Unit Tests Answers

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A2 Unit test A answers

Unit 1A
11a 2b 3a 4a 5b
2 1 France 2 Egypt 3 Paris 4 Turkey 5 Spain
3 1 Brazil 2 Vietnamese 3 Italian 4 Turkey 5 Mexican 6 China
7 American 8 France 9 Polish 10 Greek
4 1 sister 2 nephew 3 son 4 mother 5 daughter 6 wife
7 uncle 8 cousins 9 husband 10 grandfather
5 1 children 2 people 3 glasses 4 cities 5 men 6 names
7 cousins 8 countries 9 families 10 boxes
6 1 ’s/is 2 is 3 Are 4 ’m not/am not 5 ’m/am 6 Are
7 ’m not/am not 8 ’m/am 9 ’m/am 10 ’s/is
7 1 Our 2 I 3 We 4 its 5 It 6 My 7 His 8 her 9 My 10 They
8 1 What’s your name?
2 What’s your email address?
3 How do you spell that?
4 What’s your nationality?
5 Can you repeat that please?
9 1 Alberto 2 Luigi 3 Chiara 4 Alain 5 Fabio
10 N.B. The words must be from the reading passage.
1 doctor 2 seven 3 Greece 4 France 5 China

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A2 Unit test A answers

Unit 2A
1 1 get up 2 have a shower 3 make breakfast 4 go to work 5 go home
6 have dinner 7 play computer games 8 watch a film
9 see (our) friends 10 go to bed
2 1 half past eight 2 ten past two 3 (a) quarter to four
4 twenty-five past eleven 5 ten to four
3 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 b 6 b 7 b 8 a 9 a 10 b
4 1 listen to 2 talk to 3 pay for 4 ask for 5 wait for
5 1 Are you free
2 Would you like to
3 that sounds nice
4 What time shall we
5 Let’s
61F 2T 3T 4F 5F
7 N.B. The words must be from the reading passage.
1 supermarket 2 customers 3 get(s) up 4 breakfast 5 free time
8 1 works 2 have 3 watches 4 doesn’t go 5 visit 6 has
7 doesn’t get up 8 relax 9 don’t go 10 makes
9 1 because 2 and 3 or 4 or 5 because
10 1 c 2 a 3 e 4 d 5 b

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A2 Unit test A answers

Unit 3A
1 1 writer 2 advice 3 photograph 4 America 5 mechanic
6 pilot 7 retired 8 agree 9 salary 10 businessman
2 1 (a) (bank) manager 2 Australia 3 England 4 his/a cousin 5 at home
3 1 nurse 2 businesswoman 3 mechanic 4 pilot 5 student 6 musician
7 dentist 8 photographer 9 hairdresser 10 journalist
4 1 from home 2 colleagues 3 long hours 4 earn 5 part-time 6 retired
7 freelance 8 salary 9 for a big company 10 unemployed
51e 2d 3b 4a 5c
6 1 Yes, it is. No, it isn’t./No, it’s not.
2 Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.
3 Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
4 Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
5 Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
7 1 teacher 2 farmer 3 baker 4 drives 5 manager 6 paints
7 builder 8 DVD player 9 writes 10 cleaner
81a 2b 3c 4b 5a
9 1 Can I 2 Of course 3 could you 4 Can we 5 I’m afraid not
10 1 d 2 a 3 e 4 b 5 c

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A2 Unit test A answers

Unit 4A
1 1 restaurant 2 hospital 3 chemist 4 cinema 5 library 6 hotel
7 railway station 8 theatre 9 airport 10 museum
2 1 next to 2 in front of 3 between 4 on 5 on 6 under
7 between 8 next to 9 under 10 Opposite
3 1 good 2 quiet 3 messy 4 ugly 5 old-fashioned/old
6 easy 7 cheap 8 clean 9 light 10 long/tall
4 1 Is there 2 there isn’t/there’s not 3 there are 4 are there 5 there are
6 There’s 7 Are there 8 there aren’t 9 there are 10 there’s
5 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 b 7 a 8 c 9 c 10 a
6 1 a chemist near here?
2 go straight on
3 at the end of the road
4 how do I get to
5 go past the chemist
7 1 a Eat great food
2 d Visit a famous place
3 b See some local homes
4 c Dinner and a show
5 e Go shopping
81F 2T 3F 4F 5F
91c 2b 3a 4c 5b
10 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T

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A2 Unit test A answers

Unit 5A
1 1 low 2 clothes 3 (its) watches 4 3/three million 5 shopping centres
2 1 main 2 sit 3 note 4 hate 5 cot 6 set 7 nut 8 cut 9 read 10 met
3 1 hat 2 men 3 note 4 sit 5 read
4 1 online 2 baker’s 3 butcher’s 4 shopping centre 5 sales 6 return
7 discount 8 spend 9 newsagent’s 10 cash
5 Head – glasses, hat
Body – coat, dress, hoodie, top
Hands – gloves
Feet – shoes, socks, trainers
6 1 carefully 2 quiet 3 dangerous 4 correct 5 fast 6 fluently
7 well 8 quickly 9 badly 10 hard
7 1 could 2 could 3 couldn’t 4 can 5 can’t
8 1 I’m watching 2 I eat 3 is wearing 4 They’re playing 5 I spend
6 are you doing 7 aren’t working 8 wears 9 I drive 10 is learning
9 1 try this 2 How much 3 discount 4 Can I 5 please
10 1 Elki 2 Mara 3 Viktor 4 Will 5 Gao

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A2 Unit test A answers

Unit 6A
1 1 past 2 present 3 past 4 past 5 present 6 present
7 past 8 past 9 present 10 past
2 Past: Work in travel agent, Travel toJakarta, Want to go back to France
Present: Study at university, Work in a theatre
3 1 worked 2 moved 3 entered 4 visited 5 finished
4 1 last night
2 in 2008
3 last December
4 at 2.00 p.m. yesterday
5 five years ago
6 about ten years ago
7 in 1999
8 two weeks ago
9 last summer
10 in the 20th century
5 1 were 2 was 3 Were 4 weren’t 5 were 6 Were 7 wasn’t
8 was 9 were 10 was
6 1a a bit 1b very
2a very 2b quite
3a really 3b a bit
4a very 4b quite
5a a bit 5b very
7 1 entered 2 visited 3 moved 4 worked 5 posted 6 cooked
7 received 8 walked 9 shouted 10 waited
8 1 brilliant 2 nightmare 3 poor you 4 awful 5 really
9 N.B. The words must be from the reading passage.
1 England 2 Sidney (Herbert) 3 1854 4 the Queen 5 started a school
10 N.B. The words must be from the reading passage.
1 1820 2 arrived 3 cared 4 day 5 returned

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A2 Unit test A answers

Unit 7A
1 1 walk 2 take 3 go 4 do 5 do
2 1 borrow 2 said 3 watched 4 come 5 take 6 told 7 lent
8 looked at 9 bring 10 go
3 1 runs 2 swim 3 ski 4 go fishing 5 go to the gym 6 do athletics
7 do yoga 8 play basketball 9 cycle 10 plays football
4 1 didn’t eat/didn’t have
2 didn’t have
3 didn’t go
4 didn’t play
5 didn’t do
5 1 ate 2 made 3 did 4 drove 5 took 6 wrote 7 had 8 came 9 told 10 sat
6 1 Wrong 2 Right 3 Right 4 Wrong 5 Right
7 1 First 2 Then 3 Next 4 After that 5 Finally
8 1 What do you think about
2 For me
3 I don’t know about that
4 Yes, but
5 What’s your opinion
9 1 NG 2 T 3 NG 4 F 5 F
10 N.B. The words must be from the reading passage.
1 work 2 fat 3 fruit yogurt 4 (real) fruit 5 energy

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A2 Unit test A answers

Unit 8A
1 1 present 2 past 3 present 4 present 5 past
2 1 Did you take 2 Do you go 3 Did she miss 4 Do you work 5 Does he live
3 1 get 2 have 3 take 4 take/get 5 take 6 have/take 7 have
8 have 9 have 10 get
4 1 d 2 g 3 b 4 j 5 e 6 i 7 a 8 f 9 h 10 c
5 1 the beach 2 cheap hotels 3 a trek 4 local people 5 a tour 6 an apartment
7 sightseeing 8 art galleries/museums 9 museums/art galleries 10 swimming
6 1 Where did you 2 Did you 3 What did you 4 Who did you 5 Did they
7 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 b 7 b 8 a 9 a 10 c
8 1 I help you
2 When would you
3 How much does
4 How long does
5 Which platform
9 N.B. The words must be from the reading passage.
1 two/2 thousand/2,000 km/kilometres
2 nine months
3 on foot
4 food
5 the weather
10 1 F 2 T 3 NG 4 F 5 F

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A2 Unit test A answers

Unit 9A
1 1 $13 2 sixty 3 70 4 14% 5 90 6 £115
7 16,450 8 1938 9 20,000 10 2004
21F 2T 3F 4T 5F
3 Accept any order
1/2 food processor; microwave
3/4 frying pan; saucepan
5 oven
6/7 bowl; spoon
8 fork
9 knife
10 plate
4 1 Pears 2 bakes 3 jam 4 bread 5 sweetcorn 6 roast 7 fry
8 salad 9 boil 10 honey
5 1 three quarters
2 two thousand, five hundred and five
3 thirty-six per cent
4 two point one
5 one million six hundred thousand
6 fourteen degrees Celsius
7 the twenty-sixth of November
8 one point six five
9 nought point four
10 eighty seven thousand, five hundred and sixty-three
6 1 any 2 some 3 an 4 some 5 any 6 a 7 some 8 some 9 any 10 a
7 1 much 2 None 3 a lot of 4 many 5 a lot of
81F 2F 3T 4T 5F
9 N.B. The words must be from the reading passage.
1 lights 2 menus 3 quietly 4 vegetarian 5 pictures
10 1 Can I 2 Would you like 3 Can I 4 Can I 5 Would you like

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A2 Unit test A answers

Unit 10A
1 1 snowed 2 wet 3 icy 4 cloudy 5 dry 6 wind
7 rain 8 windy 9 foggy 10 freezing
2 1 less 2 better 3 different 4 the same 5 more
3 1 No 2 No 3 No 4 Yes 5 No
4 1 north 2 desert 3 mountains 4 rainforest 5 waterfall
6 west 7 beaches 8 islands 9 coast 10 lake
5 1 high score 2 close friend 3 strong winds 4 low salary 5 deep sleeper
6 1 better 2 hotter 3 worse 4 colder 5 wetter 6 nicer
7 drier 8 more comfortable 9 cooler 10 more popular
7 1 the most beautiful 2 the cheapest 3 the most dangerous 4 the oldest
5 The nearest 6 the wettest 7 the easiest 8 the most interesting
9 the busiest 10 the biggest
8 1 I think we should
2 I’d prefer to
3 is a better idea than
4 the most important things are
5 are more important than
9 N.B. The words must be from the reading passage.
1 Venezuela 2 manmade 3 the Romans
4 July or September 5 (the) Hotel Cursula
10 1 NG 2 T 3 T 4 NG 5 F

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A2 Unit test A answers

Unit 11A
1 1 make 2 looked after 3 visit 4 teaches 5 repair 6 plant
7 organize 8 paint 9 improve 10 help
2 1 smartphone 2 GPS 3 tablet 4 smartphone 5 website 6 text
7 apps 8 tablet 9 an app 10 text
3 1 very/really 2 really 3 really 4 very/really 5 really 6 really
7 very/really 8 really 9 very/really 10 really
4 1 are you going to 2 I’m not going to 3 are going to
4 is going to 5 Are you going to
5 1 noun 2 adjective 3 verb 4 noun 5 adverb
6 1 worried 2 very important 3 correctly 4 quiet 5 leave
7 1 Shall I go to the supermarket?
2 Why don’t I drive you there?
3 I’ll clean it for you.
4 Would you like me to check it for you?
5 Let me help you move it.
8 1 I’m learning English to get a better job.
2 People often travel by bus to save money.
3 Boris is doing lots of exercise to lose weight.
4 Donna joined a photography club to meet new people.
5 I’m going to visit my sister to see her new baby.
9 N.B. The words must be from the reading passage.
1 in teams 2 a community 3 problems 4 training 5 (really) easy
10 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 NG 5 F

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A2 Unit test A answers

Unit 12A
1 1 gave 2 sung 3 begin 4 drunk 5 ate 6 spoken
7 draw 8 wrote 9 seen 10 forget
2 1 present perfect 2 past simple 3 present perfect 4 present perfect
5 past simple 6 past simple 7 present perfect 8 present perfect
9 past simple 10 present perfect
3 1 play 2 play 3 go 4 have 5 go 6 art galleries
7 drawings 8 the opera 9 salsa classes 10 dance
4 1 romance 2 set in 3 comedies 4 about 5 Animations 6 musicals
7 Science fiction films 8 action 9 stars 10 horror films
5 1 been 2 given 3 bought 4 won 5 written
6 put 7 met 8 seen 9 driven 10 spoken
6 1 ’s/has sung 2 ’ve/have travelled 3 ’s/has been 4 haven’t/have not played
5 haven’t/have not learned 6 ’s/has worked 7 ’s/has designed
8 haven’t/have not found 9 ’ve/have started 10 ’ve/have sold
7 1 Have you ever gone
2 I visited
3 Have you heard
4 ’s/has happened
5 he drove
6 have lived
7 they met
8 They fell
9 they decided
10 I’ve/I have lived
8 1 Could I speak to
2 I’m afraid she’s not available
3 could you ask
4 call me back
5 could I have your number
9 1 NG 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F
10 1 D 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 C
A2 Unit test B answers

Unit 1B
11a 2b 3a 4a 5b
2 1 France 2 Egypt 3 Paris 4 Turkey 5 Spain
3 1 sister 2 nephew 3 son 4 mother 5 daughter 6 wife
7 uncle 8 cousins 9 husband 10 grandfather
4 1 Our 2 I 3 We 4 its 5 It 6 My 7 His 8 her 9 My 10 They
5 1 Alberto 2 Luigi 3 Chiara 4 Alain 5 Fabio
6 N.B. The words must be from the reading passage.
1 doctor 2 seven 3 Greece 4 France 5 China
7 1 Brazil 2 Vietnamese 3 Italian 4 Turkey 5 Mexican 6 China
7 American 8 France 9 Polish 10 Greek
8 1 children 2 people 3 glasses 4 cities 5 men 6 names
7 cousins 8 countries 9 families 10 boxes
9 1 What’s your name?
2 What’s your email address?
3 How do you spell that?
4 What’s your nationality?
5 Can you repeat that please?
10 1 ’s/is 2 is 3 Are 4 ’m not/am not 5 ’m/am 6 Are
7 ’m not/am not 8 ’m/am 9 ’m/am 10 ’s/is
A2 Unit test B answers

Unit 2B
1 1 works 2 have 3 watches 4 doesn’t go 5 visit 6 has
7 doesn’t get up 8 relax 9 don’t go 10 makes
2 1 half past eight 2 ten past two 3 (a) quarter to four
4 twenty-five past eleven 5 ten to four
31F 2T 3T 4F 5F
4 N.B. The words must be from the reading passage.
1 supermarket 2 customers 3 get(s) up 4 breakfast 5 free time
5 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 b 6 b 7 b 8 a 9 a 10 b
6 1 because 2 and 3 or 4 or 5 because
71c 2a 3e 4d 5b
8 1 listen to 2 talk to 3 pay for 4 ask for 5 wait for
9 1 Are you free
2 Would you like to
3 that sounds nice
4 What time shall we
5 Let’s
10 1 get up 2 have a shower 3 make breakfast 4 go to work 5 go home
6 have dinner 7 play computer games 8 watch a film
9 see (our) friends 10 go to bed
A2 Unit test B answers

Unit 3B
1 1 (a) (bank) manager 2 Australia 3 England 4 his/a cousin 5 at home
2 1 writer 2 advice 3 photograph 4 America 5 mechanic
6 pilot 7 retired 8 agree 9 salary 10 businessman
31a 2b 3c 4b 5a
41d 2a 3e 4b 5c
51e 2d 3b 4a 5c
6 1 teacher 2 farmer 3 baker 4 drives 5 manager 6 paints
7 builder 8 DVD player 9 writes 10 cleaner
7 1 nurse 2 businesswoman 3 mechanic 4 pilot 5 student 6 musician
7 dentist 8 photographer 9 hairdresser 10 journalist
8 1 Can I 2 Of course 3 could you 4 Can we 5 I’m afraid not
9 1 Yes, it is. No, it isn’t./No, it’s not.
2 Yes, she does. /No, she doesn’t.
3 Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.
4 Yes, I am./No, I’m not.
5 Yes, he does. /No, he doesn’t.
10 1 from home 2 colleagues 3 long hours 4 earn 5 part-time 6 retired
7 freelance 8 salary 9 for a big company 10 unemployed
A2 Unit test B answers

Unit 4B
1 1 restaurant 2 hospital 3 chemist 4 cinema 5 library 6 hotel
7 railway station 8 theatre 9 airport 10 museum
2 1 next to 2 in front of 3 between 4 on 5 on 6 under
7 between 8 next to 9 under 10 Opposite
3 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 b 7 a 8 c 9 c 10 a
4 1 a Eat great food
2 d Visit a famous place
3 b See some local homes
4 c Dinner and a show
5 e Go shopping
51F 2T 3F 4F 5F
6 1 good 2 quiet 3 messy 4 ugly 5 old-fashioned/old
6 easy 7 cheap 8 clean 9 light 10 long/tall
71c 2b 3a 4c 5b
81F 2T 3F 4F 5T
9 1 a chemist near here?
2 go straight on
3 at the end of the road
4 how do I get to
5 go past the chemist
10 1 Is there 2 there isn’t/there’s not 3 there are 4 are there 5 there are
6 There’s 7 Are there 8 there aren’t 9 there are 10 there’s
A2 Unit test B answers

Unit 5B
1 1 low 2 clothes 3 (its) watches 4 3/three million 5 shopping centres
2 1 main 2 sit 3 note 4 hate 5 cot 6 set 7 nut 8 cut 9 read 10 met
3 1 hat 2 men 3 note 4 sit 5 read
4 1 I’m watching 2 I eat 3 is wearing 4 They’re playing 5 I spend
6 are you doing 7 aren’t working 8 wears 9 I drive 10 is learning
5 1 try this 2 How much 3 discount 4 Can I 5 please
6 1 online 2 baker’s 3 butcher’s 4 shopping centre 5 sales 6 return
7 discount 8 spend 9 newsagent’s 10 cash
7 1 could 2 could 3 couldn’t 4 can 5 can’t
8 Head – glasses, hat
Body – coat, dress, hoodie, top
Hands – gloves
Feet – shoes, socks, trainers
9 1 Elki 2 Mara 3 Viktor 4 Will 5 Gao
10 1 carefully 2 quiet 3 dangerous 4 correct 5 fast 6 fluently
7 well 8 quickly 9 badly 10 hard
A2 Unit test B answers

Unit 6B
1 1 past 2 present 3 past 4 past 5 present 6 present
7 past 8 past 9 present 10 past
2 Past: Work in travel agent, Travel to Jakarta, Want to go back to France
Present: Study at university, Work in a theatre
3 1 brilliant 2 nightmare 3 poor you 4 awful 5 really
4 N.B. The words must be from the reading passage.
1 England 2 Sidney (Herbert) 3 1854 4 the Queen 5 started a school
5 N.B. The words must be from the reading passage.
1 1820 2 arrived 3 cared 4 day 5 returned
6 1a a bit 1b very
2a very 2b quite
3a really 3b a bit
4a very 4b quite
5a a bit 5b very
7 1 worked 2 moved 3 entered 4 visited 5 finished
8 1 were 2 was 3 Were 4 weren’t 5 were 6 Were 7 wasn’t
8 was 9 were 10 was
9 1 last night
2 in 2008
3 last December
4 at 2.00 p.m. yesterday
5 five years ago
6 about ten years ago
7 in 1999
8 two weeks ago
9 last summer
10 in the 20th century
10 1 entered 2 visited 3 moved 4 worked 5 posted 6 cooked
7 received 8 walked 9 shouted 10 waited
A2 Unit test B answers

Unit 7B
1 1 ate 2 made 3 did 4 drove 5 took 6 wrote 7 had 8 came 9 told 10 sat
2 1 walk 2 take 3 go 4 do 5 do
3 1 didn’t eat/didn’t have
2 didn’t have
3 didn’t go
4 didn’t play
5 didn’t do
4 1 NG 2 T 3 NG 4 F 5 F
5 N.B. The words must be from the reading passage.
1 work 2 fat 3 fruit yogurt 4 (real) fruit 5 energy
6 1 borrow 2 said 3 watched 4 come 5 take 6 told 7 lent
8 looked at 9 bring 10 go
7 1 Wrong 2 Right 3 Right 4 Wrong 5 Right
8 1 First 2 Then 3 Next 4 After that 5 Finally
9 1 runs 2 swim 3 ski 4 go fishing 5 go to the gym 6 do athletics
7 do yoga 8 play basketball 9 cycle 10 plays football
10 1 What do you think about
2 For me
3 I don’t know about that
4 Yes, but
5 What’s your opinion
A2 Unit test B answers

Unit 8B
1 1 present 2 past 3 present 4 present 5 past
2 1 Did you take 2 Do you go 3 Did she miss 4 Do you work 5 Does he live
3 1 the beach 2 cheap hotels 3 a trek 4 local people 5 a tour 6 an apartment
7 sightseeing 8 art galleries/museums 9 museums/art galleries 10 swimming
4 N.B. The words must be from the reading passage.
1 two/2 thousand/2,000 km/kilometres
2 nine months
3 on foot
4 food
5 the weather
5 1 F 2 T 3 NG 4 F 5 F
6 1 Where did you 2 Did you 3 What did you 4 Who did you 5 Did they
7 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 b 7 b 8 a 9 a 10 c
8 1 d 2 g 3 b 4 j 5 e 6 i 7 a 8 f 9 h 10 c
9 1 get 2 have 3 take 4 take/get 5 take 6 have/take 7 have
8 have 9 have 10 get
10 1 I help you
2 When would you
3 How much does
4 How long does
5 Which platform
A2 Unit test B answers

Unit 9B
1 1 $13 2 sixty 3 70 4 14% 5 90 6 £115
7 16,450 8 1938 9 20,000 10 2004
21F 2T 3F 4T 5F
3 1 much 2 None 3 a lot of 4 many 5 a lot of
41F 2F 3T 4T 5F
5 N.B. The words must be from the reading passage.
1 lights 2 menus 3 quietly 4 vegetarian 5 pictures
6 Accept any order
1/2 food processor; microwave
3/4 frying pan; saucepan
5 oven
6/7 bowl; spoon
8 fork
9 knife
10 plate
7 1 Can I 2 Would you like 3 Can I 4 Can I 5 Would you like
8 1 any 2 some 3 an 4 some 5 any 6 a 7 some 8 some 9 any 10 a
9 1 three quarters
2 two thousand, five hundred and five
3 thirty-six per cent
4 two point one
5 one million six hundred thousand
6 fourteen degrees Celsius
7 the twenty-sixth of November
8 one point six five
9 nought point four
10 eighty seven thousand, five hundred and sixty-three
10 1 Pears 2 bakes 3 jam 4 bread 5 sweetcorn 6 roast 7 fry
8 salad 9 boil 10 honey
A2 Unit test B answers

Unit 10B
1 1 north 2 desert 3 mountains 4 rainforest 5 waterfall
6 west 7 beaches 8 islands 9 coast 10 lake
2 1 better 2 hotter 3 worse 4 colder 5 wetter 6 nicer
7 drier 8 more comfortable 9 cooler 10 more popular
3 1 snowed 2 wet 3 icy 4 cloudy 5 dry 6 wind
7 rain 8 windy 9 foggy 10 freezing
4 1 less 2 better 3 different 4 the same 5 more
5 1 No 2 No 3 No 4 Yes 5 No
6 1 the most beautiful 2 the cheapest 3 the most dangerous 4 the oldest
5 The nearest 6 the wettest 7 the easiest 8 the most interesting
9 the busiest 10 the biggest
7 1 I think we should
2 I’d prefer to
3 is a better idea than
4 the most important things are
5 are more important than
8 N.B. The words must be from the reading passage.
1 Venezuela 2 manmade 3 the Romans
4 July or September 5 (the) Hotel Cursula
9 1 NG 2 T 3 T 4 NG 5 F
10 1 high score 2 close friend 3 strong winds 4 low salary 5 deep sleeper
A2 Unit test B answers

Unit 11B
1 1 very/really 2 really 3 really 4 very/really 5 really 6 really
7 very/really 8 really 9 very/really 10 really
2 1 noun 2 adjective 3 verb 4 noun 5 adverb
3 1 worried 2 very important 3 correctly 4 quiet 5 leave
4 1 are you going to 2 I’m not going to 3 are going to
4 is going to 5 Are you going to
5 1 smartphone 2 GPS 3 tablet 4 smartphone 5 website 6 text
7 apps 8 tablet 9 an app 10 text
6 1 make 2 looked after 3 visit 4 teaches 5 repair 6 plant
7 organize 8 paint 9 improve 10 help
7 1 I’m learning English to get a better job.
2 People often travel by bus to save money.
3 Boris is doing lots of exercise to lose weight.
4 Donna joined a photography club to meet new people.
5 I’m going to visit my sister to see her new baby.
8 N.B. The words must be from the reading passage.
1 in teams 2 a community 3 problems 4 training 5 (really) easy
9 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 NG 5 F
10 1 Shall I go to the supermarket?
2 Why don’t I drive you there?
3 I’ll clean it for you.
4 Would you like me to check it for you?
5 Let me help you move it.
A2 Unit test B answers

Unit 12B
1 1 gave 2 sung 3 begin 4 drunk 5 ate 6 spoken
7 draw 8 wrote 9 seen 10 forget
2 1 present perfect 2 past simple 3 present perfect 4 present perfect
5 past simple 6 past simple 7 present perfect 8 present perfect
9 past simple 10 present perfect
3 1 ’s/has sung 2 ’ve/have travelled 3 ’s/has been 4 haven’t/have not played
5 haven’t/have not learned 6 ’s/has worked 7 ’s/has designed
8 haven’t/have not found 9 ’ve/have started 10 ’ve/have sold
4 1 play 2 play 3 go 4 have 5 go 6 art galleries
7 drawings 8 the opera 9 salsa classes 10 dance
5 1 Could I speak to
2 I’m afraid she’s not available
3 could you ask
4 call me back
5 could I have your number
6 1 NG 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F
71D 2B 3A 4C 5C
8 1 been 2 given 3 bought 4 won 5 written
6 put 7 met 8 seen 9 driven 10 spoken
9 1 romance 2 set in 3 comedies 4 about 5 Animations 6 musicals
7 Science fiction films 8 action 9 stars 10 horror films
10 1 Have you ever gone
2 I visited
3 Have you heard
4 ’s/has happened
5 he drove
6 have lived
7 they met
8 They fell
9 they decided
10 I’ve/I have lived

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