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Product characteristics:

• Bella Rose's website has a variety of

flowers available on display to call
customers and install a profitable
desire in the heart of the customer .
Vision & Mission:

-The flower shop’s purpose is to

provide our customers with quality
flowers and floral arrangements at a
fair price. We will strive to match and
surpass the expectations that our
customers expect from us and our
Value proposition:

-We offer a new concept in

selling flowers as it adds beauty
to the community with contact
with nature .
Revenue Model:

 Web sale .
 Advertisements .
Market opportunity:

 22-60 years of age.

 Works in Palestine.
 Married, engaged or in a relationship.
 Suitable for all classes of society.
Competitive Advantage:
 Using technology to make the floral
buying experience easy for customers
and, at the same time, enable the
company to identify and track its
customer base .
 Building a customer database that
identifies contact information as well as
preferences (colors, vases, frequency,
allergies, pets, children/spouse, birthday,
anniversary, etc.).
SOWT Analysis:

 Strengths: The flower shop's strengths may include the

wide range of flowers available or that the company
offers free shipping on all of its orders. These are positive
attributes that differentiate the company from its
 Weakness:  may include higher prices than the
competition or if the company has no differentiating
factors. Because the company has a higher price point for
its products, it may lead customers to look elsewhere for
a better deal which would negatively impact sales.

 Opportunities: The e-commerce aspects of the

website of the flower shop may allow the company to sell
its product beyond the local market. This provides an
opportunity to reach customers and grow the business

 Threat: They may include economic factors or

regulatory issues that could negatively impact revenue
What are the main functionalities of
your business website and what will is
the IS needed for each of them?

- Selling rare flowers.

- Content Management.

- Media.

- Web browser.

- Web application.
Startup budget:
Startup Budget
hardware 2,500 ₪
software 225 ₪
telecommunication 5,000 ₪
hosting 1,500 ₪
design 1,500 ₪
human resource 3,000 ₪
management 5,000 ₪
total 18,725 ₪
How you will raise capital needed for
your e-commerce business?

- Take pre-orders.
- Take out a small business loan.
- Use some of your savings.
Set a Multi-Channel Marketing plan
(including select the right marketing
channel/tool from online, offline, social
and mobile marketing).

- Multi-channel: Combined Channels are More Effective.

- When marketers create a strategy that ties together campaigns from
multiple media channels, it creates opportunities for more impactful
messages that are mindful of the customer journey. It’s possible to mix
and match a variety of channels and messages, but let’s take a closer
look at two proven examples of channels that can be combined for
more effective campaigns.
- Social Media & Television – Nielsen Research found that campaigns
with touchpoints across both television and Facebook experienced a 12
point lift in brand recall compared to campaigns that took place on a
single channel. This is because social media helps reinforce marketing
messages by reaching potential customers on a frequent, highly
targeted basis.
- Radio & Television – Radio adverts are proven to help consumers
remember television advertisements. When these two channels are
combined, brand recall for television advertisements has been shown
to improve by 35 percent. It is theorized that this effect occurs because
it is very cost-effective to frequently expose consumers to short radio
advertisements. Then, brands can solidify their image through more
impactful and engaging television commercials.
What is the pricing strategy you will

- Charm pricing:

- Definition: Charm pricing refers to the

use of prices ending in the number nine
because of the “left-digit bias,” a
phenomenon in which consumers'
perceptions and evaluations are
disproportionately influenced by the left-
most digit of the product price.
Website Link :

- Marah Eyad DarAbed 1190867 .

- Weam Ali Shrateh 1190890 .
- Nancy Mutan 1182713 .

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