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Present simple (prít.


Always, ussualy, sometimes

Pri He,She, It sa dáva -s
N: I don´t, He doesn´t
Q: Do you? Does he?

They have a dinner at 7pm- Do they have dinner at 7pm?

He works in the castle- Where does he work?

I never drink alcohol

Present cotinuous (prít priebehový)

He, She, It sa davá –is
Aktivita prebieha práve teraz, ak máme niečo naplánované na 100% (ak trvala dlhšie)- Now, at the
moment, today
N: I am not, He isn´t, You aren´t
Q: Am I cleaning? Is she cleaning? Are they cleaning?

I learning English now at my class with my teacher

I am meeting the doctor tomorrow at 3 pm

He isn´t going to school

They aren´t playing with dog

Popis obrázka
uč.str. 122
In the Picture is 7 people. 2 girls are reading a news. 2 boys are playing with ball. Old man is sleaping
on chair. Dog is playing with ball. Woman is eating a hamburger. Man is cooking a steak
In the Picture there is a girl. The girl has got long hair, blue eyes and a long nose. She is at the café, in
the restaurant. She is looking at the other side
How is she feeling? Upset, confused, anxious
Toby will lend her an umbrella

To decide- rozhodnúť
Borrow- požičať si Samo borrows my book
Lend- požičiať niekomu I will lend Teacher my book
Job interview- pracovný pohovor
On the basis of- na základe

To be going to/will
1.spontaneous decisions(spontánne rozhodnutia)
Im thirsty - I´ll take some drink . He has broken his leg- I will call the ambulance
2. Neutral future
I think, I believe, I suppose
I will pass the exam . I don´t believe he will arrive
To be going to
to decide, mat niečo v pláne
1.Ked robíme úsudky, rozhodnutia
2.Plánovaná budúcnosť
My mother is going to make a cake. I am going to go to cinema on Monday

Queue- poradie
Traffic jam- dopravná zápcha
To run out of- minúť sa
A shopping list- nákupný list

Past simple (jednoduchý min. čas)

Aktivita sa konal v minulosti a už sa ukončila, trvala dlhšie
Yesterday, ago, last,
Pri pravidelných slovesách sa dáva –ed, pri nepravidelných 2 stĺpec
N: I didn´t take the bus yesterday. We didn´t go to the wedding
Q: Did I close the door? Did She buy a car? Did you have a party?

I opened the front door

We hid in the kitchen

The, a/an
a/an ak niečo hovoríme prvýkrát- There´s an interactive whiteboard in our classoon
The používame ak hovoríme druhýkrát alebo viac, ak nám je niečo jasné- Our teacher often uses the
interactive whiteboard

Past continuous (minulý priebeh. Čas)

Aktivita ktorá v minulosti trvala dlhšie, ak prebieha
I, He, She, It – was We, You, They- were
Q: Was She reading a book 9 o´clock. Were you doing homework yesterday?
N: I wasn´t having lunch a tone o´clock. They weren´t listening to music
I was driving down the motorway. We were waiting for the bus

Much and many

Many- spočitateľné
Much- nespočitateľné

Informal and formal letters (neformálne a formálne veci)

We write our driends, reatives on family members,
Is written to our friends or relatives

Comparative forms (porovnávacie formy)

Than- na porovnávanie- Greece is hotter than the UK
Not as- zápor- It isn´t as warm as yesterday Yesterday, London was as hot as Athens
Far, much- Libya is much hotter than Canada Conditional (prvá podmienková veta)

If...present simple..., she...will...

If I do my homewrok, I will go out.

He will get 5, If he doesn´t learn.
She won´t cook If she doesn´t buy food, groceries
If you study hard, You will pass your exam

Ak budem múdrejší ako Jožko príjmu ma na vysokú - to accept

If I am smarter/ cleverer than Jožko, they will accept me to the college
I will be accepted to college

Positive Comparative Superlative

Beatiful more beatiful most beatiful
Big bigger the biggest
Fat fatter the fattest

Rozhodnutie o škole

When I had to choose a school, I knew which school to choose. I decided to study at this school because I had a
relationship with this job since I was young. I always wanted to save people's lives.


Výhody: Games can improve our social skills. role- playing games help children to do well at school

Nevýhody: playing games is bad for the eyes. Children who play violent games can behave badly

I eat healthly. I practise exercises. We avoid junk food.
Many people suffer from stress. Then they meet the doctor.
I rarely see the doctor. I sometimes meet the doctor
3Basic ways- Diet food, relaxation, exercise

In Slovakia we have celebrate christmas on 24 December.
On Christmas Day we go to churg.

In Gret Britain: They celebrate Christmas on 25 December.

Believe in Father Christmas.



very bad- awful

very sad- tragic
very surprising- astonishing
very beautiful- stunning
very good- brilliant
very tired- exhausted
very frightening- terrifying
very big- huge

The conditions that students have are unacceptable.

I am usually irresponsible.
He was dishonest during the interview.
Neighbors were dissatisfied on holida


Present simple- He has a shower ath night - Does he have a shower at night?
Present continuous- I am watching 10 DVDs today afternoon - How many DVD are you watching today?
Past simple- She bought a new car - What did she buy?
Past continuous- He was reading a book yesterday- What was he doing yesterday?


I'm younger than my sister.

Today it isn't as cold as yesterday.
Father is much stronger than mother.
My friend he isn't as hungry as Monday

I brushed my teet Then I had breakfast

During the holidays- I spent in alone, I ride on bike

How many people are there in this group?
There are 11 people.
How many people are missing?
4 people are missing in this group
When do you fell embarrassed?
When I see my ex- boyfriend
When I fall down


I will be accepted to the college

What will you do if you find 1000euros in the streets?

I will go to the police. I will buy something. I will keep the money.
If I feel sick,, I will stay in bed


He will do revision for an hour

A part- time job – polovičná práca
A full-time job – plný úvazok
Apply for- žiadať o niečo
To pass an exam- urobiť skúšku

Čo urobíš ak zajtra nebude prkné počasie

What will you do If The weather is not nice at tomorrow
Ak bude rozrušený, nezdvihne jej mobil
If He is upset, He won´t pic kup the phone
I will stay at home and I will do my homework
My friends will be amazed if I don´t break the rules, If I win the competition, If I apply for a new job

To take an exam- robiť skúšku

To fail an exam- neurobiť sjúšku
To pass an axem- urobiť skúšku

Look forward to + ing
I am looking forward to going school
When are you writing your first exam?


Workbook- str.8, slovíčka, popis obrázka, Zdravie

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