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07/01/2022 19:24 Vivian Maier Cartes | Quizlet

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Vivian Maier
Termes dans cette liste (38)

photographer un photographe

conceal cacher, tenir secret

auction une vente aux enchères

storage unit un garde-meuble

storage (uncountable) garde-meuble

roll une pellicule

pass away die

snap (photo) prendre une photo

self-portrait un autoportrait

hail sb as sth considérer qqun comme qqch

accomplished très talentueux

consummate very skilled

fame la renommée

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07/01/2022 19:24 Vivian Maier Cartes | Quizlet

hoard collect and often hide away a supply of sth

speak one's mind say what you think, state your opinion

fall on hard times be in financial difficulties

obituary notice of a person's death

spur (verb) incite to action or accelerated development

on the fringes of on the outer edge of sth

stack orderly pile or heap

have a knack for sth have a talent, a skill for sth

alluring attractive, appealing

prolific productive

well-to-do rich, well-off

aloof cold (person)

go to great lenghts make effort to achieve sth

gloss over deal with superficially

on the sly in a manner intended to avoid being noticed

look, especially in a sneaking way

spy on sth

Vivian sugercoat
Maier make superficially attractive 2/3
07/01/2022 19:24 Vivian Maier Cartes | Quizlet

among parmi

genius exceptional gift or great natural ability

come to an end reach an end, conclude

overshadow outshine, exceed in importance, éclipser

fondly in a fond manner, with affection

put emphasis on sth stress sth very much

genius exceptional gift or ability

genius ... 3/3

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