Engineering Drawings Are Drawings That Illustrate Technical Ideas

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Engineering drawings are drawings that illustrate technical ideas

As ancient and earlier societies became increasingly more civilized and advanced it created a
need to plan and organize how various amenities like roads cities bridges will be built
In this exercise, technical drawings were crucial for the goal to be achieved as most of the
amenities needed architectural supervision and engineers were needed for building these
structures to the best of standards
Actually what we now call technical planning in present day began around 7000 B.C. At
inception technical drawings were drawn with hands using primitive versions of the apparatus
we use today: set square ,ruler,protractor and compass . It remained this way for about 5000
years until engineering drafting began
In fact the earliest form of modern drawing instruments as we know iit date back to 2130 B.C.
can be found in Gudea
The Greek civilization has had a significant influence on modern day drawing due to its
contributions in regards to geometry. Many of the manual tools in technical drawing were
developed at the height of Greek civilization
Around the year 450 B.C., the architects of the famous Parthenon, Ictinus and Callicrates used
perspective drawimg by foreshortening and conveying parallel lines in their technical drawings
During the renaissance period two popular approaches to drawing were developed at the time:
the mathematical and the non-mathematical approaches.
The mathematical approach was used by Brunelleschi to demonstrate the theoretical principles
of perspective drawing . this followed by others such as Alberti,Francesca (who made 3D
drawings usind orthogonal projection), Durer and Leonardo da Vinci
In the early 19th century ,William Farish introduced isomeric drawing as a type of pictorial
The non-mathematical approach was used the non-mathematical to advance the applicability
of perspective drawings by using symmetry, converging lines and the technique of

During the evolution of engineering drawing , one thing was crystal clear: in ancient times, it
was difficult for people to express or illustrate 3D objects on 2D surfaces
A yong and exceptional mathematician George Monge developed the science of technical
drawing known as descriptive geometry while designing a complicated star shaped fortress.
He used orthographic drawing to solve problems graphically instead of mathematically
His contributions lead created the basis of todays 3D representations on two dimensional
mediums such as paper and computer screens
Computers have had a significant impact on the type of projections used to produce technical &
engineering drawings. At first in 1950 the first computer diven display attached to computers
was used to produce simple pictures but an MIT graduate student of the name Ivan Sutherland
published his doctoral thesus in 1963 paving the oad for the development of intractive
computer grafics which later evolved into computer aided design (CAD)
Studies where made in the field of computer design and develops where made leading to the
use of bitmap and other inexpensive graphic based applications. From then till nowthe world
has witnessed the growth of CAD and 3D modelling which now supports the design , produts
and structures

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