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Seren MUTRITN AN ELIMINATION at ee fe ea nace ee cree ed a fr is susele Reperrar oe triesne ia 2 Into what mast fodstufe be broken down? ie Feodstutts mist fint_ be broken down ira" dnd rom thew eka the body sont bud! up ite tino ands Ow 23, What is digestion? What vital process { rok [ik (= eta 7 comer next Digestion 4 the cheat] seperation of the domplex moeosles ef ool into" the Be ress cones tne, wtih te ile {nic allt | simple molecules are recombined into new Pe Rn | SS, Bc ely tan a oh or the” aa of Shaken capebie of tafe kts tnte| feos Samra Maa ‘tinSiirjPaBGEIY noma. | The proteins of the he's embryo, digs: Soe ted and then assimilated, are transformed | ito the olla of « brat'capebloot buaten Dosing (iiof sign | foling and of thought. fing out) ania ut f=] part of the investigation was divested to eet a enter | wart finding out which amino acide were SEF oie “| Tris was tedious work in which caleuleion, Se a es ree ce Yosodey a plont in_ the fit tod food’ on the tail tomer Kunin ‘ae fy ~ this is posh due to dgetion. ‘4 What are the three basic foodstatts? 3) Wiel knora sat earahyrtn Snape acai en cpm |e ee eet | ft bea eh poe, nc Fe ae rye | taal te ee a} What has the American chemist Linus Ponting dime shut the numberof Einus Peng hs estimated thatthe humen body” manufsetare from fifty thowsend to'ane hundred. Gowand diferent pron fave Tue) mathar, | That plants compote oui of the carbene a isan. | test pl ‘ rt mast be Jat: | molecules One example is the hemoglobin Pa = Blue | dioxide of the airand waterand solar energy. seh fev] = dee bal | molecule which i» made up offen thousend {ce (aon = tr | Bore ‘cmp carbohydrate form te oe ee eae nufaciure te replace the bemoplabin mele ahs of red ell that ee conan es th up. This among count ber exam les hy a mat hae proteins Gly ust fg ah he dy demande. 2) Wnt “are ese? Simple atsare compounds of one molecule ‘ot pyar and three moles of ftty cas ‘Tae faty acide contat of lng rw of thom, to" that” the Braldoen of the molecule ‘elezer the eonsierable amour of energy ‘Contained inthe donde between atoms. This torch ste J = amidon 1) What ae the proteins? roti ary ihe bate meter for uit tbstange. Chemfeey proteins are forme ‘able obaine of amine aide, There are stpne ey uminon ‘w-| moro than one hundred amino acs known Sey ibaa fo coaur i nature, but ony about tweaty- threw th tn fori pee cna ) What hasbeen dsoverel fr aboxt en {bt ar | Wi {Mai en ca | the dy can ie a aid of gh ene fact, Brning loy bot intensely the fat {etd more than doubl the energy of equal Be English chemist Sanger and hie evllo- i= oda x produce | Weighs, of carbohydrates, and. protein, Boratre ten years. ~ and ths protein wa Se Se What do you know about the mets itv eapl ong, te bonne nora iain a olism of fata? Paralel chains of emino acids held tape aft tas durdinone Hore the a seated by ery tres Sch bide. consisting ev nes | eth i ere Shah are eppunealy typi of a Fo el ll ae ee a moe a lente are apparently typlcal_ of ihe ‘Upernng it into miernsopiedroplete oot fA ait ie i 2 rik aig = HGR fering agpect of milky Mui. After the {a intde the duodenum “i dispersed, the | entero sh panera and the at ‘The dfope of emuified fat, brokes down, into glyorel and the fatty acids, re then pparentiy picked up hy the thogsands of Fpmph tae inthe latertinal vil, and ech the lymphatic tubes ‘In what compound is energy chemically eel per Pere stored? rt Energy ts chemically sored in the body inva eompoundy adimonine trypherphale (ery, Containing high enongy Borda ei’ \ BRO. ae eee 7.Te what can our maale be compared in our journey through ite er fea ae th spe at the gar a tune of our journey though i mei ‘Aro the specific amounts of food for Feeeer ee tadientia| she reptecemen ofthe mornaxt machine aay 1 etermined by" moda stents? ERI sts sr ees dhe sew Head jaketieg| taco tae mae ee) aretha oa ee Seclieiatatat| “El ts as ey ee ease 9. Ist up to ws whether we postpone our funeral for tater‘ Dring it head of time? ‘A polnt_ worth mabing is that “let is cera he ma actor ace Fo {ection or in predispasing to. eariy da. Wily or death from clots ta yeine and from fot snd plagues in arterica”™ 10. Has the immortal John Miton ever i fern rendre fori hogs on grape do] 00 and ealth? Fata! Mee! Pe 18) scion has seldom Neen remembered for Boy ocr oli Me] Me thoughts on etn nd Death. The ffl Be) American physician, Dr, Warmbrend® points ‘ot to the fact that Milton wat flly are | Gi'ue vital role played by autetion in the ‘maintnanes ‘of x bealth Tn Bis “Paradise Lost” Milton expresed a busi trth that should be our gundsione Bow /teu/—you=t | through ie sate f= t= mt ‘Grin drink drink bot Tae ee idem 7 ee a feist tans) = ce i Taps may “pel Toa stat oe Bona Some ‘ert dn pone W Fao tat Il a= oi ats bein mtn sie peas ‘iia, Sot by! Tm what tow eet and drink, cok from then, Due nonrishmen, not glanonous delight So mayest tow lve il like ripe feat, ‘Tho drop into thy mothers lap, or with care gathered, Rot harhly pasted 41, What substances are alto vital for health amine and. growth? Botides the Base Yood subetances— protain, easbo Rydaten fot, water, minefls —bealthy feat ena substance cal vite For centuries a relationship between certain allmente and nutrition ad bee suspected. In 1300, a Duickdostor Eileen, Jn a government prison in Java obverved that not oaly the prisonrs but also the pigeon around the pian, which depended fon the prioners to fed them, suffer from dreafal endemie nervovs, ailment nd degeneration called by the Javencre Dori-teet. Hifman found a wonder cure oie that in to arid sting the Fee shorn of ite Alle end the Dutch had no more fontes of berber ‘The eebotance found in tho hull of the rice grain contained nirgen inthe combina: tion of the amine Ni it wat therfore called the vital amine or vitemia, In fac ‘what the ree hulls contained was after Warde ell thiominc. foes eis Eira ees I sped, cd nd J to i ae Fea [mcf = EESoe Y etine f— tin {man | Same = a ine be nadie tabs ‘pai f 2 ea ae Hoe rns = a Patou) aepiera eat faeenina See oe eee in pal cuit Lanter it was found that not all of thats subitanost were Ni, compounds; but se {S rfer tothe whole roup ar olains kami ae at cama oF apes ‘hemical rections of the body. The body flor not manufacture. viteming, although they ane ead in remarkably mall qos 19, What are th funtion of th mouth? The mouth. performs fiw functions 4, ellctng fond, 2. saliation; 3. mastic tions fc bolas formation; 5: sareh Giger: tion: Ti sngcous membrane of the mouth 4 add wth nd of iy ands at Stila? which Convert food nto’ dove fem thet can be fneed by the digutite yma. The Ruslan phiystlsit Pav trained e dog to expect food after a bell ‘wat rang. Soon the dog would saiateeuto- Inatically when the ball wat rung, vem though food was nat frbcoming. This se called "oonditioned elles”. Such work, together with. the pryekiaiic investign tions of Sigmund Frew, ldo the deve lopment of the reactions of the organs of the body 10. paytlogie. stimuli. An tare of the relationship of the body (lds The ible, Homer and. Shakespeare {Ul have it, Bat pryetosimatie medicine and pycloanalypis have made a science of it ‘The lira contains enaymen thet sta the chemical digestion of aterches 14, What ls has the month sg Wao Lows wh pti, Theatr nda Pres Coe iat erased ee Pe aa erat in| tene,>7 ze etle wove unl i re Jpokits/ = bo salle by the that: tth and tongue. | sword | =| Historiealy the teth are the equivalent ie fempomeestactiii! It has two other iostrameats 10 com- feperprrogee ie 16, What are the fonctions of the sto is ewe ot oa aeay eee fe Jeb slcgiit| ican soth coe of te Pup end irae a hadley eanp eee acer oes See ile HEshes fokeel reo tite mac andthe enamel, a aye of cle Sree GG ion vat erin, m the bart of a EES wing ~ 8 Tend Gort ='Sauin | tnswer in ‘the body, 10 sometimes taker See ac, [ir The stomach works meshaniclly through fue monle fibers aed chemically through ite glands: Its baal function js the futher bone, of the fon sharing aad eri {ing ian partly dialing iim the geste ie which containe hydroskorie etd and The protandigeting ens pepsn ‘a How long does food fay in the sto- The length of time that food stays in cae oma “pen onthe Gigs rowers of the Homech ‘conditioned By Neity ena enaymen ') On what doce the protection against the tomas digeting tif depend The stomach depends agua ein i, ested by is own, jueer on the Taye 2 ftncu cuzing the smach sueface end alo Te Red supply, When the fai slow Ti. Where does food ener after passing out of the wtomach exit “he food enters the imine track made Sete Penk fm | ong ese and abuse — without weering Hida apecuns| ot When the dentine te worm tivongh & So iaaeces te ine tg ditt | cavity reels Ifthe dent can no longer ree Ti pe Acad lie fase | 10 the cavity, be may havo to exact the Sea pda ihn spor el | tooth, Thore are. thirty-two “permanent” seals ial tooth. There are thiety-tmo “pe Sameer ‘intnin ones Toa Sr tt sangot tacas tear mesmvm ovr | next he canine tet Bld an the pr fees (PS tak W's | ol and mela rn wine jena} = ake Son ugh (te wi| _ THY tongue ia basically a mance and a Fey aoe So Geary ARM Sbtedli | arto analyzer. It has about « thousand taste igae. sangha Beams | ba ct on the co a cunts eve “cll haart inl 8) = rane cup of te amall and the large intetines airinca ile ft ao Uhirty-fct long. "The smnall intestine is much pee ses itp [iep/etet, | id Stough nope rite, They Beatmania | 15. What baypms to the isi, this Soe | eats bem ange (oti nd, rand | nutritive cartedgs, formed in the mouth Seas ee ee SES ng wring | alow to be mid aad cheesy dao Sai At ft the boas most pas x dangoor GeeauPeeUuata™ | pond. it may take hour before the food cceng (Teva = Pes | crossing — the opening of the traches, or [area ee ae ee Ce ee eee nee sit = ea thee talon rl These wi tran tet f= aia Iroentn mend | = pie fg pat iS tS i stant motion lke the fingars of ssa anamo= ‘es, pring into the digestive broth, suing tp molest from it and oag ten park tthe body. Yesterday mont, os or milky {oday humen blood and tisuet 18 What i the most important segment of the inal intestine and why? cite, Sanam mats special centin beets there the main gla of the digas tive systam, the liver and. pameremy em Ply nr stertins for ther ettack an ES thre typen of nutritional eubtanot arches, pooteine ad fat 410. What is the most affective of the Aigstve glands? “The peneret Is the moat effective ofthe digestive plan. Ta vaeiout ensymon bresk down the starchen into glycogen, glycogen inka paltone and he maton info geo, Tt reas the protein frst into polypeptide, then peptides and even into aminonei demons eat ltough teens ‘met coming from intestinal glands hel the fel famation ino amino™ acl. Te Treaties te ops mae evo at nto, eras snd fatty ai Panereas tasue ie inersprsa wi itty fe hormonal tinue, nich produce iteala ead hecege: 20, Why Is liver considered one of the Drist‘ongans of the body? Liver has several, ently different fone tons.) Te serves ‘afar froma the Inte tines upwand toward the het In the syste mio crslation. “The. portad vein divides Into fallions ct blood” weely among the Hier cells inside the liver The veel ese / steno Pio, dessiti, dst Ep roet meet te om fi — oie Tages | = de Sr sts) — ere Perrine) ica Tan fg ‘dria tne, thrives [to baer tae Sta doh = they et) acre ceaapuiee Fa een pin, sing [sn = tte lan} swerm around the hlood from the testis 2 Thar Th lod enataine te in fide andthe carbohydrates and the mul {ele af othr ingredients alte Tod we take fn 1) Th iver al tet all the “port ani decide whether admit or fof ham.) "The ler beecmes the soretect st dgeted fod. d) Iso dts them $) Th iver a an nonmocs chose fc {lag for the taltolon of eusbekgtiet, Therese iene the through the hillary channels nto a enc the fa outer Thee ‘reatins ithe’ ga fincder for boar and'in tine may’ rm Concrtons of "iota. Mon persone Wo ‘ot even know that they carry thee dubious 2H What the tat part of the cg tie unt? The lage Snetine isthe as part of tao digas trac Th el enter the rectum In cities tothe abyrithae faethe oma nee tng {ntenine hax acrelaivey fied shape Te hegins asthe eaecum snd ends ax the ro fae il te corer ofthe body fal and eee ete undltarbed by toile ‘d'enrymet in the elon a satiny now procens bop the Yomentaton of ihe Ringette vendoe of ot by. sear ended min mleeerganime ‘Dts tart. eyes fries ere gata in the'cdha? Nacho to ltoreret fn rendrng elf the Lge, believed thet "they wer parasites of dey’ producing loxay or puson that ttn be sgt ofthe ‘body and hat fy! mete) = te ee Spey i ctor ale | Mind j= ven Sid btn | got int te See et mankind would be infinitely eter of 90 ‘ould get ri of thon Ott isha proved that ste orgeaims produce some beaetiial ‘amine proert spurt inion By “angers "micoben oe had to chooee one of the most remarkable ematicna in the human. Body ‘what would bet Tt would be the extssordinery pair of fongunt, the Bidneyy sehiah fee waste | produets'ose of 180" qaare'of Mood ld | frery twenty-four has TEach"human kidney ie composed of rill tae called glomeralf attached to & million long, toil tabules Ae the trate flows through the tables, the elle of te tubular wallleaboorh over nlset-atee per cent of the water and send it beck int Fhe, bloodstream, Water isthe vehicle of elmo ll meta: bolle procs. “About a quarter of an hour after we drink a. Tiga rome of ft Appecre as erne. inthe Wadd. To. there pute a Burden not only on the indy i on ‘hr and tr ‘well The hear rust pump every gulp of {uk, the liver must the ork of ceo | ing, and the kidneys must do the job of | Hiring the ari 24. Gan rained investigutor see many. | signicant ‘ingen the urine the kidney | PYes"he can seo any Kidney. dserder. IC examines the untae mioroecopically lead cals normally shed fromthe wal Sf the bladder or of dhe orale ae ate i eine whe ove of al rtein i lost in the rine, oF If Beg Eptes ere. wnbe, the invectgntor agi ‘Batu Kkdney fil and th patient may be tulfeing ftom! = nepbsitis ‘an ioflaming Hag ie |= Js) = fet ne | )= 0 tink gl) — Mae, Ht ain hints [Upan ban) aa fe hte ft ten {i= ie Taint, wa le a “Youran ) — de Sa ee sion of the Kidney. The rained invest ftor can even tal whether the inflame: 25. What do the Kidneys fer? ‘They fier about, « hundred compounds the end produete of tetaballa, The most foplcutur ave the nitrates, the estes of Gio por Ri the amino group Nify, which characteris the ‘amino aelde tha! chain links ofthe priteng. The chemiesl group Nits appesns Er'ehs urine amen, “The humen body roduces approximately thirty. grams” of tree daly.” 26. ho sya wna? F Feiyas a great event in the history of humitey vhen the German chemi Fnederich Woohler emerged fom hie Iaborttory and. showed ured thet he Dad produoed’ chemically. On thet day the age Sronponic eyathests daeued and modern ‘hambtry war born Because it tao strong in nitrogen, wren ig turd as frien A eoantrys seotomie Fandand may be measored by the emourt ‘of artifical aitrogen compounds ie forms aa afford "7, What it one of the oldest operation in the history of mediine? The rane of Bader snes tone ‘of the ole operations Ja. the history 0 tdicine’ ela medieval times, special "to ferimovr travelled from fer to fait an Performed. thir operation in, public to Temonetrate thei Dill and win’ patients If the eporator wan a clever showman he ‘Won as tueh applause en an acrobat ot performed under aseptle canditions, the Batient often developed an infection: Th foensane sana | applause of the townepeople then turned na ‘tek fo anger and If the “tone outta” tees tanger [ston ta | Ha noel town, ii ery Dey thet they fea = een atse | Onded upon the gallows lbs ebeMotterobe | 28,18 it technically possible tw tex: 8 a ee sagt Its etani—a| Rooters Sr sean) min | Th doe rmplan tei mat irs Beer eer a ERE wean | Eee at fy hachig eta se pi tet a co xe th gle eh tbats | any and not to rea ater few day |THE CONDITIONAL MOOD The Conditional Mooi has 90 forms: 1 fe) ad ol) aga dana Yan ea ft) rem You el faa) ave inn vn iil Tea de sae iran adaort rode bar adeite TF Haba Me Dy The Bed, Now York, 196,p0 198 1, Change into negative M1, Sree int Ramenian Me cit bea raat | Hal sat ot ma I Coy eel ented ert oe ete ee eae Sie «ti | ae Si ee Res j sorters id conlng weal you eonier| “We wosit freee soior the int ee) eee 1V, Transat the following semtneee into Romanian WL Se 2 ae oa ee ek splints | Bat | oi wn | “ol J Si TV ata ‘ at preheat Cf Fal rata. mae ta? iit omc at sta St I. TWo WoRD vERaS ra sn i tea eet eaerrleeres foes Thee noe ad ace Be alae se co i wie thn) 8 crea a ot fam abject) = avea. nxp oir (ihe name ff = asipunde In ramets de Pa ar ernie ae nu pen (a) = ace 9h (ane pre + pg = nel npr yeaa en i ar slr things) = compara (gente ner ines) yart (or dilating) = s Sampara ot (pny sa ete sae fa val it las eh “ny tht Sve snd oti abject mater. | =

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