Human Body

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The brain is the centre of the nervous system. 1t is like a computer.

1t stores our memory. 1t controls how we think and react. lt

contains nerve cells that send and receive information. The brain
is protected by the sku 11 made up of 22 bones that are joined

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···;:h·; i;rgest part of
the human brain is
called the cerebrum.

The heart pumps blood around our body. lt is located in the
chest. lt is protected by the rib cage. lt is made of four chambers.
.Blood contains red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.
These float in blood plasma.
Blood leavas the heart through arteries. Blood going towards the
heart is carried by veins.
Fun fact I
Electrocardiogram (ECG) is the
machine that can measure
the electricity going through a
patient's heart.

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Skin is the largest organ. lt protects the bones, muscles and
internal organs. lt protects the body from diseases. lt allows us
to feel and react to heat and cold. 1t regulates body heat.
The outer layer of the skin is the epidermis. The colour of skin
depends on the pigment, melanin.
fun fact J

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have hair on their

Lungs transport oxygen from the air into blood and take away
carbon dioxide, which is released into the air on breathing out.
Asthma is a disease that affects the lungs. Pneumonia is a disease
that makes it hard for lungs to absorb oxygen. The study oflung
diseases is known as pulmonology.

Most animals have

two lungs. The
left lung is slightly

Eyes allow us to see. The tissue 1ining is known as the retina.
Cone cells in the retina detect co1our. The 1ens focus. The centra]
opening is known as the pupi1. The co1oured area around the
pupi1 is the iris. The information that eyes receive is sent to
brain a1ong the optic nerve.

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Horses have eyes on
opposite sides of their
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as the retina.
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Teeth help break down food. Humans get 2 sets of teeth. The
baby teeth are 20 teeth. The adult teeth are 32 teeth.
Humans have teeth including molars, premolars, canines and
incisors. lncisors help bite pieces from food. Canines help hold
and tear food apart. Molars help grind food. Teeth are surrounded
by gums.
Fun fact I
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Teeth are :
covered by a hard j
substance called l
enamel. J
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Our ears help detect sound. The middle part of the ear behind
the ear drum amplifies sound pressure. The middle ear contains
the Eustachian tube which equalizes pressure. The inner ear
contains the spiral shaped hearing organ called the cochlea.

The stapes in the

middle ear is the
smallest bone in the
human body.
The nose helps us smell. The human nose has 2 nostrils. The
nasal cavity is a large space found inside the head, above and
behind the nose. Dust is removed in the nasa 1 cavity by short
hair. Anosmia is the inability to smell. Men have larger noses
than women. Plastic surgery of the nose is ca11ed 'rhinop1asty'.
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It is traditional for Maori

people in New Zealand to
press noses as a gre:~~~:.

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The tongue is a muscle attached to the floor of the mouth.
The upper surface of a tongue is covered with taste buds. The
bumps on the tongue are called papillae. There are four tastes:
salty, sour, bitter, and sweet. Humans use tongue for speech. The
tongue also deans teeth after eating.

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There are a
eight muscles \
in the human
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The stomach is attached to the mouth by a long tube called
the esophagus. The stomach contains hydrochloric acid, which
helps to kill bacteria and viruses that enter with the food. The
stomach pre-digests the food and makes it easier for the rest of
your body to get energy from the food. Food leaves the stomach
as tiny particles which are called chyme.
Fun fact t
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When you blush, the

lining of your stomach
also turns red!

Humans have two kidneys, one on the right side, and one on
the 1eft side. They are 1ocated in the midd1e of the back and
protected by the rib cage. The kidneys fi1ter a11 of the waste
products from the b1ood and pass them into the urine. The
kidneys are connected to the b1adder.
Fun fact f 1
The bo.. .,d,. . ,y~~a.....,n.....w
with a single kidney.
Sometimes people
who don't have good
kidneys can get a
kidney donated to

l. Our lungs inhale over two million litres of air every day.

2. We exercise at least 36 muscles when we smile.

f 3. We are about 70 percent water.

4. The surface area of a human lung is equal to that of a

tennis court. The human body has fewer muscles in it
than a caterpillar.

5. It's impossible to sneeze with eyes open.

6. The aorta, the largest artery in the body, is almost the
diameter of a garden hose.


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