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If I were to be asked what family conflict I experience the most out of the four

given, it’s definitely sibling rivalry. Favoritism. One thing we can’t avoid in most
households. Sibling rivalry is jealousy, competition, and fighting between
siblings. One of the many reasons for this to happen is favoritism. For a child
to get more attention from their parents, they do everything they can to do so,
even if it is meant to hurt others. Parents get easily pleased when it comes to
their favorite child but to their other children, all they see is pure
disappointment. This is where sibling rivalry kicks in. Each child is competing
to define who they are as an individual. As they discover who they are, they try
to find their own talents, activities, and interests. They want to show that they
are separate from their siblings. And sometimes, one child stands out. We
sometimes get compared a lot, whatever the achievement is. That’s how we
mostly do well. We seek that validation from our parents. But besides
favoritism, another cause of sibling rivalry is taking others’ things without their
permission. It can also be name-calling, but sometimes we only do that for the
fun. Catfights can be really common especially back in our childhood. Even
though we fight a lot and rebel against each other, it still creates a strong bond
between us siblings. That’s one thing no one can ever take away.

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