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Name _______________________________________

A2 Unit test 10B

1 Complete the texts with the words in the boxes.

2 Complete the sentences with the comparative
form of the word in (brackets).

desert mountains north rainforest Keiran Junko, what’s the weather like in Japan
waterfall compared to Ireland?
Junko Well, I think it’s 1__________ (good) in
I went to Peru for my holiday and visited some general because Japan is 2__________ (hot)
amazing places. I travelled from one end of the than Ireland in summer, but it is
country to the other. I started in the 1__________ of 3
__________ (bad) in winter because it is
the country. It is very dry there and I visited a large 4
__________ (cold).
__________. I like trekking so we went on a four-
day walk in the 3__________. The views were Kieran Does it rain a lot?
wonderful. Then, we went to the 4__________ Junko Actually, I think that Ireland is 5__________
where the weather is very wet and tropical. We (wet) than Japan except in the rainy season.
walked to see a beautiful 5__________ and we went
Kieran Really? And do you prefer winter or summer
for a swim in the pool at the bottom.
time in Japan?
Annabel Junko For me, winter is 6__________ (nice) than
summer because it is 7__________ (dry).
beaches coast islands lake
west Kieran What about spring and autumn?
Junko They are 8____________________
I had a great holiday last year. I decided to go to the
(comfortable) because they are 9__________
__________ side of Scotland. It’s famous for lots
(cool) than summer, but not too cold. Spring
of reasons. There are lots of long, golden, sandy
is a 10____________________ (popular)
__________, although the sea was quite cold so I
season than autumn with many people
didn’t have a swim! And there are lots of small
because they like to see the cherry blossom.
__________ out in the sea. You can take a boat
from the 9__________ to visit some of them. I Kieran It sounds lovely. I’d love to visit one day.
wanted to go on a boat trip, but not on the sea. So I
1 point for each correct answer 10
decided to go to the middle of Scotland and visited
a 10__________ by a castle. The boat trip was much
more relaxing than going on the sea!

1 point for each correct answer 10

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Name _______________________________________

A2 Unit test 10B

3 Choose the correct word in italics. 5 Read the texts and answer the questions. Circle
Yes or No.
1 Yesterday it snowed / snowy a lot so we went
outside and made a snowman. Rebecca likes to go on holiday alone, but her best
2 The weather in England is often rain / wet in friend Naomi is different. She likes group holidays.
the winter.
1 Do Rebecca and Naomi go on holiday alone?
3 You should drive carefully when the roads are
Yes / No
ice / icy.
4 Today started sunny but then it became Rebecca always goes on holiday for a month, but
cloudy / cloud. Naomi always goes for less because of her job.
5 The town where I live has good weather and it’s
sun / dry most of the year. 2 Does Naomi go on holiday for a month? Yes / No
6 Last night, there was a storm with lots of Rebecca prefers adventure holidays but Naomi likes
wind / windy. them less.
7 We’re having a picnic by the river tomorrow, so I
hope it doesn’t rainy / rain. 3 Do Rebecca and Naomi both like adventure
8 It was very windy / wind this morning and my holidays? Yes / No
umbrella broke on my way to work. Rebecca and Naomi sometimes like doing the same
9 The ship couldn’t leave because it was so activities on holiday, like walking and taking photos of
fog / foggy. animals.
10 The temperature was very low last night and it was
freezing / freeze this morning. 4 Do Rebecca and Naomi like walking on holiday?
Yes / No
1 point for each correct answer 10
Rebecca and Naomi sometimes go to the beach but
4 Choose the correct answer from the words in Naomi likes it more.
italics. 5 Does Rebecca like the beach a lot? Yes / No
1 Ramala scored 90% in the English test but Sareena 2 points for each correct answer 10
scored less / the same.
2 Juan plays football and tennis well but he plays
tennis better / the same.
3 The food in India and France is very similar /
4 Where I live during the winter, December is cold
and January is different / the same.
5 We took some water on our picnic but it was hot so
we needed to buy some more / less.

2 points for each correct answer 10

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Name _______________________________________

A2 Unit test 10B

6 Complete the sentences with the superlative 7 Complete the conversation with the phrases in
form of the word in (brackets). the box.

1 People say the Taj Mahal is are more important than I think we should
____________________ (beautiful) building in the I’d prefer to is a better idea than
world. the most important things are
2 This hotel is ____________________ (cheap) in
the city. Oleg Where should we go at the weekend, Jamila?
3 The USA has some of ____________________
Jamila 1
______________________________ go
(dangerous) snakes in the world.
skiing in the mountains.
4 Stonehenge is one of ____________________ (old)
tourist attractions in England. Oleg Really? I’m not very good at skiing.
5 ____________________ (near) station is
______________________________ go
5 kilometres from here in the next town. walking instead.
6 Last year, ____________________ (wet) month Jamila I’m not sure. It might be a bit boring.
was April.
7 There are many ways to travel around Europe, but Oleg I don’t think so. Walking is really peaceful
____________________ (easy) way is by train. and relaxing. And I had a bad accident the
8 In my opinion, ____________________ last time we went skiing.
(interesting) place in the city is the Museum of Jamila OK, then. Walking
Science. 3
______________________________ skiing.
9 Tokyo is probably ____________________ (busy) What do we need to take?
city in the world.
Oleg Well, 4______________________________
10 James lives near ____________________ (big)
a waterproof jacket, strong boots and a
national park in the country.
compass in case we get lost.
1 point for each correct answer 10 Jamila Yes, but a waterproof jacket and strong boots
______________________________ a
compass. I don’t want to go to the middle of
a forest and get lost so can we just stay on the
Oleg OK, sure. Well, let’s start packing then!

2 points for each correct answer 10

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Name _______________________________________

A2 Unit test 10B

8 Read the text and answer the questions. Use no 9 Read the text again. Decide if the sentences are
more than three words from the text for each true (T) or false (F). If there is no information
answer. about this, choose ‘not given’ (NG).

The Beauty of Marmore Falls 1 Marmore Falls is the most famous waterfall in Italy.
Everyone knows that the highest waterfall in the world 2 The waterfall does not work all of the time.
is Angel Falls in Venezuela. But there’s another __________
waterfall that many people don’t know. It’s called 3 The views of the waterfall are better in early or late
Marmore Falls in Italy and it’s the highest manmade* summer. __________
waterfall. Although Angel Falls is more famous, 4 Most of the tourists at Marmore Falls are Italian.
Marmore Falls is very beautiful and has lots of visitors. __________
The Romans made the waterfall, so it is over 2,000 5 The Hotel Cursula serves the cheapest food in the
years old. The water in Marmore Falls is used to create area. __________
electric power. This means the water turns on and off.
So before you visit, the most important thing to do is 2 points for each correct answer 10
check what time the water turns on.
10 Complete the sentences. Make adjective and
August is the worst time to visit Marmore Falls noun collocations with the words in the boxes.
because there are too many tourists. August is the
hottest month and most people in Italy take their Adjectives
holiday then. It’s better to go in July or September. At
close deep high low strong
this time, you can get a better view and you can take
nicer photos. There are many restaurants in the area, Nouns
but the best is in the Hotel Cursula. It serves really
good local food. It’s more expensive than the others friend salary score sleeper
but the pasta is fantastic. winds
* manmade: people make this thing; it is not from nature
1 I really hope I get a ____________________ in my
1 Where is the world’s highest waterfall? English test.
_________________________________________ 2 Natasha is a ____________________ of Juliet at
2 What type of waterfall is Marmore Falls? work. Juliet talks to her when she has problems
_________________________________________ with her boss.
3 Who built Marmore Falls? 3 This weekend, there will be
_________________________________________ ____________________ in the north of the
4 When is the best time to visit Marmore Falls? country.
_________________________________________ 4 I find it hard to pay all my bills because I have a
5 Where can you eat Italian food from the region ____________________.
around Marmore Falls? 5 I’m a really ____________________. I have three
_________________________________________ alarm clocks to wake me up!

2 points for each correct answer 10 2 points for each correct answer 10

Unit test 10B total 100

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