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The Islamic University–Gaza ‫الجـامعــــــــــة اإلســـــالميــة – غــزة‬

Deanship of Research and Graduate Studies ‫عمادة البحث العلمي والدراسات العليا‬
‫كـليــــــــــــــــــــة الهندســــــــــــــــــة‬
Faculty of Engineering
‫قسم الهندســـــــة المدنيــــــــــــــــــــة‬
Civil Engineering Department
‫ماجستيـــــر إدارة المشاريع الهندسية‬
Master of Engineering Projects’ Management
‫الصـــــــــــــــــحة البيئيــــــــــــــــــــة‬

Environmental Health
Factors Affecting Defects Occurrence in Both
Structural Design and Construction Stages of
Residential Buildings in Gaza Strip

‫العوامل التي تؤدي إلى حدوث األخطاء في مرحلتي التصميم والتنفيذ‬

‫للمباني السكنية في قطاع غزة‬

Mansour Mahmoud Al-Manassra

Supervised by
Dr. Bassam A. Tayeh
Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering

A Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for

The Degree of Master of Civil Engineering – Construction Management
The Islamic University of Gaza-Palestine

February/ 2018

:‫أنا الموقع أدناه مقدم الرسالة التي تحمل العنوان‬

Factors Affecting Defects Occurrence in Both Structural Design

and Construction Stages of Residential Buildings in Gaza Strip

‫العوامل التي تؤدي إلى حدوث األخطاء في مرحلتي التصميم اإلنشائي‬

‫والتنفيذ للمباني السكنية في قطاع غزة‬
‫ وأن هذه الرسالة‬،‫ باستثناء ما تمت اإلشارة إليه حيثما ورد‬،‫أقر بأن ما اشتملت عليه هذه الرسالة إنما هو نتاج جهدي الخاص‬

.‫ككل أو أي جزء منها لم يقدم من قبل االخرين لنيل درجة أو لقب علمي أو بحثي لدى أي مؤسسة تعليمية أو بحثية أخرى‬


I understand the nature of plagiarism, and I am aware of the University’s policy on this.

The work provided in this thesis, unless otherwise referenced, is the researcher's own work, and
has not been submitted by others elsewhere for any other degree or qualification.

Student's name: ‫منصور محمود المناصره‬ :‫اسم الطالب‬

Signature: :‫التوقيع‬
/2/2018 :‫التاريخ‬


According to the importance of housing in a human’s life and the importance of ensuring a
safe residence of houses’ residents and achieving durable building product, this study was
conducted aiming to identify the factors affecting the defects in both structural design and
construction stages of the residential buildings in Gaza Strip.

A questionnaire tool approach was conducted to achieve the study objectives, which are
determining the factors affecting the defects occurrence in the structural design and construction
stages of residential buildings and the degree of effect of those factors on the defects in the
residential buildings in Gaza Strip. The questionnaires distributed among a group of 134 engineers
working for engineering offices as design, supervisor and projects managers in Gaza Strip to
know their opinions about the study topic. The questionnaires were analyzed by SPSS.

The study results found that the most effective factors in design stage were the factors due to
consultant administration and staff and then the drawings factors and the last were the structural
design factors. In addition, the most effective factors in construction stages were factors due to
construction materials, factors due to inspections, factors due to construction equipment, factors
due to constructions and the last were factors due to construction management.

The most important factors in each group in the design stage were ignoring soil investigation
or poor soil investigation, poor or lack of engineering supervision or unqualified supervision,
conflicts between architectural and structural drawings.

In the construction stage the most important factors were poor soil compaction, exceeding the
allowable limits of verticality of the structural elements, insufficient reinforcement concrete cover,
owner’s negligence of inspections, absent of engineer in most of construction phases, using of
expired material, material or component failure, using of corroded or second-hand reinforcement
steel, using materials not of acceptable quality and do not conform to the specifications or design
and lack of required equipment.

The study recommended strongly to applying a strict quality assurance & quality control
(QA/QC) program for both designing and construction phases of residential buildings to ensure
commitment of the specifications, the availableness of a strict supervision on residential building
projects and focusing more attention to the informal buildings sector from the related authorities.

‫ملخص الدراسة‬

‫نظ اًر ألهمية المسكن في حياة اإلنسان وأهمية ضمان اإلقامة اآلمنة ألصحاب المباني السكنية وبناء منزل طويل البقاء تم‬

‫انجاز هذه الدراسة والتي تهدف إلى تحديد العوامل التي تؤثر على حدوث األخطاء في مرحلتي التصميم االنشائي والتنفيذ للمباني‬

‫السكنية في قطاع غزة‪.‬‬

‫من أجل تحقيق أهداف الدراسة والتي تشمل تحديد العوامل التي تؤثر على حدوث األخطاء في مرحلة التصميم اإلنشائي‬

‫ومرحلة التنفيذ للمباني السكنية ومعرفة درجة تأثير تلك العوامل في حدوث األخطاء في المباني السكنية في قطاع غزة تم استخدام‬

‫االستبانة كأداة لجمع المعلومات وذلك باستهداف مجموع مكونة من ‪ 134‬مهندس من المهندسين العاملين في المكاتب الهندسية‬

‫في قطاع غزة والحصول على ردودهم حول موضوع الدراسة‪ ،‬وتم استخدام برنامج ‪ SPSS‬لتحليل االستبانات واستخالص النتائج‪.‬‬

‫ولقد وجدت نتائج الدراسة أن أكثر العوامل تأثي اًر في مرحلة التصميم كانت العوامل التي لها عالقة بإدارة الجهة المصممة‬

‫للمباني السكنية ثم العوامل التي لها عالقة بالمخططات وأخي اًر العوامل التي لها عالقة بالتصميم اإلنشائي‪ .‬باإلضافة إلى ذلك‬

‫كانت أكثر العوامل تأثي اًر في مرحلة التنفيذ للمباني السكنية هي العوامل التي لها عالقة بمواد االنشاء ثم العوامل التي لها عالقة‬

‫بالفحوصات واالختبارات ثم العوامل التي لها عالقة بالمعدات واألدوات االنشائية ثم العوامل التي لها عالقة بالتنفيذ ثم جاءت‬

‫أخي اًر العوامل التي لها عالقة بإدارة الجهة المنفذة للمباني السكنية‪.‬‬

‫بالنسبة لمرحلة التصميم كانت أكثر العوامل تأثي ار في كل مجموعة هي اهمال اجراء فحوصات التربة أو اجراء فحوصات‬

‫ضعيفة للتربة واالفتقار إلى وجود االشراف على المباني السكنية أو جوده بشكل غير فعال والتعارض بين المخططات المعمارية‬

‫واالنشائية‪ .‬أما بالنسبة لمرحلة التنفيذ فكانت أكثر العوامل تأثي ار هي الدمك الضعيف للتربة في أعمال الردم وتجاوز الحدود‬

‫المسموح بها في رأسية العناصر االنشائية وعدم كفاية الغطاء الخرساني لحديد التسليح وتجاهل المالك ألهمية اجراء الفحوصات‬

‫واالختبارات وغياب المهندس في معظم مراحل التشييد واستخدام مواد منتهية الصالحية كاإلسمنت وفشل المواد والمكونات في‬

‫عملية االنشاء واستخدام حديد صدئ او حديد معاد استخدامه واستخدام مواد بجودة متدنية وغير مطابقة للمواصفات والتصميم‬

‫وعدم توفر األدوات والمعدات المناسبة لإلنشاء‪.‬‬

‫وقد أوصت الدراسة بضرورة تطبيق نظام صارم لضمان وتأكيد الجودة أثناء تصميم وتنفيذ المباني السكنية في قطاع غزة‬

‫وضرورة وجود اشراف صارم على تنفيذ هذه المباني من أجل ضمان تطبيق المواصفات الفنية باإلضافة إلى ضرورة التركيز‬

‫ولفت االنتباه إلى قطاع المباني السكينة أو البناء غير الرسمي من قبل السلطات ذات العالقة‪.‬‬

‫َّ‬ ‫ٰ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َّ ْ‬ ‫ْ َّ‬
‫حي ِم‬‫بِس ِم اللـهِ الرْحـ ِن الر ِ‬
‫ْ َْ َْ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫َ َ َ َ َّ ه ْ َ ه ْ َ َ َ َ ْ َ ْ ْ ه‬
‫آن مِن قب ِل أن‬
‫﴿ فتعال اّلل الملِك اْلق ول تعجل بِالقر ِ‬
‫ً‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ه ْ َ َْ َ َ ْهه َهْ‬
‫ب زِد ِِن عِلما ﴾‬
‫يقض إَِلك وحيه وقل ر ِ‬
‫]طه‪[114 :‬‬


To the soul of my father (may Allah merciful on him), to my beloved great

Mother whose presence enlightens me the way, to my wife whose supports me all

the time, to my sons the sources of my motivation, inspiration and energy, to my

brothers and sisters, to my friends and colleagues, and to everyone helped in

completion of this research, I dedicate this work, hoping that I made all of them


Mansour Mahmoud Almanassra


At first, I would like to thank Allah - Glorified and Exalted Be He - for all of countless blessing
and for helping to complete this research in which I submit to fulfill the requirements of obtaining
the master’s degree in construction management program, in the hope of this research will make
benefit for the others and achieve its desired goal.

Next, the deepest appreciation to Dr. Bassam Tayeh, the thesis supervisor and who under his
supervision and advices this thesis was accomplished. Many thanks to him for tolerating me all
the time and for his great efforts in which this thesis could not have been developed from the
beginning to the completion without his role. Thanks also to him for being my mentor and for his
friendship offered to me. In addition, I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to the
academic staff of the Construction Management Program in the Islamic University-Gaza and Great
thanks too to the statistician Mr. Ashraf Abu Samra for his efforts.

Great thanks also to all of my study and work colleagues for their role in participation of giving
information and opinions in the pilot study phase, filling up the questionnaires and to all of
engineers participated interestedly in the questionnaires filling up.

Always it is impossible to thank everyone personally for his role in facilitating the completion
of this work successfully. To those who are meant and I did not specifically named them; I also
express my deep thanks for their efforts and for motivating me towards achieving my goal.

Table of Contents

Declaration...................................................................................................................................... I
Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... II
‫ ملخص الدراسة‬.................................................................................................................................... III
Dedication ...................................................................................................................................... V
Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................ VI
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................ VII
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. X
List of Figures .............................................................................................................................. XII
List of Abbreviations ................................................................................................................. XIII
Chapter 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Background and Context ........................................................................................... 2
1.2 Problem Statement ..................................................................................................... 4
1.3 The Aim and Objectives of the Thesis ...................................................................... 5
1.4 Research Signification ................................................................................................ 5
1.5 Research Limitation ................................................................................................... 6
1.6 Research Hypotheses .................................................................................................. 7
1.7 Overview of Thesis...................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Literature Review ....................................................................................................................... 10
2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 10
2.2 Concepts and Definitions ......................................................................................... 10
2.2.1 Residential Buildings' Definitions .................................................................. 10
2.2.2 Defect’s Definitions .......................................................................................... 12
2.3 Contribution Factors to Building Defects .............................................................. 13
2.4 Type of Building Defects .......................................................................................... 20
2.5 Summary of Related Studies and Derived Factors................................................ 31
Chapter 3 ..................................................................................................................................... 38
Research Methodology ............................................................................................................... 38

3.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 38
3.2 Study Methodology ................................................................................................... 38
3.2.1 Research Design ............................................................................................... 39
3.2.2 Research Period ............................................................................................... 40
3.2.3 The Study Population ...................................................................................... 40 The Sample .............................................................................................. 40
3.2.4 Tool Development and Design ........................................................................ 41
3.2.5 The Pilot Study................................................................................................. 42
3.3 Validity and Reliability of the Questionnaire ........................................................ 43
3.3.1 The Questionnaire Validity............................................................................. 43
3.3.2 Reliability of the Questionnaire...................................................................... 53
3.4 Normal Distribution Test ......................................................................................... 55
3.5 Statistical Analysis Tools.......................................................................................... 55
Chapter 4 ..................................................................................................................................... 58
Data Analysis and Discussion .................................................................................................... 58
4.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 58
4.2 The Statistical Description of the Study Sample According to the General
4.2.1 Personal Information....................................................................................... 58
4.2.2Information about the Engineering Design/Consultant Office in Which the
Respondents are Working for ................................................................................. 62
4.3 Analysis Results of All Paragraphs and Factors of the Questionnaire ................ 63
4.3.1 Analysis and Discussion of the Factors Affecting the Structural Design of
Residential Buildings in Gaza Strip ........................................................................ 64
4.3.2 Analysis and Discussion of the Factors Affecting the Construction of
Residential Buildings in Gaza Strip ........................................................................ 72
4.4 Testing of Hypotheses ............................................................................................... 83
4.4.1 The Study Hypothesis ...................................................................................... 83
Chapter 5 ..................................................................................................................................... 90
Conclusion and Recommendations ........................................................................................... 90
5.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 90
5.2 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 90

5.3 Recommendations ..................................................................................................... 95
5.3.1 For Design Stage .............................................................................................. 95
5.3.2 For Construction Stage ................................................................................... 96
5.3.3 For Both Design and Construction Stages .................................................... 97
5.3.4 Further Recommended Studies ...................................................................... 98
References .................................................................................................................................... 99
Appendix 1 ................................................................................................................................. 103
Questionnaire in English .......................................................................................................... 103
Appendix2 .................................................................................................................................. 111
Questionnaire in Arabic ........................................................................................................... 111
Appendix3 .................................................................................................................................. 117
Correlation Coefficients ........................................................................................................... 117

List of Tables

Table (2.1): Origins of Defects (Dahanayake and Ramachandra, 2016) ........................ 14

Table (2.2): Causes of Building Defects in Different Countries (Al-Farra, 2011) ......... 16
Table (2.3): Common Building Defects and Their Symptom (Chin-man, 2002) ........... 30
Table (2.4): Derived Factors Leading to Defects Occurrence in Structural Design of
Residential Buildings ................................................................................................... 32
Table (2.5): Derived Factors Leading to Defects Occurrence in Construction of
Residential Buildings ................................................................................................... 34
Table (3.1): Distribution of the Paragraphs on the Resolution Factors .......................... 42
Table (3.2): The Questionnaire Scale ............................................................................. 42
Table (3.3): Profile of Respondents Interviewed for Pilot Study and Content Validity . 43
Table (3.4): List of Preliminary Factors From Literature Vs Selected Factors After Pilot
Study in Design Stage .................................................................................................. 44
Table (3.5): List of Preliminary Factors from Literature vs. Selected Factors After Pilot
Study in Construction Stage ......................................................................................... 46
Table (3.6): Correlation Coefficient of Each Field and Factors Due to Structural Design
...................................................................................................................................... 51
Table (3.7): Correlation Coefficient of Each Factor and Process Criterion. .................. 52
Table (3.8): Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient and Split-Half Coefficient .......................... 53
Table (3.9): Normality Distribution Test ........................................................................ 55
Table (4.1): The Statistical Description of the Study Sample According to the General
Information ................................................................................................................... 60
Table (4.2): Degrees Approved By (One Sample T. Test) for One Sample ................... 63
Table (4.3): Statistical Characteristics for the Main Factor of Factors Due to Structural
Design .......................................................................................................................... 65
Table (4.4): Statistical Characteristics for the Main Factor of Factors Due to Consultant
Firm Administration and Staff ..................................................................................... 68
Table (4.5): Statistical Characteristics for the Main Factor of Factors Due to Drawings
...................................................................................................................................... 70
Table (4.6): Statistical Characteristics for Factors Leading to Defects Occurrence in
Structural Design of Residential Buildings .................................................................. 72
Table (4.7): The Statistical Characteristics for the Main Factor of Factors Due to
Construction ................................................................................................................. 73
Table (4.8): Statistical Characteristics for the Main Factor of Factors Due to Construction
Inspection ..................................................................................................................... 76
Table 4.9: Statistical Characteristics for the Main Factor of Factors Due to Construction
Management ................................................................................................................. 77
Table 4.10: The Statistical Characteristics for the Main Factor of Factors Due to
Construction Materials ................................................................................................. 79

Table (4.11): The Statistical Characteristics for the Main Factor o Factors Due to
Construction Equipment............................................................................................... 81
Table (4.12): The Statistical Characteristics for Factors Leading to Defects Occurrence in
Construction of Residential Buildings ......................................................................... 82
Table (4.13): The Correlation Coefficient between Factors Affecting the Defects in
Structural Design Stage and Construction Stage of the Residential Buildings. ........... 84
Table (4.14): Differences in Response to Factors Affecting the Defects in both Structural
Design and Construction Stage of Residential Buildings Due to the General Information
...................................................................................................................................... 85

List of Figures
FIGURE (3. 1): RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FLOW CHART .................................................. 39
2FIGURE (4. 1): QUESTIONNAIRES RESPONSE PERCENTAGE ............................................ 59
3FIGURE (4. 2): JOB TITLE PERCENTAGE ......................................................................... 59

List of Abbreviations

QC Quality Control

QA Quality Assurance

UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works Agency

SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences

MPWH Ministry of Public Work and Hosing

Chapter 1

Chapter 1


1.1 Background and Context

In 2014, Gaza Strip has been subjected to a destructive Israeli war resulted in a
significant loss of life and properties. The most affected properties were the residential
buildings. According to the formal statistics of the Palestinian ministry of housing and
public works, the aggression on Gaza Strip lasted more than 40,000 housing units. Of
these, 5,238 housing units were totally damaged and 30,000 were partially damaged
(Wafa, 2017).

The fast growth in population and technological advancement in all lifestyles has made
human to adapt to the environmental changes and ensure a better form of housing to
accommodate himself and his family. The Human presently is not seeking only to the
provision of just any housing facility but he is very interested in the provision of quality
housing facilities for both function and aesthetics. The functionality of the residential
building and its envelopes is dependent on their ability to act as an air barrier, thermal
barrier and weather barrier. This includes the building security and safety from fire in
addition to the appearance and the structural stability (Allotey, 2014).

In spite of the development in technology and lifestyle, the residential buildings are
still suffering from faults and defects resulting from improper design and construction’s
processes making them vulnerable to un-wanted and unplanned maintenance during the
buildings’ life cycle. Most of these defects may be resulted from professionals ignoring
maintainability during design and construction phases, leading to buildings facilities
requiring continuing maintenance and repair, where often leads to high cost maintenance
causing users’ dissatisfaction (Waziri, 2016).

There is an enough evidence to consider that the numbers of defects in the new
residential buildings are demand attention and significant. Their occurrences have serious
consequences on construction projects parties and end users and contribute to low

reputation for quality fulfillment in the housing sectors in many countries as cited by
(Rotimi, Tookey & Rotimi, 2015).

Various types and conditions of defects are identified in most of residential buildings
causing the fabric of the building to be less appealing. Their causes range from many
underlining reasons right from chemical agents, physical, biological and mechanical
agents. In addition, defects can occur when the age of buildings are not used in accordance
to the design requirements as well as lack of appropriate maintenance. These normally
affect negatively not only on the occupants of these buildings but largely at society due to
the possible danger posed. The functionality of the buildings might not fulfil their
anticipated life span if is not considered urgently (Allotey, 2014).

Defective building construction contributes to the cost of maintenance beside the final
cost of the product, which can be substantial. Defective construction may lead to failure
of the structure completely in the end. The construction industry in whole of the world is
getting modern, advanced and growing daily with the help of information technology
systems. Housing Project represents a significant part of our society. Construction defects
become a global issue facing by researchers and practitioners around the world. Defects
can affect success of construction project significantly. More specifically, it has a main
impact on the construction time, construction cost, sustainability aspects, productivity and
customer satisfaction (Bagdiya and Wadalkar, 2015).

It is well known that the costs of errors correction in the early design stages is
considerably smaller if compared with the cost of correcting the same errors during the
construction stage. The design changes affect the project costs by increasing it across as
all phases of the project (Maryyin and Tzortzopoulos, 2013).

The finding of this thesis intends to help unveil the actual factors affecting the defects
occurrence during the structural design and construction stages of residential buildings in
Gaza Strip and provide measures to avoiding them in order to promote safe housing design
and construction and to ensure a first rate living conditions.

1.2 Problem Statement

The research coincided with the reconstruction of thousands of destroyed residential

buildings after Gaza war in 2014 as mentioned by (Wafa, 2017). Which increases the
probability of defects occurrence during both designing and construction of these
buildings due to working under pressure, short space of time to design and construct and
working in a competitive ways as a special case.

In addition, due to the rapid developing in Gaza Strip and population growth, many
residential buildings and housing projects are being implemented in a short space of time
where the demand for housing units range from (800-1,100) units per year as MPWH
reports (Mpwh, 2017). Therefor many errors and defects are anticipated to arise during
designing and construction stages.

All of the above and others lead to occurring of many defects and faults during design
and construction phases of residential buildings because of informal design and
construction process unlike the formal construction projects which be subjected to
managerial conditions and technical specifications. Theses defects and faults cause
unplanned and unwanted high maintenance cost process and unsafe accommodation
conditions and sometimes building failure.

Many studies and researches were conducted to explore the defects in buildings in
many countries and a few of them targeted the factors that affecting the occurrence of
these defects and errors in the residential buildings sectors. However, in Gaza Strip Al-
Farra (2011) conducted a study aimed to improving the conditions of the tender documents
to reduce the maintenance of building in Gaza Strip through investigating the residential
buildings defects that mainly appear as a result of faults in design or construction stages
by conducting a field visits to a group of residential buildings and exploring the defects
arose in these buildings and classifying them in order to reduce the maintenance
requirements in the future construction projects in Gaza

In addition, Tayeh et al. (2016) conducted two studies about effect of both faulty
design and faulty construction phases on the maintenance of the UNRWA school

buildings in Gaza Strip by identifying and ranking the defects and faults in each phase
affecting on the maintenance of these schools buildings for the propose of minimizing
the future maintenance problems related to these defects.

Although of existing of some studies focusing on the defects in buildings in Gaza

Strip, there is a lack in researches on the factors affecting the defects in construction
projects during structural design and construction phases. No one before in Gaza Strip in
particular take the field of residential buildings structural design and construction’s
defects factors into considerations. Design and construction defects can be avoided if there
is an appropriate planning and sufficient knowledge during the both phases of structural
design and construction of the residential buildings. In order to achieve that, a study needs
to be done to identify the factors affecting the structural design and construction and
leading to defects occurrence in the residential buildings sector in Gaza Strips to help in
avoiding them further.

1.3 The Aim and Objectives of the Thesis

The aim of this research is to identify the factors lead to defects occurrence in both
Structural design and construction stages of residential buildings in Gaza Strip. To achieve
this aim, the following objectives have been defined:

1. Identifying the factors affecting the defects occurrence in the Structural design stage
of residential buildings in Gaza Strip;
2. Identifying the factors affecting the defects occurrence in the construction stage of
residential buildings in Gaza Strip;
3. Degree of effect of those factors in both structural design and construction stages of
residential buildings in Gaza Strip.

1.4 Research Signification

Defects and failures in the construction industry are common phenomenon. They may
affect negatively towards duration, resources, and cost of the project. Defects and failures
can result in delays and expenditure that is unnecessary. Also they are generating

disagreement among the involved parties. Furthermore, if this matter is left untreated, it
will result in more significant problems (Ahzahar, Karim, Hassan & Eman, 2011).

The abilities and functions of a building are identified by a building designer, each
decision can influence the life cycle and long-term quality of the building. The designers
decisions cannot be explored usually by reasonable inspection at the construction early
stages, such as foundation’s failure, may be it cannot be apparent for a few years, after
foundation construction; however, it may be more obvious after another few years of
settlement, which can lead to cracking the building structure. Each building includes a lot
of property and life, if these failures are left without treatment, they will result in more
dangerous problems (Cheng, 2017).

It is a difficult task to eliminate the latent defects, most of them appear only when the
buildings are begun to be used, and in this case, it is difficult to get into the flat in order
to gather information about the defects. The substantial cause of the latent defects is the
design inadequacy, which prevents the design improvement. Many of these defects arose
in many buildings and it result in a large number of human resources to check, funds and
processes. It is difficult to detect the latent defects early on, because it needs a period to
appear (Chong and Low, 2006).

A residential building with no defects or with few defects arising from construction
and design will not burden the owner in further maintenance and unwanted and
unexpected expenditure only but the substantial life of the building will also increase.
Therefore, by conducting this research and identifying the factors affecting defects, the
design firms and the contractors will benefit each according to his discipline and this will
meet the owners’ satisfaction.

1.5 Research Limitation

The following limitations were considered in this research:

1. This study focused on studying the factors affecting the defects occurrence in the
residential buildings sector mainly due to poor design and construction practices.
2. The study was restricted to Gaza Strip area.

3. It was planned that the questionnaires would be distributed among 134 engineering
offices in whole Gaza Strip. However, due to the difficulty of obtaining responses
from all offices, more than one engineer was targeted in the same office to achieve
the study sample.
4. The study was limited to factors affecting structural design and construction defects
in residential buildings only, where architectural, mechanical and electrical defects
are excluded from this study.

1.6 Research Hypotheses

There are two hypotheses in the research which are:

1- There is a significant relationship between factors affecting the defects occurrence

in the Structural design stage of the residential buildings and factors affecting the
defects occurrence in the construction stage of the residential buildings.
2- There are differences in responses to factors affecting the defects occurrence in
both Structural design and construction stages of residential buildings in Gaza
Strip due to the General Information.

1.7 Overview of Thesis

The research is divided into five chapters as follows:

Chapter 1 (Introduction): which included a brief overview of introduction and

rationale about the research problem emphasizing the importance of design and
construction practices in affecting building defects. In addition to, it gives a description of
the research importance, scope, objectives, methodology, and research organization.

Chapter 2 (Literature Review about Design and Construction Defects Concepts

and Topics): The relevant literature adopted in this research was reviewed on the subjects
regarding to building defects concepts and definitions, residential buildings definitions,
types, of defects, causes, contribution factors to building defects and effects of faulty
design and construction on defects occurrence in the residential buildings. This chapter
reflects the importance of well design and constructions phases in eliminating the
residential buildings defects and discusses the main strategies to overcome and prevent

these defects in future also it helped to understanding and extraction what are the factors
affecting defects occurrence in both structural design and construction stages of the
residential buildings in Gaza Strip in order to meet the study aim and objectives.

Chapter 3 (Research Methodology): After reviewing of the related literature, a

group of factors could be determined and the form of questionnaire could be preliminary
structured then the pilot study approach was conducted to testing the questionnaire validity
and reliability by interviews with some experts including design engineers, supervisor
engineers, project managers, consultant’s engineers and statisticians who are working in
the fields of designing and supervising construction of buildings and considering their
opinions and modifications to develop the questionnaire’s final form for distribution in its
Arabic form after determining the study population and the appropriate sample among
Gaza engineering consultant and design offices targeting the class of projects manager
engineers, design and supervisor engineers to obtain their perspectives. The target group
was the engineers working for engineering offices in Gaza Strip according to the
classification of the Gaza engineering association.

Chapter 4 (Analysis and Result): in this chapter, the statistical analysis and tests was
carried out by using (SPSS) program. The analysis results were obtained in tables,
illustration of results was discussed and interpretation of these tables and information in
answering and achieving the study aim and objectives.

Chapter 5 (Conclusions and Recommendations): this chapter includes writing up

the conclusions on the study results and suggestion of some recommendations related to
the results and recommendations for further studies.

Chapter 2
Literature Review

Chapter 2

Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

The relevant literature adopted in this chapter was reviewed on the subjects regarding
to building defects concepts and definitions, residential buildings definitions, types, of
defects, causes, contribution factors to building defects and effects of faulty design and
construction on defects occurrence in the residential buildings. This chapter reflects the
importance of the well design and constructions phases in eliminating the residential
buildings defects and discusses the main strategies to overcome and prevent these defects
in future also it helps to understanding and extraction what are the factors affecting defects
occurrence in both structural design and construction stages of the residential buildings in
Gaza Strip in order to meet the study aim and objectives.

2.2 Concepts and Definitions

Residential buildings sector and the defects facing it during the structural design and
construction stages are the area of interest in this research and below are some definitions
from different references for the key words: residential buildings and defect terms.

2.2.1 Residential Buildings' Definitions

Many researchers and references defined and classified the residential building.
According to Creighton, Parts & Pirlot (2016), the residential building is a building
usually used for residential purpose, whether a part of the building is used for other
purposes or not.

International Recommendations for Construction Statistics (1997) Shows that the

building can be regarded as a residential building when more than half of the floor area is
used for residence purposes. Other buildings can be regarded as non-residential. Two
types of residential buildings can be distinguished:

1. Houses (ground-oriented residential buildings): including all types of houses
(detached, semi- detached, terraced houses, houses built in a row, etc.) each has its
own entrance directly from the ground area;
2. Other residential buildings: including all residential buildings other than defined
above (ground-oriented residential buildings).

Creighton et al. (2016) defines the residential buildings' components as follows:

1. Vertical penetration: includes lift/elevator, stairs, ducts and shafts but

disregarded any penetration of area less than 0.25m2.
2. External walls: "the external enclosure of the building, which comprise the area
between the internal dominant face and the outside face of the building".
3. Internal structural elements: this includes all internal structural elements like
columns and walls.
4. Internal non-structural elements: includes all full-height, internal, permanent
walls other than those mentioned in the external walls and internal structural elements.
5. Technical services: this include electrical and mechanical plant rooms, elevator
and lift rooms in addition to maintenance rooms.
6. Hygiene areas: this includes cleaner’s cupboards bath/shower rooms, changing
rooms and toilets facilities.
7. Circulation areas: includes all circulation areas, which measured horizontally.
8. Amenities: this include the internal facilities such as sport facilities, cafeterias,
daycare facilities, prayer room and fitness areas and leisure. They are not necessary
common facilities.
9. Living space: which is the area available to be used by the residential occupiers.
10. Other areas: includes storage rooms, internal car parking, covered galleries, and

This study focuses mainly on structural elements’ defects facing residential buildings
by studying the factors affecting defects occurrence in both design and construction stages
of the residential buildings in Gaza Strip.

2.2.2 Defect’s Definitions

Different authors has defined the term defect differently, it means to some the
shortcomings in the construction and design practices, while to others, it means the
inadequacies that arise from normal wear and tear. Therefore, the design and construction
defects are those defects that are caused due to wrong methods of construction, bad labor
practices and poor materials (Olanrewaju, Khamidi & Idrus, 2010).

Another definition of the building defects is as a shortcoming or failing in the

performance, function, user requirement or statutory of a building which might manifest
itself within fabric, services, structure, or other facilities of the exposed building
(Sivanathan, Jivasangeeta, Thanaraju, Dodo, & Shika, 2012).

In addition, Allotey (2014) defines the building defects as any exhibited characteristics
that hinders the building's usability for the purpose of which the building was designed
and constructed to.

According to Business Dictionary (2017), defects are defined as "frailty or

shortcoming that prevents an item from being complete, desirable, effective, safe, or of
merit, or makes it to malfunction or fail in its purpose".

Ojo and Ijatuyi (2014) defines defects according to Harris (2006) as faults which may
reduce the strength of a construction work, durability or usefulness. They are the
inadmissible quality of a project that can be identified and remedied.

For the construction defects particularly, they are defined by California Jury
Instructions as a failure of the building or any component of the building performed in a
reasonably workmanlike manner or to perform in the intended manner by the
manufacturer or reasonably expected by the buyer, which proximately leads to damage of
the structure (Poles, 1997).

Building’s failures according to Ahzahar et al. (2011) is defined as the fact or condition
of not fulfilling the desired end. Failure is an unacceptable variation between observed
and expected performance; also, the termination of the ability of a system or item to
perform a required or intended function.

2.3 Contribution Factors to Building Defects

According to Olanrewaju et al. (2010), the cause of defects can be wear and tear, which
is reduction, depreciation, or fall in the functional performance or services or value of a
building, that results from fair or normal use. It can also be caused because of the age of
the buildings or services or because of the conditions of natural weather and, actually, by
a combination of the three. Defective building means a building that is not acting
according to the design. Buildings and the related engineering services will depreciate in
functional performance no matter how proficiently they are used. Wear and tear does not
mean that a building will require any more than basic maintenance except if used in
excess, vandalized, neglected or there is a combination of these problems. While it is
known that, the main causes of the building’s defects are interconnected inevitably.

On the other hand, in disasters cases as earthquakes, defects contribution factors can
be substantial in the building collapse due to earthquakes. Cogurcu (2015) stated that it is
important to examine the damages occurred by earthquakes and to identify how they take
place. It is common for unqualified materials to be used in construction or the materials
to be stolen. When damages, collapses and losses take place after earthquakes due to these
matters, it is just the building contractors usually convicted for these. nevertheless, the
problem is not that simple. The causes of damage in affected buildings can be categorized
as follows:

1. Load-bearing system mistake (strong beam–weak column, inadequate bearings or

misplacement of bearing elements, inadequate size, etc.)
2. Architectural design mistake (soft story, ribbon window, incorrect geometrical
structuring, side discontinuities, etc.)
3. Inadequate detailing.
4. Poor labor (poor placement of concrete, lack of transverse reinforcement, etc.)
5. Low-quality materials (poor reinforcement, low concrete strength, etc.)
6. Floor effects.

Subsequently and because of the probability of earthquakes occurring is significant

everywhere, defects in structural design and construction stages of the residential

buildings and their contributed factors increase the disaster effects and contribution in
disasters’ occurring and building collapse on their inhabitants’ heads.

Other important factors contribute to building failure were discussed by Ahzahar et.
al. (2011) as following:

1. Location of building: buildings, which are located close to the sea, tend to have
common defects.
2. Climatic conditions: such as solar radiation, ultra violet light, wind, atmosphere
pollution and rain which all of them affect the buildings materials.

3. Building type and change in use: change in use causes change in applied loads where
buildings are constructed to hold certain loads only.

4. Construction materials: it is most important to use the well proper materials.

5. Faulty design: the common design errors are reducing the size of reinforcement, the
size of columns foundations and beams. These will lead to uncertainty status in future
where the building cannot withstand the applied load and finally fails.

6. Faulty construction: depending on the experts, faulty construction had mainly caused
buildings’ collapse.

7. Maintenance of building: neglecting maintenance may fall into many defects.

8. Lack of supervision: site supervision has a major influence on the overall efficiency
and performance. Weak supervision quality is one of the rework major causes.

9. Corruption: it can occur through any phase of construction project and lead to the
final product would be dangerous or defective.

The following are the defects origins, which identified as shown in Table 2.1 and in
general how they may manifest in a building. The lists out the common roots for which
results ultimately to spread into number of defects (Dahanayake and Ramachandra, 2016).

Table (2.1): Origins of Defects (Dahanayake and Ramachandra, 2016)

Defects origins Defects examples

Component failure or Material failure Sulphate attack of ordinary Portland
cement in walls and floors.
Deterioration of finishes such as paint.

Failure of bitumen felt
Spalling of clay brickwork.
Metal fatigue in fixings.
Workmanship failure Manufacturing faults
Joint seals
Absence or incorrect use of fixings and
DPC laps
Design failure Material combinations and aggressive
Difficult weatherproofing details
Insufficient sizing of structural elements
Tolerance faults
External agencies Vandalism
Impact damage from vehicles
Wear and tear Natural degradation of materials
Besides those technical aspects, Ågren (2015) as cited by Dahanayake and
Ramachandra (2016) Stated that the causes of defects are lack of standardization,
documentation, motivation, and knowledge. Insufficient resources and communication
issues have also been eminent. Although concepts are usually related to organizational
factors, for example, the lack of resources for a given construction task and the lack of
communication between two individuals.

Waziri (2016) concluded that the look for key factors which affect the maintenance
level of the residential buildings is essential in ensuring maintainability and sustainability.
It was noticed that many building defects could be explained entirely or partly because of
readily identifiable errors in construction or design, which could have been foreseen and
hence avoided. The importance of different defects arising from design and construction
processes has been established and identified as critical to the maintenance of residential
building. The topmost defects have been determined to be:

1. Poor construction work supervision;

2. Use of defective construction materials;
3. Poor site quality control;
4. Defects due to specifications;

5. Use of untested and new materials and incompetent workforce for construction.
6. Defects of architectural design.

Therefore, clients, consultants and contractors alike should ensure the applying of designs
during construction to curtail the maintenance menace.

According to Chong and Low (2006) wear and tear, weather vandalism or accidents,
impacts from occupants and loads, poor quality materials and moisture from wet areas
were the top five causes of failure that resulted from the poor design. Five design
strategies, as protecting elements against impacts from the occupants and loads, using
materials that are more appropriate for the conditions, improving specifications,
preventing water leakage, changing design and layout of the buildings and clarity of
design could prevent these defects triggering. Failure reasons are further broken down to
allow designers a better understanding of how they are working.

However, Ahzahar et al. (2011) founded that the construction materials of low quality
is the most common factor that lead to the building defects and failures. Therefore, it is
necessary to ensure the construction parties using acceptable and good materials
throughout the project in order to produce high quality final product that satisfy the end
users. Furthermore, to all parties it is recommended that to practice and promote ethical
conducts in the project in order to reduce other contribution factors that lead to building
defects and failures.

Al-Farra (2011) summarized many causes of building defects from different studies
in various countries that may be different or similar from one country to another in Table

Table (2.2): Causes of Building Defects in Different Countries (Al-Farra, 2011)

Country Causes of building defects Reference

UK 1. Poor rectification work processes, poor decisions, Watt 1999
and Inappropriate materials applied to buildings.
2. Most of defects are due to geochemical,
meteorological biological and other natural hazards,
pollution, poor maintenance and remedial work,

mismanagement, inappropriate use, and human
1. 56% of all defects attributed to fair wear and tear. (Ransom
2. 20% of the defects found were accounted for by 1981)
poor design decisions.
3. 20% were accounted to workmanship and
1. 58% of defects caused by faulty design. (Seeley 1987)
2. 35% from installation and operation.
3. 12% from poor systems and materials.
4. 11% from unexpected requirements of users.
1. Installation method. (The BRE
2. Structural movement due to poor structural design. 1991;
3. Workmanship. Richardson
4. Site working conditions. 1991)
5. The impact of the weather, environmental
conditions, soil, poor design, and chemical attack.
6. Maintenance.
Sweden 1. A study of seven buildings showed that 32% of all (Josephson
defect costs originated from the client and design, and
45% from site management, 20% from materials and Hammarlund
machine. 1999)
2. Regarding design defects, 44% of defect costs were
due to lack of knowledge and 50% to lack of
Kuwait 1. In a research on concrete defects in a 20-year-old (Qazweeni and
office building concluded that the main building Daoud 1991)
defects causes were poor workmanship and chemical
Saudi 1. A survey of 11 major defects groups through a (Assaf et al.,
Arabia literature review and interviews showed that design, 1996)
specifications, materials, and equipment mostly
generated defects.
Defects are resulted from underlying problems and not necessarily from a single effect
such as a concrete floor crack could be a symptom of maybe poor design of concrete mix,
foundation movement or inefficient workmanship. Defects take place when the building
structure faces an improper condition leading to failures or low utilization of the building
and performance. As a result it does not affect only the building aesthetically but also the
safety of users may sometimes be affected (Che-Ani et al., 2011) as cited by (Allotey,

There are four main building defects factors. These are inappropriate operational or
usage not in accordance to design and lack of or incorrect maintenance, inadequacies in
design and inadequacies construction. However, defects that are identified in existing
residential buildings have arisen through wear and tear because of adequate maintenance
lack (Gatlin, 2013).

Kian (2004) mentioned that there are numerous cases of building defects due to the
careless construction work, the study found that, chipped and cracked tiles, leaky roofs
and walls, wall cracks, electrical problems and bad plumbing are the most common
problems of the buildings’ defects. Due to bad quality of the building material or very
poor work, most of defects may be apparent in the buildings when they are completed and
handed over to their owners instead of after a period of use. Some responsible and possible
causes of the buildings defects are:

1. Action of load underestimated at the design and construction stage.

2. Insufficient knowledge on fixing / construction of building components /elements.
3. Failure to perform the necessary maintenance or false identification of the defect’s
cause leading to more damage done.
4. Failure of joint elements due to:
 Inappropriate use and choice of joint material
 Poor joint design;
 Poor workmanship in installation
 Environmental changes resulting in excessive defects
 Designer lacks the knowledge of the potential deterioration of the materials,
performance and physical properties.

In the process of monitoring inspection or of the buildings condition, defects in

workmanship and or materials that are discovered that may cause malfunction of buildings
or failure, such defects are known as patent defects. While hidden or latent defects are
realized in the process of monitoring or inspection of the buildings condition, but they are
not easy discovered. The major contributors to these the defects are design deficiencies
and this can be prevented or overcome by design improving (Allotey, 2014).

Cogurcu (2015) identified three reasons of earthquake damage related to defects,
which are:

1. Design errors (inadequate lateral rigidity, soft story, short column, irregularities in
vertical and horizontal directions, strong-beam–weak-column joints, etc.)
2. Construction phase errors (low strength of materials, poor workmanship, defective and
inadequate interlocking length and lack of control inadequate transverse
reinforcement–stirrup usage)
3. Defects in usage (cutting column, soft-story formation by complete or partial removal
of walls, etc.).

In UK, according to the outline of causes derived from the work of Gibson (1979) as
cited by Al-Farra (2011) the implication of design defects on buildings maintenance has
resulted from the following:

1. The consequence of improper selection of materials: improper material selection

can add to the financial burden of maintenance, in addition to be the cause of
distortion, thermal movement, or early failure.
2. The consequence of inefficient detailing: inadequate detailing can cause building
façade’s deterioration. Without a proper architectural detailing of rainwater that
discharge from the face of building, water may pass through into the building or
stagnate on or within the building.
3. The consequence of thermal movement: the materials thermal movement can cause
cracking in plaster or walls and fractures in the structure elements if there is no
consideration given to the thermal expansion. It can also end in distortion of otherwise
impervious joints with the result that penetration of water occur or there is an adhesion
4. The consequence of poor design for access for maintenance measures: Poor access
for maintenance will results in delay in the repair process that increase the cost and
increases the probability of substandard remedial actions (Al-Farra, 2011).

2.4 Type of Building Defects

According to Cheng (2017), the Common building defects types include “structural
defects resulting in cracks or collapsing; defective or faulty electrical wiring and/or
lighting, defective or faulty plumbing and inadequate or faulty drainage systems”. It may
also include damage by earth settlement or land movement. There are many types of
defects, it is difficult to find out all of the defects in the residential building without a large
number of site visit and resources. These defects can separate to the following types in the
residential building:

1. Defects of external wall;

2. Defects of internal wall;
3. Window defects;
4. Door defects;
5. Floor defects;
6. Roof defects;
7. Sanitary and plumbing defects;
8. Ceiling defects;
9. Electrical & mechanical defects.

The main type of defects listed above includes all of the buildings defects, the most
accessible and common defects, which the resident can find, is the ceiling one and internal
wall. Other defects need a machine in order to inspect it or normally a permit to access
the area, such as the external wall and roof (Cheng, 2017).

Bakri & Mydin (2014) divided the defects into two main categories, which they are:

1. Structural defect

Which means that any defect in a structural element of a building that is attributed to
defective material, defective or faulty workmanship, defective design and sometimes any
combination of these. The structure of building includes columns, earth retaining walls,
flat slabs and beams.

Structural defects can be categorized as cracks in walls (superstructure), cracks in
foundations (Substructure), and cracks in floor or slabs (superstructure). These defects can
be resulted from inadequate soil analysis, the use of defective materials, and inappropriate
site selection.

2. Non-structural defect

Non-structural defect in a residential building is defined as a defect in a nonstructural

element of the building because of defective residential building work. Non-structural
defect includes defect in plaster works, dampness in old structures, and defects in

In addition, Al-Farra (2011) categorized building defects into two main types, which
are faulty design and faulty structure as following:

A. Faulty Design

Defects in building design put a heavy burden on the rest of the building life and
without any compensation for it. In such situations, the responsibility falls on the
designers’ shoulders which they must think carefully with full consideration and
concentration towards the completion of the design project (Ishak et al., 2007) as cited by
(Al-Farra, 2011).

B. Faulty Construction

The other source of the high cost of maintenance process are the defaults in
construction phase which may be due to many reasons like contractor performance, non-
use of appropriate materials, poor supervision, ineffective use of equipment, etc. As
known, the construction environment is constantly changing and the authorities' actions
continuously give new conditions. Simultaneously, competition between companies may
become stronger factor that leads the contractor accept the bid with low margin of profit.
Studies show that the construction defects cost is in the range of 5-10% of the production
cost. Therefore, knowledge of the causes of these defects is necessary for choosing
adequate measures (Al-Farra, 2011).

However Keegan, Koppang & Kreuzer (2014) stated that with time, the legal action
to address the construction defects’ claims has settled on four general categories of
defects, which they are material, construction, design, and the way in which the structure
or building is operated and maintained. And they are as following:

1. Design defects

Engineers and Architects may design systems and buildings that do not work as
expected or intended by the owner for example, a roof design that allows intrusion of
water could be attributed to a design defects (Keegan et al., 2014).

2. Material defects

Building materials may be damaged or defective, leading to failure in spite of proper

design and construction. For example, window frames that are installed despite being bent
during process of transit may not allow for installation properly, leading to water intrusion.
On the other hand, imported or inferior products may not function or last as long as
intended (Keegan et al., 2014).

3. Construction defects

Poor workmanship’s quality can cause a range of damages, including cracks in

foundations or walls, electrical or mechanical problems and plumbing leaks that
potentially promote mold growth or damage finishes (Keegan et al., 2014).

4. Maintenance and operation

In case of construction, process is complete and a project is handed over to its owner,
it is important and imperative to maintaining the construction effectively. Exterior sealants
may only last five years depending on the outside environment, and without the proper
maintenance, failed sealants can potentially result in issues of water intrusion. Interior
environments can be changed when an owner is not operating the HVAC system as
designed, potentially leading to uncomfortable spaces or frozen pipes (Keegan et al.,

Ojo and Ijatuy (2014) classified the defective construction work as following:

1. Qualitative Defects

According to Kevin (2008) as cited by Ojo and Ijatuyi (2014), qualitative defects can
be categorized in various ways, including:

 Work (including design) or materials of not acceptable quality;

 Work (including design) or materials that are of acceptable quality in themselves,
but which nonetheless do not agree with the design brief or specification; and
 Incomplete work.
2. Patent and Latent Defects

Defects can be patent or latent whatever their qualitative nature be. A patent defect is
one that is discoverable either before or at apparent practical completion or during the
period of defects liability. By contract, a latent defect is one, which has been concealed in
the works and may not become manifest for many years. The terms patent and latent are
opposites. A latent defect will exist before it is detected as concealed or hidden flaws in
the work. When a latent defect becomes apparent it ceases to be a latent and becomes as
patent defect. At the moment a latent defect becomes patent the mechanisms under
contract for dealing with latent defects are usually relevant. A patent defect is discoverable
and may be open to manifest, view, obvious, evident or exposed (Ojo and Ijatuyi, 2014)

Othman et al. (2014) dealt only with defects resulting from moisture problems which
they are ten common problems that were identified by WHO (2009) as cited by them;

1. Groundwater or rainwater leaking into the enclosure (foundation, wall, roof, and,
2. Leaks in Plumbing and spill,
3. Water wicking from capillary suction through building materials’ porous (wood or
4. Rainwater, condensation or plumbing water,
5. Infiltration of moist or warm outside air through holes and cracks in the enclosure
during humid and warm weather,

6. Exfiltration of moist or warm indoor air through holes and cracks in the enclosure
during cold weather,
7. Poorly vented unvented or sources such as swimming pools,
8. Insufficient dehumidification by heating, air conditioning systems and ventilating,
9. Poor condensate drainage due to ventilation, heating, and air conditioning system
deficiency and
10. Enclosure of wet during construction materials in the building.

Bagdiya and Wadalka (2015) divided defects into two main categories, which are
structural and nonstructural defects as followings:

1. Non-structural defect

A non-structural defect in a residential building can be defined as a defect in a non-

structural element of the building as a result of defective residential building work. Non-
structural defect includes defect occurs in the non-structural components of building,
services like in dampness ,brick work, defects in plaster works and in old structures
(Bagdiya and Wadalka, 2015).

2. Structural defect

A structural defect can be defined as any defect in a building structural element that is
attributed to defective design, faulty or defective workmanship or defective material and
sometimes any combination of these. Building structure includes columns, flat slabs,
beams and earth retaining walls. Structural defect can be categorized as cracks in walls,
cracks in floor or slabs (superstructure) and cracks in foundations. These defects can be
resulted from inappropriate site selection, improper soil analysis and use of defective
materials (Bagdiya and Wadalka, 2015).

Sivanathan, Jivasangeeta, Thanaraju, Dodo & Shika (2012) shows the defects only resulting
from design related problems, which can be described as following:
1. Poor selection of materials
2. Lack of details
3. Access
4. Poor communication

5. Poor structural design
6. Poor Geotechnical design
7. Ignoring environmental issue
8. Biological agent
9. Lack of standardization

Defects are also categorized by Waziri (2016) as design and construction defects
which they are as the following:

1. Design defects

The failure of the design engineers to produce accurate, complete, and well-
coordinated design causes defects occurrence which may be classified under design errors,
omission or a combination of both. Maintenance and design are actually two critical
criteria in the building process on which the life cycle of the buildings depends. The
effectiveness of the building design is measured by its aesthetic values in order to show
how it would serve the required functions for accessibility and better performance for
good maintenance. Construction quality and in turn cause defects during the building’s
life span. Large amount of maintenance expenditures can be reduced provided
construction and design defects are known and reduced. The performance of any building
depends largely on the decisions taken at the design and construction stages. The
maintenance of buildings could be negatively or positively influenced during the design
stage. Therefore, there is a need to consider maintenance at the design phase of projects
in order to avoid unplanned maintenance during occupancy, as design defects are
expensive mistakes in terms of restoration cost and occupants’ life (Waziri, 2016).

2. Construction Defects

Construction defects arise from several factors, which could be visible to the naked
eye or deep hidden within the structure. Construction defects that affect directly the
structure performance can be a result of defective design or defective construction.
Generally, the construction can be as a design that fails to meet the professional standard
and a decision that is not in accordance with codes, among others. Construction failures

and defects also may result from poor and misguided decisions of the clients or failure of
the design professional to produce complete and accurate design and construction
documents, which provide sufficient information for the contractor for building
construction. Sometimes, they can be due to the use of non-conforming materials, poor
workmanship and design misinterpretation (Waziri, 2016).

According to Assaf, Al-Hammad & Al-Shihah (1996) the common buildings defects
classified and summarized into main groups and elements for each group, which they are
as following:

A. Architectural defects in design

1. Narrow doors, stairs, and passages

2. Inadequate joints between finished faces
3. Specifying finishing materials that needs to be repaired as a whole (such as
4. designing the exterior shape without considering the local climatic condition
5. Not relating exterior material selection to climatic conditions
B. Defects in structural design

1. Inadequate provisions for movement

2. Ignoring effects of weather condition and aggressive environment
3. Ignoring biological effects
4. Inadequate structural design such as foundation
5. Ignoring variation in soil conditions
6. Ignoring load impact on stability of structure
7. Exceeding allowable deflection
8. Ignoring wind effects on the structure
9. Inadequate reinforcement concrete cover
10. Improperly locating pipe openings and conduits at critical structural locations
C. Defects due to consultant firm administration and staff

1. Lack of QC / QA program during design

2. Poor staff training or technical updating
3. Hiring unqualified designers
4. Designer field experience
5. Designer technical background
6. Designer ignorance of materials properties
7. Misjudgment of climatic conditions
8. Misjudgment of user's intended use
D. Design defects in maintenance practicality and adequacy

1. Not considering space or exit equipment for maintenance workers

2. Designing for permanent fixing that should be removable for maintenance
3. Ignoring the available maintenance equipment when performing the design
4. Ignoring the maintenance
E. Defects due to construction drawings

1. Lack of details
2. Lack of references
3. Conflicting details
F. Defects due to construction inspection

1. Unqualified inspector
2. Lack of inspection
3. Weakness of inspection rule in implementing corrective actions during job
4. Proponent (owner) negligence of the importance of inspection
G. Defects due to structural construction

1. Inaccurate measurement
2. Damaged Formwork
3. Excavation tools close to the building
4. Painting in unsuitable conditions or on unsuitable surface
5. Inadequate water proofing and drainage
6. Insufficient reinforcement concrete cover

7. Cold joints
8. Loss in adhesion between materials
9. Early formwork removal
10. Poor soil compaction
11. Inadequate curing
12. Lack of communication
H. Defects due to specification

1. Unclear specification
2. Not defining adequate materials
3. Not specifying the QA/QC construction procedure
4. Not specifying the allowable load limits
5. Specifying inadequate concrete mix design
I. Defects due to contractor administration

1. Not complying with specification

2. Insufficient site supervision
3. Poor communication with the design firm and the owner
4. Unqualified supervision
5. Speedy completion or poor quality work
6. Unqualified work force
7. Multinational construction experience
J. Defects due to construction materials

1. Differential thermal movements in dissimilar materials

2. Selection of material that is unsuitable for existing climatic conditions
3. Use of nondurable material
4. Use of expired material
5. Poor materials handling storage
K. Defects due to construction equipment

1. Improper use of equipment

2. Inadequate performance of equipment

3. Lack of required items of equipment.

The previous main groups and elements of defects were stated by Assaf et al. (1996)
and they are the most common factors of defects in buildings.

Waziri (2016) also recognized the defects arising from design and construction phases
into two main groups as the following:

A. Design defects

1. Architectural design defects

2. Ignoring maintainability and buildability in design process
3. Incomplete detail drawings
4. Design changes by owner
5. Lack of design standards
6. Defects due to specifications
7. Problems of consulting firms
8. Inadequate assessment of exposure
9. Suitability of design for the existing technology
10. Defects in construction drawings
11. Poor structural design
B. Construction factors

1. Poor supervision
2. Communication gap between contractors and design professionals
3. Defective construction materials
4. Poor quality control on site
5. Improper construction methods used
6. Site defects such as poor soil conditions
7. Lack of proper reinforcement in concrete
8. Use of new and untested materials
9. Lack of coordination of work
10. Defects due to construction

11. Faults due to contractual administration
12. Improperness or lack of required equipment for construction
13. Damaged or improper formwork
14. Incompetent workforce
15. Non-conformance with specifications
16. Poor construction procedures

Chin-man (2002) listed a summary of the common buildings defects in Table 2.3 as

Table (2.3): Common Building Defects and Their Symptom (Chin-man, 2002)

Common Defects Phenomenon / Symptoms Possible Causes

 Defective concrete, - Surface with water/rust “Defective concrete as a
spalling or loose staining , water result of ageing is
plaster in ceilings leakage commonly found in old
- Patterned cracking buildings. Persistent water
- Bulging, falling off of leakage may affect the steel
concrete patches with reinforcement. Weak
reinforcement concrete caused by the use
exposed, often rusty of salty water in concrete
- falling off of mix, or overloading are also
plaster/tile common causes in spalling”
 Water seepage from - Water staining “External water seepage
external wall, - Peeling off of paint or could be due to a variety of
window, roof, or from wall paper reasons including cracks on
ceiling - Water dripping external wall, honey comb
- Growth of fungus concrete, defective sealant
- Defective concrete, at window, defective
plaster or tiles waterproofing membrane at
- Rust staining roof, defective external
water and drainage pipes,
 Structural cracks in - Cracks that penetrate “Structural cracks may be
Walls through finishes into caused by many factors, e.g.
the concrete or bricks excessive movement of the
- Long, continuous building structure,
- cracks across width of unwanted ground
wall settlement, serious
- Diagonal cracks at overloading, weaknesses
corners of window or caused by
door corrosion/deterioration of

- Cracks with rust materials, or damage by
staining accidents, or poor design/
construction, etc. Detailed
investigation must be
carried out to identify the
cause(s) which must be
removed or rectified before
the cracks are repaired”
 Structural cracks in - Cracks that penetrate Same as item above
columns & beams through finishes
- down to the concrete or
bricks Spalling
 Non-structural cracks - Hairline cracks “Cosmetic shrinkage cracks
(usually in plaster or - multi-directional in plaster or other forms of
other finishes with cracks (shrinkage finishes will affect the
cement sand cracks) appearance only and do not
rendering as base) - Cracks between panel pose any safety concern.
walls and structural They are small hairline
elements e.g. brick cracks developed within the
wall and finishes layer not
beams/columns penetrating down to the
reinforced concrete
 Defective external - De-bonding of “The defects could be due to
wall finishes/tiles from ageing, structural
finishes/mosaic tiles/ wall structure movements, and defective
ceramic tiles/stone resulting in “hollow workmanship during
cladding/curtain wall sound” when tapped installation, thermal
with a hammer movement, defective or
- Cracking of wall missing expansion joints,
surfaces damage by external factors
- Bulging with hollow (e.g. falling objects during
base typhoon), ingress of water
- Falling off into the gap between the
- Cracks finishes or tiles and the
- Loosening of parts structure, etc.”
2.5 Summary of Related Studies and Derived Factors

Many researches and studies explored and investigated factors, types, categories and
causes of defects in the buildings generally and a few of them were focused on the sector
of residential buildings especially, however and after a deep review and understanding of
the literature contents that related to the study through identifying the various defects in

the buildings and their types and causes, the Tables 2.4 and 2.5 summarize a list of
extracted and derived main factors groups and sub factors groups that affecting both
structural design and construction buildings processes based on the reviewed literature

Table (2.4): Derived Factors Leading to Defects Occurrence in Structural Design of

Residential Buildings

List of References

Dahanayake & Ramachandra,2016

Bagdiya1 and Wadalka, 2015
Chong and Low, 2006
Olanrewaju et al 2010
Bakri & Mydin, 2014
Sivanathanet al, 2012

Ahzahar et. al., 2011

Keegan et al., 2014

Factors leading to defects
Assaf et al ,1996

Cogurcu ,2015

Al-Farra, 2011

Waziri, 2016
occurrence in structural Design of Watt 1999
residential buildings (from

A. Factors in structural design

1. Inadequate structural design √
2. Ignoring variation of soil types and √
3. Ignoring biological, chemical √ √ √ √
attacks, natural hazards and
dampness effects.
4. Ignoring aggressive environment √ √
and weather condition effects
5. Ignoring location of Building √
6. Inappropriate site selection √ √
7. Ignoring lateral loads impact on √
structure stability (winds and
8. Exceeding allowable deflection √
9. Inadequate provisions for √

10. Inadequate concrete cover on √
11. Improperly locating conduits and √
pipe openings at critical structural
12. Insufficient sizing of structural √
elements (columns, Beams,
13. Reducing the size of reinforcement √
bars and foundations
14. Misjudgment in design leading to √
assumptions or decisions that are
not consistent with the actual
behavior of the structure
15. Poor design of concrete mix √
16. Lack of standardization √
17. Poor material selection √ √ √
18. A roof design that allows water √
19. Ignoring the consequence of √
thermal movement
B. Factors due to consultant firm
administration and staff
1. Lack of QA/QC program during √
2. Poor technical updating or staff √
3. decision that is not in accordance √
with codes
4. Poor supervision √ √ √ √
5. Hiring unqualified designers √
6. Designer field experience √
7. Designer technical background √
8. Designer ignorance of materials √
9. Misjudgment of climatic √
10. Misjudgment of user's intended √
11. Design buildings and systems that √
do not work as intended or as
expected by an owner.
C. Factors due to drawings
1. Lack of references √

2. Conflicting details √
3. Lack of details √
4. Inability to read the drawings √
Table (2.5): Derived Factors Leading to Defects Occurrence in Construction of
Residential Buildings

List of References

Dahanayake & Ramachandra,2016

Bagdiya1 and Wadalka, 2015
Chong and Low, 2006
Olanrewaju et al 2010
Bakri & Mydin, 2014
Sivanathanet al, 2012
Ojo and Ijatuyi,2014

Ahzahar et. al., 2011

Keegan et al., 2014

Assaf et al ,1996
Factors leading to defects

Cogurcu ,2015

Al-Farra, 2011

Waziri, 2016
Watt, 1999
occurrence in construction of
residential buildings (from

A. Factors due to construction

1. Lack of inspection √
2. Unqualified inspector √
3. Proponent (owner) negligence of √
the importance of inspection
4. Weakness of inspection rule in √
implementing corrective actions
during job execution
B. Factors due to construction
1. Misinterpretation of design √
2. Inaccurate measurement √
3. Damaged Formwork √ √
4. Poor installation method √ √ √
5. Excavation tools close to the √
6. Painting in unsuitable conditions √
or on unsuitable surface
7. Inadequate water proofing and √
8. Moisture penetration through the √
building envelope

9. Insufficient reinforcement √
concrete cover
10. Cold joints √
11. Loss in adhesion between √
12. Early formwork removal √
13. Poor soil compaction √
14. Inadequate curing √
15. Lack of communication √
16. Improper roof installation √
17. Overloading √ √
18. Specifying inadequate concrete √
mix design
C. Factors due to contractor
1. Poor workmanship √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
2. Inability to read drawings √
3. Competition between companies √
may become stronger factor that
leads the contractor accept the
bid with low margin of profit
4. Not complying with specification √ √ √
5. Communication gap between √
contractors and design
6. Corruption √
7. Insufficient knowledge on √
construction /fixing of building
element / components
8. lack of documentation, √
standardization, knowledge and
9. Faulty Construction √ √
10. Insufficient site supervision √
11. Poor communication with the √
design firm and the owner
12. Unqualified supervision √
13. Speedy completion or poor √
quality work
14. Unqualified work force √
15. Multinational construction √
16. Poor decisions √ √

17. Poor rectification work processes √ √
18. Human intervention √ √
19. Remedial work √ √
D. Factors due to construction
1. Material failure or component √
2. Differential thermal movements √
in dissimilar materials
3. Selection of material that is √
unsuitable for existing climatic
4. Use of new and untested √
5. Materials not of acceptable √ √ √
6. Using materials do not conform √
with the specifications or the
design brief
7. Use of nondurable material √
8. Use of expired material √
9. Steel corrosion √
10. Metal fatigue in fixings. √
11. Sulphate attack of ordinary √
Portland cement in walls and
12. Poor materials handling storage √
E. Factors due to construction
1. Improper use of equipment √
2. Inadequate performance of √
3. Lack of required items of √

Chapter 3
Research Methodology

Chapter 3
Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction

The methodology of the research and its procedures is considered as a major hub from
which to accomplish the practical side of the study, and from it the data needed to conduct
a statistical analysis to come up with results that are interpreted in the light of the literature
study on the subject of the study is obtained, and thus it achieves the objectives that it
seeks to achieve. The main purpose of this research is to identify the factors affecting
defects occurrence in both structural design and construction of residential buildings in
Gaza Strip.

In order to achieve the study aim and objectives, the methodology of the research in
this chapter contains a description of the methodology used, the community, the study
population and sample, as well as the study tool used, the method of its preparation, the
way of its construction and development and the extent of its sincerity and persistence. It
also includes a description of the procedures carried out by the researcher in designing
and codifying the study tool, and the questionnaire tool used to collect the data, content,
questionnaire validity, pilot study, and the method of data processing and analysis. The
questionnaire will be the main data collection tool and perspectives of the respondents.

3.2 Study Methodology

According to the nature of the study and its objectives that seek to achieve, the
descriptive analytical method has been used, which is based on the study of the
phenomenon as it is in fact, and it is interested in describing it precisely and expressing it
in a qualitatively and quantitatively expression. This approach does not only content with
the collecting of information on the phenomenon in order to investigate its manifestations
and its different relations, but it also extends to the analysis, connectivity and
interpretation to reach the conclusions which build the proposed scenario, so that it
increases the level of knowledge on the subject.

3.2.1 Research Design

Figure 3.1 illustrates the methodology flow chart, which summarizes the steps of
research building from choosing the research topic to ending by conclusion and
recommendations, passing by thesis proposal in which problem and objective are defined
then reviewing the literatures related to research topic which led to a preliminary
questionnaire design that revised by some experts in order to check its validity and by
modifying some clauses then distributing questionnaires to collect the required data in
order to achieve the research objective and analyzing these questionnaires.

Figure (3. 1): Research Methodology Flow chart

3.2.2 Research Period

The research started on December 2016, when the initial proposal was approved. The
literature review was completed on the beginning of September 2017. The validity testing,
piloting and questionnaire distribution and collection took three months and completed on
the beginning of December 2017, analysis, discussion, conclusion and recommendation
were completed on the mid of February 2018.

3.2.3 The Study Population

In order to achieve the aim and objectives of the research, questionnaire approach has
been conducted by targeting people who are working mainly in the field of structural
design and supervision on construction engineering projects. The study population was
taken from a formal statistics belongs to Gaza Engineering Association (2016) consists of
205 registered engineering offices in Gaza Strip. The Sample

The study sample was selected based on the equation (Moore et al., 2003). The sample
size was calculated from the following equation:

 Z 
n   ……………………. (3.1)
 2m 
Z: The standard value corresponding to a given level of significance (Z=1.96 for α 0.05).
m: (margin error): expressed as decimal (±0.05).
The sample size is then corrected in the case of the final communities from the following

n = ……………………. (3.2)
N  n 1

Where N is the sample size, and using equation (3.1) we find that the sample size is equal

 1.96 
n    384
 2  0.05 
Since the study population N = 205, the size of the modified sample using equation (3.2)
is equal to:

384  205
=  134
205  384  1
Thus, the considered sample size in this case is equal to (134).

3.2.4 Tool Development and Design

A study tool was prepared to see the (Factors that lead to defects occurrence in both
structural design and construction stages of residential buildings in Gaza Strip), the
following steps were conducted in order to build the study tool, which is the questionnaire

1. Revising the literature and previous studies, which are closely related to the subject of
the research and take advantage of them in the process of questionnaire construction
and formulation of its clauses.
2. Consulting a number of experienced people who are closely related to the study filed
for determining the dimensions of the questionnaire and its clauses.
3. Identifying the key areas covered by the questionnaire.
4. Determining the paragraphs that fall under each factor.
5. The design of the questionnaire in the initial image has consisted of two basic parts.
6. Questionnaire study consists of two major parts:
 Section 1: It is the personal data of the respondent (Job title, Years of experience
for Engineer, Educational qualification, Number of residential buildings that you
have designed , Number of residential buildings that you have supervised,
 Section 2: Classification of the engineering office according to engineers
association, Number of residential buildings that the office has designed, Number
of residential buildings that the office has supervised).
 Section 3 & 4: are the study areas, and consists of a 73-paragraph, distributed on
the following themes in Table 3.1:

Table (3.1): Distribution of the Paragraphs on the Resolution Factors

# Factors groups N. of
1. Factors due to structural design 17
Factors leading to
2. defects occurrence in Factors due to consultant firm 8
structural Design of administration and staff
3. residential buildings Factors due to drawings 4

4. Factors due to structural construction 13

5. Factors due to construction inspection 4

Factors leading to
6. defects occurrence in Factors due to construction management 15
construction of
7. residential buildings Factors due to construction materials 9

8. Factors due to construction equipment 3

Total factor 73

The scale (1-5) has been used to measure the responses of the respondents to the
questionnaire by paragraphs as Table 3.2:

Table (3.2): The Questionnaire Scale

Level Strongly Strongly

Disagree Don’t know Agree
disagree agree
1 2 3 4 5

The respondent has to choose one of the scale (1-5) to answer, and the closer the
answer of 5 indicated high approval on what is stated in paragraph concerned.

3.2.5 The Pilot Study

After the preliminary constructing of the questionnaire, it is recommended strongly

to perform a trial run on the questionnaire before distributing it to the whole sample, which
is called as a pilot study. The pilot study includes testing the wording of the questions,
establishing the length of the questionnaire, avoiding ambiguous questions, suggestions
for analyzing the data, as well as testing the technique selected for collecting the data

(Naoum, 2007). In addition, it is very important process to measure the validity and
reliability of the questionnaire and to test the collected data.

3.3 Validity and Reliability of the Questionnaire

3.3.1 The Questionnaire Validity

Polit and Hungler (1985) defined the validity of questionnaire as it refers to the degree
to which an instrument measures what it is supposed to be measuring. Validity has a
number of different aspects and assessment approaches. There are two ways were
conducted to verify the validity of the questionnaire, which are:
1. The arbitrator’s honesty (virtual truth): the questionnaire was offered on a group
of arbitrators consisted of (10) specialists in the areas of academic, engineering,
professional and statistical aspects distributed as Table (3.3). The arbitrators’ opinions
were taken into consideration by performing of the necessary modification, deleting
and adding in the questionnaire clauses and body and thus the questionnaire came out
in its final form.
Table (3.3): Profile of Respondents Interviewed for Pilot Study and Content Validity

No Organization Position Experience

1 University 1. Doctor 15

2 UNRWA 2. Head of engineering unit 20

3 ICRC 3. Head of engineering unit 15

4 Consultant 4. Head of the consultant office 25

(EMCC 5. Projects manager 30

6. Design engineer 20

7. Design engineer 20

8. Supervisor engineer 15

9. Supervisor engineer 15

5 Statistical 10. Statistical expert 15


The final resulted questionnaire after taking into consideration of all of the arbitrator’s
notes and opinions and after revising of several previous studies were used to select the
factors in this section such as: Assaf et al. (1996), Allotey (2014), Watt (1999),
Sivanathanet al. (2012), Bakri & Mydin. (2014), Olanrewaju et al. (2010), Chong and Low
(2006), Ahzahar et. al. (2011), Cogurcu (2015), Dahanayake & Ramachandra (2016),
Bagdiya1 and Wadalka (2015), Al-Farra (2011), Keegan et al. (2014), Waziri (2016) and
Ojo and Ijatuyi (2014), eight main groups of factors were finally selected after the pilot
study which are three for design stage and five for construction stage as shown in Table
(3.4) and Table (3.5) respectively.

Table (3.4): List of Preliminary Factors From Literature Vs Selected Factors After Pilot
Study in Design Stage

Factors from literature Status Selected factors after pilot study

A. Factors due to structural design
1. Inadequate structural design Modified 1. Non-compliance with the
requirements of design codes
and theirs updates
2. Ignoring variation of soil types Modified 2. Ignoring soil investigation or
and conditions Poor soil investigation leads to
wrong selection of foundation
type of the building
3. Ignoring biological, chemical Modified 3. Ignoring environmental,
attacks, natural hazards and weather condition, biological
dampness effects. and chemical attacks.
4. Ignoring aggressive Merged
environment and weather
condition effects
5. Ignoring location of Building Modified 4. Ignoring building locations
such as buildings located near
the sea.
6. Inappropriate site selection Not
7. Ignoring lateral loads impact Modified 5. Ignoring lateral loads effects
on structure stability (winds (winds and earthquakes).
and earthquakes)
8. Exceeding allowable deflection Selected 6. Exceeding allowable deflection
values limits
Added 7. Ignoring dynamic loads impact
on structure stability

9. Inadequate provisions for Modified 8. Ignoring design of expansion,
movement contraction, settlement joint
and special construction joint.
10. Inadequate concrete cover on Selected 9. Inadequate concrete cover on
reinforcement reinforcement
11. Improperly locating conduits Selected 10. Improperly locating conduits
and pipe openings at critical and pipe openings at critical
structural locations structural locations
12. Insufficient sizing of structural Selected 11. Insufficient sizing of structural
elements (columns, Beams, elements such as reducing the
walls…etc.) size of columns, the size of
13. Reducing the size of Merged reinforcement bars and
reinforcement bars and foundations.
14. Misjudgment in design leading Selected 12. Misjudgment in design leading
to assumptions or decisions to assumptions or decisions that
that are not consistent with the are not consistent with the
actual behavior of the structure actual behavior of the structure.
15. A roof design that allows water Selected & 13. A roof design without inverted
intrusion Clarified beams, which allows water
Added 14. Inadequate slab types and
loading ways without taking
into consideration codes rules
especially in long spans and
16. Ignoring the consequence of Not
thermal movement Selected
17. Lack of standardization Modified
15. Designing residential buildings
away from municipality’s
conditions and engineering
association rules.
18. Poor design of concrete mix Modified 16. Lack of technical specification
references for residential
19. Poor material selection Modified 17. Not defining adequate
B. Factors due to consultant firm administration and staff
1. Lack of QA/QC program Selected 1. Lack of QA/QC program
during design during design.
2. Poor technical updating or staff Selected 2. Poor technical updating or staff
training training.
3. Decision that is not in Selected 3. Decision that is not in
accordance with codes accordance with codes.

4. Poor supervision Modified 4. Poor or Lack of engineering
supervision on construction of
residential buildings or
unqualified supervision
5. Hiring unqualified designers Selected 5. Hiring unqualified designers.
6. Designer field experience Selected & 6. Poor structural designers’ filed
Clarified experience and technical
7. Designer technical background Merged background.
8. Design buildings and systems Selected 7. Design buildings that do not
that do not work as intended or work as intended by the owner
as expected by an owner (making drop beams, place and
9. Misjudgment of user's intended Merged size of columns .etc.) which
use lead to change in design without
consulting the engineer.
Added 8. Poor communication between
the design firm and the owner.
10. Misjudgment of climatic Not selected
11. .Designer ignorance of Not selected
materials properties
C. Factors due to drawings
1. Lack of references Selected & 1. Lack of references and details
Clarified in drawings (cross sections,
detailed sections and
incomplete detail drawings).
2. Conflicting details Selected & 2. Conflicts between architectural
Clarified and structural drawings.
3. Lack of details Modified 3. Defects in drawing of
construction drawings
(dimensions, scales,
reinforcement bars diameters,
conflict details...etc.).
4. Inability to read the drawings Selected & 4. Inability to read the drawings
Clarified due to language, symbols and
Table (3.5): List of Preliminary Factors from Literature vs. Selected Factors after Pilot
Study in Construction Stage

Factors from literature Status Selected factors after pilot study

A. Factors due to construction
1. Misinterpretation of design Selected & 1. Misinterpretation of design
Clarified leading to wrong construction.

2. Inaccurate measurement Modified 2. Inaccurate dimension
projection and measurement.
3. Damaged Formwork Modified 3. Damaged or weak formwork
due to multi use of formwork
Added 4. Exceeding the allowable limits of
verticality of the structural
4. Poor installation method Not
5. Excavation tools close to the Not
building Selected
6. Painting in unsuitable Modified 5. Ignoring isolation works for
conditions or on unsuitable buried parts of concrete
surface (footings, ground beams and
7. Inadequate water proofing and Modified 6. Poor roof water drainage
drainage system or without foam
concrete for water drainage
slopes and without isolation
works for roof.
8. Insufficient reinforcement Selected 7. Insufficient reinforcement
concrete cover concrete cover.
9. Cold joints Selected & 8. Cold joints especially in
Clarified concrete casting due to late
concrete arrival.
10. Loss in adhesion between Modified 9. Loss in adhesion between
materials concrete and finishing materials
due to oil painting of
formworks timber or soft faces.
11. Early formwork removal Selected 10. Early formwork removal.
12. Poor soil compaction Modified 11. Poor soil compaction or
backfilling without compaction
and layers.
13. Inadequate curing Modified 12. Inadequate water curing of
different concrete and finishing
14. Overloading Modified 13. Overloading of building during
construction stage.
15. Moisture penetration through Not
the building envelope Selected
16. Lack of communication Not

17. Improper roof installation Not
18. Specifying inadequate concrete Not
mix design Selected
B. Factors due to construction inspection
1. Lack of inspection Modified 1. Lack of inspection and material
2. Unqualified inspector Selected & 2. Unqualified inspector
Clarified especially in concrete cube
3. Proponent (owner) negligence Selected 3. Proponent (owner) negligence
of the importance of inspection of the importance of inspection.
4. Weakness of inspection rule in Modified 4. Neglecting inspection results
implementing corrective and their recommendations in
actions during job execution implementing corrective
actions during job execution
C. Factors due to contractor management
1. lack of documentation, Added 1. Lack of QA/QC program
standardization, knowledge during construction.
and motivation
2. Poor workmanship Modified 2. Poor or unqualified
3. Inability to read drawings Selected 3. Inability to read the drawings.
4. Competition between Selected 4. Competition between
companies may become companies that leads to accept
stronger factor that leads the the bid with low margin of
contractor accept the bid with profit, which affect the quality
low margin of profit of construction.
5. Not complying with Modified 5. Not complying with
specification specification and engineer
6. Communication gap between Selected 6. Communication gap between
contractors and design contractors and design
professionals professionals.
7. Corruption Selected 7. Corruption
8. Insufficient knowledge on Modified 8. Ignorance or insufficient
construction /fixing of building knowledge of the methods of
element / components implementation and supporting
of high slabs , drop beams and
concrete walls
9. Insufficient site supervision Modified 9. Absent of engineer in most of
construction phases.
10. Speedy completion or poor Selected 10. Speedy completion or poor
quality work quality work.

11. Multinational construction Selected 11. Multinational construction
experience experience.
12. Poor decisions Modified 12. Poor or wrong decisions.
13. Poor rectification work Modified 13. Poor rectification processes of
processes wrong works and failed
concrete elements
14. Human intervention Modified 14. Human side interventions and
expression of opinion without
15. Remedial work Modified 15. Cumulative errors
16. Unqualified supervision Not
17. Faulty Construction Not
18. Unqualified work force Not
D. Factors due to construction materials
1. Material failure or component Selected 1. Material failure or component
failure failure
2. Differential thermal Not
movements in dissimilar Selected
3. Poor materials handling Modified 2. Poor storage of construction
storage materials and exposure to
weather conditions
4. Selection of material that is Selected 3. Selection of material that is
unsuitable for existing climatic unsuitable for existing climatic
conditions conditions
5. Materials not of acceptable Selected 4. Using materials not of
quality acceptable quality and do not
6. Using materials do not Merged conform to the specifications or
conform with the specifications design.
or the design brief
7. Use of expired material Selected & 5. Using of expired material
Clarified (cement).
8. Steel corrosion Modified 6. Using of corroded steel or
second-hand reinforcement
9. Erosion of mortar joint in Selected 7. Erosion of mortar joint in
mason works mason works
10. Sulphate attack of ordinary Modified 8. Lack of using sulphate
Portland cement in walls and resistance cement in areas,
floors. which exposed to sulphate

11. Use of new and untested Modified 9. Using inadequate concrete mix
materials design for structural elements.
12. Metal fatigue in fixings. Not
13. Use of nondurable materials Not
E. Factors due to construction equipment
1. Improper use of equipment Modified 1. Improper use of equipment
(compactor, concrete pump,
vibrator, concrete mixer, drill,
plumb bob ...etc.)
2. Inadequate performance of Modified 2. Inadequate performance of
equipment equipment (compactor,
concrete pump, vibrator,
concrete mixer, drill...etc.)
3. Lack of required items of Modified 3. Lack of required equipment
equipment (vibrator, drill, mixer,
compactor, cutting disk, plumb
bob ...etc.)
2. The Scale Honesty

First: The internal validity

Honestly meant the internal validity and consistency of each paragraphs of the
questionnaire with the domain that this paragraph belong to, the internal consistency of
the questionnaire can be calculated through the expense of correlation coefficients
between each paragraph of the areas of the questionnaire and the total score of the field
itself. Below are the results of the internal consistency verification.

For Factors leading to defects occurrence in structural design stage of residential


Table (3.6) shows the correlation coefficient between each paragraph of the factor of
Factors due to structural design of residential buildings and the total score of the field,
which shows that the correlation coefficients indicated a function at the level of moral
0.05 ≥α, and so the field is honest to put the measure.

Table (3.6): Correlation Coefficient of Each Field and Factors Due to structural Design

# Factors due to structural design Correlation Sig.

1 Non-compliance with the requirements of design 0.753* 0.006
codes and theirs updates
2 Ignoring soil investigation or Poor soil 0.810* 0.000
investigation leads to wrong selection of
foundation type of the building
3 Ignoring environmental, weather condition, 0.630* 0.000
biological and chemical attacks.
4 Ignoring building locations such as buildings 0.503* 0.000
located near the sea.
5 Ignoring lateral loads effects (winds and 0.675* 0.000
6 Exceeding allowable deflection limits 0.767* 0.000
7 Ignoring dynamic loads impact on structure 0.511* 0.000
8 Ignoring design of expansion, contraction, 0.649* 0.000
settlement joint and special construction joint.
9 Inadequate concrete cover on reinforcement 0.766* 0.000
10 Improperly locating conduits and pipe openings at 0.750* 0.000
critical structural locations
11 Insufficient sizing of structural elements such as 0.795* 0.000
reducing the size of columns, the size of
reinforcement bars and foundations.
12 Misjudgment in design leading to assumptions or 0.619* 0.000
decisions that are not consistent with the actual
behavior of the structure.
13 A roof design without inverted beams, which allows 0.721* 0.000
water intrusion.
14 Inadequate slab types and loading ways without 0.722* 0.000
taking into consideration codes rules especially in
long spans and cantilevers.
15 Designing residential buildings away from 0.675* 0.000
municipality’s conditions and engineering
association rules.
16 Lack of technical specification references for 0.635* 0.000
residential buildings.
17 Not defining adequate materials. 0.549* 0.000

*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level, value of Correlation (R) table from (30, 0.05)
Equal 0.349

The correlation coefficients between each paragraph of the rest of factors in the
questionnaire and the total score of their field are shown in Annex 3, which show that the
correlation coefficients indicated a function at the level of moral 0.05 ≥α, and so the field
is honest to put the measure

Second: The Structure Validity

Structure validity is the second statistical test that can be used to test the questionnaire
structure validity by testing the validity of each questionnaire field and the validity of the
entire questionnaire. It measures the correlation coefficient between one field and all the
fields of the questionnaire that have the same level of scale.
Table 3.7 shows that all correlation coefficients in all areas of the questionnaire are
statistically significant at the level of moral 0.05 ≥ α and so all areas of the questionnaire
are sincere to put the measure.

Table (3.7): Correlation Coefficient of Each Factor and Process Criterion.


Factors groups Correlation Sig.

# coefficient
1. Factors due to structural 0.828* 0.000
Factors leading to
defects occurrence
2. in structural design Factors due to consultant firm 0.841* 0.000
administration and staff
of residential
3. buildings Factors due to drawings 0.832* 0.000

4. Factors due to construction 0.902* 0.000

5. Factors due to construction 0.813* 0.000

Factors leading to inspection
defects occurrence Factors due to construction 0.890*
6. 0.000
in construction of management
7. Factors due to construction 0.844* 0.000
8. Factors due to construction 0.605* 0.000

Factors leading to defects occurrence in Design of 0.959* 0.000
residential buildings
Factors leading to defects occurrence in 0.782* 0.000
construction of residential buildings
3.3.2 Reliability of the Questionnaire

The steadfastly questionnaire means to give this questionnaire the same result if the
questionnaire re-distributed more than once under the same circumstances and conditions,
or in other words, the stability of the questionnaire means stability in the results of the
questionnaire and not to change significantly as if it were re-distributed to individuals
several times during certain periods of time.

The less variation an instrument produces in repeated measurements of an attribute,

the higher its reliability. Reliability can be equated with the stability, consistency, or
dependability of a measuring tool. The test is repeated to the same sample of people on
two occasions and then compares the scores obtained by computing a reliability
coefficient (Polit and Hunger, 1985). Because it is difficult to repeat the test again, there
are two tests can be applied to the scouting sample in order to measure the consistency of
the questionnaire. The first test is the Half Split Method and the second is Cronbach's
Coefficient Alpha.

Table (3.8): Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient and Split-Half Coefficient

Number of Cronbach's Split-Half

# Factors groups
paragraphs Alpha Coefficient
1 Factors Factors due to 17 0.938 0.943
leading to structural design
2 defects Factors due to 8 0.908 0.918
occurrence consultant firm
in structural administration and
design of staff
3 residential Factors due to 4 0.875 0.932
buildings drawings
4 Factors Factors due to 13 0.928 0.915
leading to construction
5 defects Factors due to 4 0.873 0.928
occurrence construction inspection

6 in Factors due to 15 0.850 0.867
construction construction
of residential management
7 buildings Factors due to 9 0.933 0.937
construction materials
8 Factors due to 3 0.794 0.761
Factors leading to defects occurrence 29 0.952 0.978
in structural Design of residential
Factors leading to defects occurrence 44 0.939 0.956
in construction of residential
Total factors 73 0.952 0.975

The results shown in Table 3.8 show that the value of the Cronbach alpha is high for
total accuracy, as in Alpha Kronbach, 0.952, while in the Split-Half it was 0.975.

It is clear from the results shown in the table 3.8 that the value of Cronbach's alpha
coefficient are high for the axis of (Factors leading to defects occurrence in structural
design of residential buildings), ranging from (0.875-0.938), while the total for all areas
(Factors leading to defects occurrence in structural design of residential buildings) is
(0.952). Either by the way of Split-Half results were similar to the way of Alpha Kronbach
while the total for all areas (0.978). The value of Cronbach's alpha coefficient elevated to
the axis of the profitability of (Factors leading to defects occurrence in construction of
residential buildings) (0.939). But according to Split-Half way of (0.956).

Thus, the questionnaire with its final image as it is in Appendix (1) and Appendix (2)
is available for distribution. The questionnaire was translated to Arabic language in order
be easy understood and answered by the respondents. The researcher may be sure of the
reliability and validity of a questionnaire study, making him confident with the truth and
suitability of the questionnaire to analyze the results and to answer questions of the study
and testing of hypotheses.

3.4 Normal Distribution Test

Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to test whether the data follow the normal
distribution or not, and the results were as shown in Table 3.9.

Table (3.9): Normality Distribution Test

N. (Sig.)
Factors groups
# items Smirnov Z
1 Factors leading Factors due to structural 17 0.609 0.852
to defects design
2 occurrence in Factors due to consultant 8 1.019 0.250
structural firm administration and staff
3 Design of Factors due to drawings 4 0.901 0.391
4 Factors leading Factors due to structural 13 0.769 0.595
to defects construction
5 occurrence in Factors due to construction 4 1.213 0.105
construction of inspection
6 residential Factors due to construction 15 1.183 0.122
buildings management
7 Factors due to construction 9 1.084 0.191
8 Factors due to construction 3 1.288 0.072
Factors leading to defects occurrence in 29 0.784 0.571
structural Design of residential buildings
Factors leading to defects occurrence in 44 1.139 0.149
construction of residential buildings
Total factors 73 1.105 0.174

It is obvious from the results shown in Table (3.9) that the p-value (Sig.) to all fields
of the study was greater than the level of significance (0.05), therefore the distribution is
normally for each field, so parametric tests will be used to answer the study questions.

3.5 Statistical Analysis Tools

To achieve the study aim and objectives, both qualitative and quantitative data analysis
methods were used. The statistical package for the Social Science (SPSS) was used for analyzing
the data. The following statistical tools were utilized:

1) Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of Normality.

2) Pearson correlation coefficient for Validity.

3) Cronbach's Alpha for Reliability Statistics.

4) Split-Half Coefficient

5) Frequency and Descriptive analysis.

6) One-sample T test.

7) Independent samples t test.

8) One-way ANOVA.

Chapter 4
Data Analysis and

Chapter 4

Data Analysis and Discussion

4.1 Introduction

This chapter contains a brief analysis of the data, discussions of the analysis results
and hypothesis's test, by answering questions about the study and review the most
prominent results of the questionnaire, which were reached through paragraphs of
analysis, and the stand on the variables of the study, which included the (Job title, Years
of experience for Engineer, Educational qualification, Number of residential buildings that
you have designed, Number of residential buildings that you have supervised,
Classification of the office according to engineers association, Number of residential
buildings that the office has designed, Number of residential buildings that the office has
supervised), so a statistical treatment of the data collected from a questionnaire study was
done, by the use of statistical packages for Social Studies (SPSS) program to get the results
of the study that will be presented and analyzed in this chapter.

4.2 The Statistical Description of the Study Sample According to the General

4.2.1 Personal Information

The following are the characteristics of the study sample according to the personal
information of the respondents. Figure 4.1 illustrates that 108 respondents of a percent of
80.6% filled up the questionnaires completely, while 26 of them of a percent of 19.4% did
not response well to the questionnaires, which considered a missing forms. In addition,
through figure 4.2, it is clear that 50.00% of Job title of the respondents are Supervisor /
Site Engineer, 35.19% are Design Engineer, and 14.81% are Project Managers. Therefore,
the majority of the questionnaire respondents are supervisor engineer in the first rank, the
second are design engineers and the rest of them are projects manager, which will be
useful as indicator to how these respondents dealt before with residential buildings design
and construction process in Gaza Strip.

Response Percent of Questionnires



Complete questionnaires Missing questionnaires (not answered)

2Figure (4. 1): Questionnaires Response Percentage

Job Title Percentages

Job Title

Job Title

Job Title

Project Manager Supervisor / Site Engineer Design Engineer

3Figure (4. 2): Job Title Percentage

Table (4.1): The Statistical Description of the Study Sample According to the General

Years of experiences Frequency Percentage

Less than 5 years 10 9.26%
(5-10) years 38 35.18%
(10-15) years 30 27.78%
15 years and more 30 27.78%
Total 108 100.00%
Qualifications Frequency Percentage
Bachelor degree 82 75.93%
Master degree 24 22.22%
Ph.D. degree 2 1.85%
Total 108 100.00%
Number of residential buildings designed Frequency Percentage
Less than 10 42 38.89%
10-20 22 20.37%
20-30 4 3.70%
30 and Over 40 37.04%
Total 108 100.0%
Number of residential buildings Frequency Percentage
Less than 10 23 21.30%
10-20 24 22.22%
20-30 8 7.41%
30 and Over 53 49.07%
Total 108 100.00%
Office classification Frequency Percentage
Engineering office “B” 5 4.63%
Engineering office “A” 21 19.45%
Consultant Office 56 51.85%
Don’t know 26 24.07
Total 108 100.00%

Years of office experience Frequency Percentage
Less than 10 8 7.40%
From 10 years to less than 20 years 8 7.40%
From 20 years to less than 30years 22 20.37%
30 years and Over 51 47.22%
Don’t know 19 17.59%
Total 108 100.00%
Number of residential buildings the office Frequency Percentage
Less than 10 2 1.85%
(10-20) 4 3.70%
(20-30) 23 21.30%
30 and more 2 1.85%
Don’t know 77 71.30
Total 108 100.0
Number of residential buildings the office Frequency Percentage
Less than 10 0 0.00%
(10-20) 6 5.56%
(20-30) 23 21.30%
30 and more 0 0.00%
Don’t know 79 73.15%
Total 108 100.00%

It is clear from Table 4.1 that 8.3% of the respondents have less than 5 years of
experience, 35.18% have from 5 years to less than 10 years of experience, 27.78% have
from 10 years to less than 15 years and 27.78% have from 15 years and more. These
indicates the majority of the respondents have the well experience that make them more
related and interested to the study topic.

About the respondents educational qualification, Table 4.1 shows that 75.93% of them
have a bachelor degree, 22.22% have a master degree and the rest 1.85% have a Ph.D.

degree that indicates the majority of the respondents was the bachelor holders whom are
the most related to the study topic.

also it is clear from Table 4.1 that 38.89% of the respondents have designed less than
10 residential buildings, 20.37% have designed from 10 to less than 30 residential
buildings, 3.70% from 20 to less than 30 residential buildings and the rest 37.07 % from
30 and more. Therefore, there was a good percentage of engineers whom working in the
field of residential buildings design, which was helpful in understanding the related
questionnaire paragraphs.

In addition, Table 4.1 shows that 21.30 % of the respondents have supervised the
construction of less than 10 residential buildings , 22.22% of them have supervised from
10 to less than 20 residential buildings, 7.41% have from 20 to less than 30 residential
buildings and the rest 49.07% of the respondents have supervised from 30 and Over.
Therefore, there was a good percentage of engineers whom working in the field of
buildings supervision which was helpful in understanding the related questionnaire

4.2.2 Information about the Engineering Design/Consultant Office in Which the

Respondents are Working for

Through table 4.1 which shows that 4.63% of the respondents are working for
engineering offices of class B, 19.45% of them are working for offices of class A, 51.85%
of them are working for consultant offices and the rest 27.07% are don’t work for
engineering office or don’t know what it is the classification of the office according to
engineers association. Also It is clear from table 4.1 that 7.40 % of the respondents are
working for engineering offices of experience less than 10 years, 7.40% of them are
working for offices of experience from 10 years to less than 20 years, 20.37% of them are
working for offices of experience from 20 to less than 30 years, 47.22 of them are working
for offices of experience from 30 years and over and the rest 17.59% of the respondents
don’t working for engineering offices or don’t know the years of experience of the office
where they are working for.

The table 4.1 shows that 1.85% of the respondents are working for engineering office
that have designed less than 10 residential buildings, 3.70% of them are working for
offices that have designed from 10 to less than 20 residential buildings, 21.30% of them
are working for offices that have designed from 20 to less than 30 residential buildings,
1.85% working for offices have designed from 30 and over of residential buildings and
the rest 71.30% are do not know about the number of residential buildings have been
designed by the offices where they are working for. And it is clear from the table 4.1 none
of the respondents are working for engineering office that have supervised construction
of less than 10 residential buildings, 5.56% of them are working for offices that have
supervised from 10 to less than 20 residential buildings, 21.30% of them are working for
offices that have supervised from 20 to less than 30 residential buildings, none of them
are working for offices have supervised from 30 and over of residential buildings and the
rest 73.15% are do not know about the number of residential buildings have been
supervised by the offices where they are working for.

4.3 Analysis Results of All Paragraphs and Factors of the Questionnaire

To analyze the questionnaire paragraphs, the parametric test was used (one sample T.
test) to see the mean scores of the response. Where a Class (3) – do not know - is
considered as neutrality response, the less than class (3) response is considered as low
approval response (disagree, strongly disagree) and the greater than class (3) response
(agree, strongly agree) is considered as significantly approval response. As shown in Table

Table (4.2): Degrees Approved By (One Sample T. Test) for One Sample

Low approval Moderately approval Significantly approval

Significance level is less Significance level is greater Significance level is less
than 0.05 than the 0.05 than 0.05
Average <overall average Average or close to the Mediterranean> overall
supposed (3) overall average is assumed average supposed (3)

4.3.1 Analysis and Discussion of the Factors Affecting the Structural Design
of Residential Buildings in Gaza Strip

Under this section, the results of analysis are supposed to achieve the aim of the study
in addition to the first and second objectives of the research, which are:

 Factors affecting the defects occurrence in the structural design stage of the
residential buildings in Gaza Strip
 Degree of effect of those factors in the structural design of residential buildings
in Gaza Strip.

Three main group design factors were derived after reviewing the literature and the
pilot study, which are:

1- Factors due to structural design

2- Factors due to consultant firm administration and staff
3- Factors due to drawings

Each main factor of them have a list of sub-factors in which the respondents put their
opinions about the importance of each one in contributing of defects occurrence during
design stage of residential buildings in Gaza Strip. T test was used to determine the
average response to all paragraphs, the results are shown in the following tables:

For factors due to structural design through Table 4.3, it is clear that the arithmetic
mean of all the paragraphs was larger than the overall average (3) Therefore, there were
significant differences. The total relative weight was 73.9%, the mean was 3.69 and the
standard deviation of 0.74.

Table (4.3): Statistical Characteristics for the Main Factor of Factors Due to Structural

The value of
The relative

P- Value

the test

# Factors due to structural design

Non-compliance with the requirements

1- 3.73 1.27 74.60 4.41 0.00 11
of design codes and theirs updates
Ignoring soil investigation or Poor soil
2- investigation leads to wrong selection of 4.22 1.00 84.40 9.36 0.00 1
foundation type of the building
Ignoring environmental, weather
3- condition, biological and chemical 3.00 1.17 60.00 0.00 1.00 17
Ignoring building locations such as
4- 3.27 1.13 65.40 1.85 0.07 14
buildings located near the sea.
Ignoring lateral loads effects (winds and
5- 3.39 1.05 67.80 2.85 0.01 13
6- Exceeding allowable deflection limits 3.91 1.01 78.20 6.87 0.00 6
Ignoring dynamic loads impact on
7- structure stability such as generators, air 3.00 1.11 60.00 0.00 1.00 16
conditions and elevators.
Ignoring design of expansion,
8- contraction, settlement joint and special 3.88 0.97 77.60 7.01 0.00 9
construction joint.
Inadequate concrete cover on
9- 4.07 1.02 81.40 8.08 0.00 2
Improperly locating conduits and pipe
10- 3.90 0.98 78.00 7.06 0.00 7
openings at critical structural locations
Insufficient sizing of structural elements
such as reducing the size of columns, the
11- 3.98 1.20 79.60 6.31 0.00 3
size of reinforcement bars and
Misjudgment in design leading to
assumptions or decisions that are not
12- 3.64 0.89 72.80 5.58 0.00 12
consistent with the actual behavior of the
A roof design without inverted beams,
13- 3.86 1.14 77.20 5.84 0.00 10
which allows water intrusion.
Inadequate slab types and loading ways
14- 3.97 1.03 79.40 7.18 0.00 4
without taking into consideration codes

rules especially in long spans and
Designing residential buildings away
15- from municipality’s conditions and 3.90 1.30 78.00 5.32 0.00 8
engineering association rules.
Lack of technical specification
16- 3.93 1.09 78.60 6.50 0.00 5
references for residential buildings.
17- Not defining adequate materials. 3.16 1.17 63.20 1.01 0.32 15
Factors due to structural design 3.69 0.74 73.90 7.26 0.00
From the above table it is clear that the first place was for the second paragraph which
is ignoring soil investigation or poor soil investigation leads to wrong selection of
foundation type of the building which was ranked firstly with a relative weight of 84.4%,
which indicates the great importance of soil investigation of the residential building site
before performing the design process of the building especially for foundation design
process to ensure an adequate foundation type choice for the building in which the
unknown or unwanted settlement, cracking and unseen behavior of the building can be
prevented. In addition, the soil investigation culture is absent in most of buildings projects
in Gaza Strip due to its cost and absence of regulation that oblige the owners to perform
it. Whereas poor soil condition factor according to waziri (2016) was considered with
other two factors as the most important factors affecting the building maintenance from
the consultant perspective.

In the second place was the factor of Inadequate concrete cover on reinforcement with
a relative weight of 81.40%, which is also an important factor during the design stage,
sometimes designers ignore the adequate concrete cover for each of the structural elements
in order to achieve the required area of reinforcement and diameters. This factor agreed
with Assaf et al. (1996) which was considered according to their results as one of the most
severe defects during the structural design stage.

The third and the forth places were to the factor of insufficient sizing of structural
elements such as reducing the size of columns, the size of reinforcement bars and
foundations and factor of inadequate slab types and loading ways without taking into
consideration codes rules especially in long spans and cantilevers with a relative weights
79.60 and 79.40 respectively which can be shortened in a factor of inadequate structure

design that agreed with Assaf et al. (1996) study results in structural design defects where
was ranked as the second most severe of all defects by the owners, in addition waziri
(2016) in his results showed poor structural design factor as one of the most significant
factors due to consultants and clients.

Another important factor ranked as the fifth place with a relative weight of 78.60%,
which is lack of technical specification references for residential buildings, technical
specifications and standards for residential buildings are absent and does not exist in Gaza

In addition, the eighth ranked factor, which is, designing residential buildings away
from municipality’s conditions and engineering association rules with a relative weight of
78%, was considered as an important factor also because any design process away from
the engineering associations and municipality rules and conditions will lead to defects
occurrence during the construction process. No one in literature review considered this
important factor.

The last ranked factor in this group was, ignoring environmental, weather condition,
biological and chemical attacks was with a relative weight 60.0%, which indicates that
these factors does not have a significant effects from Gazans engineers perspectives and
this may be because there is not an extreme or severe environmental, weather condition,
biological and chemical attacks occur in Gaza Strip particularly. Whereas Sivanathanet al.
(2012) and Assaf et al. (1996) considered these factors as an important factor affecting
buildings maintenance.

The rest of factors were ranked according to their importance for residential buildings
sector where some of them appears less important in this sector as ignoring design of
expansion, contraction, settlement joint and special construction joint, misjudgment in
design leading to assumptions or decisions that are not consistent with the actual behavior
of the structure, ignoring lateral loads effects winds and earthquakes and ignoring dynamic
loads impact on structure stability such as generators, air conditions and elevators, because
the prevalent form of residential buildings in Gaza Strip is very simple, with a small

limited area and consisting of five or six stories and not permissible to be more. However,
for sure these factors are axial and very important for other huge and tall buildings.

For factors due to consultant firm administration and staff through Table 4.4, it
is clear that the arithmetic mean of all the paragraphs of the field of was larger than the
overall average (3) Therefore, there were significant differences. The total relative weight
was 80.27%, the mean was 4.01 and the standard deviation of 0.74.

Table (4.4): Statistical Characteristics for the Main Factor of Factors Due to Consultant
Firm Administration and Staff

The relative

The value
of the test

P- Value

Factors due to consultant firm
administration and staff

1- Lack of QA/QC program during 4.09 0.96 81.80 8.61 0.00 4

2- Poor technical updating or staff 3.98 0.92 79.60 8.22 0.00 5
3- Decision that is not in accordance 3.78 1.04 75.60 5.79 0.00 6
with codes.
4- Poor or Lack of engineering 4.52 0.82 90.40 14.06 0.00 1
supervision on construction of
residential buildings or unqualified
5- Hiring unqualified designers. 4.27 0.78 85.40 12.45 0.00 2
6- Poor structural designers’ filed 4.15 0.93 83.00 9.57 0.00 3
experience and technical background.
7- Design buildings that do not work as 3.76 1.07 75.20 5.46 0.00 7
intended by the owner (making drop
beams, place and size of columns
.etc.) which lead to change in design
without consulting the engineer.
8- Poor communication between the 3.61 1.03 72.20 4.53 0.00 8
design firm and the owner.
Factors due to consultant firm 4.01 0.74 80.27 10.50 0.00
administration and staff
It is clear that from table 4.4, the first place was for the fourth paragraph which is poor
or lack of engineering supervision on construction of residential buildings or unqualified

supervision that was ranked firstly with a relative weight of 90.4% and this implies that
the importance of existing of a qualified supervision from the consultant party to ensure
the well construction process of the residential buildings and the well complying to
specifications and also indicates the absence of supervision in most of residential buildings
projects in Gaza Strip. This result agreed with many researches results as Waziri (2016),
Ahzahar et al. (2011), Bagdiya1 and Wadalka, (2015), etc.

The second, the third and the fifth ranked factors were factors of hiring unqualified
designers, Poor structural designers’ filed experience and technical background and poor
technical updating or staff training with relative weights 85.40 %, 83 %, 79.6 %
respectively, which they are a very important factors. Unqualified and less experienced
engineers working in buildings design sectors will result in poor design and this agreed
with (Assaf et al, 1996) results.

Lack of QA/QC program during design factor is an important factor also where ranked
in the fourth place. QA/QC systems and programs are absent in the most of engineering
offices and consultants parties in Gaza Strip unfortunately in which existing of these
systems will contribute in preventing defects and errors occurrence during designing of
buildings and enhancing the overall design process.

The last ranked factor in this group was the factor of poor communication between the
design firm and the owner with a relative weight of 72.2%. From Gazans engineers’
perspective the poor communication was considered the less significant factor which
implies that there is a well communication between them.

The rest of factors in this group were ranked according to their importance for residential
buildings, which were, decision that is not in accordance with codes and design buildings
that do not work as intended by the owner. Sometimes designer’s decisions conflict with
design code conditions and rules, which lead to improper design with possibility to defects

For factors due to drawings through the Table 4.5, it is clear that the arithmetic
mean of all the paragraphs was larger than the overall average (3) Therefore, there were

significant differences. The total relative weight was 79.58%, the mean was 3.98 and the
standard deviation of 0.92.

Table (4.5): Statistical Characteristics for the Main Factor of Factors Due to Drawings

The value of
The relative

P- Value

the test

# Factors due to drawings

1- Lack of references and details in 3.92 1.02 78.40 6.88 0.00 3

drawings (cross sections, detailed
sections and incomplete detail
2- Conflicts between architectural and 4.10 1.05 82.00 8.09 0.00 1
structural drawings.
3- Defects in drawing of construction 4.05 1.02 81.00 7.88 0.00 2
drawings (dimensions, scales,
reinforcement bars diameters,
conflict details...etc.).
4- Inability to read the drawings due to 3.85 1.13 77.00 5.78 0.00 4
language, symbols and scales.
Factors due to drawings 3.98 0.92 79.58 8.20 0.00

It is noticed from the above table that the most important factor in drawing factors
group was, conflicts between architectural and structural drawings, which ranked firstly
with a relative weight of 82%. Conflicts between drawings are usually defects causative
especially in the structural elements and it is a common problem facing engineers during
construction. Conflict details defects agreed with results of Assaf et al (1996) study, which
was considered the most severe factor from the owner’s perspective. In addition, to
considering it as most significant defect from the contractors perspectives according to
Waziri (2016) study results.

The second and third ranked factors were, defects in drawing of construction drawings
(dimensions, scales, reinforcement bars diameters, conflict details...etc.) and Lack of
references and details in drawings (cross sections, detailed sections and incomplete detail
drawings). For sure, they are very important factors affecting defects occurrence because
any defects in structural drawings without making an attention to it during implementation

will results in defects during construction. In addition, the lack of details in the drawings
make the contractors in confusion when implement these drawings and may results in
wrong guess of details, which leads to defects occurrence, this is also assured by Assaf et
al. (1996) and Waziri (2016) in their study results.

The last ranked factor was, inability to read the drawings due to language, symbols
and scales, in spite of this factor ranked at last according to Gazans engineers, it is
considered an important factor because the contractors who implement the residential
buildings are traditional and simple contractors and they are not always a formal company
contractors, so it is necessary from designers to produce a simple and readable drawings
to this class of contractors.

By comparing the relative weights of the three main group factors of the factors
affecting the defects occurrence in the structural design stage of the residential
buildings in Gaza Strip through the Table (4.6), it is clear that the arithmetic mean of
all the paragraphs of the field was larger than the overall average (3) Therefore, there
were significant differences. It was found that the rank of the importance of each main
factor from the most to the less important factor as following:

1. Factors due to consultant firm administration and staff

2. Factors due to drawings
3. Factors due to structural design

Where, factors due consultant firm administration and staff were in the first place with
a relative weight of 80.27 %, which is logical because a good staff and good
administrations lead to good products. The drawings factors were in the second place with
a relative weight of 79.58 %, the design drawings are significant because it is the final
seen product of the design process in which the contractor will construct the building
according. In addition, the structural design factors were in the third place with a relative
weight of 73.90 % according to respondents as show in Table 4.6

Table (4.6): Statistical Characteristics for Factors Leading to Defects Occurrence in
structural Design of Residential Buildings

The value of
The relative

P- Value

the test
Factors leading to defects


# occurrence in structural design
stage of residential buildings

1- Factors due to structural design 3.69 0.74 73.90 7.26 0.00 3

2- Factors due to consultant firm 4.01 0.74 80.27 10.50 0.00 1
administration and staff
3- Factors due to drawings 3.98 0.92 79.58 8.20 0.00 2
Factors leading to defects 3.90 0.72 77.91 9.58 0.00
occurrence in structural design of
residential buildings

4.3.2 Analysis and Discussion of the Factors Affecting the Construction of

Residential Buildings in Gaza Strip

Under this section, the results of analysis are supposed to achieve the aim of the study
in addition to the second and third objective of the research, which are:

 Factors affecting the defects occurrence in the construction stage of the

residential buildings in Gaza Strip.
 Degree of effect of those factors in the construction stages of residential buildings
in Gaza Strip.

Five main group factors affecting the construction stage were derived after reviewing
the literature and the pilot study, which they are:

1- Factors due to construction

2- Factors due to construction inspection
3- Factors due to construction management
4- Factors due to construction materials
5- Factors due to construction equipment

Each main factor of them have a list of sub-factors in which the respondents put their
opinions about the importance of each one in contributing of defects occurrence during
the construction stage of residential buildings in Gaza Strip.

For factors due to construction through the Table 4.7, it is clear that the arithmetic
mean of all the paragraphs was larger than the overall average (3) Therefore, there were
significant differences. The total axis relative weight reached 82.4%, the mean was 4.12
and the standard deviation of 0.74.

Table (4.7): The Statistical Characteristics for the Main Factor of Factors Due to

The value of
The relative

P- Value

the test

# Factors due to construction

1- Misinterpretation of design leading to 4.10 0.96 82.00 8.82 0.00 9

wrong construction.
2- Inaccurate dimension projection and 4.32 0.84 86.40 12.10 0.00 5
3- Damaged or weak formwork due to 4.34 0.84 86.80 12.20 0.00 4
multi use of formwork timber.
4- Exceeding the allowable limits of 4.38 0.72 87.60 14.56 0.00 2
verticality of the structural elements.
5- Ignoring isolation works for buried 3.76 1.32 75.20 4.45 0.00 11
parts of concrete (footings, ground
beams and walls).
6- Poor roof water drainage system or 4.00 1.19 80.00 6.46 0.00 10
without foam concrete for water
drainage slopes and without isolation
works for roof.
7- Insufficient reinforcement concrete 4.39 1.02 87.80 10.49 0.00 3
8- Cold joints especially in concrete 4.27 0.91 85.40 10.77 0.00 8
casting due to late concrete arrival.
9- Loss in adhesion between concrete and 3.56 1.13 71.20 3.79 0.00 12
finishing materials due to oil painting of
formworks timber or soft faces.
10- Early formwork removal. 4.31 0.92 86.20 10.83 0.00 7

11- Poor soil compaction or backfilling 4.41 0.93 88.20 11.61 0.00 1
without compaction and layers.
12- Inadequate water curing of different 4.31 0.79 86.20 12.64 0.00 6
concrete and finishing works.
13- Overloading of building during 3.47 1.13 69.40 3.15 0.00 13
construction stage.
14- Factors due to construction 4.12 0.74 82.40 11.60 0.00
From the above table it is shown that poor soil compacting factor was in the first rank
with a relative weight of 88.20 % and this is very logical because most of backfilling
processes in construction stage of residential buildings in Gaza Strip are executed without
real compaction or with poor compaction, which lead to unwanted settlement in the future.

Exceeding the allowable limits of verticality of the structural elements factor was in
the second place with a relative weight of 87.60 %. The well verticality of the structure
elements is very important to prevent cumulative exceeded deviation about the vertical
axis to more than the allowable limits, which appears in the figure of the building and may
generates a destructive moment causing overturning of the tall building.

Insufficient reinforcement concrete cover factor was in the third place of importance,
which agreed with Assaf et al. (1996) and Al-Farra (2011) results. Sometimes, during
construction of the residential buildings and in absence of engineers the reinforcement
concrete cover of different structural elements is neglected from the contractors or labors
for the sake of putting their reinforcement bars well which cause a further defects in the
building structural elements such a steel appearance then a steel corrosion.

In the fourth and fifth places were factors of damaged or weak formwork due to multi
use of formwork timber, and inaccurate dimension projection and measurement with
relative weights of 86.80 % and 86.40 % respectively. Damaged formwork factor was one
of the least important factor according to Waziri (2016) and Assaf et al. (1996) however,
it was considered significant according to Dahanayake & Ramachandra (2016) where
most of the defects such as alignment issues and bulging of columns, beams and slabs are
due to inadequate formwork according to their research findings. Inaccurate or wrong
projecting of measurements and dimensions, as columns axis will cause defects.

Another factors ranked in the top also were Inadequate concrete curing, early
formwork removal and the cold joints with relative weights of 86.20 %, 86.20 % and
85.40% respectively. These factors are so important during construction stages; concrete
will not be reach the intended strength without proper curing. In addition, the too early
formwork removal may cause failure of the structure especially for long spans beams or
causing unwanted deflection and the cold joint during concrete casting results in improper
adhesive between fresh concrete and casted concrete causing cracks or water leakage
problems further. These factors were the least important factors according to Assaf et al.

The rest of factors were ranked as less importance by respondents as shown in the
table 4.7, but there was an important factor that ranked in the tenth place which is, poor
roof water drainage system or without foam concrete for water drainage slopes and
without isolation works for roof. Inadequate waterproofing and drainage factor was
considered by Assaf et al. (1996) results as a moderately sever factor from the owners and
contractors perspectives. In the most of residential buildings in Gaza Strip, the roof
isolation is neglected by the owners due to finance issues or due to implementation of the
whole buildings not in one stage.

In the last place was the factor of overloading of building during construction stage
with the least importance and relative weight of 69.4%. Overloading is not a significant
factor during construction process of residential buildings because every loads during
construction are normal and within the allowable loads range.

For factors due to construction inspection through the Table 4.8, it is clear that
the arithmetic mean of all the paragraphs was larger than the largest overall average (3)
Therefore, there were significant differences. The relative weight of the total axis reached
84.75%, the mean was 4.24 and the standard deviation of 0.80.

Table (4.8): Statistical Characteristics for the Main Factor of Factors Due to Construction

The relative

The value
of the test

P- Value

Factors due to construction

1- Lack of inspection and material testing. 4.24 0.84 84.80 11.35 0.00 3
2- Unqualified inspector especially in 4.02 1.01 80.40 7.75 0.00 4
concrete cube preparing.
3- Proponent (owner) negligence of the 4.41 0.85 88.20 12.66 0.00 1
importance of inspection.
4- Neglecting inspection results and their 4.29 0.91 85.80 10.86 0.00 2
recommendations in implementing
corrective actions during job execution
Factors due to construction 4.24 0.80 84.75 11.85 0.00
From the above table and in the first and the third places were the factors of proponent
(owner) negligence of the importance of inspection and lack of inspection and material
testing with relative weights of 88.20 % and 84.80% respectively. The importance of
inspecting during construction agreed with Bagdiya and Wadalka (2015). Most of
residential buildings construction processes in Gaza Strip are executed without materials
inspection and there is no attention from the owner or the contractors to inspection which
may open the doors to using fraud and deception by using material don’t conform to the

On the other hand, if the inspection exists, sometime the owners or contractors neglect
the inspection results as ranked in the second place with a relative weight of 85.80 % and
sometimes the inspector being unqualified of the importance of inspection as ranked at
last and this agreed with Assaf et al (1996) results which considering this factor as one of
the least important factors.

For factors due to construction management through the Table 4.9, it is clear that
the arithmetic mean of all paragraphs was larger than the overall average (3) Therefore,
there were significant differences. The relative weight of the total axis reached 79.36%,
the mean was 3.97 and the standard deviation of 0.5.

Table 4.9: Statistical Characteristics for the Main Factor of Factors Due to Construction

The value of
The relative

P- Value

the test

Factors due to construction

1. Lack of QA/QC program during 4.15 0.91 83.00 9.77 0.00 4

2. Poor or unqualified workmanships. 3.98 0.99 79.60 7.62 0.00 9
3. Inability to read the drawings. 3.90 1.11 78.00 6.22 0.00 10
4. Competition between companies that 3.80 0.98 76.00 6.25 0.00 12
leads to accept the bid with low margin
of profit, which affect the quality of
5. Not complying with specification and 4.41 0.80 88.20 13.54 0.00 2
engineer instructions.
6. Communication gap between 3.71 0.97 74.20 5.66 0.00 13
contractors and design professionals.
7. Corruption. 4.10 0.79 82.00 10.67 0.00 5
8. Ignorance or insufficient knowledge 4.03 0.87 80.60 9.12 0.00 6
of the methods of implementation and
supporting of high slabs , drop beams
and concrete walls
9. Absent of engineer in most of 4.44 0.86 88.80 12.92 0.00 1
construction phases.
10. Speedy completion or poor quality 4.07 0.81 81.40 10.17 0.00 7
11. Multinational construction 3.25 1.01 65.00 1.93 0.06 15
12. Poor or wrong decisions. 3.88 0.87 77.60 7.76 0.00 11
13. Poor rectification processes of wrong 4.02 0.76 80.40 10.18 0.00 8
works and failed concrete elements
14. Human side interventions and 3.66 0.84 73.20 6.02 0.00 14
expression of opinion without
15. Cumulative errors 4.16 0.64 83.20 13.67 0.00 3
Factors due to construction 3.97 0.56 79.36 13.18 0.00
It is clear from the above table that the factor of absent of engineer in most of
construction phases was in the first place with relative weigh of 88.80%, absent of

engineer during construction means absent of specification, absent of quality control and
absent of well construction. The importance of this factor agreed with many researchers
such, Waziri (2016), Ahzahar et al. (2011) etc.

Not complying with specification and engineer instructions and lack of QA/QC
program during construction were two important factors ranked second and forth with
relative weights of 88.20 % and 83 % respectively. Working away from specifications is
a most significant defect factor because the specification ensure a well construction
process without any probable defects. QA/QC programs are absent in the most of
buildings processes in Gaza Strip and the presence of these systems is very important to
ensure the well quality of the final product and to ensure reaching to the well quality
through applying of their approaches.

The third ranked factor was cumulative errors factor with relative weight of 83.20 %.
Sometimes a small error not taken into consideration lead to a big problem by cumulating
on it such as the vertical alignment, elevation errors, projection errors, columns axis errors

Corruption and Poor or unqualified workmanship factors were ranked fifth and ninth
with relative weights of 82 % and 79.60 %. These two important factors are main factors
leading to defects occurrence during the construction stage, unqualified or corrupted
workmanship affect the overall construction process either quality or safety. The
importance of corruption factor agreed with Ahzahar et al. (2011) results and the
importance of workmanships factor agreed with Waziri (2016), Bagdiya1 and Wadalka,
(2015), Cogurcu (2015), Chong and Low (2006), Dahanayake & Ramachandra )2016( etc.
The rest other factors may have a less effect according respondents perspectives during
construction process of residential buildings in Gaza Strip.

The last ranked factor in this group was the factor of multinational construction
experience with relative weight of 65%. In Gaza Strip there is no multinational workers
and the methods of construction are well known to the most of construction workers.

For the factors due to construction materials tthrough the Table 4.10, it is clear
that the arithmetic mean of all paragraphs was larger than the overall average (3)
Therefore, there were significant differences. The relative weight of the total axis reached
85.05%, the mean 4.25 and the standard deviation of 0.62.

Table 4.10: The Statistical Characteristics for the Main Factor of Factors Due to
Construction Materials

The value of
The relative

P- Value

the test

Factors due to construction

1. Material failure or component failure 4.38 0.90 87.60 11.74 0.00 2

2. Poor storage of construction 4.24 0.80 84.80 11.95 0.00 6
materials and exposure to weather
3. Selection of material that is 3.83 0.94 76.60 6.71 0.00 9
unsuitable for existing climatic
4. Using materials not of acceptable 4.34 0.72 86.80 14.33 0.00 4
quality and do not conform to the
specifications or design.
5. Using of expired material (cement). 4.41 0.90 88.20 11.98 0.00 1
6. Using of corroded steel or second- 4.36 1.02 87.20 10.16 0.00 3
hand reinforcement steel.
7. Erosion of mortar joint in mason 4.07 0.88 81.40 9.30 0.00 8
8. Lack of using sulphate resistance 4.21 0.79 84.20 11.64 0.00 7
cement in areas, which exposed to
sulphate attack.
9. Using inadequate concrete mix 4.34 0.75 86.80 13.45 0.00 5
design for structural elements.
Factors due to construction 4.25 0.62 85.05 15.54 0.00
From the above table it is clear that the factor of using of expired materials as cement
was in the first place and the factor of using of corroded steel or second-hand
reinforcement steel was in the third place with relative weight of 88.20% and 87.20%. it
is noticed that the quality of the construction materials (cement, steel…etc.) are the most

important factors in this group due to respondents, for sure using expired materials like
cement in construction or corroded steel will lead to defects occurrence in concrete
elements and this agreed with Assaf et al. (1996) and Ahzahar et al. (2011) results.

The second, fourth and sixth places were to factors of material failure or component
failure, using materials not of acceptable quality and do not conform to the specifications
or design, and poor storage of construction materials and exposure to weather conditions
with relative weights 87.60%, 86.80%, 84.80% respectively. These factors also a
significant during construction process, materials failure or materials of not of acceptable
quality will definitely causes defects and failure of the structure. Poor storage will lead to
material expiring or material failure. The importance of these factors agreed with the
results of Assaf et al. (1996).

In the fifth place, the factor of using inadequate concrete mix design for structural
elements with relative weight of 86.80%. This factor is significant also in concrete
elements, using of inadequate concrete mix in some structural elements will weaken these
elements and affect the strength of them in tolerating the applied loads and may lead to
failure of these elements. Assaf et al. (1996) results assured that also. The rest factors were
ranked as table 4.10 according to their importance in construction process from the
respondents’ perspectives.

The last ranked factor in this group was the factor of selection of material that is
unsuitable for existing climatic conditions with relative weight of 76.60%. This factor had
the least importance because of there is not severe climate condition in Gaza Strip.

For the factors due to construction equipment through the Table 4.11, it is clear
that the arithmetic mean of all paragraphs was larger than the overall average (3)
Therefore, there were significant differences. The relative weight of the total axis reached
83.28%, the mean was 4.16, and the standard deviation of 0.66.

Table (4.11): The Statistical Characteristics for the Main Factor o Factors Due to
Construction Equipment

The value of
The relative

P- Value

the test

Factors due to construction

1- Improper use of equipment (compactor, 3.98 0.82 79.60 9.21 0.00 3

concrete pump, vibrator, concrete
mixer, drill, plumb bob ...etc.)
2- Inadequate performance of equipment 4.20 0.69 84.00 13.41 0.00 2
(compactor, concrete pump, vibrator,
concrete mixer, drill...etc.)
3- Lack of required equipment (vibrator, 4.31 0.88 86.20 11.44 0.00 1
drill, mixer, compactor, cutting disk,
plumb bob ...etc.)
Factors due to construction 4.16 0.66 83.28 13.50 0.00
It is clear from table 4.11 that the first place was to the factor of lack of required
equipment, the second place to the factor of inadequate performance of equipment and the
third place to the factor of improper use of equipment with relative weights of 86.20%,
84%, 79.60% respectively. The construction equipment as concrete pumps, concrete
mixers, vibrator, compactor... etc. are very important factors affecting the defects
occurrence, the absence of these tools will leads to improper construction process
especially during concrete casting or soil backfilling. Assaf et al. (1996) and Waziri (2016)
results assured also the importance of construction equipment factors.

By comparing the relative weights of the five main group factors of the factors
affecting the defects occurrence in the construction stage of the residential buildings
in Gaza Strip through the Table (412), it is clear that the arithmetic mean of all
paragraphs was larger than the overall average (3) Therefore, there were significant
differences. It was found that the rank of the importance of each main factor from the most
to the less important factor as following:

1. Factors due to construction materials

2. Factors due to construction inspection
3. Factors due to construction equipment
4. Factors due to construction
5. Factors due to construction management

It is clear that factors due construction materials were ranked firstly with a relative
weight of 85.05%. This result agreed with (Ahzahar et. al., 2011) study results which is
logical because the mainstay of the construction process is the materials, materials with
well quality will lead to well construction process and vice versa. The absence of
inspection process in the most of residential buildings’ construction process in Gaza Strip
makes it an important factor, which ranked second with relative weight of 84.75%. In
addition, construction equipment factors were in ranked third with relative weight of
83.28%, construction equipment associated to construction materials in importance. The
fourth and fifth places were to construction factors and construction management factors
with relative weights of 82.40% and 79.36 % respectively, they were the least important
factors when comparing with the other first ranked factors however, they are very
important for themselves.

Table (4.12): The Statistical Characteristics for Factors Leading to Defects Occurrence in
Construction of Residential Buildings
The value of
The relative

P- Value

the test

Factors leading to defects occurrence Rank

in construction of residential buildings

1- Factors due to construction 4.12 0.74 82.40 11.60 0.00 4

2- Factors due to construction inspection 4.24 0.80 84.75 11.85 0.00 2
3- Factors due to construction management 3.97 0.56 79.36 13.18 0.00 5
4- Factors due to construction materials 4.25 0.62 85.05 15.54 0.00 1
5- Factors due to construction equipment 4.16 0.66 83.28 13.50 0.00 3
Factors leading to defects occurrence 4.15 0.57 82.97 15.41 0.00
in construction of residential buildings

4.4 Testing of Hypotheses

The test hypotheses refer to the relationship between two variables of the study
variables (the first major premise) which can be one of the following:

1- Null hypothesis: There was no statistically significant relationship between the

two variables of the study variables
2- Alternative hypothesis: There was statistically significant between the two
variables of the study variables relationship.

If Sig. (P-value) is greater than the significance level α≤0.05, the null hypothesis
cannot be rejected and thus there is no statistically significant relationship between the
two variables of the variables of the study, but if the Sig. (P-value) is less than the
significance level α ≤0.05, the null hypothesis is rejected and accept the alternative
hypothesis that there is a statistically significant.

4.4.1 The Study Hypothesis

H1: There is a significant relationship at (α ≤ 0.05) between factors affecting the defects
occurrence in the structural design stage of the residential buildings and factors affecting
the defects occurrence in the construction stage of the residential buildings.

The Table 4.13 shows that the correlation coefficient is equal to 0.753, and the
probability value (Sig.) Equals 0.00 which is less than the significance level 0.05 ≥ α and
this indicates the presence of a statistically significant strong relationship between the two
above factors, which is usual and natural relationship because it is well know that any
defects or faults during design stages will be reflected on the construction stage causing
defects in implementation if still without correction or without taking these defects into
consideration before beginning of construction stage.

Table (4.13): The Correlation Coefficient between Factors Affecting the Defects in
Structural Design Stage and Construction Stage of the Residential Buildings.

Pearson P.
coefficient Value(Sig.)
There is a significant relationship at (α ≤ 0.05)
between factors affecting the defects
occurrence in the structural design stage of
the residential buildings and Factors 0.753* 0.000
affecting the defects occurrence in the
construction stage of the residential

H2: There are differences in responses to factors affecting the defects occurrence in both
structural design and construction stages of residential buildings in Gaza Strip due to the
General Information at significance level of (α ≤ 0.05).

The one-way ANOVA test was used to test the above question for the two main factors
due to the general information. The results are illustrated in Table 4.14, which shows that:

1. The p-value (Sig.) is more than (0.05) due to the general information which includes
job title, years of experience for engineer, educational qualification, number of
residential buildings that you have designed and classification of the office according
to engineers association which means that there are no significant differences in
respondents' answers toward applying the factors affecting the defects occurrence in
both structural design and construction stages of residential buildings in Gaza Strip
and there are a total agreement between respondents.
2. And the p-value (Sig.) is less than (0.05) due to the general information which
includes number of residential buildings that you have supervised, years of
engineering office experience, number of residential buildings that the office has
designed and number of residential buildings that the office has supervised, which
means that there are a significant differences in respondents' answers toward applying
the factors affecting the defects occurrence in both structural design and construction
stages of residential buildings in Gaza Strip which the differences were from:

 For (number of residential buildings that you have supervised), the differences
were in favor of (from 20 to less than 30) and this may be due to the most of
respondents supervise more than or less than this range of buildings so there
was differences in respondents answers.
 For (years of experience), the differences were in favor of (30 and more) and
this may be due to the most of respondents have less than this range of years
of experience.
 For (number of residential buildings that the office has designed), the
differences were in favor (do not know) and this may be due to many
respondents do not know such information about the office which they are
working for.
 For (number of residential buildings that the office has supervised), the
differences were in favor (do not t know) and this may be due to many
respondents do not know such information about the office which they are
working for.

Table (4.14): Differences in Response to Factors Affecting the Defects in both Structural
Design and Construction Stage of Residential Buildings Due to the General Information

Factors due to the Means Test values

general information
Supervisor /
F. Test-

Project Design

Job title Manager Engineer

Factors affecting the

defects occurrence in the 4.26 3.85 3.82 1.198 .309
structural design stage of
the residential buildings

Factors affecting the

defects occurrence in the 4.51 4.16 4.01 2.366 .103
construction stage of the
residential buildings.

Total factor 4.41 4.05 3.94 1.981 .147

Less 15
Years of experience for

F. Test-
5-10) (10-15) years


Engineer than 5
years years and
years more

Factors affecting the

defects occurrence in the 3.59 3.84 3.9 4.07 .627 .600
structural design stage of
the residential buildings

Factors affecting the

defects occurrence in the 3.82 4.14 4.16 4.26 .723 .543
construction stage of the
residential buildings.
Total factor 3.73 4.03 4.06 4.19 .745 .530

F. Test-
Educational Bachelor Master Ph.D.


qualification degree degree degree

Factors affecting the

defects occurrence in the 4.00 3.82 3.73 1.862 .147
structural design stage of
the residential buildings

Factors affecting the

defects occurrence in the 4.17 4.11 4.38 .130 .942
construction stage of the
residential buildings.
Total factor 4.10 4.00 4.13 .332 .802
Number of residential From 10 From 20
F. Test-

Less than


buildings that you have to less to less 30 and

10 Over
designed than 20 than 30

Factors affecting the

defects occurrence in the 3.79 4.06 4.38 3.88 .657 .582
structural design stage of
the residential buildings

Factors affecting the 4.02 4.39 4.37 4.14 1.240 .304

defects occurrence in the

construction stage of the
residential buildings.
Total factor 3.93 4.26 4.37 4.04 1.031 .386
Number of residential From 10 From 20
Less than


buildings that you have to less to less 30 and

10 Over
supervised than 20 than 30s

Factors affecting the

defects occurrence in the 4.00 3.43 4.16 4.07 3.197 .030
structural design stage of
the residential buildings

Factors affecting the

defects occurrence in the 4.18 3.82 4.04 4.33 2.906 .043
construction stage of the
residential buildings.
Total factor 4.11 3.67 4.08 4.23 3.272 .028
Classification of the Engineering Engineering

F. Test-


office according to office “B” office Don’t
“A” Office know
engineers association

Factors affecting the

defects occurrence in the 3.97 3.68 3.90 4.04 .512 0.676
structural design stage of
the residential buildings

Factors affecting the

defects occurrence in the 4.01 4.00 4.18 4.23 .430 0.732
construction stage of the
residential buildings.
Total factor 3.99 3.88 4.07 4.16 .481 0.60
F. Test-

Years of experience Less 30 and Don’t



(10-20) (20-30)
than 10 more know

Factors affecting the

defects occurrence in the 3.39 3.06 3.72 4.12 4.09 3.910 .007
structural design stage of
the residential buildings

Factors affecting the 3.71 3.22 4.12 4.35 4.25 6.753 .000
defects occurrence in the

construction stage of the
residential buildings.
Total factor 3.59 3.16 3.97 4.27 4.19 6.156 .000
Number of residential

F. Test-
Less 30 and Don’t


buildings that the (10-20) (20-30)
than 10 more know
office has designed

Factors affecting the

defects occurrence in the 2.21 3.41 3.96 3.45 3.95 1.907 .123
structural design stage of
the residential buildings

Factors affecting the

defects occurrence in the 2.24 3.42 4.18 3.61 4.23 5.206 .001
construction stage of the
residential buildings.
Total factor 2.23 3.42 4.1 3.55 4.13 3.988 .007
Number of residential

F. Test-

buildings that the (10-20) (20-30) Don’t
office has supervised know

Factors affecting the

defects occurrence in the 3.008 3.958 2.542 0.088
structural design stage of
the residential buildings

Factors affecting the

defects occurrence in the 3.027 4.182 7.418 0.001
construction stage of the
residential buildings.
Total factor 3.02 4.098 4.112 5.560 0.006

Chapter 5
Conclusion and

Chapter 5

Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Introduction

Because prevention is better than curing, a well-designed and constructed building

result in less defects occurrence. After the analysis and discussion of the data and
answering the main aim and the three objectives of the study, this chapter suggests some
recommendations to avoid defects’ occurrence in both structural design and construction
stages of residential buildings in Gaza Strip. According to the analysis’ results and
discussions there are many important factors lead to defects occurrence in both structural
design and construction stages of residential buildings in Gaza Strip which were ranked
according to the relative weights of questionnaires responses of each. The conclusions and
recommendations of this chapter will help in avoiding, minimizing and preventing of
those defects to ensure the safety and durability of residential building products.

5.2 Conclusion

According to the data analysis results of the residential building defects’ factors, the
main findings of the research per objective, based on the opinions of the respondents were
as follows:

1. For the first objective: factors affecting the defects occurrence in the structural
design stage of residential buildings in the Gaza Strip

The research finding identified a three group factors derived after reviewing the
literature and conducting the pilot study, these factors were ranked based on the
respondents opinions’ relative weights which they are factors due to consultant firm and
administration staff containing of eight sub factors ranked according to their importance,
factors due to drawings containing of four sub factors ranked according to their
importance and factors due to structural design containing of seventeen sub factors
ranked according to their importance by the respondents opinions.

It was clear that the factors in the questionnaire were the most related and important
factors facing structural design and construction defects in Gaza strip through the
respondents’ answers where the consultant and his staff plays an important and pivotal
role in eliminating the structural design defects via well planning and designing of the
project and producing a plain and errors-free drawings to the contractors.

2. For the second objective: factors affecting the defects occurrence in the
construction stage of residential buildings in Gaza Strip

The research finding identified a five group factors derived after reviewing the
literature and conducting the pilot study, these factors ranked based on the respondents
opinions’ relative weights which they are: factors due to construction materials containing
of nine sub factors, factors due to construction inspection containing of four sub factors,
factors due to construction equipment containing of three sub factors, factors due to
construction containing of thirteen sub factors and factors due to construction
management containing of fifteen sub factors which they are all ranked according to their
importance by the respondents’ opinions as discussed in chapter 4.

Materials and inspection are the most important factors during construction as
respondents’ aspects in Gaza Strip and this is logical because materials as concrete and
steel are the backbone of the building, any defect in these materials will lead to defects in
whole building and may cause building’s failure in some cases. Inspection also is an
essential player in preventing and eliminating of construction defects and it is well know
that almost residential building projects in Gaza Strip are executed without inspection
either soil inspection or construction materials inspection due to lack of inspection culture
and its importance by buildings owners or due to its high cost sometimes.

In Gaza Strip there is no attention from many owners to the importance of using of
concrete pumps and ready concrete mix, construction equipment as concrete pump,
vibrator, concrete mixer, steel bending tool... etc. are necessary during construction,
absence of this equipment and other will lead to performing work duties not in a good
manner and faraway of specifications. Concrete segregations, bleedings, weak concrete

mix and reinforcement appearance are common problems due to lack of construction
equipment or improper using of equipment.

Well construction methods qualified and skilled labors, well-experienced

management, following and monitoring are important issues during construction and
applying of them will contribute in eliminating of construction defects.

3. For the third objective: degree of effect of those factors in both structural design
and construction stages of the residential buildings in Gaza Strip

For design stage: according to analysis’ results, the relative weights of each factor
helped in achieving this objective where for design factors, the three group factors ranked
according to their importance and degree of effect from the respondents point of view as

1. Factors due to consultant firm administration and staff

2. Factors due to drawings
3. Factors due to structural design

For the ranked first factor (due to consultant firm) an eight factors ranked according
to the degree of effect of each on defects occurrence during structural design stage of
residential buildings from the respondents point of view, where the factor of poor or lack
of engineering supervision on construction of residential buildings or unqualified
supervision was the most important factor where supervision by engineers is absent in
most of residential buildings construction processes due to finance issues or owner
negligence. The second was hiring unqualified designers, the third was poor structural
designers’ filed experience and technical background, the fourth was lack of QA/QC
program during design, the rest of factors’ rank were discussed in chapter 4 and less
important factor of this group was poor communication between the design firm and the
owner which reflects existing of good communications between parties in Gaza Strip.

For the ranked second factor (factor due to drawings) a four factors ranked according
to the degree of effect of each on defects occurrence during structural design stage of
residential buildings from the respondents point of view, where the factor conflicts

between architectural and structural drawings was the most important factor where this
problem is a common problem facing engineers and contractors in projects in Gaza Strip,
the second most important factor was defects in drawing of construction drawings
(dimensions, scales, reinforcement bars diameters, conflict details...etc.), the third was
lack of references and details in drawings (cross sections, detailed sections and incomplete
detail drawings) and the less important factor of this group was inability to read the
drawings due to language, symbols and scales.

For the ranked third factor (due to structural design) a seventeen factors ranked
according to the degree of effect of each on defects occurrence during structural design
stage of residential buildings from the respondents point of view, where the most
important factor was ignoring soil investigation or poor soil investigation leads to wrong
selection of foundation type of the building where it is a common problem in Gaza Strip,
the second most important was inadequate concrete cover on reinforcement, the third was
insufficient sizing of structural elements such as reducing the size of columns, the size of
reinforcement bars and foundations, the fourth was inadequate slab types and loading
ways without taking into consideration codes rules especially in long spans and
cantilevers, the fifth was Lack of technical specification references for residential
buildings and the less important factor in this group was ignoring environmental, weather
condition, biological and chemical attacks. The rest of factors in between were discussed
in chapter 4.

For construction stage : according to analysis results, the relative weights of each
factor helped in achieving the above objective, where for design factors the five group
factors ranked according to their importance and degree of effect from the respondents
point of view as follow:

1. Factors due to construction materials

2. Factors due to construction inspection
3. Factors due to construction equipment
4. Factors due to construction
5. Factors due to construction management

For the ranked first factor (due to construction material) a five factors ranked
according to the degree of effect of each on defects occurrence during construction stage
of the residential buildings from the respondents point of view, where the most important
factor was using of expired material (cement), the second important was material failure
or component failure, the third was using of corroded steel or second-hand reinforcement
steel, the fourth was using materials not of acceptable quality and do not conform to the
specifications or design and the less important factor in this group was selection of
material that is unsuitable for existing climatic conditions. The rest of factors in between
were discussed in chapter 4.

For the ranked second factor (due to construction inspection), four factors ranked
according to the degree of effect of each on defects occurrence during construction stage
of the residential buildings from the respondents point of view, where the most important
factor was Proponent (owner) negligence of the importance of inspection, the second was
neglecting inspection results and their recommendations in implementing corrective
actions during job execution, the third was lack of inspection and material testing and the
less important factor in this group was unqualified inspector especially in concrete cube

For the ranked third factor (due to construction equipment), three factors ranked
according to the degree of effect of each on defects occurrence during construction stage
of the residential buildings from the respondents point of view, where the most important
factor was lack of required equipment (vibrator, drill, mixer, compactor, cutting disk,
plumb bob ...etc.), the second was inadequate performance of equipment (compactor,
concrete pump, vibrator, concrete mixer, drill...etc.) and the less important factor in this
group was Improper use of equipment (compactor, concrete pump, vibrator, concrete
mixer, drill, plumb bob ...etc.).

For the ranked fourth factor (due to construction), thirteen factors ranked according to the
degree of effect of each on defects occurrence during construction stage of the residential
buildings from the respondents point of view, where the most important factor was poor
soil compaction or backfilling without compaction and layers, the second was exceeding

the allowable limits of verticality of the structural elements, the third was insufficient
reinforcement concrete cover, the fourth was damaged or weak formwork due to multi use
of formwork timber, the fifth was inaccurate dimension projection and measurement, the
sixth was inadequate water curing of different concrete and finishing works, the seventh
was early formwork removal, the eighth was Cold joints especially in concrete casting due
to late concrete arrival and the less important factor in this group was overloading of
building during construction stage. The rest of factors in between were discussed in
chapter 4.

For the ranked fifth factor (due to construction management), fifteen factors ranked
according to the degree of effect of each on defects occurrence during construction stage
of the residential buildings from the respondents point of view, where the most important
factor was absent of engineer in most of construction phases, the second was not
complying with specification and engineer instructions, the third was cumulative errors,
the fourth was lack of QA/QC program during construction, the fifth was Corruption, the
sixth was ignorance or insufficient knowledge of the methods of implementation and
supporting of high slabs , drop beams and concrete walls, the seventh was speedy
completion or poor quality work and the less important factor in this group was
multinational construction experience. The rest of factors in between were discussed in
chapter 4.

5.3 Recommendations

From the above conclusions, it can be shown the following some recommendations:

5.3.1 For Design Stage

1. Simple and readable technical specifications should be available for construction of

residential building process.
2. Simple and readable drawings with enough details should be available for workers and
contractors working in the construction of residential buildings.
3. Increasing the awareness of the owners towards conducting soil inspections for the
buildings sites before the design process.

4. Designers should be aware enough by keeping a database depending on standards and
code updates for the various and common defects in buildings whereby these defects
could be eliminated and avoided in the next design.

5.3.2 For Construction Stage

1. It is strongly recommended to applying a kind of control and monitoring from an

authorized related party as engineering association – which is the party who revises,
audits and approves the drawings of buildings in Gaza Strip - over implementation of
the residential buildings in Gaza Strip through conduction a regular visits to building
sites, monitoring presence of engineer, monitoring the quality of construction ..etc.
2. It is strongly recommended for the related authorities (engineering association and
local municipalities) to activate the familiar insurances (well-construction or well-
execution insurance and the maintenance insurance) for the informal sectors the same
as in the formal sectors.
3. According to several studies analysis, the most significant cause for the building
defects and failures were found to be the low quality of construction material factors
which are the most common factors that lead to building defects and. Therefore, it is
necessary to ensure and promote parties in construction to using acceptable and good
materials during the project in order to produce high product that satisfy the final users.
4. Proper construction management and quality control measures are required during
execution of residential buildings.
5. For improving the productivity of residential building construction’s workers, it is
necessary and important to conduct building activities’ training and education.
Training of workers should be on a regular basis. This can be in the form of on-the-
job training, workshops, seminars or conferences.
6. More attentions should be focused on the informal and private sectors to control their
excesses particularly for those who are responsible for implementing and constructing
of the residential buildings.
7. Further awareness is needed for raising on the danger in patronizing unqualified
people for construction activities.

8. Increasing the awareness of the owners towards conducting materials inspections
before using them in the construction process.
9. Existing of more qualified and well experienced structural engineers and civil
engineers are fundamentally required. Their role and participation in construction of
buildings have a great deal of responsibility.

5.3.3 For Both Design and Construction Stages

1. It is strongly recommended to applying a strict quality assurance & quality control

(QA/QC) program for the designer and contractor to insure commitment of the
specifications, standards, conditions and instructions.
2. Strict supervision of residential building projects must be provided from the
engineering office who prepares the building drawings and makes benefits from the
building’s owner.
3. Regular monitoring visits from engineer should be conducted to construction sites of
residential buildings in order to ensuring compliance with the approved building plans
and specifications and ensuring the usage of good materials and equipment.
4. It is important for the residential buildings’ owners to conduct a legal approach in
dealing with defects arising in their properties through existing of formal contracts
containing a defects’ liability period between the owners and the designers on one
hand and between the owners and the contractors on the other hand.
5. Engineers, contractor and owners should keep and maintain open lines of
communication during the project life cycle.
6. All associated parties in residential buildings sector are encouraged to promote the
ethical issues and fight corruption in order to curbing other factors that contribute to
defects occurrence in designing and constructing residential buildings.
7. The related parties and authorities should study the common occurred defects in the
buildings and hold dialogues with engineers and managers who deal with these
problems, developers, architects in order to these problems are not be recurred.

5.3.4 Further Recommended Studies

This research has focused mainly on the factors affecting the defects occurrence in
both structural design and construction stages of residential buildings in Gaza Strip and it
is recommended for further studies to deal with factors affecting defects occurrence in
architectural, mechanical and electrical design and implementation works stages for
residential buildings in Gaza Strip, in addition it is recommended too to conduct a study
dealing with and listing all of defects occurred in residential buildings in all of design and
construction fields and establishing a defects index in which all of related parties could
make use of it.

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Appendix 1

Questionnaire in English

The Islamic University–Gaza

Deanship of Research and Graduate Studies
Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department
Master of Construction Management

Questionnaire for the study

Factors Affecting Defects Occurrence in both Structural Design and
Construction of Residential Buildings Stages in Gaza Strip
Dear Sir / Madam
Please fill in the required information in the attached questionnaire that aims to study the factors
affecting the structural design and construction defects in residential buildings in Gaza Strip
according the following issues:
1- Factors affecting the defects occurrence in the structural design stage of the
residential buildings in Gaza Strip;
2- Factors affecting the defects occurrence in the construction stage of the residential
buildings in Gaza Strip;
3- Degree of effect of those factors in both structural design and construction of
residential buildings in Gaza Strip;
This Research is part of the Master Study in the field of Construction Management in the
Islamic University of Gaza, for the researcher Eng. / Mansour M. Almanassra under the
supervision of Dr. Bassam Tayeh.
I hope all of the attached questions will be answered accurately by taking enough time to
get answers more close to reality.
I appreciate your efforts in answering the questions of the questionnaire, assuring that the
given information will be used for the purpose of the scientific study only and will be
treated confidentially.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Researcher / Mansour M. Almanassra
September 2017
For any questions, please call Mobile No. 0599485702, Email:

The first part: General information
1. Job title

2. Years of experience of the engineer

-10) years
-15) years
3. Educational qualification

4. Number of residential buildings that you have designed


5. Number of residential buildings that you have supervised


The second part: information about the Engineering’s

(design/consultant) office in which you are working for

1. Classification of the office according to engineers association

2. Number of residential buildings that the office has designed

-30) and more

3. Number of residential buildings that the office has supervised


Third part: factors lead to defects occurrence in the structural design
stage of the residential buildings in Gaza Strip
Please tick (X) and chose the appropriate response for each of the following statements:

Factors leading to defects Acceptance degree

occurrence in the structural design
of the residential buildings Strongly Don’t Strongly
Disagree Agree
disagree know agree
A. Factors due to structural design
1. Non-compliance with the
requirements of design codes and
theirs updates
2. Ignoring soil investigation or Poor
soil investigation leads to wrong
selection of foundation type of the
3. Ignoring environmental, weather
condition, biological and chemical
4. Ignoring building locations such as
buildings located near the sea.
5. Ignoring lateral loads effects
(winds and earthquakes).
6. Exceeding allowable deflection
7. Ignoring dynamic loads impact on
structure stability such as
generators, air conditions and
8. Ignoring design of expansion,
contraction, settlement joint and
special construction joint.
9. Inadequate concrete cover on
10. Improperly locating conduits and
pipe openings at critical structural
11. Insufficient sizing of structural
elements such as reducing the size
of columns, the size of

reinforcement bars and
12. Misjudgment in design leading to
assumptions or decisions that are
not consistent with the actual
behavior of the structure.
13. A roof design without inverted
beams, which allows water
14. Inadequate slab types and loading
ways without taking into
consideration codes rules
especially in long spans and
15. Designing residential buildings
away from municipality’s
conditions and engineering
association rules.
16. Lack of technical specification
references for residential
17. Not defining adequate materials.
B. Factors due to consultant firm administration and staff
1. Lack of QA/QC program during
2. Poor technical updating or staff
3. Decision that is not in accordance
with codes.
4. Poor or Lack of engineering
supervision on construction of
residential buildings or
unqualified supervision
5. Hiring unqualified designers.
6. Poor structural designers’ filed
experience and technical
7. Design buildings that do not work
as intended by the owner (making
drop beams, place and size of
columns .etc.) which lead to
change in design without
consulting the engineer.

8. Poor communication between the
design firm and the owner.
C. Factors due to drawings
1. Lack of references and details in
drawings (cross sections, detailed
sections and incomplete detail
2. Conflicts between architectural
and structural drawings.
3. Defects in drawing of construction
drawings (dimensions, scales,
reinforcement bars diameters,
conflict details...etc.).
4. Inability to read the drawings due
to language, symbols and scales.
Forth part: factors lead to defects occurrence in the construction of the
residential buildings in Gaza Strip

Please tick (X) and chose the appropriate response for each of the following statements:

Factors leading to defects Acceptance degree

occurrence in the construction of
the residential buildings Strongly Don’t Strongly
Disagree Agree
disagree know agree
A. Factors due to construction
1. Misinterpretation of design
leading to wrong construction.
2. Inaccurate dimension projection
and measurement.
3. Damaged or weak formwork due
to multi use of formwork timber.
4. Exceeding the allowable limits of
verticality of the structural
5. Ignoring isolation works for buried
parts of concrete (footings, ground
beams and walls).
6. Poor roof water drainage system or
without foam concrete for water
drainage slopes and without
isolation works for roof.

7. Insufficient reinforcement
concrete cover.
8. Cold joints especially in concrete
casting due to late concrete arrival.
9. Loss in adhesion between concrete
and finishing materials due to oil
painting of formworks timber or
soft faces.
10. Early formwork removal.
11. Poor soil compaction or
backfilling without compaction
and layers.
12. Inadequate water curing of
different concrete and finishing
13. Overloading of building during
construction stage.
B. Factors due to construction inspection
1. Lack of inspection and material
2. Unqualified inspector especially in
concrete cube preparing.
3. Proponent (owner) negligence of
the importance of inspection.
4. Neglecting inspection results and
their recommendations in
implementing corrective actions
during job execution
C. Factors due to construction management
1. Lack of QA/QC program during
2. Poor or unqualified
3. Inability to read the drawings.
4. Competition between companies
that leads to accept the bid with
low margin of profit, which affect
the quality of construction.
5. Not complying with specification
and engineer instructions.
6. Communication gap between
contractors and design
7. Corruption.

8. Ignorance or insufficient
knowledge of the methods of
implementation and supporting of
high slabs , drop beams and
concrete walls
9. Absent of engineer in most of
construction phases.
10. Speedy completion or poor quality
11. Multinational construction
12. Poor or wrong decisions.
13. Poor rectification processes of
wrong works and failed concrete
14. Human side interventions and
expression of opinion without
15. Cumulative errors
D. Factors due to construction materials
1. Material failure or component
2. Poor storage of construction
materials and exposure to weather
3. Selection of material that is
unsuitable for existing climatic
4. Using materials not of acceptable
quality and do not conform to the
specifications or design.
5. Using of expired material
6. Using of corroded steel or second-
hand reinforcement steel.
7. Erosion of mortar joint in mason
8. Lack of using sulphate resistance
cement in areas, which exposed to
sulphate attack.
9. Using inadequate concrete mix
design for structural elements.
E. Factors due to construction equipment

1. Improper use of equipment
(compactor, concrete pump,
vibrator, concrete mixer, drill,
plumb bob ...etc.)
2. Inadequate performance of
equipment (compactor, concrete
pump, vibrator, concrete mixer,
3. Lack of required equipment
(vibrator, drill, mixer, compactor,
cutting disk, plumb bob ...etc.)

Thank you for your cooperation.


‫‪Questionnaire in Arabic‬‬

‫‪The Islamic University–Gaza‬‬ ‫الجامعة اإلسالمية – غزة‬

‫‪Deanship of Research and Graduate Studies‬‬
‫عمادة الدراسات العليا‬
‫‪Faculty of Engineering‬‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬
‫‪Civil Engineering Department‬‬ ‫قسم الهندسة المدنية‬
‫‪Master of Construction Management‬‬ ‫ماجستير إدارة التشييد‬

‫استبانة حول دراسة‬

‫العوامل التي تؤدي إلى حدوث األخطاء في مرحلتي التصميم االنشائي والتنفيذ للمباني السكنية في‬
‫قطاع غزة‬
‫السيد‪ /‬السيدة‬
‫يرجى ملئ المعلومات في االستبانة المرفقة والتي تهدف إلى دراسة العوامل التي تؤدي إلى حدوث األخطاء في‬
‫مرحلتي التصميم االنشائي والتنفيذ للمباني السكنية في قطاع غزة فيما بتعلق بالقضايا التالية‪:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬العوامل التي تؤدي إلى حدوث األخطاء في مرحلة التصميم االنشائي للمباني السكنية في قطاع غزة؛‬
‫‪ -2‬العوامل التي تؤدي إلى حدوث األخطاء في مرحلة تنفيذ المباني السكنية في قطاع غزة؛‬
‫‪ -3‬مدى تأثير هذه العوامل على حدوث األخطاء في مرحلتي التصميم االنشائي والتنفيذ للمباني السكنية في قطاع‬
‫علما ً بأن هذه الدراسة هي جز من البحث التكميلي لنيل درجة الماجستير في إدارة المشاريع الهندسية في الجامعة‬
‫اإلسالمية للباحث المهندس ‪ /‬منصور محمود منصور المناصره وتحت اشراف الدكتور بسام تايه‪.‬‬
‫كما يرجى من سيادتكم اإلجابة على جميع األسئلة المرفقة وتوخي الدقة وأخذ الوقت الكافي للخروج بنتائج قريبة من‬
‫الواقع والصواب‪.‬‬
‫وإنني إذ أثمن جهودكم واجاباتكم على األسئلة المطروحة في االستبيان أؤكد لكم بأن جميع المعلومات التي يتم الحصول‬
‫عليها من سيادتكم سوف تستخدم لغرض الدراسة العلمية البحتة بهدف التطوير وسوف تعامل بسرية تامة‪.‬‬
‫شاكرا لسيادتكم حسن التعاون وتفضلوا بقبول فائق االحترام والتقدير‬
‫الباحث‪ :‬منصور محمود المناصره‬
‫سبتمبر ‪2017‬‬
‫لالستفسار يمكن التواصل على جوال رقم ‪ 0599485702 /‬او اإلميل‪ :‬‬

‫الجزء األول‪ :‬معلومات عامة عن مالئ االستبانة‬
‫‪ .7‬الوظيفة‬
‫مهندس اشراف‪ /‬موقع‬ ‫مهندس تصميم‬ ‫مدير مشاريع‬
‫‪ .8‬عدد سنوات الخبرة‬
‫‪ 15‬سنة‬ ‫(‪ )15-10‬سنة‬ ‫(‪ )10-5‬سنوات‬ ‫أقل من ‪-5‬سنوات‬
‫‪ .9‬المستوى التعليمي‬
‫دكتوراه‬ ‫ماجستير‬ ‫بكالوريوس‬
‫‪ .10‬عدد المباني السكنية التي قمت بتصميمها‬
‫(‪)20-10‬‬ ‫أقل من ‪10‬‬
‫أكثر من ‪30‬‬ ‫(‪)30-20‬‬
‫‪ .11‬عدد المباني السكنية التي قمت باإلشراف على تنفيذها‬
‫(‪)20-10‬‬ ‫أقل من ‪10‬‬
‫أكثر من ‪30‬‬ ‫(‪)30-20‬‬
‫الجزء الثاني‪ :‬معلومات حول المكتب الهندسي الذي يعمل به المهندس‬
‫‪ .1‬تصنيف المكتب حسب نقابة المهندسين‬
‫ال أعلم‬ ‫استشاري‬ ‫هندسي "أ"‬ ‫هندسي "ب"‬
‫‪ .2‬عدد سنوات الخبرة‬
‫‪ 15‬سنة فأكثر‬ ‫(‪ )15-10‬سنة‬ ‫(‪ )10-5‬سنوات‬ ‫أقل من ‪-5‬سنوات‬
‫ال أعلم‬
‫‪ .3‬عدد المباني السكنية التي قام المكتب بتصميمها‬
‫ال أعلم‬ ‫(‪)20-10‬‬ ‫أقل من ‪10‬‬
‫أكثر من ‪30‬‬ ‫(‪)30-20‬‬
‫‪ .4‬عدد المباني السكنية التي قام المكتب باإلشراف على تنفيذها‬
‫ال أعلم‬ ‫(‪)20-10‬‬ ‫أقل من ‪10‬‬
‫أكثر من ‪30‬‬ ‫(‪)30-20‬‬

‫الجزء الثالث‪ :‬استبانة حول العوامل التي تؤدي إلى حدوث األخطاء في مرحلة التصميم االنشائي‬
‫للمباني السكنية في قطاع غزة‬
‫الرجاء وضع إشارة (‪ )X‬واختيار اإلجابة المناسبة لكل من العبارات التالية‪:‬‬

‫درجة الموافقة‬
‫العوامل التي تؤدي الى حدوث األخطاء في مرحلة تصميم‬
‫أوافق‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ال أوافق‬ ‫المباني السكنية‬
‫بشدة‬ ‫أوافق أعرف‬ ‫بشدة‬
‫أ‪ .‬العوامل الناتجة عن التصميم االنشائي‬
‫‪ .1‬عدم تلبية متطلبات الكود التصميمي والتحديثات على الكود أثناء‬
‫‪ .2‬اهمال إجراءات فحوصات قدرة تحمل التربة أو تخمين قدرة‬
‫تحمل التربة بشكل خاطي ما ينتج عنه اختيار خاطئ لنوع‬
‫أساسات المبنى‬
‫‪ .3‬اهمال تأثير العوامل البيئية والظروف الجوية والعوامل‬
‫البيولوجية والكيميائية أثناء التصميم‬
‫‪ .4‬اهمال موقع المبنى أُثناء التصميم خصوصا المباني الواقعة‬
‫بالقرب من البحر‪.‬‬
‫‪ .5‬اهمال تأثير االحمال الناتجة عن القوى الجانبية على المبنى مثل‬
‫الرياح والزالزل‬
‫‪ .6‬تجاوز حدود الهبوط في العناصر االنشائية‬
‫‪ .7‬تجاهل تأثير االحمال الديناميكية على اتزان المبنى مثل )‬
‫المولدات‪ ،‬المكيفات‪ ،‬المصاعد‪...‬الخ(‬
‫‪ .8‬اهمال تصميم فواصل التمدد واالنكماش وفواصل الهبوط‬
‫والفواصل االنشائية‬
‫‪ .9‬تصميم العناصر االنشائية بغطاء خرساني غير كافي‬
‫‪ .10‬عدم مراعاة أماكن الفتحات واالنابيب والتمديدات المختلفة أثناء‬
‫التصميم وإمكانية وجودها في أماكن حرجة في العناصر‬
‫‪ .11‬تصميم العناصر االنشائية المختلفة بأبعاد غير كافية مثل تقليص‬
‫حجم األعمدة واالساسات وحديد التسليح‬
‫‪ .12‬سوء التقديرات التي تؤدي الى اتخاذ قرارات ال تتفق وتتالءم مع‬
‫حالة المبنى‬
‫‪ .13‬تصميم السطح بدون أحزمة مقلوبة ما يسمح بتسرب المياه‬
‫‪ .14‬اختيار غير دقيق لنوع األسقف وطرق التحميل دون مراعاة‬
‫اشتراطات الكود خصوصا في حال المسافات الكبيرة‬
‫والمساحات الطائرة‪.‬‬
‫‪ .15‬عدم االلتزام بقوانين نقابة المهندسين والبلديات المحلية أثناء‬
‫تصميم المباني السكنية‬
‫‪ .16‬االفتقار لوجود المواصفات الفنية في المباني السكنية‬
‫‪ .17‬عدم تحديد المواد االنشائية المالئمة‬
‫ب‪ .‬العوامل الناتجة عن إدارة الجهة المصممة وطواقمها‬

‫االفتقار لنظام ضبط وتأكيد الجودة أثناء التصميم‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫االفتقار الى مواكبة التحديثات الفنية والتدريب للطواقم العاملة‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫القرارات التي ال تتالءم مع الكود التصميمي‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫ضعف أو انعدام االشراف الهندسي على تنفيذ المباني السكنية او‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫اشراف غير مؤهل‬
‫االعتماد على مصممين غير أكفاء‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫ضعف الخبرة الميدانية والخلفية الفنية لدى المصممين اإلنشائيين‬ ‫‪.6‬‬
‫التصميم االنشائي ال يلبي رغبة المالك حسب ما هو متوقع من‬ ‫‪.7‬‬
‫خالل عمل أحزمة ساقطة أو أماكن واحجام األعمدة غير مناسبة‬
‫ما يؤدي الى التغيير في التصميم بدون الرجوع للمهندس المصمم‬
‫الفجوة في االتصال والتواصل بين المصمم والمالك‬ ‫‪.8‬‬
‫العوامل الناتجة عن المخططات‬ ‫ت‪.‬‬
‫االفتقار للتفاصيل والمرجعيات في المخططات مثل القطاعات‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫العرضية والقطاعات التفصيلية التوضيحية والتفاصيل غير‬
‫التعارض بين المخططات المعمارية واالنشائية‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫أخطاء في رسم المخططات االنشائية (االبعاد‪ ،‬مقاييس الرسم‪،‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫أٌقطار الحديد‪ ،‬تعارض التفاصيل‪ .‬الخ)‬
‫صعوبة فهم وقراءة المخططات بسبب اللغة والرموز ومقاييس‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫الجزء الرابع‪ :‬استبانة حول العوامل التي تؤدي إلى حدوث األخطاء في مرحلة التنفيذ االنشائي‬
‫للمباني السكنية في قطاع غزة‬
‫الرجاء وضع إشارة (‪ )X‬واختيار اإلجابة المناسبة لكل من العبارات التالية‪:‬‬

‫درجة الموافقة‬
‫العوامل التي تؤدي الى حدوث األخطاء في مرحلة انشاء‬
‫ال‬ ‫ال‬
‫أوافق‬ ‫المباني السكنية‬
‫بشدة‬ ‫أوافق أعرف‬
‫العوامل الناتجة عن أعمال اإلنشاء المدنية‬ ‫أ‪.‬‬
‫تفسير خاطئ وغير دقيق للتصميم ما يؤدي إلى تنفيذ خاطئ‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫توقيع غير دقيق لألبعاد والمقاسات‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫أعمال طوبار ضعيفة أو طوبار تالف نتيجة لالستخدام المتكرر‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫لخشب الطوبار‬
‫تجاوز حدود االنحراف المسموح بها في رأسية العناصر‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫اهمال اجراء أعمال العزل لألجزاء المدفونة من الخرسانة‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫(القواعد واألحزمة األرضية والحوائط)‬
‫نظام تصريف مياه على السطح ضعيف أو بدون خرسانة الميول‬ ‫‪.6‬‬
‫الرغوية وبدون أعمال العزل للسقف النهائي‬
‫تنفيذ العناصر االنشائية بغطاء خرساني للحديد غير كافي‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫‪ .8‬الفواصل الباردة وخصوصا في أعمال صب الخرسانة بسبب‬
‫تأخر وصول الخرسانة‬
‫‪ .9‬ضعف االلتصاق بين الخرسانة ومواد التشطيب نتيجة دهان‬
‫خشب الطوبار بالزيت أو نتيجة األسطح الناعمة‬
‫‪ .10‬إزالة وفك الطوبار مبكرا وقبل أوانه‬
‫‪ .11‬دمك ضعيف لتربة الردم أو الردم بدون دمك وبدون طبقات‬
‫‪ .12‬عدم معالجة العناصر الخرسانية وعناصر التشطيب بالماء بشكل‬
‫‪ .13‬التحميل الزائد على المبنى خالل مرحلة االنشاء‬
‫ب‪ .‬العوامل الناتجة عن الفحوصات االنشائية‬
‫‪ .1‬انعدام الفحوصات واالختبارات للمواد االنشائية‬
‫‪ .2‬الفاحص غير مؤهل وخصوصا في حالة تجهيز المكعبات‬
‫‪ .3‬اهمال المالك ألهمية اجراء الفحوصات واالختبارات‬
‫‪ .4‬اهمال نتائج الفحوصات وتوصياتها في اجراء التصحيحات خالل‬
‫ت‪ .‬العوامل الناتجة عن إدارة االنشاءات‬
‫‪ .1‬االفتقار لنظام ضبط وتأكيد الجودة أثناء التنفيذ‬
‫‪ .2‬استخدام عمالة ضعيفة أو غير مؤهلة‬
‫‪ .3‬العجر عن تفسير وقراءة المخططات او صعوبة قراءتها‬
‫‪ .4‬المنافسة الشديدة في قطاع االنشاءات واختيار اقل األسعار بأقل‬
‫هامش للربح ما يؤثر على جودة االنشاءات‬
‫‪ .5‬عدم االلتزام بتطبيق المواصفات الفنية وتعليمات المهندس‬
‫‪ .6‬الفجوة في االتصال والتواصل بين المصممين والمنفذين للمباني‬
‫‪ .7‬عدم مراعاة اخالق المهنة وغياب الرقابة الذاتية والعمل بدون‬
‫‪ .8‬الجهل أو المعرفة غير الكافية بطرق التنفيذ والتدعيم مثال في‬
‫حال األسف المرتفعة واالحزمة الساقطة والحوائط الخرسانية‪.‬‬
‫‪ .9‬غياب المهندس في معظم مراحل التنفيذ‬
‫‪ .10‬السرعة في االنشاء أو العمل بجودة ضعيفة‬
‫‪ .11‬اختالف الخبرات االنشائية في العمل‬
‫‪ .12‬قرارات خاطئة أثناء التنفيذ‬
‫‪ .13‬تقويم وتصحيح غير دقيق لألعمال الخاطئة والعناصر الخرسانية‬
‫‪ .14‬التدخالت الجانبية من أطراف ليس لها عالقة وابداء الرأي بدون‬
‫‪ .15‬األخطاء التراكمية‬
‫ث‪ .‬العوامل الناتجة عن مواد االنشاء‬
‫‪ .1‬ضعف وفشل المواد المستخدمة في االنشاء‬
‫‪ .2‬التخزين الخاطئ للمواد االنشائية وتعرضها للظروف الجوية‬
‫‪ .3‬اختيار مواد غير مناسبة للظروف المناخية السائدة‬

‫استخدام مواد ذات جودة متدنية وغير مطابقة للمواصفات أو‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫استخدام مواد منتهية الصالحية مثل االسمنت‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫استخدام حديد صدئ أو حديد مستخدم غير جديد‬ ‫‪.6‬‬
‫تآكل وضعف المونة االسمنتية في اعمال البناء‬ ‫‪.7‬‬
‫عدم استخدام اسمنت مقاوم للكبريتات في المناطق المعرضة‬ ‫‪.8‬‬
‫لتأثير الكبريتات‬
‫استخدام خلطات خرسانية غير مناسبة للعناصر االنشائية‬ ‫‪.9‬‬
‫العوامل الناتجة عن األدوات ومعدات االنشاء‬ ‫ج‪.‬‬
‫استخدام غير مناسب لألدوات والمعدات مثل (الدماكة‪ ،‬مضخة‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫الخرسانة‪ ،‬الرجاج‪ ،‬خالطة الباطون‪ ،‬الدريل‪ ،‬الشاقول‪ ...‬الخ)‬
‫أداء ضعيف للمعدات واألدوات مثل (الدماكة‪ ،‬مضخة الخرسانة‪،‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫الرجاج‪ ،‬خالطة الباطون‪ ،‬الدريل‪ .‬الخ‬
‫االفتقار لألدوات أو المعدات المطلوبة لإلنشاء (الرجاج‪ ،‬الدريل‪،‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫خالط الخرسانة‪ ،‬الدماكة‪ ،‬حجر القص‪ ،‬الشاقول‪ .‬الخ)‬

‫شكرا ً لحسن تعاونكم‪.‬‬


Correlation Coefficients
Table (1): Correlation coefficient of each field and Factors due to consultant firm
administration and staff
Factors due to consultant firm administration Pearson Sig.
and staff
1 Lack of QA/QC program during design. 0.779* 0.005
2 Poor technical updating or staff training. 0.725* 0.000
3 Decision that is not in accordance with codes. 0.829* 0.000
4 Poor or Lack of engineering supervision on 0.681* 0.000
construction of residential buildings or unqualified
5 Hiring unqualified designers. 0.743* 0.000
6 Poor structural designers’ filed experience and 0.825* 0.000
technical background.
7 Design buildings that do not work as intended by the 0.817* 0.000
owner (making drop beams, place and size of
columns .etc.) which lead to change in design
without consulting the engineer.
8 Poor communication between the design firm and 0.798* 0.000
the owner.

Table (2): Correlation coefficient of each field and Factors due to drawings
# Factors due to drawings Pearson Sig.
1 Lack of references and details in drawings (cross 0.895* 0.000
sections, detailed sections and incomplete detail
2 Conflicts between architectural and structural 0.829* 0.000
3 Defects in drawing of construction drawings 0.887* 0.000
(dimensions, scales, reinforcement bars diameters,
conflict details...etc.).
4 Inability to read the drawings due to language, 0.869* 0.000
symbols and scales.

Table (3): Correlation coefficient of each field and Factors due to construction
# Factors due to construction Pearson Sig.
1 Misinterpretation of design leading to wrong 0.606* 0.000
2 Inaccurate dimension projection and measurement. 0.656* 0.000
3 Damaged or weak formwork due to multi use of 0.761* 0.000
formwork timber.
4 Exceeding the allowable limits of verticality of the 0.620* 0.000
structural elements.
5 Ignoring isolation works for buried parts of concrete 0.812* 0.000
(footings, ground beams and walls).
6 Poor roof water drainage system or without foam 0.822* 0.000
concrete for water drainage slopes and without
isolation works for roof.
7 Insufficient reinforcement concrete cover. 0.799* 0.000
8 Cold joints especially in concrete casting due to late 0.849* 0.000
concrete arrival.
9 Loss in adhesion between concrete and finishing 0.708* 0.000
materials due to oil painting of formworks timber or
soft faces.
10 Early formwork removal. 0.808* 0.000
11 Poor soil compaction or backfilling without 0.817* 0.000
compaction and layers.
12 Inadequate water curing of different concrete and 0.789* 0.000
finishing works.
13 Overloading of building during construction stage. 0.642* 0.000

Table (4): Correlation coefficient of each field and Factors due to construction inspection
# Factors due to construction inspection Pearson Sig.
1 Lack of inspection and material testing. 0.877* 0.000
2 Unqualified inspector especially in concrete cube 0.880* 0.000
3 Proponent (owner) negligence of the importance of 0.915* 0.000

4 Neglecting inspection results and their 0.884* 0.000
recommendations in implementing corrective
actions during job execution

Table (5) Correlation coefficient of each field and Impact of the Factors due to
construction management
# Factors due to construction management Pearson Sig.
1 Lack of QA/QC program during construction. 0.618* 0.000
2 Poor or unqualified workmanships. 0.738* 0.000
3 Inability to read the drawings. 0.796* 0.000
4 Competition between companies that leads to 0.471* 0.001
accept the bid with low margin of profit, which
affect the quality of construction.
5 Not complying with specification and engineer 0.725* 0.000
6 Communication gap between contractors and 0.728* 0.000
design professionals.
7 Corruption 0.695* 0.000
8 Ignorance or insufficient knowledge of the methods 0.547* 0.000
of implementation and supporting of high slabs ,
drop beams and concrete walls
9 Absent of engineer in most of construction phases. 0.659* 0.000
10 Speedy completion or poor quality work. 0.685* 0.000
11 Multinational construction experience. 0.577* 0.000
12 Poor or wrong decisions. 0.408* 0.000
13 Poor rectification processes of wrong works and 0.693* 0.000
failed concrete elements
14 Human side interventions and expression of opinion 0.649* 0.000
without knowledge
15 Cumulative errors 0.497* 0.000

Table (5): Correlation coefficient of each field and Factors due to construction materials
# Factors due to construction materials Pearson Sig.
1 Material failure or component failure 0.785* 0.000
2 Poor storage of construction materials and exposure 0.736* 0.000
to weather conditions
3 Selection of material that is unsuitable for existing 0.531* 0.000
climatic conditions
4 Using materials not of acceptable quality and do not 0.768* 0.000
conform to the specifications or design.
5 Using of expired material (cement). 0.705* 0.001
6 Using of corroded steel or second-hand 0.811* 0.000
reinforcement steel.
7 Erosion of mortar joint in mason works 0.773* 0.000
8 Lack of using sulphate resistance cement in areas, 0.760* 0.000
which exposed to sulphate attack.
9 Using inadequate concrete mix design for structural 0.633* 0.000

Table (6): Correlation coefficient of each field and Factors due to construction equipment
# Factors due to construction equipment Pearson Sig.
1 Improper use of equipment (compactor, concrete 0.810* 0.000
pump, vibrator, concrete mixer, drill, plumb bob
2 Inadequate performance of equipment (compactor, 0.896* 0.000
concrete pump, vibrator, concrete mixer, drill...etc.)
3 Lack of required equipment (vibrator, drill, mixer, 0.804* 0.000
compactor, cutting disk, plumb bob ...etc.)
*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level, value of Correlation (R) table from (30, 0.05)
Equal 0.349


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