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A Quantitative Research

Presented to the Senior High School ABM Strand

San Jose City National High School Cadhit St. San Jose City,Nueva Ecija

In partial fulfilment of the requirements in


Ampler,Roselynn Joy DC.

Asuncion,Joaquin Raily D.

Barba,Angel S.

Del Rosario,Lourdes Maczene S.

Ellas,Bernadeth D.

Prado,John Joel S.

Pascua,Crystal Mae D.

Paragas,Ashley Jewel F.

Sta.Maria,Hannah Joy N.

Ventillo,Danica Gail G.



The existing hospitality literature has a tendency to see service quality measures as primarily

complementary or differentiated in nature. However, there have been few investigations of the parallels and

differences between the two forms of service quality. This study focuses on canteen after the COVID-19

epidemic to see how canteen image and customer orientation affect the relative relevance of both process and

result service quality in customer satisfaction. Our findings suggest that process service quality has an impact

on canteen satisfaction using a moderated moderation process and a macro-based approach. However, they

also show that the major effect of result service quality is stronger.

They also show that the primary effect of outcome service quality on canteen satisfaction is stronger than

the major effect of process service quality. The data reveal that when customer orientation is low, the negative

impact of the link between process (or outcome) service quality and canteen image on canteen satisfaction is


When customer orientation is high, however, the same link has an even bigger beneficial influence on

canteen satisfaction. These findings have ramifications for canteens’ efforts to establish and improve service

quality, as well as strengthen customer orientation, by assisting them in identifying more successful strategic

measures during an emergency.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, canteens are closed. Some eateries are closed for the time being.the purpose

of this research was to look into the relationship between canteen service quality and revisit intention, as well

as the moderating effect of trust on this relationship. This study investigated how canteen service quality

influences revisit intention after pandemic conditions. Client trust is influenced by the quality of canteen

service, according to this study.

Researchers have concentrated on measurement- and management-based approaches to enhancing service

quality because greater levels of service quality are essential selling features in the school student and teachers.

In this regard, one famous study looked at the impact of process and outcome quality on a canteen choice.

While many studies have emphasized the importance of overall or perceived service quality, we see these two

forms of service quality as extensions of the SERVQUAL measuring approach.

Scholars have begun to study the value of many categories of service quality in supporting corporate

performance, as well as the various methods schools utilize to improve service quality. We predict the service

quality–satisfaction link to have a significant impact on both the conditional effects and the extent to which

those effects are absorbed into customer satisfaction during service encounters, thanks to the involvement of


The researcher examine how two forms of service quality affect customer satisfaction at different levels of

all students orientation and canteen image, specifically in the context of the school canteens after the COVID-

19 pandemonium, based on this argument.

Because the COVID-19 outbreak had such a significant impact on customer behavior and resulted in

behavioral shifts in consumption, our technique is especially crucial to efforts to preserve long-term school

canteen operations during and after the outbreak.


First and foremost, we give appreciation to God, the Almighty, for His blessings that

enabled us to successfully conclude the research.

Researcher would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to our research

teacher, Sir. Jaymark I. Sanchez , for giving us the opportunity to do research and providing

invaluable guidance throughout this research. His dynamism, vision, sincerity and motivation

have deeply inspired us. He taught us the methodology to carry out the research and to present

the research works as clearly as possible. It was a great privilege and honor to work and study

under his guidance. I am extremely grateful for what he has offered us. I would also like to

thank him for his friendship, empathy, and great sense of humor. We extending our heartfelt

thanks to his family, friends other people around him.

Our parents’ love, prayers, care, and sacrifices in raising us and putting us through

school have made us incredibly grateful. We are incredibly grateful to our friends for their

support throughout this study process and for their love, understanding, and prayers.

Additionally, I would want to extend our gratitude to everyone who has supported and prayed

for us while we have worked to carry out this research.



The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant changes to the way we live and

work, including in schools. One aspect that has been affected is the school canteen and

now that face-to-face classes are back, students have had to rely more heavily on the

canteen for their meals. As a result, the satisfaction of students with the canteen's

offerings and services has become even more important. This paper will examine the

impact of customer satisfaction on ABM-12 learners in school canteens during and after

the COVID-19 pandemic, including the challenges faced by school canteens and the

measures that have been taken to ensure students are satisfied with the services


Background of the Study

In its most basic sense, the ABM strand refers to academic programs in

accountancy, business, and management that consider the core principles of how a

canteen should run, sell, and serve the following COVID-19 pandemic.

The aim of this research is to assist the readers in measuring the customer

satisfaction at the San Jose City National High School Canteen, its safe procedures, and

the canteen's service quality, and to find ways to improve in the future in relation to

product/services. The different types of students with different tastes visit the school

canteen on a daily basis.

Therefore, it has become essential to find a way of satisfying them while maintaining

measures and bringing them to enjoy the meal again and again, with possible improvements

in the future.

Statement of the Problem

In 2019 in China there has flu called Covid-19 the flu is quickly spread throughout the

country and other countries and the people are shocked and many are already buried in poverty

because of the pandemic the question what the reaction of the customers to the effect of covid19

during to his/her order in a canteen like that?

This study will answer the following questions:

1. What are those actions should do to satisfy the customer?

2. What are the specific needs of the customer for their likeliness?

3. How can the staff manage everyone’s safeness inside of the canteen?

Significance of the Study

The researcher believes that it will benefit the students because they will be aware of the

satisfaction of all ABM 12 students at San Jose City National High School-Senior High School.

This study will also benefit teachers, parents, and others by revealing students' attitudes

toward canteens satisfactory.

The researchers would benefit from the study because they would gain knowledge and a

better understanding of the canteen satisfaction of ABM 12 students at San Jose City National

High School-Senior High School. Furthermore, the study would benefit future researchers

because it could serve as the foundation for their research.

Scope and Limitation

The focus of this study is to examine how canteen image and customer orientation affect the

relative importance of both process and result service quality in customer satisfaction after the

COVID-19 outbreak.

The aspect looked into is the relationship between canteen service quality and revisit

intention, as well as the moderating effect of trust on this relationship in San Jose City National

High School- Senior High School.The amount of people who will engage in this survey, as

well as the establishments that will consider our findings, will be limited.



This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, generalization or conclusion,

methodologies and other. Thesis that were include in the chapter helps in familiarizing that are

relevant and similar to the present study.

Related Literature

According to Business and Economics, this study establishes clear linkages between

customer satisfaction (students) and quality by using attribute-based measures of service

quality (perception of their experience in the practicum program of the university). The

findings of this study clearly show that student satisfaction is more directly related to functional

quality or service delivery process. The implementation of clear policies and procedures for

service delivery contributed significantly to student satisfaction.

The study recommends appropriate internal efficiency measures and employee

compensation as a means of ensuring quality and customer satisfaction, and, overall,

recommends a service marketing system for a high-contact type of service firm, such as


Additionally, it offers a thorough overview of service plans that were established from the

time of its population (1980) until the present (2015).

It was discovered how customer pleasure and, consequently, customer loyalty are influenced

by service tactics. As a result, the review's findings suggest that customer satisfaction has a

substantial impact as the component that stands between service plans and customer loyalty.

Additionally, it demonstrates how tactics for service quality and service scape have a big

impact on how satisfied customers are.

Conceptual Framework

I. Sociodemographic
1. Name (optional)
2. Gender
3. Section
4. Age
II. Customer Satisfaction of ABM 12 San Analysis data through:
Jose City National High School Student 1. Survey form
in the Canteen After pandemic
To know the reaction of ABM 12
Students from the effect canteen
after pandemic
Figure 1: We will conduct a Google survey to collect information for our study on how satisfied

people are with our school cafeterias. Additionally, they must enter their personal data, which

includes their name (optional), gender, sector, and age.


1. The indicators of canteen service quality were tangibility, assurance, reliability,

responsiveness, and empathy. Student satisfaction was based on the canteen ambiance,

cleanliness, facilities, features, and prices. They must ensure that each services they offer to

customers is satisfactory in order for them to return and purchase their goods. Additionally,

they must also sell safe and reliable goods to prevent food contamination so that the customers

feel safety whenever they buy their products.

2. Customers usually needs a good atmosphere and a great customer service where they

would feel that they are welcome in the property and can also ensure them that the product

that they would buy is a strong, Reliable and an affordable product and also the area where

they are going to buy the product should be clean and neat and proper looking where the

products are easily findable and are arranged in a proper way this would really satisfy our

customers needs.

3. Public health officials regularly audit canteens, and they are required to maintain the

same high standards of food safety and hygiene as any other food establishment. Everyone who

works in the cafeteria at a school must pay close attention to ensure that the canteen staff

handles food safely. Cutting corners when it comes to food safety is just not an option because

there is so much at stake. Our research led us to the conclusion that it can assist our employees

in determining what is ideal for their lovely consumers.


The following terms are defined operationally.

Customer. A person or business that purchases products or services from a store or company.

Canteen. Canteen is a place where students buy snacks and other things like school supplies.

Student. A person formally engaged in learning, especially one enrolled in a school or college.

Satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is a metric that measures a canteen’s customer level of

satisfaction with its goods, services, and capabilities.



In this chapter, it discussed an overview about Research Locale, Research design , Sampling

,Instrument, Data gathered procedure of the study and statistical analysis. The researchers will

make a good progress in time and effort while working.

Research design

The descriptive research method using quantitative approach was used in this study.

Descriptive method was the most useful for this study, considering that the researchers focus

on the present situation regarding the topic customer satisfaction of ABM 12 San Jose City

National High School Senior High School learners in the Canteen Industry after pandemic.


The researcher used random sampling among four ABM 12 sections. The researcher

equally distributed the questioner to the respondents.

Research instrument

The instrumentation that was used in this study was a self-made questionnaire. The

researchers were able to come up the instruments through reading related literatures from

various resources.

The research instrument consisted of two parts. Part I of the research instrument consist of

the items which gathers the respondents demographic profile such as name (optional) grade,

section and school.The The Part II was composed of 1-10 questions.

Instrumentation was used a survey form in order to gather the needed data based on their

satisfaction in terms of canteen which gathered from the ABM 12 Students of San Jose City

National High School Senior High School.

Data collection procedure

The following statistics will be use to analyze the data to be collected in the study:

Descriptive statistics such as data collection that will tell how it often appears (Frequency) and

as a percentage will used to describe the demographic profile of the students as well as to

discuss the problem of the study.

Taking the weighted mean as well as providing the corresponding description will be used

to answer the canteen satisfaction of ABM 12 students of San Jose City National High School

Senior High School based on the likert scale.

Plan for data analysis


Gap width= series width/number of group

It is determined as gap width=4/5=0, 8



5 4.21 – 5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.41 – 4.20 Agree

3 2.61 – 3.40 Neutral

2 1.81 – 2.60 Disagree

1 1.00 – 1.80 Strongly Disagree

Table 1: Scoring range of likert scale of the survey



In this chapter,the data collected from the respondents are presented and the researchers

carefully used the information obtained regarding the study.This section also contains the

analysis and interpretation of the data.Will be the result of study of the Customer Satisfaction

of ABM-12 Learners in School Canteen After the Covid 19 Pandemic.


The gathered data were presented by the researchers in an orderly manner.This included a

through analysis of the respondents’ answers regarding to their satisfaction.After analyzing the

data if it is specific and realistic,the table is used to store the data.


A. Information regarding the gender of the respondents.


MALE 12 24%

FEMALE 38 76%

TOTAL 50 100%

Table 2 : The Gender of the Respondents

The table shows that majority of the respondents are female with a corresponding 76%

compared to 24% of male respondents. However, the researchers stated that the gender of those

ABM learners does not have significant impact to their satisfaction in school canteen.
B. Information regarding the age of the respondents.



17 years old 24 48%

18 years old 24 48%

19 years old 2 4%

TOTAL 50 100%

Table 3: The Age of the Respondents

In the data presented above, it was obvious that majority of the respondents ages from 17 to 18

years old, only 4% of them are 19 years old. However, their age does not have an impact on

their satisfaction.

C. Information regarding the grade and section of the respondents.



ABM 12- TAYLOR 20 40%

ABM 12- SMITH 10 20%

ABM 12- PACIOLI 10 20%

ABM 12- KOTLER 10 20%

TOTAL 50 100%

Table 4: The Respective Grade and Section of the Respondents

The Table 4.3 shows that 40% of the respondents are students from ABM 12-TAYLOR.

Meanwhile, there are 20% of respondents from every other sections, specifically in Smith,

Pacioli, and Kotler.


1. The students like to eat in school 3.60 Agree


2. The school canteen is important for 4.44 Strongly Agree

students and customers.

3. Students are satisfied with the foods 3.20 Neutral

offered in canteen.

4. The canteen services is good. 3.50 Agree

5. The canteen increases the price of 4.22 Strongly Agree

products after the pandemic.

6. The pandemic affects the foods 4.16 Agree

purchased by the ABM students and

the money they spend in school


7. The school canteen sells healthy foods 3.42 Agree

after the pandemic.

8. The staffs clean the dishes, cutleries, 3.66 Agree

and the equipment well enough.

9. The canteen have safety protocol 3.06 Neutral

signage for the sake of the students

before the pandemic.

10. The students still need a social 3.90 Agree

distancing when they are going to buy

in the canteen.

TOTAL 3.72 Agree

Table 5: The Customers' Satisfaction of ABM-12 Learners in School Canteen After the

Covid19 Pandemic

The results shown that even after pandemic, the ABM students are satisfied and agree (3.60)

to eat in school canteens as they perceive it as important to their lives. From the data presented,

it was revealed that the they are satisfied with the customer services of the school canteen. In

line with this, they agreed to its cleanliness and sanitization as they observed that staffs clean

the dishes, cutleries, and the equipment well enough.

However, safety protocols reinforced in school canteen does not satisfy nor dissatisfy those

ABM students which possibly be the impact of their insight that social distancing is still

needed. It was shown that canteens have increase the prices of the food products, but is does

not mean that foods offered by them totally satisfied the students as the data presented that

there are neutral responses (3.20) in this aspect. Furthermore, it was found out that school

canteen offers healthy foods until now. They admitted that after the pandemic, the foods that

they purchased and the money they spent for it has been changed.



5 Strongly Agree 4.21 - 5.00

4 Agree 3.41 - 4.21

3 Neutral 2.61 - 3.40

2 Disagree 1.81 - 2.60

1 Strongly Disagree 1.00 - 1.80


The pandemic impacts the customer satisfaction in school canteen because they are still

concern with their health. The study presented that the ABM students are satisfied with the

customer services of canteen including the cleanliness of the tools and equipments, and the

healthy foods that they offer. Despite the fact that safety protocols are quietly observe, the

students admitted that canteens are important to them and they still want to eat there even after

pandemic. However, there is an obvious increases in prices which possibly affect the

satisfaction of the students considering that some of them have limited allowance for food.

As an overall results, the ABM students are satisfied with the performance of the canteens

including the staffs, the menus, the customer services, and so on. The researchers concluded

that pandemic has a significant impact to the level of their satisfaction when it comes to health,

quality of food, and safety.



This chapter presents the summary of the findings,the conclusion and recommendation based

on the analyzed data from the previous chapter of this study.

Summary and Conclusion

This study focused on understanding Grade 12 ABM learners' satisfaction with the on the

school canteen, acknowledging the elements that influence students' satisfactory about canteen,

which is the supporting data for researchers to better understand it. The Researchers identify

the socio-demographic standing of the respondents, and through survey, the researchers

discovered major elements that had the greatest impact on students' opinions about their

satisfaction. To begin with, certain questions are depends on them to share individually and for

us to gather some data. Customer Satisfaction might be negative or positive for them to

acknowledge their ability to rate things that are able to change in terms of rights.These factors

had the greatest impact because some students were not proficient in this level of satisfaction,

making it difficult for them to analyze what's to change their perspective on customers, and

this system of gathering their Opinions help other companies grow and learn something that

may apply to their business.


The result of this research will be beneficial to the teachers and also serve as a guide to them

whether they should go over the lessons carefully and clearly to ensure that their students grasp

them, and lastly, this research will also be beneficial to future researchers.that could serve as a

head start, and they could use the flaws of it to improve their own for more valid and reliable

results.An even distribution of the questionnaire would greatly increase validity and be more

useful for future researchers. Proper time Management will also help the validity of the research

by allowing the researchers to Conducting surveys on different sections will increase the

validity and evenly distribute The questionnaire will require a bit of time, but this significantly

increases its validity.Interviewing students about their satisfaction with the restaurant industry

is also crucial.The questions came from the researcher’s notions or their experiences, whether

on theor from online articles.


Campus Foodservice Attributes and their Effects on Customer Satisfaction,

Image, and Word-of-mouth: Journal of Foodservice Business Research: Vol 16,

No 3 (





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