Notes For Lecture 2

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Source code : the code the human programmer writs or creates

Machine code refers to the binary and other info the machine understands

For computers to understand or be given instructions they must first be able to convert source code into
machine code

They do this with the help of a compiler

Compilers are software that convert source code to machine code

A Good code must have these features correctness , good design and style

Correctness : code must be able to do what it is supposed to

Good design : it must be styled in its most efficient manner

Style : it must be written in a way whereby it is easily readable to others and yourself

Command line interface (CLI) shows you the text version of the programme. It only shows letters and
can interact with only keyboard

Graphic User Interface (GUI ) is what you see on your screen it is usually interacting with the mouse or
joystick sometimes keyboard and is seen as images

Terminal code refers to the CLI part of an editor or IDE

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