Chapter One The Fairytale of 1994 of The Legend

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Once upon a time there was a king and queen, who were married in fairyland in 1992.

They loved and worshipped each other very tenderly, but they didn't have any fairy
children at all. They had their reception in the hotel in fairyland in 1993, the
wedding party was perfect. The magic was very powerful, but Elizabeth Langford
wasn't born yet. The story was a very true fairytale of 1994 of the legend, they
went to beach for their honeymoon in fairyland in 1993, they were very good
swimmers. They were having a good time, the fairytale of the legend was a very good
tale to begin with the story in fairyland. The story was true, they came home from
their honeymoon in fairyland 1994. They were very tired, the fairy folk of the fore
were there to greet them by the castle gate. One day the fairy queen suffered
morning sickness in fairyland, because she took a pregnancy test. She was expecting
her first baby fairy child, it was due on 18th of January 1994 in fairyland. As the
days went by Alexander and Caitlin were waiting for their news of Elizabeth
Langford, but she hasn't come yet. The land was very calm, the world was very calm.
The story was true, the magic was very strong. Because their mother was having
another baby too, the magic was very powerful. It was due on 1st of March 1994, the
land was very calm. When the time came the king took his wife to fairyland general
hospital in fairyland, they were going to get an ultrasound to see how the little
baby fairy child was getting on inside her womb, it was a girl and her name was
going to be Charlotte. Their father took his wife to the old rotten row hospital to
get an ultrasound to see how the baby was getting on inside her womb, it was a girl
and her name is going to be Elizabeth Langford. The story was true, the fairies
were inside the queen's womb. Their worship was amazing too, the fairies were very
quiet. The story was true, the light was very lovely. The land was very cold, the
pink fairy book was very beautiful. The light was very dim and misty, the fairy
queen told her fairy children to calm down. The world was very cold, the dream was
very beautiful. The fairytale was very long, the world was very still. The coldness
was very dim, the sky was very clear. The story was very long, the fairies were
there. As the time went by Alexander and Caitlin were very patient, the story was
very special. When suddenly the queen heard a cry and the water broke now, the
little baby fairy is coming. When it came to February now, their mother heard a cry
and the water broke now and the baby was coming now. When the king and queen got to
the hospital in fairyland, the midwife got the fairy queen settled on the hospital
bed. Their father took his wife to the old rotten row hospital, the fairy queen was
doing some breathing exercises and her breathing was very shallow. When their
father and mother got to the old rotten row hospital, the midwife was getting her
mother settled on the bed, she was doing some breathing exercises and her breathing
was very shallow. The fairy queen was getting ready for the birth of her first baby
fairy child, she pushed and pushed and pushed even harder and pushed the very last
time and until the little baby fairy child was out of her womb. It was a little
baby fairy girl called Charlotte, their mother was getting ready for the birth of
her child. She pushed and pushed even harder and pushed one more time and until the
baby was out of her womb, it was a baby girl called Elizabeth Langford. Who was
born in fairyland General hospital on Friday 18th of January 1994 at 4:00 in the
morning, she was weighed Six pounds and four in the hospital, who was born at the
old rotten row hospital on Thursday 24th of February at 5:00 in the morning and she
was weighed seven pounds and ten ounces at the hospital. The king and queen loved
their first child Charlotte very much, the magic was very powerful. Their mother
and father loved their daughter Elizabeth Langford very much, she was given the
name known as Elizabeth Clare Langford in the hospital. The land was very calm, the
story was true. Charlotte was given the name known as Charlotte the little fairy,
but Elizabeth didn't know that the first little baby fairy called Charlotte the
little fairy was born in fairyland. This story happened a long time ago too, the
fairy world was very magical. The story was true, the time was very beautiful. The
story was very long, the hospital was a very very, old hospital on a very steep
hill. The fairytale was a very good story from the olden day, Charlotte was very
sweet little baby fairy. The legend of Elizabeth Langford was a very beautiful
little novel, where she fell asleep in the hospital cot. Charlotte was the most
beautiful little baby fairy, the story was very beautiful. The forest was very big,
the steep hill was very big with some stairs coming down from the hospital. The
land was very flat, the world was very quiet. When Elizabeth was born, she was met
by her Nanna and her Great grandfather. Who was her mother's mother's father and
her mother's Grandad, her grandfather was at home. Charlotte the little baby fairy
was very beautiful, the magic was very beautiful. Her great grandfather came to see
her before he died, because her mother's mother's mother died before Elizabeth was
born in 1989. The story was very special, Charlotte the little baby fairy was very
tiny. Her hair was very short, Elizabeth was quite a big baby when she was born and
her hair was very short and curly. The light was very dim, when Charlotte came home
from the hospital the next morning in fairyland. Her bedroom was made for her in
time, the castle was very big on a tall hill. When Elizabeth was a few weeks old,
she use to see a shadow of the hospital and she was a very quiet little baby. The
light was very bright, the world was very beautiful. The land was very still, her
brother and sister came to see her at the hospital. They were very happy to see
her, the land was very lovely. The sky was very misty, the world was very still.
The land was very special, Charlotte was very quiet in her own bedroom in
fairyland. One day Elizabeth was met by Kevin and his first wife Jean willbraham in
the hospital, because they remembered her when she was born in the hospital. The
story was very long, the fairytale was very beautiful. The fairies were there now,
because Charlotte the first little baby fairy to be born in fairyland. The dream
was very beautiful, the light was very lovely. The magic was very beautiful, the
fairies had a little dream about the world in fairyland. The land was very flat,
the story was very lovely. The story was a very true little fairytale, her mother
sang a little lullaby to her daughter Elizabeth Langford in the hospital, the light
was very bright. Her brother and sister were still there, the days were very
lovely. The fairies were coming to see her in the hospital, the time was very
beautiful. The land was very quiet in the hospital, Charlotte was very quiet too.
The world was very magical, the lullaby was very sweet. The fairies were very calm,
the land was very still. After Elizabeth was born in the hospital, Father Power
died after she was born. The power was very strong, the dream was real. The
folklore were there, the land was very still. Elizabeth could a shadow of the first
light in the hospital, they loved their daughter Elizabeth Langford for their
worship at the hospital. Their magic wands were very beautiful, the light was very
beautiful. The novel was very lovely, Charlotte the little baby fairy was very
lovely. The story was a true fairytale, the magic was very strong. The fairies were
very beautiful, the world was very calm. The fairies were very beautiful, the
light was very dim. The fairies were very kind, Elizabeth was very beautiful. The
years were very beautiful, the land was very lovely. Her hair was very short and
curly, this fairytale was a very true story. Charlotte the little baby fairy was
very sweet, the world was very still and quiet. Her grandparents were there, the
story was a true story. The light was very bright, the first light has come to the
old rotten row hospital for Elizabeth Langford to see a shadow of the light in the
hospital in 1994. The fairies really loved it very much, the legend was very neat
and tidy. The world was very still,
The hospital was getting very old now, the story was very long. Charlotte the
little baby fairy was very sweet, there was a time where Elizabeth was a very sweet
little baby as well. The world was very calm, the world was very magical. The magic
was very strong, the fairy world was very quiet. The world was very nice, the world
was very enchanted. The world was very enchanting, the fairies were there. The
fairy was very magical, the world was very lovely. The world was very beautiful,
the light was very lovely. When Elizabeth came home from the hospital, the hospital
was getting knocked down now. They had built a new hospital near the royal
infirmary hospital called the Princess royal maternity Hospital near Spring burn in
Glasgow, Elizabeth was away home to live in Lennox town. Where she use to live a
long time ago, the story was a very true long story too. The land was very calm to
Scotland, the world was very beautiful. The world was very big, the campises were
very high. The world was very calm, the world was very still. The light was very
bright, the world was very lovely. The magic was very strong, the power was very
lovely too. The world was very calm, there was a little pond outside Lennox town.
The world was very cold, the world was very lovely. The years were very beautiful,
the sky was very beautiful. The light was very special, Alexander and Caitlin were
there, the world was very beautiful. The world was very lovely, the power was very
beautiful. The fairies were there, the land was very big, the petals was very
lovely. The fairies were very sweet and gentle, the world was very beautiful. The
power was very special, the world was very lovely. The land was very cold, the
world was very sweet. The world was very beautiful, the sky was very clear. The
world was very sweet. The world was very still, Charlotte the little baby fairy was
very quiet in fairyland. Elizabeth was very happy with the fairytale, the world was
very beautiful. The magic was very beautiful, the forest was very big. The world
was very calm, the world was full of magic in Scotland. The world was very lovely,
the world was very big. The grass was green, the pink fairy book was very
beautiful. The world was very still, the words were very beautiful. They were very
neat, the world was very lovely. The dream was real, the world was very wonderful.
The world was very beautiful, the world was very cold. The snow was very deep, the
very first winter was the coldest world in Scotland. The wind was very wild, the
world was very quiet. Aunty Val and Uncle Richard came to see her that day, the
world was very chilly. The world was very beautiful, the world was very sweet. The
fairies were there, the world was very cold. One day Elizabeth had started to lift
eyes a wee bit now, the world was very lovely. The wind was very wild, the wind was
very calm. The fairies were very friendly, the world was very lovely. The world was
very cold, the snow was very deep. The world was very calm, the wind was very loud.
The world was very sweet, the flowers were starting grow now. The world was very
beautiful, the world was very beautiful. The glen was very near now, the world was
very beautiful. The world was very cal, the world was very special. The easy life
was very special, the world was very big. The world was very sweet, the world was
calm. The snow was very hard, the world was very beautiful. The world was very
beautiful, the world was very beautiful. The story was very true, the world was
very lovely. The world was very lovely, the world was very beautiful. The world was
very calm, the world was very lovely. The wind was very beautiful, the whirlwind
was howling like a little beast in the garden. Elizabeth was very clever, the world
was very special. The fairies were very lovely, the world was very beautiful. The
garden was very big, the soil was very wet. Her mother was very happy with her
daughter Elizabeth Langford, the fairies were very friendly to her in Scotland.
Elizabeth was only two weeks old, the story was true. The world was very sweet, the
world was very magical. The words were very gentle, the world was very sweet. The
little fairy folk of the fore was a very good legend fairytale of the olden days,
the wind was very beautiful. The world was very sweet, the wind was very wild. The
world was vey special, the world was very sweet. The wind was very loud, the world
was very beautiful. The world was very big, the glen was very wide. The story was
very long, the world was very beautiful. The fairies were very close to Charlotte
the little baby fairy in fairyland, the world was very lovely and beautiful. The
world was very strange, there was a very beautiful shine in the sky. The world was
very beautiful, the world was very big. The world was very beautiful, the world was
very lovely. The pink fairy was very beautiful, the world was very calm. The world
was very enchanting, the world was very lovely. The lovely world was very special,
the wind was very wild. The world was calm, the world was very lovely. The land was
very slippery too, the world was very sweet. The world was very wonderful, the
world was very sweet, the world was very lovely. The world was very big, the grass
was green now. The world was calm, the world was very lovely. Charlotte the little
baby fairy was very quiet, she never made a sound. The forest was very sweet, the
fairies were very kind. The fairies were very gentle, the world was very beautiful.
The world was very beautiful, the world was very calm. The world was very magical,
the wind was blowing in the garden. The fairies were calm, the fairy king and queen
were very proud with their daughter Charlotte the little baby fairy in fairyland.
The time was very slow, the wind was very wild. The world was very sweet, the world
was very lovely. The air was cold, the dream was calm. The world was very
beautiful, the world was very beautiful. The fairies were there, the wind was very
beautiful. The world was very special, the world was very calm. The world was very
lovely, Elizabeth couldn't believe her eyes at all. The world was very sweet, the
first light was very lovely. The world was very dazzling too, the world was very
beautiful. The world was very lovely, the wind was very nice. The world was very
sweet and short, the fairies were very gentle. Their soft voices were amazing, the
world was very enchanted. The fairies were very small, the world was very
beautiful. The dream was very big, Elizabeth was very sweet, her curly hair was
very short. The world was very lovely, the beauty of the world was very good. Her
great Aunty Pat was there, she was her mother's aunt and her great aunt as well.
The world was very beautiful, the world was very beautiful. The fairies were very
close to her, the world was very beautiful. The world was cold, the land was very
flat. The world was very dark, the world was very beautiful. The world was very
lovely, the wind was calm. Aunty Pat was her Nanna's sister too, the world was very
quiet, the world was very beautiful. The land was very lovely, the world was very
still. The world was very beautiful, the dream was very lovely. Elizabeth thought
about Charlotte the little baby fairy of fairyland in her head, the world was calm.
The world was very enchanting, the wind was very loud. The world was very
beautiful, the world was very special. The world was calm, the world was very
beautiful. The story was a true fairytale in the pink fairy book, the world was
very cold. The snow was very deep. The world was very still, the land was very
lovely. The sky was very clear, the world was very lovely. The world was very
sweet, the world was very big. The trees were very tall, the wind was very
beautiful. The wind was calm and wild, the world was calm. The wind blew through
the garden in Lennox town, it was very still. One day Aunty Gillian came to see
Elizabeth in her old house, the world was very still. The world was very lovely,
the world was very beautiful. The land was very quiet, the world was very
beautiful. The pink fairy book was very big, the world was very beautiful. The
world was very sweet, the world was very lovely. The story was true, the world was
very sweet. Elizabeth was going to be baptised on the 7th of May 1994 at Saint
Pauls church in Milton of Campsie, Uncle Peter and Aunty Gillian were going to be
her godparents. Uncle Peter and Aunty Caroline and Uncle Christopher and Aunty
Cathy were as well. they both are going to be married next year in 1995. The story
was true, the world was very beautiful. The light was very beautiful, the world was
very calm to the world in fairyland. The fairies were very beautiful, Charlotte the
little baby fairy was going to be baptised on the 22nd of February 1994 in
fairyland. One day Elizabeth was starting to lift her eyes up a little bit more,
she was only four weeks old. The fairies were the most beautiful little fairy fore,
they were very sweet. The world was very cold, the land was very round. The fairies
were very kind, the world was very sweet. The sky was clear, the wind was very
strong. The fairies were very dazzling, the world was very beautiful. The world was
very beautiful, the world was very sweet. The fairies were very happy, the world
was very sweet. Charlotte the little baby fairy was there in fairyland, the story
was very real. It was existed in the real life of fairyland, the fairies were happy
too. The world was very calm, the world was very beautiful. The glen was very big,
there was a big waterfall coming down from the top to the bottom of the glen too.
The wind was very loud, the world was very beautiful. The glen was very beautiful,
the land was very nice. The fairies were very friendly, the story was very long.
The sky was very lovely, the wind was very loud. The wind was very wild, the story
was getting longer than ever. Elizabeth
couldn't believe her eyes about the word by the minute, the world was very
beautiful and cold. The fairies were very beautiful, the story was very special to
the world now. The little dream was very beautiful, the land was full of secrets
too. The world was very beautiful, the world was very powerful. The coldness was
very cold, the snow was very deep. The king and queen took their daughter Charlotte
the little baby fairy to see the beautiful waterfall in the glen, it was very
beautiful. The wonderful waterfall was amazing too, the story was true. Elizabeth
was very sweet, the world was calm. The fairies were very friendly, the world was
very beautiful. Elizabeth was starting to lift her eyes a lot more now, she was
five weeks and nearly a month old. The world was very lovely, the wind was very
loud. The world was very calm, the world was very beautiful. The fairies were very
calm, they loved Elizabeth Langford and Charlotte the little baby fairy very much.
The fairy folk were very nice fairy people in this fairytale, their fore was very
beautiful. The story was very lovely, the story was very long, the world was very
sweet. The wind was very strong, the world was very sweet. The story was very
lovely, the wind was very special. The world was very beautiful, the world was very
wonderful. The world was very sweet, the world was very sweet. The world was very
blustery, the fairies were v small. The story was true, the world was very powerful
for Elizabeth and Charlotte the little baby fairy to see the beautiful waterfall in
the glen. There were fifty flows of the waterfall coming down from the glen, the
waterfall was very powerful. The light was very bright, the story was very
beautiful. Elizabeth started to lift her eyes a lot more now, the fairies were very
beautiful. She was only six weeks old and one month old, she can focus on the light
now. The story was very long, the time has come. This is her fifteenth story on the
list, the world was very big. The light was very beautiful, the fairytale was very
long. The world was very calm, the world was very lovely. The olden days were very
beautiful, the world was very beautiful. The world was calm, the wind was very
loud. The world was very magical, the wind was very strong. The world was very
enchanting to the glen, the world was very beautiful. The world was very lovely,the
magic was very strong. The world was very beautiful, the world was very beautiful.
The world was very beautiful, the world was very lovely.The fairies were very
beautiful, Elizabeth was very clever. The world was very enchanted, the world was
very cold.

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