William Hicks Warrants

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= =a TE a ro a WunsinaroN PoLice DeraRTMENT | “THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLWA VE. Wile Haven Hicks STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 4,11, conerat Court Ofustice po Cane ee ‘tt Cot Dion Mole Bese oer ee (0) sone ‘OFFENBE(S) is 06-7 eo Gr) who a Sor a orien omegrog "| “Seas [mw [mm | vowemsse "| as |! F - FIRST DEGREE MURDER 1617 2s arenes — [os a 2 | Fe 7 be ae Toosssmosse F - ROBBERY WITH DANGEROUS WEAPON, lxooea eS F - KIDNAPPING 39 v0 ‘1/1372023_| Onegai Peseta one cr eats ars ease sa rie ea ———+ pit a |WILMINGTON POLICE DEPARTMENT Bess St WILMINGTON NC 2401 = NEW HANOVER la mer ae TE HANOVER To je masse wuaancr0 No auo1 "TO ANY OFFICER WITH AUTHORITY AND JURISDICTION TO EXECUTE A WARRANT FOR ARREST FOR THE OFFENSE(S) CHARGED THIS WARRANT: {ite undersigned, na that teres probable caus to bellee that on or abou the dato offense chown and nthe county named above he defendant named above tinlewtuy way and felonious ee coml the ofenses) set orth above ana on the atached ADC-CR 10D Contnuaton() which (re) Ineorporatedby reference. ‘Tis eta) was in vlation ofthe ew refered fo inh Warrant For Avrst. This Warrant For Arrests esued upon iformaton furnished under oxth by te complainant ed tous RECTED to aet ho deencot nding he deendan beloresuscielc witout rmeceasey Say ana techn) cboe sacar — ironman a isons Cia ce Treen Vea em car ovisa02s [William Burton Pe hese wa Baretzyel (Jonnie Plavenr tne |__ WAIVER OF PROBABLE CAUSE HEARING — | “i une Godan wi eel cai aoa aes ego ebb cake ew. friars sora pss casey rar ‘AOC. ey, 12 ©7028 hatte Oe Gt ‘STATE VERSUS NEW HANOVER County | ae Wiliam Haven Hicks pa tar ON NOTE: Use tis page ost fat h charging tte each ofense lit onthe AOC-CR-100.G 184-8240). ovens [OFFENSES (continues) "| Count 1. offense: F ~ FIRST DEGREE MURDER, Baror about tne date of offense shown and in the county named above the defendant unlaw/ally, wilfully, and felonious dd oftaliceaforethooght kill and murder KC Lee Sanson ‘Count2._oftense: F - ROBBERY WITH DANGEROUS WEAPON ‘Grrr sat the date of offense shown and inthe county named above the defendant unlawfully, willfly, ant feloniously di steal take, and carry away another's ptrvonal property, prorat containing financial ear, nd idatcation card ofthe value of 5100 fom the person and presence of KC Lee Johson- Te defendant commited this act by teas of nasil consiting of having in possesion and threatening he we ofa dangerout weapon 10 wi hammer whereby te ie of KC Lee Johnson was threatened and endangered i adnan Oman Coats Continuation P of __Continuation Pages pa iaon faves aay peace Rohe os, NOTE: Us this eget set etn the charg text foreach ofene Ite on te ACC-CR- 100. G.. 184-924) ovisnoxs [OFFENSES (continued) ‘Count’. Offense: Bitar about the de of offense shown and inthe county tamed above the defendant unlawfully, wilfully and felonious did kidnap KC Lee Johnson, 2 person who had attained the ‘age of 16 year or mor by unlawly confining the vctin, esvaining the icin, removing te victim fom aoe place oath, without the consent ofthe vc and forthe [purpose of holding the victim asa hostage, holding the victim fr the ransom, olding KC Lee Jobasa in involuntary servitde doing serious body sure KC Lee Jason, ‘erorizing KC Lee Johan, flitting the commission of flony, robbery and mutder. KC Lee Jonson was not leased by the defends ina safe place, was seriously injured ‘Count 4. Offense: 100-0100 Canon, Rew 123 ‘229 amarante Cou Continuation Page __ of __ Continuation Pages ‘STATE VERSUS Hl [NEW HANOVER, County a Witiom Haven Hicks tne Warrant Forrest ent sored win one hind anc eighty (180) dys, mus be retired tote Clerk of Di Os 0 vara Foo {Courtine Suny whe twas sued with he feason fre intone serve ted Thoveon, 1182003 [RETURN OF SERVICE J erty that he Waren Fr rest iesued in this aon th date ole above fr tho defendant ned above, Was Foced an seved follows: fees eee lee gui ae pr 5 06 Take 1G ey aresing the dtenaant and banging the celnank Bato: ee Moa Whilted an TI The Warrant WAS NOT Berved forthe following reason: saree 1// peoorenr 5 Arnold. aa Aa a [—REDELIVERVREISSUANCE 1 SS ———————————— KL "RETURN FOLLOWING REDELIVERVIREISSUANCE[ ra Warn For rete ni aon at noted shoe er he elena ated above, as cia dnd 3 [i by sestng te defondon and binghg the defendant before [Lhe Warrant WAS NOT served forthe blowing rear: [saa OORT t Te OR ort apo oO A0C-R100 Rte Ry. 28 ‘Fazer ene Cute 1 a aaa aren TS eases OS —— ons [Taner PoRAneeaT \WizynyoTON POLICE DEPARTMENT [__THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLS. | William Haven Hicks. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 4,5... Gonoral Court OF Justice me = NEWHANOVER County ‘istes Cour Dison Me Beach ae - : E ‘FFENGEL) ne SC Cotta a ar | ‘offense ‘Ofer ator | Open Pw [mw [owns [oa |? F - FINANCIAL CARD THEFT wise [260 ae onasse Tomss03 Se i roa re [i TR ar ens wi aga 011132023 _| Ongena er eget Pan "Si ramsr& Cas Opt cnc ae riellen Beredsle WILMINGTON POLICE DEPARTMENT 15 Bess St ‘WILMINGTON NC 28401 NEW HANOVER "TO ANY OFFICER WITH AUTHORITY AND JURISDICTION TO EXECUTE A WARRANT FOR ARREST FOR THE OFFENSE(S) CHARGED IV THIS WARRANT. i te undersigned, nd that thors probable cause to beleve hat on or abou the date offense shown and th county named above he defendant named above tnlewtlly way, ane elonleuy ll commlt tho offenses) st orth above and on the atached AOC CR 100 Coninuaion() whieh (re) meorporaed by reerencs. ‘This a] was nvotton ofthe law reltred ton tis arent For Ares. This Warant For Aes lesued upon information furished under oath bythe complainant lated You ae DIRECTED to area he defendant and bring the Slendent before judicial oil without unnecessary Slay to anewor te charges) sore. ara — meres : sae ines Coma Cammer Canoaaren ov172023_|N L Brooks ERS a | Dinses court ge [7 Superr Cou age | War OF PROBABLE CAUSE REARING —[ saa) Te in Ga wih RETA es ea pte cane fea ee eae jaca ama ‘A065 10, Re 128, © 728 Aarne Os te Gas nae, oar STATE VERSUS NEW HANOVER County 23CR212011-640 Wiliam Haver Hicks ES ita mer [NOTE: Use thi page ost fort the caring et for each ofan liste on tho AOC-CR-100. 6S. 154-9240) oun a [OFFENSES (continues) | Counts. ofenee:F - FINANCIAL CARD THEFT Gara lbsur i de of offense shown and inthe county named above the defendant unlawfully, wilflly, and eloniously dd take, obtain, and withhold a financial transaction card 2 isa debit cards isud by CSL Plasma and Cash App (Fomally Square), rm th person, possession, isto, Jobson. The aking, obsning, an witholding was dane witht the consent ofthe eadboler, KC Lee Jl nd contel of KC Lee Johnson The cards were ised to KC Lee sand with the net use he Financial transaction card Count2. Offense: ig TFT Ca - ‘206-68 109 Contato, av. 123 2a ares Once be Cots Aeininnt Continuation Page _of __ Continuation Pages STATE VERSUS ao —_Gowny bes Gams [William Haven Hicks | tie Warrant For Arrest is not served within one hundred and eighty (180) days, it must be returned to the Clerk of a Fer enlarger or catia [RETURN OF SERVICE = 1 Tesi hat ths Warrant Forest asad nis cabo Gn the dle ned above for he defendant nama above, wae ovsved and eived a allows “Tsu ss PYBA-3 eScO VSO-83 ‘Braresting the defendant and bringing the defendant before: MAC. LOAHEO, (1 The Warrant WAS NOT served forthe folowing reason: ee seal WHIO loa ar TRE : I = 7 RETERW ING REDELIVERYIREISSUANCE | 1 coy athe Warr For Ret asd nis to dae old above re endl naed above, ws reavedand = co 1D by aneating te defendant nd binging th defendant betes: [The Warrant WAS NOT served forte lowing eabor: i OR a Cra ara a oO 00-68-1008 aes kama One Cute

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