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The mission of Rotary is to provide service to others, to promote high ethical standards, and to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
August 1, 2011

Club Notes

From left to right, Celeste, Samantha, Jordan, Rebecca, Sidney, Jackie

Regular Meeting 1200 hours YMCA Building today

President Amy Jernigan called Meeting to order: Flag Salute by Rotarian Toni Ruggle and Invocation by Rotarian PP/DG Dee Fairbanks Announcements: e-mail from Rotarian Pat Driver looking for volunteers for their Crab Feed in 5-30 930 pm.Contact President Amy for details. Table Introductions: Rotarian Howard Sands from Sunrise Rotary, Tyler Edwards of Edwards Construction, District Gov. Elect Rotarian Bob Darring and wife Chris, Recognition: Dr. Murphy Senior Active was addressed by President Amy as the best Dr she ever had an matched a $20 recognition. Recognition: Jim Nor Plumbing Contractor came to board meeting for make-up $10 recognition. Recognition: Ramsey DA best club by dam site answer question what year was first test tube baby 1953 wrong 1978 $20 recognition fee. Recognition:Rotarian Mike Hutton received a question on the name of chili powder in Costa Rica. He missed answer $20 recognition (answer Paprika) Recognition: Rotarian John Hancock announced today as the anniversary of 29 years in business for Hancock Automotive then was asked for the Capital of Denmark. Wrong answer $20 recognition Recognition: Rotarian David Pittman was asked who painted the Mona Lisa the answer Mitch Brown was wrong and received a $10 recognition. YMCA served great lunch of Chicken, rice and green beans. Many compliments on the food and desert served. Well Done to the serving and cooking crew. Celeste Silva of Sunrise Rotary and Coordinator of YMCA.. She discussed the services offered to youth Jackie program Coordinator, Leader in Training 12-14 years olds CPR, child abuse, etc. Youth activities in leadership as counselors. Rebecca, Sydney, Samantha, Presented history of the Oroville Noon Rotary both local and Rotary International. Defined the Interact club, self governing and good will along with the value of individual responsibility and good will throughout the community. Almost 200,000 youth participants. Local club projects were discussed. Poppies on the Dam?? YMCA Oroville active programs: Strut Walking Fitness, Zumba Workouts, Tai Chi, Water Fitness, Baby an Me Fitness, Pilates, Swimming Lessons, Tennis Camp, Summer Day Camp, Aqua fit, Water Fitness, After school at Ophir School, Summer Day Camp 5-12ages MWF swim at Y pool. Visit City Hall, Police and Fire Dept. along with boating safety. Anticipate tripling the next year participants,. bowling activities, Visit to upper Bidwell Park, Rons reptiles, camp out a Loafer creek, were available due to utility billing savings from the Noon Rotary Donation and building improvements done recently. Celeste also had high praise for the Pool dome that has extended the pool use to near year round activities and special Thanks and recognition to Rotarian Mike Smith for his companies donation of the dome structures. That effort was crucial to the YMCA success with many programs currently being offered. All adult programs are year round. All donations go toward reduced fees for youth not able to participate and pay their full way. Silver Sneakers health plan soon coming along with Day camp at Eastside School, South South Community center for workout classes. So future needs for programs are looking at other facilities. Healthy Living Expo. Next Meeting: RYE student Kayla Benson will be here to talk about her Exchange trip D. Pittman Newsletter author.

Next Meeting Western Pacific Brewery on Monday August 8, 1200 hours.

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