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Countries and Sectors in GVCs

Alessandro Borin, Michele Mancini, Daria Taglioni

August 2021

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Measuring GVC participation

Since the 1970s production of goods and services is increasingly

globalized, but how to measure GVC participation is still the object of
academic debate.
• Fully fledged measurement of GVC participation requires data that
trace firm-to-firm transactions within and across countries.

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Measuring GVC participation

Since the 1970s production of goods and services is increasingly

globalized, but how to measure GVC participation is still the object of
academic debate.
• Fully fledged measurement of GVC participation requires data that
trace firm-to-firm transactions within and across countries.
• Only one country (Belgium) allows to track international and
domestic firm-to-firm transactions in a consistent and complete way
(Bems and Kikkawa, JIE 2021)

Borin, Mancini and Taglioni Countries and Sectors in GVCs August 2021 2 / 43
Measuring GVC participation

Since the 1970s production of goods and services is increasingly

globalized, but how to measure GVC participation is still the object of
academic debate.
• Fully fledged measurement of GVC participation requires data that
trace firm-to-firm transactions within and across countries.
• Only one country (Belgium) allows to track international and
domestic firm-to-firm transactions in a consistent and complete way
(Bems and Kikkawa, JIE 2021)
• For most other countries, a macro approach that combines national
input-output tables with customs data is the only source of
information (TiVA, WIOD, EORA, ADB MRIO)

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Measuring GVC participation using ICIO data

Two types of questions can be addressed with MRIO (or ICIO) data:

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Measuring GVC participation using ICIO data

Two types of questions can be addressed with MRIO (or ICIO) data:
• To what extent do countries/sectors participate in GVC? i.e. what
part of trade/output/GDP is involved in GVC?

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Measuring GVC participation using ICIO data

Two types of questions can be addressed with MRIO (or ICIO) data:
• To what extent do countries/sectors participate in GVC? i.e. what
part of trade/output/GDP is involved in GVC?
• How do country/sectors participate in GVC? i.e. are they mainly
suppliers of inputs or users? what is a country/sector relative
position within the chain?

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Measuring GVCs participation using ICIO data

• Following Hummels et al (JIE 2001), a sufficient condition for a

trade flow to be considered GVC-related is to cross two borders:
given the exports of sector n from country s to country r , items that
cross at least two borders are GVCsr .

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Measuring GVCs participation using ICIO data

• Following Hummels et al (JIE 2001), a sufficient condition for a

trade flow to be considered GVC-related is to cross two borders:
given the exports of sector n from country s to country r , items that
cross at least two borders are GVCsr .
• Within GVCsr usually two modes of participation are identified:
backward and forward integration.

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Measuring GVCs participation using ICIO data

• Following Hummels et al (JIE 2001), a sufficient condition for a

trade flow to be considered GVC-related is to cross two borders:
given the exports of sector n from country s to country r , items that
cross at least two borders are GVCsr .
• Within GVCsr usually two modes of participation are identified:
backward and forward integration.
• References: Hummels et al (2001); Borin and Mancini (2015); Wang
et al. (2016); Borin and Mancini (2019); Antras and Chor (2021)

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This paper

• Identifies two sources of mis-measurement of GVC participation.

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This paper

• Identifies two sources of mis-measurement of GVC participation.

• Proposes new ways of characterizing GVC participation that corrects
for these biases.

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This paper

• Identifies two sources of mis-measurement of GVC participation.

• Proposes new ways of characterizing GVC participation that corrects
for these biases.
• Partitioning participation in three (and not two) dimensions.

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This paper

• Identifies two sources of mis-measurement of GVC participation.

• Proposes new ways of characterizing GVC participation that corrects
for these biases.
• Partitioning participation in three (and not two) dimensions.
• Tracing GVC participation within output (more comprehensive than
within trade).

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This paper

• Identifies two sources of mis-measurement of GVC participation.

• Proposes new ways of characterizing GVC participation that corrects
for these biases.
• Partitioning participation in three (and not two) dimensions.
• Tracing GVC participation within output (more comprehensive than
within trade).
• Constructs such measures for all major ICIO databases: data are
available on the WITS website.

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The paper in a nutshell

Intermediate mode is 61% of the total GVC-output at the world-level

(>80% in some sectors, e.g. basic metals).
Country-sector distribution of different modes of participation as a share of total GVC

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Mis-measurements in GVCs
Bias 1: GVC backward vs forward at the global level

GVC Backward and Forward Participation at the global level (share of total

Source: own elaboration based on WIOD.

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Bias 1: GVC backward participation is larger than forward par-
ticipation by construction

Table 1: Illustrative example: the global value chain of hypothetical product P

What is produced? Imports Sales Exports DVA Consumption

Bias 1: GVC backward participation is larger than forward par-
ticipation by construction

Table 1: Illustrative example: the global value chain of hypothetical product P

What is produced? Imports Sales Exports DVA Consumption

Country 1 Intermediate good N1 0 50 50 50 0
Bias 1: GVC backward participation is larger than forward par-
ticipation by construction

Table 1: Illustrative example: the global value chain of hypothetical product P

What is produced? Imports Sales Exports DVA Consumption

Country 1 Intermediate good N1 0 50 50 50 0
Country 2 Intermediate good S1 50 80 80 30 0
Bias 1: GVC backward participation is larger than forward par-
ticipation by construction

Table 1: Illustrative example: the global value chain of hypothetical product P

What is produced? Imports Sales Exports DVA Consumption

Country 1 Intermediate good N1 0 50 50 50 0
Country 2 Intermediate good S1 50 80 80 30 0
Country 3 Final product P 80 100 100 20 0
Bias 1: GVC backward participation is larger than forward par-
ticipation by construction

Table 1: Illustrative example: the global value chain of hypothetical product P

What is produced? Imports Sales Exports DVA Consumption

Country 1 Intermediate good N1 0 50 50 50 0
Country 2 Intermediate good S1 50 80 80 30 0
Country 3 Final product P 80 100 100 20 0
Country 4 No production 100 0 0 0 100

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GVC backward participation is larger than forward participation
by construction

Table 2: Decomposition of Export Flows

Imports Sales Exports DVA Export Decomposition:

non-GVC GVC-related
Forward Backward
Country 1 0 50 50 50 0 50 0
Country 2 50 80 80 30 0 30 50
Country 3 80 100 100 20 20 0 80
Country 4 100 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 230 230 230 100 20 80 130

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Our proposed solution to bias 1: three GVC participation
modes, not two

The current way of measuring participation mis-characterizes sectors’ and

countries’ engagement in GVCs.

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Our proposed solution to bias 1: three GVC participation
modes, not two

The current way of measuring participation mis-characterizes sectors’ and

countries’ engagement in GVCs.
We propose instead to partition participation in three distinct modes of

GVCsr = GVCPureForwsr + GVCTwoSidedsr + GVCPureBacksr

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Our proposed solution to bias 1: three GVC participation
modes, not two

The current way of measuring participation mis-characterizes sectors’ and

countries’ engagement in GVCs.
We propose instead to partition participation in three distinct modes of

GVCsr = GVCPureForwsr + GVCTwoSidedsr + GVCPureBacksr

• Pure forward: encompasses the activities at the origin of the chain,

i.e. producing raw inputs to be used in GVC (close to the origin).

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Our proposed solution to bias 1: three GVC participation
modes, not two

The current way of measuring participation mis-characterizes sectors’ and

countries’ engagement in GVCs.
We propose instead to partition participation in three distinct modes of

GVCsr = GVCPureForwsr + GVCTwoSidedsr + GVCPureBacksr

• Pure forward: encompasses the activities at the origin of the chain,

i.e. producing raw inputs to be used in GVC (close to the origin).
• Intermediate or two-sided: encompasses all activities that use inputs
to sell intermediate goods (not sold to the final market).

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Our proposed solution to bias 1: three GVC participation
modes, not two

The current way of measuring participation mis-characterizes sectors’ and

countries’ engagement in GVCs.
We propose instead to partition participation in three distinct modes of

GVCsr = GVCPureForwsr + GVCTwoSidedsr + GVCPureBacksr

• Pure forward: encompasses the activities at the origin of the chain,

i.e. producing raw inputs to be used in GVC (close to the origin).
• Intermediate or two-sided: encompasses all activities that use inputs
to sell intermediate goods (not sold to the final market).
• Pure backward: encompasses the activities at the end of the chain,
i.e. using inputs to sell products to the final market.

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Evidence of the new break-down

GVC-Trade by participation modes (share of total trade)

• Two-sided integration around 17% of total GVC-trade,

and growing over time.

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Mis-measurements at the level of individual sectors and coun-
tries can be even more severe

• Global level: GVC backward is higher than forward (60% vs 40%).

• All manufacturing sectors more backward integrated.

• 2/3 of countries more backward integrated in manufacturing.

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Mis-measurements at the level of individual sectors and coun-
tries can be even more severe

• Global level: GVC backward is higher than forward (60% vs 40%).

Pure backward integration ≡ Pure forward integration.
• All manufacturing sectors more backward integrated.
Basic and fabricated metals, chemicals, wood, more pure forward.
• 2/3 of countries more backward integrated in manufacturing.
1/2 of countries more backward integrated in manufacturing.

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Evidence of mismeasurement in basic metals

GVC-Trade in Basic Metals by participation modes (share of total GVC trade)

80.0 72.5
50.0 45.2
40.0 32.6 32.0

Backward (standard definition) Pure Backward Two‐sided

Source: Our elaborations on data from ADB MRIO 2019 data.

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Bias 2: Neglecting GVC-Output - Services wrongly appear
marginally integrated in GVCs

GVC-Trade (as percentage of total GVC-Output (as percentage of total

output) output)

Source: Our elaborations on data from EORA and ADB MRIO.

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Bias 2: Neglecting GVC-Output - Sectors/countries with low
exports but entirely GVC-related will result as highly integrated,
even if their activity is mostly non-trade related

Figure 1: Bivariate density plot of GVC Bivariate density plot of GVC Output
Output and GVC trade, manufacturing and GVC trade, services)

Source: Our elaborations on data from EORA and ADB MRIO.

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Bias 2: Neglecting GVC-Output

Figure 2: Ranking GVC Output vs Ranking GVC Output vs GVC trade,

GVC trade, manufacturing services)

Source: Our elaborations on data from EORA and ADB MRIO.

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Remedy to Bias 2: tracing GVCs in output

Our remedy to Bias 2 is to trace GVC participation in the output of

countries and sectors.

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Remedy to Bias 2: tracing GVCs in output

Our remedy to Bias 2 is to trace GVC participation in the output of

countries and sectors.

• Extending GVC participation beyond trade.

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Remedy to Bias 2: tracing GVCs in output

Our remedy to Bias 2 is to trace GVC participation in the output of

countries and sectors.

• Extending GVC participation beyond trade.

• Taking into account sectors/firms not directly engaged in exporting
activities but still involved in global supply networks.

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Remedy to Bias 2: tracing GVCs in output

Our remedy to Bias 2 is to trace GVC participation in the output of

countries and sectors.

• Extending GVC participation beyond trade.

• Taking into account sectors/firms not directly engaged in exporting
activities but still involved in global supply networks.
• GVC-output encompasses the GVC activities traced in value-added
and final goods, but also in all the exchanges of inputs within the
intermediates stages of production.

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Remedy to Bias 2: tracing GVCs in output

Our remedy to Bias 2 is to trace GVC participation in the output of

countries and sectors.

• Extending GVC participation beyond trade.

• Taking into account sectors/firms not directly engaged in exporting
activities but still involved in global supply networks.
• GVC-output encompasses the GVC activities traced in value-added
and final goods, but also in all the exchanges of inputs within the
intermediates stages of production.
• Three modes of participation: pure forward (GVC-value-added),
pure backward (GVC-final goods), two-sided.

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Measuring GVCs
A general definition of GVCs

A general definition of what is considered GVC-related in the

Inter-Country Input-Output framework: goods and services crossing more
than one border along the production process (Hummels et al. 2001;
Borin and Mancini 2015, 2019, Antràs and Chor, 2021).
How to make this definition operational?

• Data, i.e. Inter-Country Input-Output tables

• Appropriate accounting framework

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Inter-Country Input Output table

A standard ICIO table

Use of intermediate products and factors


Delivery (supply) of intermediates and final goods

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ICIO tables sources (all available on WITS)

• World Input-Output Database

• OECD Trade in Value-Added

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Inter-Country Input Output table

A closer look to a (portion of a) WIOD table

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GVC-related trade
GVC-related trade (from Borin Mancini, 2015, 2019)

Which part of trade is NOT involved in GVC, i.e. crosses just one

• Domestic Value-added of country s exported by each sector n and

absorbed directly by the importer r :


DAVAXsr = Vs Lss Ysr + Vs Lss Asr Lrr Yrr

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GVC-related trade (from Borin Mancini, 2015, 2019)

Which part of trade is NOT involved in GVC, i.e. crosses just one

• Domestic Value-added of country s exported by each sector n and

absorbed directly by the importer r :


DAVAXsr = Vs Lss Ysr + Vs Lss Asr Lrr Yrr

• GVC-related trade defined as the value of production that cross

more than one border:

GVCsr = Esr − DAVAXsr

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GVC-related trade (from Borin Mancini, 2015, 2019)

Which part of trade is NOT involved in GVC, i.e. crosses just one

• Domestic Value-added of country s exported by each sector n and

absorbed directly by the importer r :


DAVAXsr = Vs Lss Ysr + Vs Lss Asr Lrr Yrr

• GVC-related trade defined as the value of production that cross

more than one border:

GVCsr = Esr − DAVAXsr

GVCs = Esr − DAVAXsr
r 6=s r 6=s

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DAVAX with other accounting frameworks

Koopman et al. (2014) and Wang et al. (2013) frameworks are not able
to trace exporter-importer linkages; cannot separate the DVA absorbed in
the first destination or re-exported to other countries:

DAVAXs = Vs Lss Ysr + Vs Lss Asr Lrr Yrr
r 6=s r 6=s

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DAVAX with other accounting frameworks

Koopman et al. (2014) and Wang et al. (2013) frameworks are not able
to trace exporter-importer linkages; cannot separate the DVA absorbed in
the first destination or re-exported to other countries:

DAVAXs = Vs Lss Ysr + Vs Lss Asr Lrr Yrr
r 6=s r 6=s

• Koopman et al. (2014):

Vs Bss Ysr + Vs Bsr Yrr
r 6=s r 6=s

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DAVAX with other accounting frameworks

Koopman et al. (2014) and Wang et al. (2013) frameworks are not able
to trace exporter-importer linkages; cannot separate the DVA absorbed in
the first destination or re-exported to other countries:

DAVAXs = Vs Lss Ysr + Vs Lss Asr Lrr Yrr
r 6=s r 6=s

• Koopman et al. (2014):

Vs Bss Ysr + Vs Bsr Yrr
r 6=s r 6=s

• Wang et al. (2013):

Vs Bss Ysr + Vs Lss Asr Brr Yrr
r 6=s r 6=s
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Comparison with other GVC-trade proxies

GVC-related trade vs other proxies used in the literature

See also Antràs and Chor, 2021.

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GVC-trade participation modes

Given a Nx 1 vector of exports from country s to r , Esr , the level of

GVC-trade at the sectoral level is:

GVCsr = Esr − DAVAXsr

Three modes of participation:

GVCsr = GVCPureForwsr + GVCPureBacksr + GVCTwoSidedsr

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Pure Forward GVC-trade

Value-added generated within the domestic chains exported for the first
time by sector n, and then re-exported by the direct importer (i.e. not
directly absorbed by the importing country)

GVCPureForwsr = Vs Lss Esr − DAVAXsr

Origin of the chain: first exporting sector


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Pure Backward GVC-trade

Imported inputs bought directly from abroad or indirectly through

domestic chains, exported by sector n to the final market, as
intermediates or final goods


GVCPureBacksr = uN Ats Lss (Ysr + Asr Lrr Yrr )


End of the chain: last exporting sector

Final market

Intermediates + Final goods

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Two-sided GVC-trade

Imported inputs bought directly from abroad or indirectly through

domestic chains, exported by sector n to and further re-exported by the
importing partner
 
GVCTwoSidedsr = uN Ats Lss Asr Lrr Erj 
t6=s j6=r

Intermediate position: the item is imported, processed, exported and it will re-export by other


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• Taking into account sectors/firms not directly engaged in exporting

activities but still involved in global supply networks.

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• Taking into account sectors/firms not directly engaged in exporting

activities but still involved in global supply networks.
• GVC-output encompasses the GVC activities traced in value-added
and final goods, but also in all the exchanges of inputs within the
intermediates stages of production.

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• Taking into account sectors/firms not directly engaged in exporting

activities but still involved in global supply networks.
• GVC-output encompasses the GVC activities traced in value-added
and final goods, but also in all the exchanges of inputs within the
intermediates stages of production.
• Three modes of participation: pure forward (GVC-value-added),
pure backward (GVC-final goods), two-sided.

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GVC-output (GVCXs ) definition: given the output of sector n in country

s, items that cross at least two borders.

Total output of a specific sector is made of i) imported intermediates, ii)

domestic intermediates and iii) value added:

Xs = Vj Ljj k6=j Ajk Bks Xs + Vs Lss Ass Xs + Vs Xs

we trace in each one of the terms above the share that is related to GVC
activities, i.e. that crosses at least two borders.

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Pure Forward GVC-output

• Value-added produced by sector n sold directly abroad or indirectly

trough domestic chains; then, exported by the partner country.

GVCPureForwsX = Vs (Asr Xexp
r + Ass Lss Asr Xexp
r ).
r 6=s

where Xexp
r = Lrr k6=r Erk

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Pure Forward GVC-output

• Value-added produced by sector n sold directly abroad or indirectly

trough domestic chains; then, exported by the partner country.

GVCPureForwsX = Vs (Asr Xexp
r + Ass Lss Asr Xexp
r ).
r 6=s

where Xexp
r = Lrr k6=r Erk
GVC pure forward participation measured in output is equal to
GVC-related value-added,
h i.e. GVC =
PG s PG i
Vs j,k Bsj Yjk − Vs Lss Yss + r 6=s Ysr + r 6=s Asr Lrr Yrr

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Pure-forward GVC-output

Origin of the chain: sector of origin of the value-added


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Pure Backward GVC-output

• Imported inputs bought by n directly from abroad or indirectly

through domestic chains and embedded in final goods production
sold to domestic consumers – if inputs crossed more than 1 border
before – or abroad – if inputs crossed only 1 border

GVCPureBacksX = Vj Ljj k6=j Ajk Bks Ysz − Vj Ljj Ajs Lss Yss
j z j6=s

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Pure Backward GVC-output

• Imported inputs bought by n directly from abroad or indirectly

through domestic chains and embedded in final goods production
sold to domestic consumers – if inputs crossed more than 1 border
before – or abroad – if inputs crossed only 1 border

GVCPureBacksX = Vj Ljj k6=j Ajk Bks Ysz − Vj Ljj Ajs Lss Yss
j z j6=s

GVC pure backward participation measured in output is equal to

GVC in final goods, i.e. V V
GVCYs = z Ysz − j6=s Vj Ljj Ajs Lss Yss − Vs Lss z Ysz

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Pure-backward GVC-output

End of the chain: sector producing the final good (for the domestic market)

Final market

m Final


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Pure-backward GVC-output

End of the chain: sector producing the final good (for foreign markets)

Final market

m Final


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Two-sided GVC-output

Two components: i) domestically produced inputs

(GVCTwoSidedsDomInp ); ii) imported inputs (GVCTwoSided ImpInp )

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Two-sided GVC-output

Two components: i) domestically produced inputs

(GVCTwoSidedsDomInp ); ii) imported inputs (GVCTwoSided ImpInp )
i) Domestic inputs bought by n within domestic chains and sold directly
abroad or indirectly trough domestic chains; then re-exported.

GVCTwoSidedsDomInp = Vs Lss Ass (Asr Xexp
r + Ass Lss Asr Xexp
r )
r 6=s

Intermediate position: sector buying domestic inputs and selling intermediates to other sectors.

m k


v j

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Two-sided GVC-output

ii) Imported inputs bought directly from abroad or indirectly trough

domestic chains by n, and sold directly abroad as inputs or indirectly
trough domestic chains:


GVCTwoSidedsImpInp = Vj Ljj k6=j Ajk Bks Xs

− Vj Ljj Ajs Lss Ass Lss Yss − GVCPureBacksX


Intermediate position: sector buying foreign inputs and selling intermediates to other sectors.

m k


v j

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Relative participation in GVCs
Relative participation in GVC-trade

At the global level, the following holds true:

uN GVCPureBacksr = uN GVCPureForwsr .
s,r 6=s s,r 6=s

We can compute (at any level of aggregation) a measure of forwardness

bounded between -1 and 1 and equal to 0 at the world level. At the
exporting country-exporting sector-importing country level, we have:

Fsr = (GVCPureForwsr − GVCPureBacksr ) GVCsr .

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Relative participation and relative position

A bridge between GVC participation and position

Country-level forwardness vs upstreamness/downstreamness.
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

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Relative participation in GVC-output

At the global level, we have:

uN GVCPureForwsX = uN GVCPureBacksX . (1)
s s

We compute (at any level of aggregation) a measure of forwardness

bounded between -1 and 1 and equal to 0 at the world level. At the
country-sector level, we have:

FXs = GVCPureForwsX − GVCPureBacksX GVCXs .


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Relative participation and relative position

A bridge between GVC participation and position

Country-level forwardness vs upstreamness/downstreamness.
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

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We address two important limitations in measuring GVCs at the country

and sector level:

• Countries and sectors are systematically more backward integrated

than forward: .
• Sectors indirectly engaged in GVC activities (non-exporting) are
overlooked by standard measures:

Borin, Mancini and Taglioni Countries and Sectors in GVCs August 2021 42 / 43

We address two important limitations in measuring GVCs at the country

and sector level:

• Countries and sectors are systematically more backward integrated

than forward: a new breakdown of GVC participation modes.
• Sectors indirectly engaged in GVC activities (non-exporting) are
overlooked by standard measures: trace GVC activities within the
output of a sector.

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We address two important limitations in measuring GVCs at the country

and sector level:

• Countries and sectors are systematically more backward integrated

than forward: a new breakdown of GVC participation modes.
• Sectors indirectly engaged in GVC activities (non-exporting) are
overlooked by standard measures: trace GVC activities within the
output of a sector.

New GVC measures computed on the most used ICIO databases (WIOD,
OECD-TiVA, EORA, ADB MRIO) are available on the WITS website.

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Properties of GVC-trade indicators

• GVCPureBacksr + GVCTwoSidedsr = VSs (i.e. the import content

of exports as defined by Hummels et al. 2001). It is also equal to
GVCBackwardsr in Borin and Mancini (2017, 2019) and Stata
package icio .

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Properties of GVC-trade indicators

• GVCPureBacksr + GVCTwoSidedsr = VSs (i.e. the import content

of exports as defined by Hummels et al. 2001). It is also equal to
GVCBackwardsr in Borin and Mancini (2017, 2019) and Stata
package icio .

• GVCPureForws is equal to GVCForwardsr in Borin and Mancini

(2017, 2019) and Stata package icio.

Borin, Mancini and Taglioni Countries and Sectors in GVCs August 2021 43 / 43
Properties of GVC-trade indicators

• GVCPureBacksr + GVCTwoSidedsr = VSs (i.e. the import content

of exports as defined by Hummels et al. 2001). It is also equal to
GVCBackwardsr in Borin and Mancini (2017, 2019) and Stata
package icio .

• GVCPureForws is equal to GVCForwardsr in Borin and Mancini

(2017, 2019) and Stata package icio.

• GVCPureForws differs from VS1s as defined by Koompan et al.

(2014) and reported by Aslam et al. (2017) (i.e. r 6=s Vs Bsr Er ∗ )
which is not necessary a portion of country s exports.

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Properties of GVC-trade indicators

• GVCPureBacksr + GVCTwoSidedsr = VSs (i.e. the import content

of exports as defined by Hummels et al. 2001). It is also equal to
GVCBackwardsr in Borin and Mancini (2017, 2019) and Stata
package icio .

• GVCPureForws is equal to GVCForwardsr in Borin and Mancini

(2017, 2019) and Stata package icio.

• GVCPureForws differs from VS1s as defined by Koompan et al.

(2014) and reported by Aslam et al. (2017) (i.e. r 6=s Vs Bsr Er ∗ )
which is not necessary a portion of country s exports.

• At the global level, the following holds true:

uN GVCPureBacksr = uN GVCPureForwsr .
s,r 6=s s,r 6=s

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