Examen Global

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Exercise 1- Instruction: Responde in English las siguientes preguntas:

1. What is your name?

2. What is your last name?

3. How are you?

4. How old are you?

5. When is your birthday?

6. What is your favorite food?

7. What is your favorite color?

Exercise 2- Instruction: Lee cuidadosamente Ale’s personal information.

Después, completa in English la ficha con su personal information.

Hello! My name is Alejandro Castillo! I am 19 years old and I am from

Colombia. My birthday is on January 29th. My school’s name is
Cartagena High School. My favorite food is arepas and my favorite
color is green!
This is my mom, her name is Alexandra. This is my dad, his name is
Pedro. This is my brother, his name is Roger. Nice to meet you!

FIRST NAME: ____________________________________

LAST NAME: _____________________________________

AGE: _____________________________________

COUNTRY: _____________________________________

BIRTHDAY: _____________________________________

SCHOOL: _____________________________________

FAVORITE COLOR: _____________________________________

FAVORITE FOOD: _____________________________________

ALEJANDRO’S MOM IS_______________________________

ALEJANDRO’S DAD IS_________________________________

ALEJANDRO’S BROTHER IS_________________________________

2. Miss Ramirez is a/an English teacher. Miss Ramirez wears a black/blak and
White/wite uiform to work. Miss Ramirez car is red/ret. It is a/an nice car! Miss Ramirez
goesgo to the beauty salón. Her hair is/are black. Her eyes are/is blue She Paint/paints
her nails Pink/pinc

3. Molly Jones is/are 25 years old and she's an/a artist.

She lives/live in a small house by the ocean in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, near
Boston. She always gets/get up late, at ten o'clock in the morning. She has/have a
big breakfast: coffee,/pencils, notebooks/eggs, and toast, and then /heshe goes to
the beach with her/his dog. when she gets home, she works in his/her studio until
seven o'clock in the evening/morning.

4. Yesterday morning my best friend and me _______________(go) to the gym. She and
I_________(work out) for two hours.

Next week, we________(buy) a nice bathing suit to go to the beach.

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