Etheric Cords Manisha

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Etheric Cords

Etheric cords are the means through which we interact with each other. It is that
connection that enables us to know if a person likes or dislikes us. It is formed
with anyone at any time. Even the most general and tiny interaction can lead to
the formation of an ethereal cord. The energy connections instill feelings of
love, empathy, and sympathy. It also instils negative emotions of fear, hate, and
It is beneficial for us to nurture the loving etheric bonds. But it can become
damaging for us to maintain the negative ones. Knowing what etheric cords are
and how to cut negative cords is essential. This is important to protect our health
and happiness.

The etheric cords are an extension of our energy bodies. They are energy
structures that connect us to others. They are also known as energy cords,
ribbons, and ethereal cords. It is that part of our energy bodies that enables us
to make a connection with others. Etheric cords are necessary to feel connected
and bond with others. This connection can be a result of love and trust, but at
the same time, it can also be the result of hate and fear.

Attracting negative people or events in your life on a continuous basis

- Holding on to anger, pain, or hurt from the past.
- Not speaking your truth or defending your position to another out of fear
- Feeling drained emotionally or physically after interacting with a person, on
a regular basis.
- Non-stop mind chatter, repetitive talks with someone in head.
- Unable to move on from past, Revengeful feelings
- Repeated patterns
- Psychic attacks, chronic fatigue
- Addictions
- Obsessions, Addiction
- Something is not right feeling
- Falling sick frequently


We can be affected by these cords in a variety of ways,
• Feeling so emotionally connected to an ex to the point where you are
unable to attract a new, healthy relationship in your life.
• Experiencing a lack of confidence in your abilities and talents
(especially in the workplace).
• Consistently being defensive when around certain people.
• Repeating patterns in friendships, family relationships, and romantic
• Clinging on to relationships for fear of abandonment.


Forgive- Do not hold grudges. Learn to let go.

Skip drama and gossips. The more you gossip about someone, the more you are
forming cords with them. Same with drama, you get pulled into a drama and you
are forming cords with everyone involved.
When interacting with negative person, intend in mind to cut the cords and
chant DELETE DELETE DELETE. You can do karate chops between you and the
person while talking,
in a manner that they won’t realize what you are doing. I will send small clip to
give you an idea. Let go of ex. If he/she doesn’t want to stay, why do you need
him/her back? Let them go. No stalking, no pleading, no crying.
- Raise your vibration
Cord cutting Ritual (7/14/21 days as required)
Required: - Black String of 18 inches, 2 pieces of paper, Black pen, Scissor.

On one paper write- Dear _ (name), I am sorry, Please

forgive, I love you, Thank you. I now free you from all the ties
we ever had across lives for our highest good.
From- _ (your name).

On another paper, write his name and free from him . Roll papers and tie them
to the strings on both the ends. Hold papers tied with string and say, Dear
Archangel Michael, I am ready to sever all cords with _ for our highest good.
Please cut all the negative cords between us and cover us in your divine light.
Cut the thread from middle. Throw away both papers but don’t throw it
together. Flush one and throw another in dustbin or throw both in opposite

Pendulum- 14 days daily and then alternate days for 2 weeks and then reduce
Cleanse the pendulum. Hold in palm. Say, I call upon Archangel Michael to cut
all the etheric cords that drains your or _ (name) energies, create blocks and
doesn’t serve me (name) any more through this pendulum. Ask pendulum if it is
ready to do cord cutting for you (name). Most probably it will swing to YES. Ask
pendulum to start cord cutting. State each sentence and let the pendulum
swing. If doing for others, replace ME with name.

- I cut all the negative cords across lives that don’t serve me anymore
-I cut all the etheric cords across lives that drain me off my energies.
- I cut all the etheric cords across lives that create blockages and obstacles.
- I cut all the etheric cords across lives that have curses and vows attached.
- I cut all the etheric cords across lives that have negative karmic patterns.
- I cut all the etheric cords across lives which have entities attached.

Once it slows down or stops, ask pendulum to fill you (name) and the affected
with divine light. Let it swing again till it stops or slow down. Once you are done,
thank Archangel Michael and pendulum

Sever cords with Objects/Addiction/Location/House -

Say, I call upon Archangel Michael to cut all the etheric cords across lives with
__ (smoking, alcohol, gadget etc) that is bringing addiction within me.
- I cut all the negative cords across with _ that don’t serve me anymore.
- I cut all the etheric cords across lives with _ that drain me off my energies.
- I cut all the etheric cords across lives with _ that creates anger and addictions.
- I cut all the etheric cords across lives with ___that have curses and vows
- I cut all the etheric cords across lives with ___that have negative karmic
I cut all the etheric cords across lives with ___which have entities attached.
Once the pendulum stops, ask it to infuse with purple light

Switchwords and Energy Circles

(Sever ties, stop causing trouble, end this segment, clear inertia,
get new ideas and nourish ambition.)
Set an intention to cut all ties with __ (person,
addiction).Chant the above Switchwords phrase 28 times thrice
a day. The more the better. Do till you get results.
Energy Circle-
Take colored printout. Write your name inside the circle. Write
the person’s name you want to let go from your life outside the
circle. You can write unwanted emotions like anger, ego,
anxiety, stress etc outside the circle. Cal also write addictions
like alcohol and smoking out side the circle. You can write
anything you want to let go of.
Laminate the printout. Charge water and drink. Stick on wall.
Put under pillow or Chant

Cutting Present n Past Lives Cords (Once a month on Full Moon)

Required- Black candle and white candle
Do this on every full moon as full moon is the time to let go of things that don’t
serve you.
Carve DIVINE on white candle. Carve LET GO on black candle. Light the candles.
Below is the example, you can follow that, add or remove totally up to you.
I SEVER CORDS WITH all negativity attached to my body, mind, soul and aura
from across lives, space, dimension and times.
• I SEVER CORDS WITH all the blockages that hinders my growth and progress
from body, mind, soul and aura; across lives, space, dimension and times.
• I SEVER CORDS WITH all karmic vows and promises I might have taken
intentionally or unintentionally which blocks me from achieving my goals and
happy life from my mind, body, soul and aura across lives, space, dimension and
• I SEVER CORDS WITH all the curses I am carrying since across lives, space,
dimension and times from my mind, body, soul and aura.
• I SEVER CORDS WITH all the buried anger, negative emotions, financial
blockages, and addictions from my mind, body, soul and aura across lives, space,
dimension and times.
• I SEVER CORDS WITH all unpleasant and negative memories from each of my
cells, mind, body, soul and aura across lives, space, dimension and times.
• I SEVER CORDS WITH and cut all cords from all aspect of my life that does not
serve me anymore, that creates blockages and drains me off my energy from my
mind, body, soul and aura across lives, space, dimension and times.
• I SEVER CORDS WITH _any specific name_ and release him/her with love and
• (Add whatever you require)
Thank You God, Goddess and Archangel Michael for RELEASING all past lives
issues and cutting all negative cords from my mind, body, soul and aura across
lives, space, dimension and times.”

Manisha Singh
Tarot Card Master

Reiki Grand Master

Crystal Healer/Angel Healer

Numerologist, Vastu Consultant

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