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DECEMBER 4 - 10, 2022

Angel Chloe L. Achas
Have you ever experienced
like the trauma suddenly
returns just as you start to heal?
Did you ever felt like you've returned
to a traumatic past? If yes,
then we both felt the same way.

Due to the insects that begins to spread around our school, they had
to do a disinfection to maintain the safety of each student. Because
of this, they announced to have an online class for this week. Others
can see this as an opportunity to take a rest because face to face
classes from 6am to 5pm is really exhausting. Isn't it? But, not me. I'd
rather attend classes the whole day and get exhausted than have an
online classes. But, I have no choice to that since they just only want a
clean environment for our sake. However, traumas and difficulties
that I had from the past, begins to sink in to my mind.

Since pandemic started, online classes arose. Even though it's

completely a different set-up for all of us, I can say that I cope up with
it and still excelled as an honor student. But it's a very difficult
situation. Having classes inside my home is not ideal for me because
it is hard to force yourself to learn when there is a lot of distraction
around you.
I experienced being embarrassed infront
of my classmates in online class because
of my teacher, just because I suddenly
became inactive in a class. I know that
it's true and that is not the usual me, but
for me, it's not an appropriate way to say
it in front of others.

They should have asked me privately if

they are truly concerned about my
performance in class. for a week.

That time, I became inactive because I was having a family problem and a lot
of responsibilities stressing me out including that I am also a research leader
to our upcoming exhibit. I didn't have enough time to focus on my acads. And
the embarrassment I felt that day decreased my self-esteem. Therefore, since
I felt that way on that day I already had a traumatic experience in online class.
And I reminisce that moment when online classes came back for a week.

Moving forward, It's Saturday morning.

Me and my family woke up early
because were heading to a buffet
restaurant in Cabalen to celebrate my
grandfather's birthday. When we
From Tuesday to Friday, online arrived at Ali mall in Cubao, I am happy
classes is just its usual self. I had that I had a chance to meet again my
some problems in internet cousins, aunties, and my lolo. I've
connections, distracted, and I didn't missed them so much because they're
completely understand what is residing at the province of Laguna
being discussed. But I assure you which is far away from us.
that I am doing good for this week Subsequently, after we ate unlimited
since I also had some rest. lunch meals for 2 hours, we took some
pictures as a remembrance
The celebration was fun not until a tragedy struck after our delicious
lunch. I was with EJ, my little brother in my arms and my cousin, Eona
beside me. The three of us were currently taking pictures and sitting in
front of the resto, when a stranger guy approached us. " Hi kids, we have
a toy and food freebies right there. It is perfect for you but you have to
show me first a good picture you have on your phone because it's a
reward for those have potential in photography". He said a lot of
convincing words to us. I was carried away by his deceitful words that
make me step closer to this man. But unfortunately, it is not me who
took me with him but my younger cousin who has her phone with her
hands. It happened too fast. We just found out that my younger cousin
was brought near the exit and lose her new branded phone by that
scammer guy. And I blame myself too much that time.
I feel that I am responsible for what happened. But that is not the
case, because we are actually both got hypnotized. We were just
thankful that we are safe especially my little brother that is also
involved in that incident. However, another trauma has remained
in me. Again.

Those traumas that happened to me this week stucked in my

mind like another hurricane. They are just one of the worst
circumstances in my life that I don't wish to happen again.
Afterall, I am looking forward that someday I can move on from
this traumas and look back and understand why it all happened
the way it did.

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