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Greenhouse Effect

The Earth is surrounded by a layer of gases, including oxygen and carbon dioxide. During the

day the earth is warmed by incoming solar radiation or insolation but it is lost back out into

space by radiation at nights. The greenhouse gases keep the earth warm by stopping some of

this radiation leaking out of the atmosphere.

N.B. allows incoming radiation—short wave radiation

Traps a portion of outgoing radiation—long-wave radiation

Human activities has contributed to global warming.

Compare the consequences of climate change in the Caribbean with those in the United


The consequences of climate change on the The consequences of climate change on the

Caribbean. USA.

1. Rising sea levels will flood low-lying 1.Agriculture and fisheries

islands and countries, ruin beaches Floods, severe warming and drought may

and threaten hotels and the tourist reduce yields.

industry. Fishes are affected by changes in water

temperature. Livestocks are affected by heat.

2. The warming of the Caribbean sea is Ecosystems

causing ‘bleaching’ of coral reefs Species extinction is greatly increased.

which are important of tourism and


3. As oceans get warmer, tropical storms Coasts

could become more violent and Sea level rise could erode coastal ecosystems

hurricanes could produce more and eliminate wetlands

powerful winds. Costly damage to

buildings and roads.

4. Loss of ecosystem Human health

5. Declining crop yield Droughts, floods and storms that threatens

6. Displacement of people human health and safety.

7. Reduce reliability of water reserves Outbreak of diseases.

8. Transport networks disrupted damage Damage to transportation infrastructure

to infrastructure. through higher temperatures.

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