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Marks Sheet

Domain and Total Mark (Weightage) (10) Obtained Marks

Sr. No. Assessment Weightage Rubrics PLO's Scale
Taxonomy Level

Supervisor 4 Reviewer-1 3 Reviewer-2 3 Supervisor Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2

Content PLO 10 C3 (1-5)

Text - Font Choice & Formatting PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

Slide Transitions PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

Pictures, Clip Art Background PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

Spelling and grammer PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

Presentation Skills PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

To be decided by the
1 Propsal Presntation
Self- Presentation PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

PLO 10 A2 (1-5)
& Presentation ability

Technical Material Presentation PLO 10 C3 (1-5)

Background PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

Use of Graphics PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

Effectiveness PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

Domain and Total Mark (Weightage) (10) Obtained Marks

Sr. No. Assessment Weightage Rubrics PLO's Scale
Taxonomy Level

Supervisor 4 Reviewer-1 3 Reviewer-2 3 Supervisor Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2

Introduction and Literature Review PLO 1 C2 (1-5)

PLO 2 C3 (1-5)
Statement and Objectives

PLO 2 C3 (1-5)

To be decided by the Methodology
Proposal Report PLO 2 C4 (1-5)

PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

References PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

Domain and Total Mark (Weightage) (20) Obtained Marks

Sr. No. Assessment Weightage Rubrics PLO's Scale
Taxonomy Level

Supervisor 10 Reviewer-1 5 Reviewer-2 5 Supervisor Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2

Literature Survey PLO 4 C4 (1-5)

Project Concept Development PLO 4 C4 (1-5)

To be decided by the
3 Mid-Term Progress Report Data/Material Collection PLO 4 P4 (1-5)

Project Timeline Follow-up PLO 11 A2 (1-5)

Lifelong Learning PLO 12 A2 (1-5)

Domain and Total Mark (Weightage) (30) Obtained Marks
Sr. No. Assessment Weightage Rubrics PLO's Scale
Taxonomy Level

Supervisor 10 Reviewer-1 10 Reviewer-2 10 Supervisor Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2

Abstract PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

Introduction and Literature Review PLO 6 C4 (1-5)

Objectives and Scope of work PLO 4 C4 (1-5)

Methodology (Analysis/Design) and Time

PLO 5/PLO3 C3 (1-5)
To be decided by the
4 Final Report
Results and Discussion s PLO 4 A2 (1-5)

Conclusion s PLO 07 A2 (1-5)

Report Written PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

References PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

Domain and Total Mark (Weightage) (10) Obtained Marks

Sr. No. Assessment Weightage Rubrics PLO's Scale
Taxonomy Level

Supervisor 4 Reviewer-1 3 Reviewer-2 3 Supervisor Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2

Content PLO 10 C3 (1-5)

Text - Font Choice & Formatting PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

Slide Transitions PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

Pictures, Clip Art Background PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

Spelling and grammer PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

Presentation Skills PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

Final Presentation To be decided by the
(10) supervisor
Self- Presentation PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

PLO 08 A2 (1-5)
& Presentation ability

Technical Material Presentation PLO 10 C3 (1-5)

Background PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

Use of Graphics PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

Effectiveness PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

Domain and Total Mark (Weightage) (10) Obtained Marks

Sr. No. Assessment Weightage Rubrics PLO's Scale
Taxonomy Level

Supervisor Supervisor

Teamwork PLO 9 A3 (1-5)

Attitude PLO 9 A3 (1-5)

Contributions PLO 9 A3 (1-5)

To be decided by the
6 Team Work Problem-solving PLO 9 A3 (1-5)

Focus on the Task PLO 9 A3 (1-5)

Working with Others PLO 9 A3 (1-5)

Leadership& Participation PLO 9 A3 (1-5)

Domain and Total Mark (Weightage) (10) Obtained Marks

Sr. No. Assessment Weightage Rubrics PLO's Scale
Taxonomy Level

Supervisor 4 Reviewer-1 3 Reviewer-2 3 Supervisor Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2

Over all Apperance PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

Project Objectives PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

To be decided by the
7 Poster Presentation Methodology PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

Results PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

Descussion/ Conclusion PLO 10 A2 (1-5)

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