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Welcome to this document.

This will be an extensive guide on the game known as “Call me

Captain: AFK”. I will review every topic within the game, explain it, and give tips on the best
things to do. Various topics will all have their own space to be discussed but may be split up into
one page due to them being too short to write about individually. This will not apply to everything
in this guide however.

Creator of this document is Necrozma#2818, DM me if you have any questions.

Thanks to Eddi#8383 for his help.

All blue words are clickable, click the highlighted word to go where you want to.

Table of Contents
Store | Market | Altar | Trial | Boss | Instance | Arena | Impel Down | Ocean Contest | Helpsheet
Vegapunk’s Lab | Job Quest | Skypiea Race | Bounty Event | Talent | Endless Prison
| Events | Money Usage | Tier List | Hero Gear Setup |
| Terms | Haki | Image Gallery |


Buff Terms

Increases attack damage
Increases damage resistance
Determines which hero goes first
Hit Rate
Lower chance of attack getting dodged
Block Effect
Increased damage reduction after block
Skill DMG
Increased DMG of skill
Crit Rate
Higher chance of performing a crit
Combo Rate
Increased chance of comboing on normal attack
Combo effect
Increased damage of combo


Skill Terms

Heal reduce - After using full energy skill, if the enemy team has a healer on it, heal amount will
be reduced by a percentage

Cloak - Once activated, unable to be attacked unless the hero is the last one alive

Seal effect - Gains lifesteal after a condition is met

Silence - When a hero is hit with silence, unable to cast full energy skill, uses default skill

Purification - Once activated, gets rid of all debuff effects

Terror - When affected, 50% chance to skip the heroes' turn

Damage Over time - If an enemy is affected, when the hero takes a turn it deals damage

Stun - Skips an enemy’s turn if affected

Vulnerability - Decreases enemies' defense, increasing damage against the affected hero.

Disperse - Gets rid of all buffs on the enemy hero

Shield - When affected, a yellow bubble goes around the hero and a yellow health bar is added.
Gives the hero extra health.

Counter - If the enemy hits a hero that has the ability to counter, after the enemy hits, there is a
low chance to attack the enemy back with the default skill move.

Taunt - Renders affected hero unable to cast active skill

Pincer Attack - When a hero with the Pincer Attack skill hits the enemy, calls upon a friendly
unit to hit that target as well with a default attack.

Bound - When the hero is affected, chance to be unable to cast skill


You are able to buy various hero shards, 50 SSR shards, terminating soul, reshape stones, and

Tips for stores

Altar - In the store early game, it is recommended to buy easy to get hero shards like ryuma and
enel. You are also able to get these heroes’ shards from other stores so for free 2 play players it
is a good way to get SSR heroes starred. Late game you want to focus more on UR shards that
you unlock as you play. The 50 SSR shards for 1500 Soul Coins are not worth it.
Arena Store - All of the things said in Altar Store apply to Arena Store. Burgess shards are also
worth it but buying terminating souls is a waste of coins. Reshape stones also aren't very worth
it until late game.
Senior Arena Store - only the UR shards and steles are worth it. Unlocks after 1 month
Guild shop - both the steles and SSR shards are worth it. If you are low on Spar, (The metal
balls used to upgrade dials) it may also be worth it to buy from the Guild Shop.
Showdown Store - This has by far the least rewarding shop as the rewards have too high of a
price compared to the number of blue coins you get per day. UR shards are not worth it and you
should be going for the golden gear or hero shards
Team Instances Store - the orange dial selection and orange dial shards are the only things
worth buying until late game. The evolution dials are used for refining stats on orange dials and
can only be used when you are at least level 200.


The Market is a place where you’re able to buy various game items for coins or diamonds.
The most worthwhile purchases in the marketplace are currently the Potential cards. Haki can
also be worth it but I would not recommend it if the price is 50 diamonds. Potential unlocks at
level 90 while Haki unlocks at level 130. You should also always buy the Magnet Powder, (Gray
pile) for coins if it appears as it is one of the best ways to upgrade your compass.


The Altar is a place where you are able to dissolve and rebirth Gear, Weapons, and Dials.
It works the same way with heroes, but they have an extra feature. The swap function.
The way swapping works is two heroes' shards and Vivres cards swap for the price of 2000
diamonds. Hero A’s shards go to hero B, and vice versa. It is not recommended to swap heroes
frequently due to the price of it, but if you have heroes that are 3-4 stars apart, it may be a good


Long Ring Island Adventure is a board game where your goal is to roll your dice, get the highest
number, and progress through the board. Along the way there are enemies, quizzes, and items
to help you. The best things that you are able to get from the board are the 50 Diamonds and 1
Advanced Summon Scroll at the end of it. You should only use your coins on selective dice and
only use them when the diamonds are near.
Supernova Showdown is a place where you defeat 10 enemy teams on your server. Gain blue
coins and claim chests for every 2 stages you beat, starting at stage 4. Not recommended to
buy the raid.
Thriller Bark is another board-type game, which progresses through the levels by defeating
Moria. At certain levels in Thriller Bark, you gain more potential cards from chests. Not worth
buying attempts.
Haki Training Room is a game where you click to land on the Haki you want. Only go for blue
and yellow Haki as red isn’t worth it. Red Haki is for combo ATKs but late game they aren’t good
so you will have a bunch of Red Haki lying around for no reason.

Right passive
For debuff SUP

Left passive
Left Passive for all ATKs
For heal SUPs


Boss Contest
Boss Contest - Gain FM shards to star up your finishing move. Not recommended to buy scrolls

SSR FM Tier List, goes from top to bottom UR FM

FM = Finishing Move
All UR FMs are better than SSRs
It is better to focus on starring
1 FM at a time.
Top = best, bottom = worst
Enel FM not worth getting
Zoro FM optional

Sea Train - You progress through it by defeating the CP9 members. Use Inject hormone to
revive your heroes.
Voyage Adventure - Use attempts to get a chance at gaining EXP pass, training pass, coins,
Enhance stone, and a chance at challenging a boss for Magnet Powder and Magnet Stone.
Buying attempts to defeat bosses can be sometimes worthwhile.
Enemy Incoming - You gain 2 attempts daily to challenge 3 bosses. There are also 50%
damage buffs to heroes with certain tags so try to use heroes with the tags to get more damage.
Buying scrolls works but I wouldn’t recommend going over 40 diamonds in spending.
Personal Team Instance - Choose the boss you want to defeat based on your level and how
many times you’ve already cleared the boss. Recommended to always try the hardest level due
to you not losing your attempts when you lose.
Cross-server team instance - You pick your best possible team, once done, you pick the
instance you want through the keys you get via daily quests. Wait for 3 other players to join you
and Team Instance will go on as normal. You get evolution dials as a reward.


Gain 2 attempts to be able to get free resources from different Instances.
Spending diamonds in Instances is normal for most but I wouldn’t recommend going over 60
diamonds in spending for each instance. Gain Gear, Dials, Exp, and more from instances.


Arena is a place where you compete in power to be the best in your server. Make sure to use all
of your Arena attempts per day since you get an Advanced scroll through Quest. After the
server has been open for 1 month, Advanced Arena is unlocked along with a new shop, the
Senior Arena Store. The rewards that unlock in the Senior Arena Store are 10 UR shards,
Historic Steles, and EXP/Breakthrough passes. There is also a change in Arena when this
happens, instead of using 1 team to battle enemies in arena, you will instead need 3 teams,
which is why you need your resonance set up. Senior Arena store for reference.


Impel Down
In Impel Down, you are able to challenge various enemies, and if you can defeat them, you gain
300 Breakthrough pass and a Pirate Ship. Pirate Ships are one of the most important things to
obtain in this game because of what they do. If you manage to get 5 Pirate Ships, you can
upgrade your idle rewards. Try to use all of your Impel Down attempts each day because it will
give you a massive boost in power later in the game. There are also various debuffs applied to
heroes with certain tags, which is another reason why resonance is important. You are able to
get SSR shards from Impel Down and UR shards later down the line in the later levels. Check
Image Gallery to see rewards.


Ocean Contest
Server-wide event where your goal is to occupy the most Intel to win the game. Try to occupy an
intel at the last 20 seconds to gain 500 extra points and so the enemies won’t have enough time
to attack again. When Ocean Contest first starts, try to clear out all of the empty highlighted
spaces as discovering an intel gives you an extra 50 points on top of the 50 you get from
attacking. Once 6 Intel are found, (the max that can spawn in Ocean Contest) try to attack only
enemies that you can beat since you get 10 extra points. Always try to get into the top 3 in your
server even if it means buying attempts.


Vegapunk’s Lab
After a certain level, unlock Vegapunk’s Lab. In it, you challenge bosses in order to gain various
rewards. SS Lab unlocks once you defeat all of the bosses in S Lab and SSS Lab unlocks after
you reach level 200. Always try to defeat the bosses once in a while to gain rewards.


Job Quest
In Job Quest, you have to complete missions for characters in exchange for rewards. These
rewards vary from Diamonds, Gear Vouchers, Lucky Coins, and even Historic Steles. The
rewards are on par with the star level of the mission, so if it's a low star mission, you will gain
fewer rewards than a 4 or 5 star mission. You are also able to have an assist hero and gain loot
when people use your hero. Make sure to set your assist hero to a SUP or DEF as ATKs are the
most common hero and are not needed.


Skypiea Race
A cross server race to have the most points Into the Sea as possible. Skypiea race is one of the
most important things to participate in since it can give you SSR shards and UR shards later
into the game. Use all of your resources to get the best position in the Skypiea Race. The meats
that you have allow you to attack enemies in the race. Use all of your meats before the attempts
since the enemies in Skypiea Race may be too hard to beat.


Bounty Event
In the Bounty Event, you are able to gain Vivre cards for all heroes. The Vivre cards available
for heroes reset every day, so if Zoro was available today, he wouldn’t be tomorrow, but the next
day he would. The cycle goes on and on. Vivre cards are the best way to gain power late game
and thus recommended that you get Vivre cards for all heroes in your lineups a day. Skipping
out on Bounty Event can lead to a shortage in power so never skip it. Purple Den Mushis are
used to get SSR Vivre cards instantly, and gold Den Mushis are used to get UR Vivres


Hero Tier List (Made by Marco and I)

You will find a hero tier list in this google spreadsheet along with various other helpful things.

Help Sheet - Updated 22.03.2022


Potential and Vivre Helpsheet

In this helpsheet, you will find information for Potential levels and Vivre cards below.

Potential and Vivre Helpsheet


For an introduction, this section will mention the term, "Medicine Herb" quite a lot.
The Medicine Herb is a usable item in the game that is able to be converted into potion to
upgrade your heroes.
You can convert it by going into the "Pharmaceutical Production" tab.
One more notice, there is a Google Drive linked with pictures of all topics mentioned here!

Pharmaceutical Production :
This section allows you to convert Medicine Herbs into potions that can be used later to
upgrade your heroes
Inside of it, you are able to "Craft" the Herbs into Potions.
Each hero type, uses different potions respective to their class, (ATK, SUP, DEF)
You are able to decide the majority of potion classes you want, By choosing a "Creative
This Creative Direction allows you to pick what potion types you want to be the most
common, so if you are in need of DEF potions, you can opt for more of those potions.
This chance levels up the more potions you craft.
Talent looks like a skill tree. You have two sides, red and purple that both take different
For example, there are both red ATK potions, and purple ATK potions, being the same with
every hero class,
(Red DEF potions, Purple DEF potions, same with SUP heroes.)
This "skill tree" has nodes that go from down to up that you have to upgrade. Each needing
a higher amount of points than the last.
These nodes require a different amount of points, and that ties in to potion rarity
Currently there are 3 different potion rarities, Common (blue rarity), Rare (Purple rarity), and
Legendary (Gold rarity).
Gold rarity gives 200 points, Purple rarity gives 50 points, and the Blue rarity gives 10
Talent (Part 2)
Once you have successfully upgraded 4 nodes on both sides, 2 bigger nodes (1 big node
on each side) above those ones are required to be upgraded
Between those 2 nodes is the final big one (before moving on). Once you upgrade both of
the medium sized nodes it will automatically light up the middle one
The middle node grants you "Stat Points" that are used to upgrade various different stats.
Look at the Google Drive pictures to see more.
Vegapunk's Lab:
Once you reach the SSS Lab, (Requirement LVL 200) you get different items for defeating
the bosses
Two of these bosses give you a certain amount of Medicine Herbs, and when you beat them
you passively gain Medicine Herbs forever
The first boss who gives Medicine Herbs is Tashigi and the second one is Kuma who gives
100 Medicine Herbs upon defeat.


Endless Prison
This mode gives you 5 attempts each day to complete challenges in Impel Down, however, it is
a different style than the debuffs you get normally in Impel Down. Here you don't get debuffed,
but the stages get very hard the further you advance, you face different units (which is nice)
than in normal Impel Down, and most importantly, you have to face different challenges to get
stars. One star for clearing the stage, another for clearing it within the first 10 turns, and another
star for doing it with the conditions stated in the stage. Sometimes it's to avoid certain kinds of
heroes, sometimes it asks you to actually use a specific hero. It's not necessary to get 3 stars,
however, you should try to get 3 stars as often as possible, because once you clear a stage you
can come back to try again. At the top of the screen, refer to Image Gallery, the chest rewards
depend on the number of stars you have, not the stages you have cleared, and the stages tend
to get difficult rather quickly. These chests contain a lot of Medicine Herbs for Talents. The
Endless Prison stage count resets every 30 days, so if you get stuck in one and think you won't
be able to farm more Medicine Herbs, don't worry, it'll start over from stage 1.


All event pictures will be in Image Gallery
Targeted Recruit/Beer event - The best way to get URs. 22k diamonds, (around 2-4 weeks of
saving) to get a UR. If you have beer saved up, around 10 to 20, and make enough diamonds,
you can buy one for even cheaper. Around 10-15k. The rewards also make Targeted Recruit the
best way to get URs. You can get soul coins, diamonds, Summon Tickets, Steles, and more.
Advanced summon - Also a great way to get a UR. around 1-2 months of saving to get a UR
while spending all of your 300 advanced summons. If the UR in the event isn’t good, you could
use only half of your summons for the rebate rewards and keep saving. UR is random.
Coming of the Strong - The easiest way to get URs, but due to it coming in 2 month time periods
instead of the Targeted Recruit, which switches rotations every week, I would say that targeted
recruit is better. Save up 6 steles and 8.8k diamonds to get a UR, there will be 2 basic URs and
1 VIP UR, Shanks, Garp, Whitebeard. You are able to get all 3 of the URs if you have enough
resources. Since this event only comes every 2 months, you can use all of your steles after the
event comes for around a month, and then start saving in the second one.
Tony Roulette/Realizing of Bepo - They have the same concept as each other but are different
from the other events. Each one of these has a chance to get multiple premium and basic URs.
(Single UR available in Bepo.) To have a guaranteed chance at a premium UR, save up 156k
diamonds for the rebate rewards. These events are also good because you can get Vivre cards
and Potential, the 2 best ways of gaining power.
Weapon Depot - The best way to get gold gear in the game currently. It is very much worth it as
gold gear, especially with set bonuses and grants you a lot of power. Save up enough diamonds
to buy Gear Vouchers and hope for the best luck you can get. This event is worth it.


Money Usage
Using your money wisely in this game can sometimes be difficult, but in reality there are only a
few things that are worth buying in this game. In Discount Pack, you should always buy the
2 dollar Potential cards. Everything in the Daily Pack isn't really worth it unless you are a whale,
(Big spender.) The Potential cards unlock at level 90 in Daily Special. Early game in Daily
Special, you can buy the Magnet Powder and Magnet Stone. If you can buy both, go for it, but if
you were to only choose one of them, Magnet Stones are a better purchase. Magnet Stones are
much harder to get late game so they will be very beneficial compared to the Magnet Powder
since the Powder can also be bought through the market. If you want to spend big, it would be
better to wait for the events like Chopper Roulette. The UR for 100$ isn’t worth it, instead, go for
beers. The best 5 dollar purchase is the Micro Beer Pack. Refer to Image Gallery to see where
they are located. The 5$ SSR FM shards aren’t worth it.


Hero Gear Setup

Hero Gear Setup is another thing that can be quite confusing but this game already helps you
with that. While on any hero, in the top right corner there is a button called Qualification. Click
that and then the Hero Match tab to see which weapons, dials, and armors work best on that
hero. Flame dials are used for heal SUPs. Water dials work best on your DEF units. Flash dials
are good on buff/debuff SUPs. Alternatives to Impact dials are Flame and tone sets. Alternatives
to Explode armor are Storm and Wind. Vitality armor is for SUPs and Defend gear is as you may
have guessed, for your DEF heroes.


Image Gallery

Table of Contents
| Talent | Endless Prison | Discount Pack | Advanced summon |
| Tony Roulette | Coming of the Strong | Realizing of Bepo | Impel Down | Weapon Depot |



Talent Tree


Endless Prison


Discount Pack


Advanced Summon event


Two different examples of different URS in the Drawing Rebate of the Advanced Summon
event. Rewards change the older your server is.


Tony Roulette
URs are different each time, but there is always at least 1 premium UR. You are able to change
the heroes that are available in the pool.


Realizing of Bepo
Same as Tony Tony Roulette, but worse. Save for Tony Roulette instead of this.


Coming of The Strong

Two examples of the event Coming of The Strong, also known as COTS. Two basic URs and
one VIP UR.


Impel Down
Each picture here will show the rewards for every 100 stages cleared. Goes from left to right.
Rewards are capped at stage 1100 and remain that way until stage 2200, the end of Impel

Stage 1-99 Stage 100-199 Stage 200-299

Stage 300-399 Stage 400-499 Stage 500-599 Stage 600-699

Stage 700-799 Stage 800-899 Stage 900-999

Stage 1000-1099 Stage 1100-2200


Weapon Depot


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