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Our growing series of walks and trails
gives you a great introduction to the
forest – they are the perfect way to
begin to get to know this exciting place.

Major Oak Trail

The essential Sherwood Forest
experience, taking you to the iconic Major
Oak, Robin’s famous hiding place, and
winding back through the magical forest
to the visitor centre.
Distance: 1½ miles
Approximate time: 45 mins

Greenwood Trail
This walk is designed to celebrate seasonal
change, showing beautifully how this
landscape adapts over the year.
Distance: 2 miles
Approximate time: 1 hour 15 mins

Wildwood Trail
Ideal for adventurers, experience the
different habitats which the RSPB is
looking after for future generations.
Distance: 4 miles
Approximate time: 2 hour 30 mins

Giants Trail
Sherwood Forest is home to Europe’s
largest collection of ancient oaks, and you
can walk amongst the giants of this forest,
on a trail that visits just a few of them.
Distance: ¾ miles
Approximate time: 30 mins

Map Key The Major Oak Ancient Woodland

Approximate times are based on a gentle pace
with pauses to enjoy the surroundings.

Primary Paths Roads

Visitor Centre
Open Grassland
and Playground

Bridleways Permissive Routes

Youth Hostel Lowland Heathland

Art and Craft Centre Mixed Woodland

Giants Trail Major Oak Trail

Cricket Club Visitor Car Park

Greenwood Trail Wildwood Trail
Fairground (March – Oct) Accessible Parking

Map © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved RSPB licence100021787.

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