personal effort to such operate in many sections of the country and thereby fail to
ventures receive a profit that essentially compensates meet the second criterion. Nevertheless, the discussion of
management concepts in this book is aimed primarily at single proprietorship, cooperative, partnership, or
the type of firm that fits the general pattern outlined by corporation whose total assets, inclusive of those arising
these criteria. from loans but exclusive of the land on which the
particular business entity's office, plant and equipment are
SMALL BUSINESSES: situated, must have value falling under the following
- represent 99.7% of all firms categories:
- employ over 50% of employees in the private sector A. By Asset Size
- account for 43% of private payrolls Micro: Up to P3,000,000
- outperform larger companies in net job creation Small: P3,000,001 - P15,000,000
- hire 43% of high tech employees Medium: P15,000,001 - P100,000,000
- represent 97.3% of all exporters Large: above P100,000,000
- provide increased business ownership opportunities for
Alternatively, MSMEs may also be categorized based on
minorities and self-employed degreed individuals
the number of employees:
Micro: 1 - 9 employees
SMALL and MEDIUM ENTERPRISES in the Philippines
Small: 10 -- 99 employees
In the Philippines, 99.1% of the businesses are small and
Medium: 100 -- 199 employees
medium enterprises (SMEs) and only 0.99% are large
Large: More than 200 employees
enterprises Republic Act No. 9501, The Magna Carta for
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), signed by
President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on 23 May 2008
What Is an Entrepreneurial Opportunity?
defines micro enterprises as entities with total assets of
- An economically attractive and timely opportunity that
not more than Php 3,000,000, small enterprises as The
creates value for interested buyers or end users
new law, R.A. 9501 amends the 17-year old R.A. 6977 or
the Magna Carta for Small Medium Enterprises.
At its core, the entrepreneurial process begins with
identifying an attractive opportunity, which is more than
SMEs are perceived to have greater linkages to
merely having a good idea. Such opportunities make the
microenterprises (backward linkage) and medium and
enterprise economically attractive for the owners while
large businesses (forward sub-contracting links).
offering customers a product or service that is so
appealing that they are willing to let go of their hard-
Among the rationale for developing SMEs in the
earned money to buy it. In other words, an entrepreneur
Philippines includes the fact that they use resources more
must find a way to create value for customers. An
efficiently than large enterprises. The Philippines'
entrepreneurial opportunity, then, is an economically
advantages in terms of investment environment includes
attractive and timely opportunity that creates value both
having an open market economy, reliable infrastructure
for prospective customers and for the firm's owners.
support, available special economic zones and strategic
location, hospitable lifestyle, competitive investment
So an entrepreneur is a person who relentlessly pursues
incentives and quality human resources
an opportunity, in either a new or an existing enterprise,
to create value while assuming both the risk and the
Philippine SMEs usually join a bigger organization,
reward for her or his efforts. Entrepreneurs generally think
cooperative and association. In the Philippines, SMEs are
differently about resources than do employee-managers.
acknowledged to have the following major roles:
While managers in large corporations so often think like
- Substantial contribution to national economic activity
administrators or bureaucrats wanting larger budgets or
- Major source of economic dynamism, economic and
more employees, entrepreneurs work to do more with
social functions at all levels of society
less. They may try to use other people's resources, which
- Major source of provision of outsourcing products and
is called bootstrapping (Doing more with less in terms of
services of Major contribution to regional, local and
resources invested in a business, and, where possible,
community economic development.
controlling the resources without owning them) For
example, an entrepreneur might resort to bartering or, in
Republic Act 6977: Magna Carta for MSMEs
the early days of a business, work to create income from
MSMEs are defined as any business activity/enterprise other sources to fund the business. Let's look at three
engaged in industry, agri-business/services, whether ventures started by some present-day entrepreneurs who
have successfully created value for customers and another individual who was managing the company. These
themselves alike. “second stage” entrepreneurs do not necessarily differ
Success Stories greatly from founding entrepreneurs in the way they
Table Occasions (El Paso, TX) manage their businesses. akin to that of a founder than to
Blank Label (Boston, MA) that of a manager. Nevertheless, it is helpful to distinguish
Tender Greens (Pasadena, CA) between entrepreneurs who start or substantially change
companies and those who direct the continuing operations
of established businesses. Ryan Gibson, a young
Learning Objective 2- Entrepreneurial Qualities: Big Ego entrepreneur and partner in Rydell Holdings in Waco,
Not Required Texas, says he has come to understand that his passion
and aptitude are for starting new companies, which he has
People often ask, “Are entrepreneurs born or made?” That successfully done on several occasions. However, when
question has long been debated with little agreement. the business is up and running, he turns the operations
However, Stephen Spinelli and Robert Adams have nicely over to his team. He knows that one of his strengths is not
summarized research on entrepreneurial characteristics. running a business on a day-to-day basis. Again, it comes
The entrepreneurs they describe as having and exhibiting back to understanding yourself—your motivations and
"desirable and acquirable attitudes and behaviors" fall personality if you want your journey to be a good one in
under the following six descriptors: the long run.
1 Commitment and determination—Tenacious, decisive, Franchisees
and persistent in problem solving. Franchisees comprise yet another category of
2. Leadership abilities - Self-starters and team builders entrepreneurs. According to the International Franchise
who focus on honesty in their business relationships. Association, 44 percent of businesses in the United States
3. Opportunity Obsession - Aware of market and customer are franchises. Franchisees differ from other business
needs. owners in the degree of their independence. Because of
4. Tolerance of risk, ambiguity, and uncertainty - Risk the guidance and constraints provided by contractual
takers, risk minimizers, and uncertainty tolerators. arrangements with franchising organizations, franchisees
5. Creativity, self-reliance, and adaptability - Open- function as limited entrepreneurs. The franchisee is
minded, flexible, uncomfortable with the status quo, and authorized to market the company's products or services
quick to learn. and expects the franchisor to provide support in operating
6. Motivation to excel - Goal-oriented and aware of the business. Such support will almost always include
personal strengths and weaknesses. operating systems, training, financing, advertising, and
On the other side of the coin, some attitudes and other services. In addition to paying an annual franchising
behaviors should be avoided at all costs. An almost certain fee, the franchisee must also pay a portion of its profits to
way to fail as an entrepreneur, as many have learned by the franchisor.
experience, is to do the following: Entrepreneurial Teams
How to Fail as an Entrepreneur Our discussion thus far has focused on entrepreneurs who
1. Overestimate what you can do. function as individuals, each with his or her own firm. And
2. Lack an understanding of the market. this is frequently the case. However, entrepreneurial
3. Hire mediocre people. teams can be beneficial, if not essential, particularly in
4. Fail to be a team player, which is usually the result of ventures of any substantial size. An entrepreneurial team
taking oneself too seriously. consists of two or more individuals who combine their
5. Be a domineering manager. efforts to function in the capacity of entrepreneurs. In this
6. Fail to share ownership in the business in an equitable way, the talents, skills, and resources of two or more
way. entrepreneurs can be concentrated on one endeavor.
Founders and Second-Stage Entrepreneurs Social Entrepreneurs - Historically, if someone dreamed of
We typically think of “pure” entrepreneurs as being owning a business, the primary objective was to pursue an
founders of new businesses that bring new or improved opportunity that would create personal (mostly financial)
products or services to market. However, at some point benefits for the founder. Also significant, but much less
after a new firm is established, it may be purchased or emphasized, was the aim of improving society through
taken over by a second-generation family member or economic means-for example, by providing a useful
product or service that would make life better for The researchers further identified two primary challenges
customers, creating jobs for employees who can then take that women entrepreneurs face: (1) a lack of available
care of their families, and paying taxes to help support the mentors and advisors, and (2) a financing gap (nearly 80
community. But if that same individual had a keen interest percent of the women surveyed had to rely on personal
in addressing a social need or solving an environmental savings as their primary funding source).
problem, he or she would most likely have had to launch a
Regarding the latter challenge, a recent survey of Inc.
not-for-profit organization or to sign on with a
500/5000 firms identified a difference in financing
governmental agency. Today, fortunately, the choices are
strategies between women and men who founded high-
no longer mutually exclusive.
growth firms. First, men were more than three times as
likely as women to access equity financing through private
An increasing number of small businesses are being
investors. Second, men were more likely than women to
launched with the explicit and fundamental purpose of
use networks of close friends and business acquaintances.
addressing a major social challenge or human need—
However, women and men business owners were similar
sometimes in the community where the business is
in their use of bank financing as a source of capital. The
located but also in underdeveloped countries where living
net result of the financing gap for women: Men start firms
conditions are badly in need of improvement. According to
with nearly twice the capital that women do.
the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor's “Report on Social
Entrepreneurship,”16 the drive to pursue this form of Although a woman who wants to own a business may
activity is greater in the United States than in any other experience challenges not encountered by a man, it's
country. But it may not surprise you to know that the important to understand that women are very competitive
same study found that the impulse to become a social business owners. In a study sponsored by the Kauffman
entrepreneur is strongest for Americans who are between Foundation, Alicia Robb and John Watson found no
the ages of 25 and 45. Reflecting this trend, an increasing difference in firm performance between companies
number of universities across the United States are owned by women and those owned by men. There were
offering courses and even entire degree programs in social no differences between the two groups in failure rates, in
entrepreneurship. The wildfire apparently has already profitability, and in the returns earned relative to the risk
been lit. assumed. The findings indicate that women are just as
effective as men when it comes to running profitable,
Small business owners have countless paths they can take wealth-creating businesses. Based on their findings, the
when it comes to making a difference in the lives of authors offer encouragement to women who aspire to
others, from giving to local schools to participating in start a business: Women who are contemplating starting a
mentoring programs for at-risk youth to allowing new venture [should] not be discouraged from doing so by
employees to spend a portion of their on-the-clock hours a false belief that new ventures initiated by women are
serving the community organizations they believe in most. less likely to succeed than those initiated by men.
But social entrepreneurship entails more than shifting
resources to serve others. It involves focusing on a social ----------------------------------------------------------------
purpose and making it an integral part of the company Learning Objective 3 - Your Motivations for Owning a
itself. Social entrepreneurs find ways to weave their social Business
purpose into the very fabric of the ventures they launch. Before you choose to enter the small business game, you
Women Entrepreneurs need to think carefully about the person you want to be
- In the 2014 study, these researchers also identified and how owning a business will help make you that
women's primary motivations for starting their own person. In other words, you do not begin with the
businesses. Their reasons are not materially different from business, you begin with you. Jeff Sandefer, puts it this
those of men. Specifically, they: way: "When you embark upon a heroic journey—a life
filled with meaning and purpose—the first step is to heed
• Liked the small business culture. the admonition inscribed over the entrance to the Oracle
• Had long wanted to own their own business. of Delphi in ancient Greece: ‘Know Thyself.' Search out
• Had a business idea and wanted to capitalize on it. who you are, and then you will be equipped to discover
• Did not find working for someone else particularly your heroic calling.”
• Wanted to build personal wealth As we have already said, being an entrepreneur is
extremely challenging. There will be times when you will following:
be discouraged, maybe even terrified. Some days, you will (1) to improve financial well-being (73%),
wish you had opted for the security (or at least the (2) to be the boss (41%), and
perception of security) of a regular job in an established (3) to follow a passion (22%).32 We believe that there are
company four fundamental reasons, which incorporate those listed
in the Harris poll: personal fulfillment, personal
You may decide to own a small business because of the
satisfaction, independence, and financial rewards. These
influence of family members or friends who have their
motivations, along with specific examples of each, are
own businesses. Researchers at Case Western Reserve
shown in Exhibit 1.1 and discussed in the following
University's Weatherhead School of Management have
found a strong connection between entrepreneurship and
genetics. Also, the U.S. Census Bureau reports that half of Personal Fulfillment
all small business owners worked in their family's business Owning a business should provide significant personal
before founding their own ventures.27 In other words, fulfillment. If it doesn't, then you should look elsewhere.
they had the opportunity to observe the “entrepreneurial All other motivations will not be enough in the really tough
life” up close. Starting a business may also provide an times—and those times are sure to come. Apple co-
escape from an undesirable job situation. Some individuals founder Steve Jobs said it well: “The only way to do great
become entrepreneurs after being laid off by an employer. work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet,
Unemployed personnel with experience in professional, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart,
managerial, technical, and even relatively unskilled you'll know when you find it.” If you want to get started on
positions often contemplate the possibility of venturing the right foot, we suggest that the core reason for
out on their own. Those who started or acquired small becoming an entrepreneur and owning your own business
businesses as a result of financial hardship or other should be to make the world a better place. L. John Doer,
severely negative conditions have appropriately been one of the most famous venture capitalists of all time,
called reluctant entrepreneurs. inspired the phrase “make meaning,” suggesting that the
most impactful and sustainable businesses are built on
Individuals may also flee the bureaucratic environment of
such a foundation. Your first goal should be to create a
a corporation that seems stifling or oppressive to them. In
product or service that improves life for others. Only when
a survey of 721 office workers, 42 percent had considered
your company is about something more significant than
quitting their jobs over bureaucratic hassles.
yourself, will you have a sense that what you are doing is
Entrepreneurship often provides an attractive alternative
meaningful and well worth the effort.
for such individuals, who are sometimes called corporate
refugees. Michelle Lawton left the corporate world to do Entrepreneurs
her own thing. She had done well as an executive with are some of the most giving people we know. In fact, the
such firms as Procter & Gamble, Pepperidge Farm, Lavazza names on many university buildings are those of
Coffee, and Rémy Cointreau. She had also been entrepreneurs who have given back to their alma maters.
compensated very well, at least until you consider the long Bill Waugh, the founder of Casa Bonita, a very successful
hours she worked. She finally decided she had endured chain of Mexican food restaurants that includes Taco
enough of the corporate world. “I was at a point in my life Bueno, sought to make a difference by providing his
where I was looking for a real shift," Lawton says. She company's resources to not for-profit organizations. He
wanted to do something that she was really passionate said, “My company is my base for helping others.” Small
about and that would allow her to pave her own way business owners usually don't—and shouldn't expect
moving forward. As her own boss in food and beverage anything in return for their community stewardship. It
branding, Lawton was able to do things she never could do should be about others, not yourself. Good may come
before, such as lunchtime yoga and Pilates classes. “It's from what you do, and you will most likely reap benefits,
something I can't quantify,” explains Lawton. “I've never but that should not be your reason for giving to the
been healthier. What I'm not gaining in financial rewards, community. In a Gallup Poll of over 100,000 working
I've gained in personal well-being. It sounds like a cliché, adults, researchers examined the relationship between
but it's a trade-off. work and happiness for different occupational groups.

Types of Entrepreneurial Motivations

A recent Harris poll inquiring into the reasons
entrepreneurs give for owning a company includes the
They developed an overall index of contentment based on
six criteria: emotional health, physical health, job
satisfaction, healthy behaviors, access to basic needs, and
self-reports on overall life quality. Business owners were
found to outrank all other occupational groups in terms of
overall contentment.

Personal Satisfaction
- Closely related to personal fulfillment is the personal
satisfaction that business owners frequently experience
from their businesses. For one thing, entrepreneurs feel
rewarded in working with a particular product or providing
a service and being good at it. They find great satisfaction
in being the best at what they do. Rick Davis, founder and
CEO of Davaco, a Dallas-based company, says “There is Understanding Your Paradigm
nothing else I would rather do. I love the challenged, Knowing your motivations is important to anyone
working with other to see our dreams come true, and interested in starting a business. But that is not enough.
making a difference in the community. It is fun You also need to understand if your perceptions of what it
takes to be successful in business are accurate. In The 7
Independence Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey teaches
Many people have a strong desire to make their own that to make important changes in our lives, we need to
decisions, take risks, and reap the rewards. They find it change from the inside-out. He says that having a positive
important to be free to make their own choices in their attitude or working harder is not enough. Instead, we have
work. In other words, the more control they have over to change how we fundamentally see a situation, or what
their work, the happier they are. Business owners also he calls a paradigm shift. So, the question for someone
have discretion about when they want to engage in wanting to start a business is, “What do you believe it will
nonbusiness activities. They have the freedom to decide take for you to create a successful business?” Your answer
when to work, when to be with family, and when to be to this question will depend largely on your past
engaged in community activities in ways that employees experiences, which have a significant influence on your
frequently cannot be. paradigm.
Financial Rewards The Technician Personality
As a general rule, when businesses are profitable, If you start an auto repair business because you love
everyone benefits. Jobs are created, taxes are paid, and working on cars or a pie shop because your friends say you
charities receive donations. Furthermore, like any other make the best pies they have ever eaten, you most likely
job or career, starting a business is a way to earn money have what Gerber calls a technician personality. The
and make ends meet. Of course, some entrepreneurs earn technician personality is usually a steady worker,
lots of money. In The Millionaire Next Door, Thomas experienced at doing what he or she knows best. The
Stanley and William Danko note that self-employed people technician dislikes managing, wanting instead to be left
are four times more likely to be millionaires than are those alone to get the job done. He or she lives in the moment,
who work for others. without thinking of the future. To the technician, starting a
business may be both a dream-come-true and a nightmare
A significant number of entrepreneurs are, no doubt, at the same time. The thought of no longer being managed
highly motivated by the prospect of making money. While and having total control over what gets done is exciting,
some entrepreneurs do become rich quickly, the majority but the need to be organized and think strategically is
do not. Therefore, a more reasonable goal would be to daunting. A technician's approach to business decision
"get rich slowly.” Wealth will most likely come, provided making can be characterized in the following ways:
the business is economically viable and the owner has the
patience and determination to make it happen. When it • Paternalistic (he or she guides the businesses much as he
comes to making money, keep in mind the adage “Money or she might guide family members).
is not a problem, but money without wisdom is a • Reluctant to delegate authority.
problem.” • Defining marketing strategy in terms of the traditional
components of price, quality, and company reputation
• Focusing on sales efforts that are primarily personal. • See the business as a system for producing outside
• Short-term thinking, with little planning for future results for the customer, and in so doing, producing
growth or change. profits.
• Start with a picture of a well-defined future and then
attempt to change the present to match the vision.
1.2 Understanding Your Business Paradigm EXHIBIT One • Develop strategies for the business by first seeing the
Person, Three Personalities whole picture
Technician Learning Objective 4 - The Entrepreneur's Competitive
• Thinks short-term Is paternalistic Edge
• Uses only traditional marketing strategies How is it that small and entrepreneurial firms can hold
• Is reluctant to delegate their own and often gain an edge over successful, more
• Relies on personal selling powerful businesses? The answer lies in the ability of new
Manager and smaller firms to exploit opportunities. If a business can
• Avoids paternalism make its product or service cheaper, faster, and better,
• Delegates authority then it can be competitive. Small companies—if well
• Varies marketing strategies managed are just as able as larger firms to develop
• Uses different sales approaches Seeks multiple financing strategies that offer a competitive advantage.
sources Entrepreneur Integrity and Responsibility
• Asks how the business must work. Sees the business as a The beginning point of any competitive advantage begins
system with a commitment to integrity. In order to maintain a
• Visualizes the future Develops strategies for the business strong competitive advantage, it is essential that a
by first seeing the whole picture business owner add a solid reputation for honesty and
Balance Determines Level of Effectiveness dependability to good customer service and excellent
product quality. In fact, the quickest way to lose a
The Manager Personality competitive advantage is to act without regard for others
An individual with a manager personality is pragmatic, or worse, to act dishonestly. We all respond positively to
assuming responsibility for the planning, order, and evidence of integrity because we all have, at times, been
predictability of the business. In Gerber's words, “The taken advantage of when buying a product or service.
manager is the part of us that goes to Sears and buys
stacking plastic boxes, takes them back to the garage, and Consistently operating with integrity can set a small
systematically stores all the various mixed nuts, bolts, and business apart as being trustworthy at a time when stories
screws in their own carefully identified drawer.” A of corporate greed and corruption abound. Above all else,
manager personality tends to do the following: the core values of the entrepreneur, as reflected in what
• Avoid paternalism. she or he says and does, determine the culture within a
• Delegate authority as necessary for growth. business. Others will do business with a company only
• Employ diverse marketing strategies. when they feel that they can trust that company. Trust is
• Use different types of sales efforts. the foundation of all relationships, including business
• Obtain original financing from more than two sources. relationships.

The Entrepreneur Personality Customer Focus

The entrepreneur personality takes an idea and turns it Business opportunities exist for those who can produce
into an opportunity. This personality does not look at the products and services desired by customers. Small
work that a business does. Instead, the entrepreneur companies are particularly adept at competing when they
examines how the business does what it is intended to do. commit to a strong customer focus. Good customer
In this way, the entrepreneur is able to see the big picture service can be provided by a business of any size.
and develop strategies that will help the venture flourish. However, in many instances, small businesses have a
According to Gerber, this personality needs to be greater potential than larger firms to achieve this goal. If
harnessed effectively, or it will wreak havoc by trying to properly managed, small entrepreneurial companies have
pull the business in many directions at the same time. The the advantage of being able to serve customers directly
entrepreneurial personality tends to do the following: and effectively, avoiding the layers of bureaucracy and
• Ask the question, "How must the business work?” corporate policies that tend to stifle employee initiative. In
many cases, customers are personally acquainted with the transformations in a number of industries—computers
entrepreneur and other key people in the small business. (mainframes to PCs), telephones (landline to mobile),
photography (film to digital), stock markets (floor trading
Quality Performance
to online trading), and many others.52 For this reason,
There is no reason that a small business needs to take a
more than a few large companies acquire or at least
back seat to larger firms when it comes to achieving
engage in a joint venture with small technological
quality in operations. We frequently talk to owners of
small businesses whose operations not only equal the
quality performance of larger firms but, in fact, also Niche Markets
surpass the performance of the giants. In general, quality Almost all small businesses try to shield themselves from
is mostly independent of firm size. But if there is an competition by targeting a specific group of customers
advantage, it most often goes to the smaller business. As a who have an identifiable but very narrow range of product
small business owner, you should not accept anything less or service interests and comprise what is called a niche
than the highest-quality performance. An uncompromising market. The niche might consist of a uniquely specialized
commitment to quality will move you a long way on the product or service, or it might focus on serving a particular
road to having a competitive advantage relative to other geographical area. Numerous small businesses are
firms in your industry. uniquely positioned to capture these markets. Successful
entrepreneurs are not overly concerned about their ability
Innovation to compete with their larger counterparts. With few
How the world has changed! When Bill Clinton was exceptions, large corporations are bureaucracies, with
president of the United States, hardly anyone with the bureaucrats as managers. As already pointed out, their
exception of a small number of people in the government R&D methods focus on the status quo. In addition, large
and academia—had e-mail. Today, billions of people send companies have difficulty creating effective incentives for
hundreds of millions of messages, share 20 million photos, employees so that they will think
and exchange at least $15 trillion in goods and services
entrepreneurially. There is considerable evidence that
every minute. 50 Innovation, both in products or services
most workers in today's huge corporations are simply not
and in competitive strategies, is within the reach of the
engaged in their work. Many, like Jim Halper from the
small business in ways that were not thought possible a
popular TV show “The Office,” would declare, “This is just
few years ago. The SBA's Office of Advocacy has a history
a job. ... If this were my career, I'd have to throw myself in
of funding research that documents the role, nature, and
front of a train,"54 The bottom line is that small
importance of innovation and technological breakthrough
companies with an entrepreneurial culture can compete
by small firms. Office of Advocacy research shows that
and compete well.
small businesses outperform their larger counterparts in
producing more patents per employee (a measure of
Objective 5
innovation). Small firm patents also outperform those of
Building an Entrepreneurial Legacy
larger firms along a number of measures, including
growth, citation, and originality. Small “patenting firms” When an entrepreneur decides to exit the business,
produce 16.5 times more patents per employee than large usually by selling or passing it on to the next generation,
firms do, and these patents are twice as likely as those his or her business achievements become history.
from large firms to be among the 1 percent most cited by Reflecting on their lives and businesses, many
others in their patent applications.51 Most of the radical entrepreneurs come face to face with questions such as
inventions of the last century, such as the computer and these: Was it a good journey? What kind of meaning does
the pacemaker, came from small companies, not large it hold for me now? Can I feel good about it? What are my
ones. And this will not change. disappointments? How did I make a difference?

Research departments of big businesses tend to focus on In anticipating this time of looking back, an entrepreneur
improving existing products. Creative ideas may be side should think in terms of a legacy. A legacy consists of those
tracked because they are not related to existing product things passed on or left behind. In a narrow sense, it
lines or because they are unusual. But preoccupation with describes material possessions bequeathed to one's heirs.
an existing product can obscure new idea. In his book, The In a broader sense, it refers to everything that one leaves
Innovator's Dilemma, Clayton Christensen documents how behind—material items, good or bad family relationships,
large established companies have missed major and a record of integrity or greed of contribution or
exploitation. An entrepreneurial legacy includes both - Many businesses are now majority female-owned
tangible items and intangible qualities passed on not only - Movement of women into nontraditional industries
to heirs but also to the broader society. You can
• Problems Facing Female Entrepreneurs
appreciate, then, the seriousness with which the
- Discrimination and difficulties related to gender
entrepreneur needs to consider the kind of legacy he or
- Lack of access to credit
she is building.
- Lack of networking connections
- Balancing work and family life
It is easy for entrepreneurs to get caught up in activities,
working harder and harder to keep up with the busy pace
The Importance of Mentors
of life. Ultimately, such entrepreneurs may find their
• Mentors
business accomplishments overshadowed by the neglect
- Are knowledgeable persons who can offer guidance from
or sacrifice of something more important to them. It's
their experience in a given field.
possible to score points in the wrong game or win battles
- Teach entrepreneurs what and how to do.
in the wrong war.
- Show them how to avoid mistakes.
- Provide entrepreneurs encouragement when needed.
Who are Entrepreneurs??
- A person who starts and/or operates a business.
Your Motivations for Owning a Business
- Individuals who discover market needs and launch new
• Being an entrepreneur:
firms to meet those needs.
- Is extremely challenging.
- Risk takers who provide an impetus for change,
- Takes undying love and passion to keep going.
innovation, and progress.
- Can run in a family.
- All active owner-managers (founders and/or managers of
- Can help make the world a better place.
small businesses).
- Can make meaning in your life.
Varieties of Entrepreneurship
Is Owning a Small Business a Good Fit for You?
1. Founder (“Pure” Entrepreneur)
1. Am I passionate about my product or service?
- A person who brings a new firm into existence
2. What is my tolerance for risk?
2. “Second Stage” Entrepreneur
3. Am I effective in making decisions?
- An administrative entrepreneur who oversees the
4. Am I willing to take on numerous responsibilities?
operations of an ongoing business
5. Will I be able to avoid burnout?
3. Franchisee
- An entrepreneur whose power is limited by the
Why People Become Entrepreneurs
contractual relationship with a franchising organization
• Reluctant Entrepreneur
4. Entrepreneurial Team
- A person who becomes an entrepreneur as a result of
- Two or more people working together as entrepreneurs >
some severe hardship.
Is becoming more common
• Refugee
- A person who becomes an entrepreneur to escape an
New Forms of Entrepreneurship
undesirable situation,
• Social Entrepreneurship
- is entrepreneurial activity whose goal is to find innovative
• Artisan Entrepreneur
solutions to society's most pressing needs, problems, and
- A person with primarily technical skills and little business
knowledge who starts a business
• Social Entrepreneur • Characteristics:
- Seeks ways to solve societal and environmental - Take a paternalistic approach
- Are reluctant to delegate
problems that incorporate the triple bottom line of
- Use few sources of capital
people, profits, and the planet.
- Have a traditional marketing strategy
- Focus on personal sales effort
Women Entrepreneurs
- Have a short planning horizon
• More Women Entrepreneurs
- More women than men are starting new businesses
Opportunistic Entrepreneurs
• Opportunistic Entrepreneur
- A person with both sophisticated managerial skills and
technical knowledge who starts a business
• Characteristics:
- Broad-based education
- Scientific approach to problems
- Willing to delegate
- Broad view of strategy
- Diversified marketing approach
- Longer planning horizon
- Sophisticated accounting and financial control

Millennial Entrepreneurs (Gen-Y)

- Have no fear of technology
- Are idealistic and optimistic
- Are more collaborative
- Build elements of community in the business
- Start companies while studying entrepreneurship
- Fail fast, learn a lot, and keep going

Building an Entrepreneurial Legacy

• Looking Back At An Entrepreneurial Life
- Proper values and actions lead to a good exit.
- Evaluating accomplishments
• Winning the Wrong Game
- The nature of the entrepreneurial endeavor reflects
personal goals and values.
• Crafting a Worthy Entrepreneurial Legacy
- The tangible items and intangible qualities passed on to
both heirs and society.
• Satisfaction and Fulfillment
- Achieving balance with what do I want to do.

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