Growth Mindset Learning Objectives Sheet

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I don’t know I think I I’m fully

START OF THE LESSON about this know most confident on

yet of this this
Knowledge: to recall in a hydrogen fuel cell that
hydrogen and oxygen are reacted to produce an
electrical current, water and heat

Comprehension: to describe how a fuel cell works

Evaluation: to evaluate the strengths and

weaknesses of fuel cells for given uses

I don’t know I think I I’m fully

END OF THE LESSON about this know most confident on
yet of this this
Knowledge: to recall in a hydrogen fuel cell that
hydrogen and oxygen are reacted to produce an
electrical current, water and heat

Comprehension: to describe how a fuel cell works

Evaluation: to evaluate the strengths and

weaknesses of fuel cells for given uses

I don’t know I think I I’m fully

START OF THE LESSON about this know most confident on
yet of this this

Knowledge: to recall in a hydrogen fuel cell that

hydrogen and oxygen are reacted to produce an
electrical current, water and heat

Comprehension: to describe how a fuel cell works

Evaluation: to evaluate the strengths and

weaknesses of fuel cells for given uses

I don’t know I think I I’m fully

END OF THE LESSON about this know most confident on
yet of this this

Knowledge: to recall in a hydrogen fuel cell that

hydrogen and oxygen are reacted to produce an
electrical current, water and heat

Comprehension: to describe how a fuel cell works

Evaluation: to evaluate the strengths and

weaknesses of fuel cells for given uses

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