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Teacher: Burhan why is it too hard to understand?

Burhan: Because the subject is though and I don’t have interest in the subject.

Teacher: Then why you choose it?

Burhan: Unfortunately, this subject is included in the semester.

Teacher: Being a Student of business management it’s compulsory to have oral communication skills,
don’t you thinks.

Burhan: With due respect sir. I am not interested in HR. So I have nothing to do with customer I think
communication is more concerned with marketing that’s why.

Teacher: let me clear you Burhan Being an HR manager you have to deal the employees in better way.
There are lot of matter you have to deal effectively like employees strike etc. so communication play an
important role as well.

Burhan: Ok sir, I got it.

Teacher: I hope, I won’t get any complain next time.

Burhan: Sure Sir, I will try my Best.

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