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Report on increasing the number of foreign students

The aim of this report is to point out ways in which the language school in our town could
become more appealing to foreign students. The report is based on comments from all of our
school attendants.

Current town attractions

To begin with, our top attractions have not reached to the public before, hence the students are
not familiarized with them and they might think that our place is not welcoming. Our parks and
student recreation places are in a complete state of deterioration. The libraries need new
furniture, as well as new updated computers for a better learning experience.

Original teaching methods

Another important issue to take into consideration is the methods used for teaching. Along with
the rapidly approaching new students, the school has to prepare better courses and methods of
teaching. Although the classes are not dull, the students might not get the full learning
experience due to the fact that the courses are always conducted with unstimulating activities.
Teachers and lecturers should implement other ways of teaching, such as clips and interactive
lessons, with a couple of hands-on and practical projects. Also, group work must be praised and
integrated in the student’s day to day life.

Ways to improve socializing

One final point is about the way that students interact and their opportunities regarding
socialization. The bars around the town are not designed for students and there have been
complaints about them not feeling welcome there. Some green spaces along with other eco-
friendly, vegan cafes would really improve student life and interaction among them.

To conclude, I would strongly recommend that the parks be restored, as well as the bars and
cafes around them, as soon as funding permits. In addition, new teaching methods such as
interactive or practical lessons would be a great start into enhancing the lessons.

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