IT-1150 Project Template

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Project #

Put Your Name Here

Put Today’s Date Here

IT-1150 – Introduction to Web Development

CRN 12448

Spring, 2021
Table of Contents
Table of Contents........................................................................................................................ 2
Summary..................................................................................................................................... 3
Topic 1......................................................................................................................................... 4
Topic 2......................................................................................................................................... 5
Topic 3......................................................................................................................................... 6
Topic 4......................................................................................................................................... 7
Conclusion................................................................................................................................... 8
Bibliography................................................................................................................................. 9

Project # 2 Student Name

Please read the entire summary and provide an overview of what is included in your

When using this Template, be sure to change the “#” to the actual Project Number in both the
Title Page and the Footer.

I used the “Heading 1” style in word for the words “Summary” and the other Headings.

If you use a consistent heading style throughout a document, you can very easily build a
dynamic table of contents which is very efficient and, included in this document.

After I assigned the headings the same style, I placed my cursor in the empty page after the
title page (use insert / page break to make new pages) and selected references / table of
contents (on the left) and, then the second option… As you add more info the table of
contents will automatically update when you open the doc or, you can force the update by
clicking on the table of contents and selecting “update table” at the top…

After the Summary the headings will vary depending on the project but, I have included a few
possibilities that you can edit as necessary. Type your text and enter your code text and web
images in the area below the headings.

All project assignments will end with a Conclusion. This should be your professional review
of the project such as: where there were issues, what you found interesting or, what additional
steps you may have taken. Your tone in this review should be directed as if you were speaking
to an employer or customer about the tasks.

The ultimate goal in the format of these projects is to start a portfolio foundation that you can
use in future classes or for prospective employers. Good luck and, always let me know if you
have a question.

Special Note: Note the file format for saving your document. It includes your last name to start
the file name. You will also need to adjust the footer with the new filename after you save your
document with the correct filename.

My Policy: NO NAME, NO GRADE. If you do not care enough to put your name on the
document, you deserve to get a grade.

Project # 3 Student Name

Topic 1
Rename “Topic 1” to be the actual topic or Exercise. For discussion topics, type in your

Each new topic needs a new paragraph. For Chapter 1, for example, you can use a heading for
each new topic. Use “Heading 2” style if you do.

For Exercises, insert your readable screen image followed by your HTML code text and then
your CSS code text. There are “Exercises” from the text using the “San Juaquin Valley Town
Hall” web page and “Halloween” web page exercises to apply your skills from the text book to a

All images need to be readable. View the separate video on how to accomplish this.

All code text need to be black text on white background, Arial font, 11 points, single-spaced, no
points before and after (check these in the Paragraph group on the Home tab).

Put the screen image first on this page and start a new page each with the HTML and CSS
code, as setup here. (Remove all the text here when you actually do your first project.)

Project # 4 Student Name

Topic 2
Rename “Topic 2” and enter your discussion or informational text here along with any code text
or readable images. For Exercises, insert your readable screen image followed by your HTML
code text and then your CSS code text. There are “Exercises” from the text using the “San
Juaquin Valley Town Hall” web page and “Halloween” web page exercises to apply your skills
from the text book to a project.

All images need to be readable. View the separate video on how to accomplish this.

All code text need to be black text on white background, Arial font, 11 points, single-spaced, no
points before and after (check these in the Paragraph group on the Home tab).

Put the screen image first on this page and start a new page each with the HTML and CSS
code, as setup here. (Remove all the text here when you actually do your first project.)

Note: Remove this section if you do not need to use it, or copy this section if you need to add
additional sections.

Screen Image:

Project # 5 Student Name

HTML Code Text:

Project # 6 Student Name

CSS Code Text:

Project # 7 Student Name

Topic 3
Rename “Topic 3” and enter your discussion or informational text here along with any code text
or readable images.

All images need to be readable. View the separate video on how to accomplish this.

All code text need to be black text on white background, Arial font, 11 points, single-spaced, no
points before and after (check these in the Paragraph group on the Home tab).

Put the screen image first on this page and start a new page each with the HTML and CSS
code, as setup here. (Remove all the text here when you actually do your first project.)

Note: Remove this section if you do not need to use it, or copy this section if you need to add
additional sections.

Screen Image:

Project # 8 Student Name

HTML Code Text:

Project # 9 Student Name

CSS Code Text:

Project # 10 Student Name

Topic 4
Rename “Topic 4” and enter your discussion or informational text here along with any code text
or readable images.

All images need to be readable. View the separate video on how to accomplish this.

All code text need to be black text on white background, Arial font, 11 points, single-spaced, no
points before and after (check these in the Paragraph group on the Home tab).

Put the screen image first on this page and start a new page each with the HTML and CSS
code, as setup here. (Remove all the text here when you actually do your first project.)

Note: Remove this section if you do not need to use it, or copy this section if you need to add
additional sections.

Screen Image:

Project # 11 Student Name

HTML Code Text:

Project # 12 Student Name

CSS Code Text:

Project # 13 Student Name


All project assignments will end with a Conclusion. This should be your professional review
of the project such as:

 What you completed (the tasks you set in the Introduction);

 What were the issues or challenges you faced and how you resolved them;
 What you found interesting or lessons learned in this project
 What you might like to follow up on in the future.

Your tone in this review should be directed as if you were writing to an employer or customer
about the tasks. Your verb tense should be the past tense except for future plans.

Also, remember to run your Spelling & Grammar checker against any text portions (do not run it
against the HTML and CSS code).

Be sure to update your Table of Contents before you are done.

Did you update your Title Page and Footer?

Then save your document again.

When you submit your project document (Word document), it should be the last document in the
list. If you have any zip files, they should be loaded first. Blackboard does this crazy thing call
LIFO (Last In, First Out), which causes the last item in your list to be the first one I see. Since it
cannot parse zip files, and since I need to see your document, I want your Word document to
come up first in Blackboard.

(Remove all this text when you are done working with your document.)

Project # 14 Student Name


Insert your Bibliography here using the References Tab and delete this line of text.

Project # 15 Student Name

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