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CS-101 Introduction to Computer App.

Experiment # 03

Create Datasheet using Microsoft Excel:using

builtin functions
Performed on ________________________

Student Name:
Roll Number:
Work submitted on:

Maximum Marks Performance = 05 Viva = 05 Total = 10

Marks Obtained
Remarks (if any)

Experiment evaluated by

Instructor Name: Engr.Rameen Anwar

Student Name: Roll No: Section:

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application that is used for basic data organization, statistical analysis,
graphing data as well as many other uses. In this lab, we will take a look at what makes up an Excel spreadsheet
and the basic uses of it.

When working in excel first you need to know that we work on sheets in excel for which different templates
are provided in excel 2013.

1. The Interface

Each excel sheet is divided in cells. Each cell can be referenced using its respective column and row
number. The data you can enter in them can be alphabetical characters, numbers and symbols.
Following are few uses of excel 2013 which you should know.


If you wish to enter numbers in ascending order onto an excel sheet, you need not to enter each number.
For e.g. if you need to enter numbers from 1 till 20, type 1 in any cell, then 2 in the cell below it now you
need to select these two, and then drag (holding the bottom right corner of) the green box surrounding these
cells. If you drag it to the 20th cell, you will get an ascending number list from 1 till 20, as shown in figure
19-b. You need to do the vice versa to populate a descending order list.

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Figure - a. Populating In Ascending Order Figure -b. Ascending Order

To get excel to auto-complete this row, we now position the mouse cursor at the bottom-left corner of the
rectangle. Make sure the cursor has changed into a + sign. Now hold down the cursor and drag it to the left
till I1.


To quickly enter the current date in a cell, select the cell and press Ctrl + ; (semicolon). To enter the current
time in a cell, press Ctrl + : (Colon). The date and time can be combined in a single cell by separating the
date and time with a space. You can also manually enter a date or time.

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You can sort your data, by selecting the Data tab and then clicking the Sort command. You can sort both
numbers and words. You can use either the inbuilt sorting options or make your own customized sorting.
You can also sort on the basis of cell color.

Before sorting After sorting

You can remove duplicates form an excel sheet. Just by selecting the targted data, then click the
Data tab and then by using the command of Remove Duplicates.


This tool is one of the new features of excel 2013 (in previous version one can use the Conditional
Formatting command under the Home tab). Using this tool one can perform multiple tasks on the selected
text. The quick analysis tool icon appears at the end of the selected items as shown below.

This tool performs five basic tasks on the data.

It identifies cells (by changing the color of cells) on the basis of duplicate, unique or values equal to
some specified value. If desired, all the formatting can be removed using the clear format command.

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Figure . Quick Analysis Tool

This tool can also create charts for the entered data, as shown below.

Figure . Chart via Quick Analysis Tool

Total of entered data can also be done using this tool. In figure below only the count of words is shown but
for number this tool can calculate the sum, average and percentages.

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Moreover tables can even be created using this tool.

Figure . Count of Words Figure . Creating Table


When working on a spreadsheet, you will almost definitely need to perform some calculations on the data
you have. The first thing you need to remember about Excel calculations is that formulas always start with
an = sign. Let us begin with a very simple calculation.

Type “=3+5” into cell A5 as shown below.

Pressing Enter will give you the result of the calculation. Double-clicking on the cell with the formula
allows you to edit the formula.

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The Formulas tab provides a wide range of (Financial, logical, text, date and time, mathematical,
trigonometric and even customized) formulae. For instance if you need to use any mathematical formula,
you can find your desired one from the Math and Trig option. You just have to move your cursor to any
formula in order to know, what it does.

Let’s learn how to use these formulae. If you need to add two numbers you can click any empty cell,
wherever you want the sum. Then can either, select Sum from the Math and Trig option and then provide
the cells to be summed, the cell numbers should be enclosed in brackets and separated by commas.. Or
you type ‘=’ and ‘sum’ and then specify the cells to be summed.
In order to sum a large number of cells then the starting and ending cell should be enclosed in brackets
separated by : (colon)

Following are the commonly used Math formulae:

• SUM: Adds all the numbers in a range of

cells. Syntax: =SUM (number1,

• AVERAGE: Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the

arguments. Syntax: =AVERAGE (number1, number2,…….)

• COUNT: Counts the number of cells that contain numbers and numbers within the list
of arguments.
Syntax: =COUNT (value1, value2,…….)

Similarly you can use the Text Formulae e.g Proper to captilize the first letter of every word entered.

You can also use Logical operator based formulae. They enable the user to add decision-making and logical
tests to the worksheet.
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The IF statemnt is useful for testing conditions and making decisions based on a cell’s contents.

The AND and OR functions can test multiple criteria or test conditions for use in IF functions.

The following example show the use:

AND(D1, E1<30) result is TRUE only when D1 is not zero and E3 is less than 30

Figure . Using Logical Functions

7. IF functions
IF functions or statements allow you to ask the question “is this true or false?” It then allows you to
implement different actions based on the outcome. That is, it allows you to compute two different outcomes
based on whether a certain criterion (logical test) is true or false.

The format of an IF statement is as follows: =IF(logical test, value if true, value if false).

IF(AND(D17>10, D17<30), “Valid”, “Invalid”) returns Valid if the contents of cell D17 is greater
than 10 and less than 30; otherwise the formula returns Invalid.

IF(NOT (OR(D17=10, D17=30) ), “Not_10_or_30 ”, “Contains_10_or_30” ) tests whether cell

D17 contains the result 10 or 30 and produces the message Not 10 or 30 when the cell does not
contain either of those results; otherwise, the formula results is Contains 10 or 30.

= IF (OR(D17=10, D17=30), “Conatins_10_or_30”, “Not_10_or_30”) tests whether cell D17

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contains the result 10 or 30 and produces the message Contains 10 or 30 when it does; otherwise,
the formula produces the message Not 10 or 30.

8. Conditional functions
One very useful set of built-in functions in Excel is conditional functions. As the name implies, these
perform certain operations based when a specified condition is satisfied.

Let us count the number of employees in the IT department.

Type =countif( and then select the range of cells we would like to count.
Note that IT was placed between quotation marks, as should any criteria you enter.
When you press Enter, the result of the formula is shown.

In order to use to such logical functions that make use of words such as valid or invalid, you would first
have to Define them using Define Names can be found under the Formulas tab.

9. Conditional formatting
Conditional formatting allows you to make data trends stand out visually.

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10.Pivot tables
Pivot tables are used to easily create meaning out of large amounts of data.

Let us first take a look at what the different field areas are used for.

Values: this is used to display summary calculations in the pivot table.

Row labels: these labels are used to display fields as rows on the side of the pivot table. The
table is broken down by the first row label; each subsequent label appears as subcategory of the
previous label.

Column labels: these labels are used to display fields as columns on the top of the pivot table.
Column labels are nested in a similar way to row labels.

Report filter: this is used to filter the whole report (the pivot table).

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Use VLOOKUP, one of the lookup and reference functions, when you need to find things in a table or a
range by row. For example, look up a price of an automotive part by the part number.

In its simplest form, the VLOOKUP function says:

=VLOOKUP(Value you want to look up, range where you want to look up the value, the column number in
the range containing the return value, Exact Match or Approximate Match – indicated as 0/FALSE or

There are four pieces of information that you will need in order to build the VLOOKUP syntax:

1. The value you want to look up, also called the lookup value.

2. The range where the lookup value is located. Remember that the lookup value should always be in the
first column in the range for VLOOKUP to work correctly. For example, if your lookup value is in cell
C2 then your range should start with C.

3. The column number in the range that contains the return value. For example, if you specify B2: D11 as
the range, you should count B as the first column, C as the second, and so on.

4. Optionally, you can specify TRUE if you want an approximate match or FALSE if you want an exact
match of the return value. If you don't specify anything, the default value will always be TRUE or
approximate match.
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Student Tasks:
1. Perform the following tasks in excel:
a. Enter the first and last names of five students then concatenate both portions of the names in
a new column. (Hint: Use text formulas)
b. Enter two columns containing numbers (five values each) for each row of the two columns
compare the two numbers and show the smaller number in the third column as shown below:
2. Design a salary sheet to automatically calculate Basic salary and Net salary etc.


3. Design a template for mark sheet to automate creation of student report card. It should calculate over all
percentage, assign grades accordingly in each subject and GPA etc. It should contain all marks of your
quizzes and assignments. Also highlight grade D and F.

4. Explore pivot table on your own.

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