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Future Perfect
● It’s used to talk about an action that will be completed
between now and some point in the future.

● The action you’re talking about must have a deadline.

● If you don’t mention a deadline, use the simple future

tense instead of the future perfect tense.
m ative
nces Future Perfect
Subject + will have + Past participle Verb .

1. I will have gone before you arrive.

2. My sister will have bought the food before you go.

3. Lucy will have left before you get there.

4. I guess that before noon you will have asked already

I will I’ll
You will You’ll
She will She’ll
Affirmative He will He’ll
It will It’ll
They will They’ll
We will We’ll
Negat s
nce Future Perfect
Subject + will Not have + Past participle Verb .

1. I will not have finished the test at 11 am

2. My mum will not have bought nothing yet at that time.

3. You won’t have graduated by December.

4. By Sunday they won’t have brought the cake

I will not I won’t
You will not You won’t
She will not She won’t
He will not He won’t
It will not It won’t
They will not They won’t
We will not We won’t
Future Perfect
will + Subject + have + Past participle Verb .. ?

1. Will you have eaten lunch when we arrive?

2. Will your mum have finished decorating Christmas before December?

3. Will she have been with you before the movie starts?

4. Will they have brought the cake before 7 o’clock?

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