DivC 9 QM BreakoutAssignment

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Dual And Primal Problem




80012100724 H149
80012100574 H122
80012100818 H192
80012100583 H126
80012100029 H006
80012100410 H091
80012100721 H146
80012100002 H002
Chardonnay Blanc Riesling
No produced 0 139.1304 82.6087

Per Unit Profit 400 950 1350

Used Available
X1 0 1000
X2 139.1304 750
X3 82.6087 300
Malbec 144.3478 350
Cabernet 300 300
Riesling 200 200
Add 1 13.56522 120
Add 2 33.26087 80

Maximization Total profit 243695.7

Chardony Blanc Riesling
Malbec 1.25 0.8 0.4
Cabernet 0.75 1.8 0.6
Riesling 0.15 0.25 2
Additive 1 0.1 0.05 0.08
Additive 2 0.2 0.15 0.15
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Answer Report
Worksheet: [QM solver.xlsx]Sheet1
Report Created: 27-10-2021 01:57:11 PM
Result: Solver found a solution. All Constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
Solver Engine
Engine: Simplex LP
Solution Time: 0.094 Seconds.
Iterations: 2 Subproblems: 0
Solver Options
Max Time Unlimited, Iterations Unlimited, Precision 0.000001, Use Automatic Scaling
Max Subproblems Unlimited, Max Integer Sols Unlimited, Integer Tolerance 1%, Assume NonNegative

Objective Cell (Max)

Cell Name Original Value Final Value
$D$20 Total profit Used 0 243695.652174

Variable Cells
Cell Name Original Value Final Value Integer
$E$4 No produced Chardonnay 0 0 Contin
$F$4 No produced Blanc 0 139.130434783 Contin
$G$4 No produced Riesling 0 82.6086956522 Contin

Cell Name Cell Value Formula Status Slack
$D$10 X1 Used 0 $D$10<=$E$10 Not Binding 1000
$D$11 X2 Used 139.130434783 $D$11<=$E$11 Not Binding 610.86956522
$D$12 X3 Used 82.6086956522 $D$12<=$E$12 Not Binding 217.39130435
$D$13 Malbec Used 144.347826087 $D$13<=$E$13 Not Binding 205.65217391
$D$14 Cabernet Used 300 $D$14<=$E$14 Binding 0
$D$15 Riesling Used 200 $D$15<=$E$15 Binding 0
$D$16 Add 1 Used 13.5652173913 $D$16<=$E$16 Not Binding 106.43478261
$D$17 Add 2 Used 33.2608695652 $D$17<=$E$17 Not Binding 46.739130435
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Sensitivity Report
Worksheet: [QM solver.xlsx]Sheet1
Report Created: 27-10-2021 01:57:12 PM

Variable Cells
Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease
$E$4 No produced Chardonnay 0 -20.543478261 400 20.543478261 1E+030
$F$4 No produced Blanc 139.13043478 0 950 3100 50.265957447
$G$4 No produced Riesling 82.608695652 0 1350 6250 859.09090909

Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease
$D$10 X1 Used 0 0 1000 1E+030 1000
$D$11 X2 Used 139.13043478 0 750 1E+030 610.86956522
$D$12 X3 Used 82.608695652 0 300 1E+030 217.39130435
$D$13 Malbec Used 144.34782609 0 350 1E+030 205.65217391
$D$14 Cabernet Used 300 452.89855072 300 473 240
$D$15 Riesling Used 200 539.13043478 200 416.66666667 158.33333333
$D$16 Add 1 Used 13.565217391 0 120 1E+030 106.43478261
$D$17 Add 2 Used 33.260869565 0 80 1E+030 46.739130435
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Limits Report
Worksheet: [QM solver.xlsx]Sheet1
Report Created: 27-10-2021 01:57:13 PM

Cell Name Value
$D$20 Total profit Used 243695.65217

Variable Lower Objective Upper Objective

Cell Name Value Limit Result Limit Result
$E$4 No produced Chardonnay 0 0 243695.65217 0 243695.65217
$F$4 No produced Blanc 139.13043478 0 111521.73913 139.13043478 243695.65217
$G$4 No produced Riesling 82.608695652 0 132173.91304 82.608695652 243695.65217
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7
Y1 1.25 0.75 0.15 0.1 0.2 1 0
Y2 0.8 1.8 0.25 0.05 0.15 0 1
Y3 0.4 0.6 2 0.08 0.12 0 0
Minimum 0 452.89855 539.1304 0 0 0 0
Min values 350 300 200 120 80 1000 750

Minimization Total Profit 243695.65

A8 Total Minimum
0 420.54347826087 400
0 950 950
1 1350 1350
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Answer Report
Worksheet: [QM solver.xlsx]Dual
Report Created: 28-10-2021 12:24:25 PM
Result: Solver found a solution. All Constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
Solver Engine
Engine: Simplex LP
Solution Time: 0.375 Seconds.
Iterations: 4 Subproblems: 0
Solver Options
Max Time Unlimited, Iterations Unlimited, Precision 0.000001, Use Automatic Scaling
Max Subproblems Unlimited, Max Integer Sols Unlimited, Integer Tolerance 1%, Assume NonNegative

Objective Cell (Min)

Cell Name Original Value Final Value
$D$16 Total Profit A2 243695.652174 243695.652174

Variable Cells
Cell Name Original Value Final Value Integer
$C$12 Minimum A1 0 0 Contin
$D$12 Minimum A2 452.898550725 452.898550725 Contin
$E$12 Minimum A3 539.130434783 539.130434783 Contin
$F$12 Minimum A4 0 0 Contin
$G$12 Minimum A5 0 0 Contin
$H$12 Minimum A6 0 0 Contin
$I$12 Minimum A7 0 0 Contin
$J$12 Minimum A8 0 0 Contin

Cell Name Cell Value Formula Status Slack
$K$9 Y1 Total 420.543478261 $K$9>=$L$9 Not Binding 20.543478261
$K$10 Y2 Total 950 $K$10>=$L$10 Binding 0
$K$11 Y3 Total 1350 $K$11>=$L$11 Binding 0
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Sensitivity Report
Worksheet: [QM solver.xlsx]Dual
Report Created: 28-10-2021 12:24:26 PM

Variable Cells
Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease
$C$12 Minimum A1 0 205.65217391 350 1E+030 205.65217391
$D$12 Minimum A2 452.89855072 0 300 473 240
$E$12 Minimum A3 539.13043478 0 200 800 158.33333333
$F$12 Minimum A4 0 106.43478261 120 1E+030 106.43478261
$G$12 Minimum A5 0 49.217391304 80 1E+030 49.217391304
$H$12 Minimum A6 0 1000 1000 1E+030 1000
$I$12 Minimum A7 0 610.86956522 750 1E+030 610.86956522
$J$12 Minimum A8 0 300 300 1E+030 300

Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease
$K$9 Y1 Total 420.54347826 0 400 20.543478261 1E+030
$K$10 Y2 Total 950 139.13043478 950 3100 50.265957447
$K$11 Y3 Total 1350 82.608695652 1350 6250 859.09090909
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Limits Report
Worksheet: [QM solver.xlsx]Dual
Report Created: 28-10-2021 12:24:28 PM

Cell Name Value
$D$16 Total Profit A2 243695.65217

Variable Lower Objective Upper Objective

Cell Name Value Limit Result Limit Result
$C$12 Minimum A1 0 0 243695.65217 #N/A #N/A
$D$12 Minimum A2 452.89855072 452.89855072 243695.65217 #N/A #N/A
$E$12 Minimum A3 539.13043478 539.13043478 243695.65217 #N/A #N/A
$F$12 Minimum A4 0 0 243695.65217 #N/A #N/A
$G$12 Minimum A5 0 0 243695.65217 #N/A #N/A
$H$12 Minimum A6 0 0 243695.65217 #N/A #N/A
$I$12 Minimum A7 0 0 243695.65217 #N/A #N/A
$J$12 Minimum A8 0 0 243695.65217 #N/A #N/A

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