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The reasons for depression are many, but the result has unanimously ended in
depression and attempted suicide. According to rough statistic , it is said that about
27% of teenage kids have been driven into depression,of which 16% are found to be
girls and 11% are boys.

Depression is a serious mental health problem that causes a persistent felling of

sadness and anxiety

Symptoms include:

●Depressed mood most of the day

●Loss of energy or increased fatigue
●Restlessness or irritability
●Feelings of anxiety
●Loss of appetite and weight loss
●Thoughts of death or attempts at suicide

Suicide is the act of killing yourself intentionally. People commit suicide because
of depression and anxiety. Suicide occurs throughout the world, affecting individuals
of all nations, cultures, religions, genders, and classes. Other innate factors, such as
disorders of the mind and abnormalities at birth, can heighten someone's propensity
for experiencing depression, whether as the occasional episode or a lifelong
ailment. Countries like South Korea, Sweden, Japan and China are one of the highest
suicidal countries in 2022. Depression rates are one factor that holds serious
importance, but other factors to take into consideration are academic, performance,
physical condition, mental health and well-being, economic standing, financial
struggles, workplace performance, and overall life satisfaction.

Ways to Cope with Depression

*Improve your sleep

*Develop good nutrition
*Listen to music
*Exercise daily
*Surround your self with positive & healthy people
*Stay positive always
*Share your problems to your friends, or family
*Pray your problems to God

You don’t have to struggle in silence. If you are troubled by thoughts of suicide,
speak up. Asking for help is an act of bravery that will change your life for the better.

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