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1. What the Utility Principle is.

the idea that acts should be evaluated according on their propensity to bring about benefits,
advantages, pleasure, good, or happiness.

2. Markowitz's argument against abortion bans.

requiring women to give up their right to choose what happens in and to their bodies, in order to
protect the right to life of the fetus, and furthermore to give up at least the remainder of their
pregnancy in pursuit of the rights of the fetus, contrary to their own purposes, constitutes a
violation of the Impermissible Sacrifice Principle therefore, laws restricting abortion are

3. Relationship between Prison Industrial Complex and racism.

Prisons offered a convenient and official way to maintain segregation, use free labor to drive
industry and largely eliminate Black citizens from the American labor market.

4. Differences between capitalism and socialism.

The means of production are publicly held in a socialist economic and political system. The
government regulates production and consumer pricing to best suit the requirements of the
populace. An economic system known as capitalism is one in which the means of production
are privately held. The "supply and demand" principles of the free market constitute the
foundation for production and consumer pricing. Socialism is sometimes attacked for its social
care programs, which call for hefty taxes and might slow economic progress. The most common
reasons capitalism is criticized are its propensity to tolerate income disparity and the
stratification of socioeconomic strata.

5. Butler's suggestion about what to do when our agency is severely limited.

6. The right motivation to be moral, according to Kant.

Kant suggests that we can be motivated to respect the moral law because in following it we are
acting autonomously—being fully rational and giving ourselves a law that applies to everyone in
every situation.

7. The moral value of an action, according to Utilitarianism.

Utilitarians believe that the purpose of morality is to make life better by increasing the amount of
good things (such as pleasure and happiness) in the world and decreasing the amount of bad
things (such as pain and unhappiness).

8. Why care ethics is a feminist theory.

Ethics of care is a feminist approach to ethics. It challenges traditional moral theories as
male-centric and problematic to the extent they omit or downplay values and virtues usually
culturally associated with women or with roles that are often cast as 'feminine'.
9. Tools for legitimizing prisons.

10. Arguments that suggest war is an amoral issue.

War will always lead to the death of innoncent life whether one likes it or not

11. Two guiding principles for organized boycotts that Beck mentions.
Proportionality and transparency

12. What is a productive property

A property that is always fulfilled by the product of topological spaces, if it is fulfilled by each
single factor.

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