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Andrew Morton
HM Research Associates,
2 Clive Road, Balsall Common, Coventry CV7 7DW, UK
and CASP, University of Cambridge,
Cambridge CB3 0DH, UK

INTRODUCTION ization of individual mineral populations (Mange &

Studies of detrital heavy minerals in sand and Morton 2007). Likewise, the ability to undertake
sandstone have been a fundamental part of research single grain radiometric dating of a range of
into sediments and sedimentary rocks since modern minerals, in particular zircon, but also monazite,
geological investigations began. In a history of early rutile, amphibole, apatite and mica, has enabled the
studies of sediment mineralogy, Boswell (1933) establishment of geochronological links between
identified a paper by de Réaumur (1718) as the first sediment and source. The integration of
to record the mineralogical constituents of mineralogical, mineral chemical and radiometric
sediments, although systematic studies did not data is extremely powerful, since it provides both
commence until the 19th century. The first attempt lithological and geochronological constraints on
to relate modern sand composition to sediment sediment provenance.
source appears to be that of De Filippi (1839), with This review considers the present status of
Thürach (1884) being the first to use heavy minerals heavy mineral analysis in provenance and
as guides to the provenance of ancient clastic rocks. correlation of clastic sediments. The chapter covers
The recognition that different sedimentary units can the analytical methods currently in use, discusses
be distinguished on the basis of their heavy mineral the controls on the composition of heavy mineral
assemblages (Boswell 1916) was recognized at an assemblages, and considers which parameters can
early stage by the oil industry, leading to the be best used to relate sediment composition to
widespread application of heavy mineral source. The review concludes with two case studies
stratigraphy in the correlation of unfossiliferous that demonstrate the value of heavy minerals for
clastic successions (Hedberg 1928, Illing 1916, evaluating provenance, transport history and
Reed 1924, Tickell 1924). Since that time, heavy correlation.
minerals have been frequently used for the purposes
of provenance and correlation of sandstone units, ANALYTICAL METHODS
with progressive advances in technology leading to Heavy minerals (grains with densities >2.8
increasingly sophisticated solutions.–3) are generally minor components of
The enduring role of heavy mineral analysis in sandstone. They typically form ~1% of the sample
provenance and correlation studies is a testament to (Mange & Wright 2007), although the heavy
the sensitivity of heavy minerals as indicators of mineral concentrations in modern first cycle sands
sediment source. In their invaluable identification derived from volcanic, plutonic, or metamorphic
guide, Mange & Maurer (1992) document over fifty rocks commonly exceed 20% (Garzanti & Andò
non-opaque detrital minerals, many of which have 2007). Therefore, to facilitate their study, they must
specific parageneses that enable direct links be concentrated by separating them from the lower
between sediment and source lithology to be density components that comprise the bulk of the
established. Developments in single grain analytical rock. Separation is normally achieved using dense
techniques, such as electron microprobe analysis liquids, such as bromoform, tetrabromoethane or
(EMPA) for major elements and laser ablation– sodium heteropolytungstate, either by gravity
inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry settling or use of centrifuge, although panning,
(LA–ICP–MS) for trace and rare earth elements, magnetic separation and concentrating table have all
have provided a new dimension to heavy mineral been used as alternative methods (Mange & Maurer
provenance studies by enabling chemical character- 1992).

Mineralogical Association of Canada Short Course 42, St. John’s NL, May 2012, p. 133-165


The key questions concerning analytical Sample preparation

methods are: Issues involved in sample preparation concern
(i) what type of sample to use. disaggregation, cleaning of the grains and use of
(ii) how to prepare the sample prior to separation. chemicals to remove diagenetic components. These
(iii) what size fraction to analyze. issues were discussed in detail by Mange & Maurer
(iv) what identification method to use. (1992) and will not be reiterated here. However, it
must be stressed that the use of chemicals prior to
Sample type heavy mineral separation is strongly discouraged, in
The issues regarding sample type mainly order to avoid modification of the mineral
concern lithology and acquisition of suitable assemblage before analysis takes place. Diagenetic
material. Heavy mineral analysis is normally carbonate is commonly encountered during heavy
undertaken on sand and sandstone. However, mineral provenance studies, and it has been
studies have also been undertaken on volcaniclastic common practice in some laboratories to use dilute
rocks, and there is increasing interest in applying the HCl to remove this phase. Unfortunately, dilute HCl
technique to siltstone and mudstone. This is also readily removes apatite, which is a key mineral
especially important because these fine-grained for provenance studies because its sensitivity to
lithologies are more abundant in the sedimentary weathering makes it an important indicator of
record than sandstone, yet their provenance is transport history. It is therefore recommended that
poorly understood. Challenges involved in analyz- acid treatment is not used during sample
ing fine-grained sediments arise during both sample preparation. If carbonate proves to be abundant after
preparation and mineral identification. However, heavy mineral separation has been achieved, dilute
Totten & Hanan (2007) have described methods that acetic acid, which does not affect apatite, can be
deal effectively with sample preparation, and used to remove the carbonate. Grain coatings, such
identification can now be readily achieved either by as clay and Fe oxides, are generally removed by
SEM–EDS (Totten & Hanan 2007) or by Raman ultrasonic treatment. An ultrasonic probe unit is
spectroscopy (Andò et al. 2011). most effective, but similar results can be obtained
The various sample types that are used in using an ultrasonic bath providing the samples are
sandstone provenance and correlation studies have immersed for a relatively long period.
both positive and negative aspects. Many heavy
mineral studies are undertaken on outcrop samples, Size fraction
but studies are also undertaken on subsurface Possibly the most contentious issue regarding
material from boreholes, particularly for correlation sample preparation is the question of which size
purposes related to hydrocarbon exploration and fraction to analyze. One school of thought advocates
production. Samples available from the subsurface analysis of the entire sand fraction, and another
include core, sidewall core and ditch cuttings. prefers to restrict the analysis to a narrow size range
Factors to consider when interpreting data from the (Mange & Maurer, 1992).
range of materials available are sample size, data The argument in favor of analyzing the entire
integrity, stratigraphic coverage and weathering. sand fraction is largely based on the possibility that
The advantages and disadvantages of each type of analyzing a narrow size fraction could lead to the
sample are summarized in Table 8-1. lack of detection of diagnostic species (Mange &
TABLE 8-1. The relative merits of sample types most commonly used in provenance and correlation studies.

Core Sidewall Unwashed Washed and Outcrop

core cuttings dried cuttings
Sample size large small large small large
Data integrity high high low low high
Stratigraphic often often good good good
coverage poor poor
Weathering none none none none likely
at outcrop


Maurer 1992). The problems associated with variations in provenance despite wide variations in
analyzing the entire size range are that the resulting grain size. This approach is especially effective for
data will be heavily affected by differences in quantifying sediment flux in modern rivers such as
hydrodynamics (as manifested as differences in the Nile (Garzanti et al. 2006a) and the Brahma-
grain size and sorting) between samples. Hence, putra (Garzanti et al. 2010), but cannot be readily
fine-grained sandstone and coarse-grained sand- applied to ancient systems because of the problems
stone, both derived from the same area, will have associated with diagenetic overprinting (Garzanti et
markedly different relative abundances of detrital al. 2009), which both removes detrital heavy
heavy mineral species. Extracting meaningful minerals and adds authigenic phases.
differences in provenance from a data set derived
from the entire sand fraction is therefore fraught Heavy mineral identification
with difficulty, and could lead to erroneous Traditionally, heavy minerals have been
conclusions especially where heavy minerals are identified on the basis of their optical properties
used for correlation purposes. A more practical using the petrographic microscope (Milner 1962,
problem is that analyzing the entire sand fraction Mange & Maurer 1992). This method remains
causes problems with production of heavy mineral fundamental to understanding sediment provenance,
mounts and with petrographic identification (Mange because it not only enables quantification of heavy
& Maurer 1992). mineral abundances but also allows observation of
Two alternative strategies have been proposed textural and morphological features, in particular the
for the acquisition of heavy mineral data that can be presence or absence of dissolution features on grain
readily used to identify differences in provenance. surfaces. However, optical methods have some
One approach is to use a narrow size fraction at the drawbacks. In particular, some minerals (especially
fine-grained end of the sand size range, such as the those that are colorless) have overlapping optical
63–125 μm fraction. This approach minimizes the properties that can cause problems with identific-
possibility of missing diagnostic minerals, since ation. Also, optical petrography cannot distinguish
even if key minerals are present only as coarse opaque minerals unless samples are cut, polished
grains in the parent rock, the processes of and studied under reflected light.
mechanical breakdown during erosion and transport There are a number of other approaches that are
will inevitably lead to their presence as finer grains being increasingly used for heavy mineral analysis.
in the transported detritus. Furthermore, using this These include techniques based on energy-
size fraction makes mounting and petrographic dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) such as
identification of heavy minerals a comparatively CCSEM (Kuelen et al. 2009), QemSCAN (Pirrie et
simple task. However, it is important to recognize al. 2004), and MLA (Sylvester, this volume),
that this method in itself does not eliminate the together with Raman spectroscopy (Andò et al.
hydrodynamic control on heavy mineral assemblage 2011). Both approaches have considerable potential
composition, and relative mineral abundances will value for heavy mineral identification, not least
vary according to grain size and sorting. These because they enable identification of opaque phases
variations can be minimized by comparing as well as translucent minerals and (as discussed
abundances of minerals with similar hydrodynamic above) allow heavy mineral studies to be extended
properties, following the provenance-sensitive ratio to fine-grained clastic rocks that are difficult to
method described by Morton & Hallsworth (1994) analyze by conventional optical methods. However,
and discussed later in this chapter. the EDS-based techniques have some drawbacks,
The alternative approach, advocated by because they cannot distinguish mineral polymorphs
Garzanti et al. (2009), is to undertake a ‘multiple such as rutile, anatase and brookite (all TiO2) or
window’ study involving separate heavy mineral kyanite, andalusite and sillimanite (all Al2SiO5), and
analyses of either 0.25 or 0.50 φ size fractions also cannot readily discriminate minerals with
(including total heavy mineral abundance as a similar composition, such as biogenic and detrital
proportion of the whole sample) in order to build up apatite or corundum and diaspore. X-ray diffraction
a detailed profile of the size distribution for each has also been used to identify and quantify heavy
heavy mineral. By applying a source rock density mineral assemblages (Webster et al. 2003), but
(SRD) index correction to the data, Garzanti et al. although the method is reliable for major compon-
(2009) demonstrated that hydrodynamic effects can ents, it seems to be less accurate for identification
be essentially eliminated, enabling recognition of and quantification of minor components.


PROCESSES CONTROLLING HEAVY staurolite, titanite and epidote) do not always have
MINERAL ASSEMBLAGE COMPOSITION consistent stability relationships. This may be partly
Although source rock mineralogy is the due to the wide compositional variation displayed
ultimate control on the composition of heavy by some of these minerals, but could also result
mineral assemblages, many other processes operate from variations in the composition and
during the sedimentary cycle to obscure the original concentration of the groundwater responsible for the
provenance signal. It is crucial that the effects of leaching (Mitchell 1975). Furthermore, in some
these factors are fully appreciated when interpreting environments, indigenous micro-organisms may
provenance from heavy mineral data. The impact of significantly alter weathering patterns as a result of
these processes (weathering, mechanical abrasion, scavenging a limiting supply of nutrients (Bennett et
hydraulic processes, and burial diagenesis) have al. 2001). Therefore, the approximate order of
been reviewed by many authors (Boswell 1933, stability of heavy minerals in weathering
Garzanti et al. 2009, Hubert 1971, Mange & Maurer environments shown in Table 8-2 should be
1992, Milner 1962, Morton 1985, Morton & Halls- regarded as an overall framework within which
worth 1999) and their effects are summarized here. some relative stability variations can be expected.
The pattern shown in Table 8-2 is in accord with
Weathering results of leaching experiments under acidic
Weathering may cause modification of source conditions (Nickel 1973).
rock mineralogy at source (prior to incorporation Despite the evidence for loss of heavy minerals
into the transport system), during periods of during weathering, there is rarely any significant
exposure on the floodplain during transport (alluvial reduction in overall heavy mineral diversity between
storage), and at outcrop. Modification occurs by source rock and transport system. For example,
dissolution of unstable minerals through the action sediment presently derived from areas subjected to
of groundwater. intense tropical weathering, such as Puerto Rico and
Weathering in the source area modifies the Orinoco Basin, contain abundant unstable
mineralogy before sand enters the transport system. minerals such as pyroxene and amphibole (Walker
The degree to which heavy mineral assemblages are
modified by weathering depends on three main
factors: the composition of the heavy mineral suite
(controlled by the parent rock lithology), the
physiographic setting, and the climate. In broad least stable
terms, there are two regimes that operate ‒ apatite
weathering-limited and transport-limited (Johnsson olivine
et al. 1991). In a weathering-limited regime, the clinopyroxene
transport processes that remove detritus are more orthopyroxene
rapid than the weathering processes generating the calcic amphibole
material. Detritus is quickly removed without epidote group
significant modification by chemical weathering and garnet
the provenance signature of the parent rocks is monazite
likely to be preserved. By contrast, in a transport- titanite
limited regime, the maximum weathering rate topaz
exceeds the ability of transport processes to remove staurolite
material. Weathering products have a longer time to kyanite
react with soil and groundwater, strongly affecting andalusite
the composition of detritus, leading to extensive sillimanite
modification of heavy mineral suites. tourmaline
A considerable amount of information is zircon
available on relative stability of heavy minerals in rutile, anatase, brookite
soil profiles. Zircon, rutile, tourmaline, kyanite, most stable
andalusite and sillimanite invariably show high
stability, whereas apatite, olivine and the pyroxene Taken from Goldich (1938), Dryden & Dryden (1946),
Piller (1951), Weyl & Werner (1953), Lemcke et al.
group are all very unstable. Minerals with moderate
(1953), Grimm (1973), Nickel (1973), Bateman & Catt
stability (such as amphibole, epidote, garnet, (1985, 2007), Velbel (1999) and Lång (2000).


1974). Sands with highly stable and restricted is no evidence for significant changes in provenance
diversity heavy mineral assemblages can be found through the succession, and since apatite and
in modern rivers in tropical environments such as tourmaline have similar hydrodynamic behavior and
the White Nile, but the mineral depletion is are stable during burial diagenesis, the observed
interpreted as resulting from weathering during variations cannot have resulted from hydraulic
periods of alluvial storage in the subequatorial Sudd fractionation or burial-related dissolution. Given the
and Machar swamps of southern Sudan, rather than known instability of apatite in weathering environ-
at source (Garzanti et al. 2006a). The same ments, the variations in apatite are attributable to
explanation is likely to apply to ancient sandstone changes in the extent of floodplain residence. More
units with low diversity heavy mineral assemblages prolonged weathering occurred during sea level
deposited in tropical weathering environments, such low-stands compared with high-stands, apparently
as those found in the Eocene–Oligocene of Borneo the direct result of the increase in areal extent of the
(van Hattum et al. 2006). floodplain. The sensitivity of apatite to acidic
Possibly the most important mineral in Table weathering environments makes it invaluable as a
8-2 is apatite, since it is highly unstable in acidic tracer of periods of alluvial storage on the
weathering environments, but stable during burial floodplain, even in deeply buried sandstone where
diagenesis (Morton & Hallsworth 2007). In a study other sensitive phases have been removed during
of apatite in a peat bog from the Black Forest diagenesis.
(Germany), Le Roux et al. (2006) estimated that
complete apatite dissolution occurred after only a Mechanical abrasion
few decades. The other phases that are highly Despite evidence from experimental studies that
unstable in weathering, such as olivine, amphibole determined the relative mechanical stability of
and pyroxene, are also highly unstable during burial heavy minerals (Table 8-3), there is no evidence
diagenesis, and consequently their absence from from natural studies that heavy minerals disappear
sandstone cannot be considered diagnostic of either from assemblages through this process. Studies of
weathering or burial diagenesis. major river systems with extremely long transport
Variations in apatite (measured as the distances, such as the Mississippi (Russell 1937),
apatite:tourmaline ratio, ATi, as defined by Morton the Nile (Garzanti et al. 2006a, Shukri 1949), the
& Hallsworth, 1994) in shallow marine Upper Brahmaputra (Garzanti et al. 2010) and the Rhine
Jurassic sandstone units of the North Sea can be (van Andel 1950) show no evidence for any
directly correlated with changes in relative sea level decrease in mineral diversity downstream. Likewise,
(Fig. 8-1). Sandstone deposited during sea level in a study of in the Namib sand sea of southern
highstand has high apatite:tourmaline, whereas Africa, Garzanti et al. (2012) demonstrated that
sandstone deposited during low-stand has low mechanical abrasion had no noticeable effect on
apatite:tourmaline (Morton et al. 2012a). There provenance signatures during long distance and

P2b (lowstand) FIG. 8-1. Variations in
apatite:tourmaline index
true vertical depth subsea (m)

2570 P2a (highstand) (ATi) and rutile:zircon

index (RuZi) in Upper
Jurassic sandstone from
P1b (lowstand) the Piper Formation of
the Piper Field, showing
the contrast in ATi
between high-stand and
P1a (highstand) low-stand sandstone
2590 (adapted from Morton et
al. 2012a).

Sgiath Fm
0 50 100 0 40 80 0 40 80
(API) ATi RuZi



Friese (1931) Thiel (1940, 1945) Dietz (1973)

most resistant
Tourmaline Tourmaline Zircon
Corundum Staurolite Kyanite
Chrome spinel Titanite Garnet
Spinel Garnet Rutile
Rutile Epidote Staurolite
Staurolite Zircon Tourmaline
Augite Calcic amphibole Olivine
Topaz Rutile Andalusite
Garnet Orthopyroxene
Epidote Apatite
Apatite Augite
Zircon Kyanite
least resistant

prolonged transport in a high energy eolian setting.
Kowalewski & Rimstidt (2003) showed that
survivability of grains is not dependent on hardness,
grain survival

but is closely comparable to dissolution rates under 6 aragonite

acidic (weathering) conditions (Fig. 8-2). The 5 calcite

4 apatite
effects of abrasion on heavy mineral proportions
3 biotite
during transport therefore appear to be negligible, muscovite
but mechanical loss of heavy minerals remains a 2
possibility in exceptional circumstances. 1
By contrast, there is strong evidence that 0
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
proportions of susceptible minerals can be reduced DH

through the abrasive action of the drill bit. A augite

comparison of heavy mineral assemblages 9

recovered from cores and ditch cuttings from the 8
Devonian-Carboniferous of the Clair Field (Morton 7 oligoclase
et al. 2010) shows that apatite is especially
grain survival

6 albite
susceptible to depletion, with ATi being 5 quartz
significantly lower in ditch cuttings samples 4
compared with core (Fig. 8-3). It is therefore 3
important to bear in mind the possibility of 2
mechanically induced modification of heavy mineral 1
assemblages when undertaking provenance studies 0
of subsurface samples acquired during drilling (as 5 10 15
opposed to coring).
FIG. 8-2. Relationships between mineral survival,
mechanical durability (DH) and chemical durability
(DC), adapted from Kowalewski & Rimstidt (2003).
Mineral survival is estimated as log-transformed
standard deviation of grain age.


100 100

80 80 FIG. 8-3. Comparison of apatite:

tourmaline index (ATi) and garnet:

60 60 zircon index (GZi) in the Lower Clair
Group of wells 206/8-8 and 206/8-9Y
40 40 in the Clair Field, showing that ATi
Unit VIb Unit VIa values from ditch cuttings are lower
20 20 than in core from the same
20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100 stratigraphic units. See Allen and
ATi ATi Mange-Rajetzky (1992) and Morton
100 100
et al. (2010) for details of Clair Group
80 80

60 60

40 40
Unit V Unit IV
20 20
20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100

80 206/8-8 (core)
206/8-9Y (ditch cuttings)


Unit III
20 40 60 80 100

Hydraulic processes (1981) and Komar (2007) demonstrated that high

Heavy minerals are denser than quartz and density heavy minerals settle more rapidly than low
feldspar grains and therefore behave differently density heavy minerals and quartz (Fig. 8-5), in
during transport and deposition. In consequence, the accordance with the settling equivalence concept. A
size distribution of heavy minerals in sandstone detailed study of major Alpine, Himalayan, and
differs from that of the light minerals, with the African sedimentary systems (Garzanti et al. 2008)
denser heavy minerals having finer mean grain sizes revealed systematic concentration of denser grains
than the associated quartz and feldspar. Rubey in finer grained fractions in accord with the settling-
(1933) introduced the concept of hydraulic equivalence principle. However, this study revealed
equivalence (later termed settling equivalence by that the settling-equivalence formula is complex,
Reid and Frostick, 1985), which states that grains because settling of sand grains is resisted by both
with the same settling velocity are deposited viscosity and turbulence, causing deviations from
together. Rubey (1933) proposed that settling grain size distributions as predicted by Stokes’ law.
velocity is a function of grain size and grain density, Many situations occur where heavy minerals do
so that smaller, denser minerals are deposited with not display a clear relationship between density and
larger, less dense ones. Rubey (1933) also hydraulic equivalent size. For example, van Andel
introduced the term ‘hydraulic equivalent size’, (1950) showed that garnet grains in Rhine sediments
defined as the difference in size between a given are anomalously coarse, being only slightly finer
heavy mineral and the size of a quartz sphere with grained than quartz. A similar phenomenon was
the same settling velocity in water. Many studies of observed in dominantly ophiolite-derived coastal
heavy minerals and grain size have shown that a and shelf sediments of southern Turkey, in which
good relationship exists between density and pyroxenes and amphiboles are anomalously coarse-
hydraulic equivalent size (Fig. 8-4). Baba & Komar grained (Mange-Rajetzky 1983). These deviations


Rio Grande river sands Gold (18)

Cassiterite (7.0) Quartz (2.65)
Density gm cm-3

4.5 10


sand grains

Garnet (4.0)
Ilmenite (4.75)

Re = 0.5
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Hydraulic size

10 - 1

Magnetite Ilmenite Zircon

Garnet Baryte Titanite

Orthopyroxene Apatite Kyanite
Clinopyroxene Amphibole Tourmaline

New Jersey beach sands

10 - 2
10 - 2 10 - 1 10
FIG. 8-5. Relationships between settling velocities and
Density gm cm-3

grain sizes of a variety of heavy minerals compared
4.0 with quartz (adapted from Komar 2007). Published
with permission from Elsevier.
and density (Fig. 8-6). It therefore appears that the
3.0 long transport distances associated with the beach
2.5 sands have allowed the heavy minerals to approach
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 hydraulic equilibrium.
Hydraulic size Reid and Frostick (1985) showed that heavy
Zircon Garnet Staurolite mineral grains that comprise heavy mineral laminae
Leucoxene Tourmaline Epidote
in sandstone are too large to be in settling
Orthopyroxene Sillimanite Amphibole
Glauconite Clinopyroxene equivalence with the neighboring quartz grains, and
considered this is due to selective grain entrainment
and entrapment. Slingerland (1977), Komar &
FIG. 8-4. Relationships between hydraulic equivalent size
(Rubey 1933) and density for heavy minerals in Rio Wang (1984) and Komar (2007) showed that
Grande river sands (Rittenhouse 1943) and New Jersey increasing density and grain size require higher
beach sands (McMaster 1954). threshold stresses for incorporation of grains into
the flow (Fig. 8-7). Another factor influencing
are interpreted as resulting from inheritance of grain entrainment of heavy minerals into the current is
size distributions from the source rocks. A that the smaller heavy mineral grains have limited
comparison of heavy mineral grain size distributions exposure to water flow compared with larger quartz
in river and beach sediments in the Baixada de grains, and their larger pivoting angles cause greater
Jacarepagua, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) demonstrates resistance to entrainment (Fig. 8-8).
the importance of inherited grain size distributions Grain shape also has an important effect on
(Fig. 8-6). The river sands, which represent first heavy mineral transport and deposition. The effects
cycle detritus derived from Precambrian of grain shape on entrainment, transport and
metamorphic and igneous basement (Savage et al. deposition was investigated by Briggs et al. (1962),
1988), show no correlation between mean grain who showed that minerals with platy habit such as
sizes and densities of the heavy minerals. Heavy kyanite display significantly greater resistance to
minerals in the river sands therefore have highly flow to minerals with near-spherical habit such as
anomalous hydraulic equivalence relationships. By apatite and magnetite (Fig. 8-9). The effect is
contrast, heavy minerals in the beach sediments especially pronounced with mica owing to its
display good correlation between mean grain sizes



3.0 Increasing flow

velocity above
2.5 sediment bed
grain size (f)




river sands
0.0 FIG. 8-8. Schematic illustration of the effects of exposure
3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 and pivoting angle of grains on entrainment of grains,
from Komar (2007). Heavy mineral grain is shaded.
Published with permission from Elsevier.

2.5 100
grain size (f)



1.0 Drag coefficient (CD )

beach sands
3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5

density ( -3)

FIG. 8-6. Mean grain sizes and densities of heavy

minerals in river and beach sands from the Baixada de
Jacarepagua, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Note the good
correlation for the beach sands and the anomalous
relationships in the river sands. 1
1 10 100
Reynolds number (R)
Gold (18)

Cassiterite (7.0) kyanite magnetite apatite


Ilmenite (4.75)
Garnet FIG. 8-9. Relationship between drag coefficient (CD) and
10 (4.0)
Reynolds number for kyanite, apatite and magnetite,
Quartz from Briggs et al. (1962). Note that kyanite grains
have higher drag coefficients than apatite and
magnetite, and that apatite and magnetite have similar
behaviour despite their strong density contrast.
extreme platy habit. Doyle et al. (1983) and Komar
T† = 0.00515 (ρs - ρ) gD0.568 tan & Wang (1984) both demonstrated that mica has
settling equivalence to smaller quartz grains,
contrary to all other heavy minerals. Because of the
anomalous hydrodynamic behavior of mica and
10 - 1
10 - 2 10 - 1 10 mica-like minerals such as chlorite, it is
GRAIN DIAMETER, D (mm) recommended that these minerals are excluded
FIG. 8-7. Entrainment flow stress curves for a selection when quantifying relative heavy mineral
of heavy minerals, after Komar (2007). Published abundances for provenance and correlation
with permission from Elsevier. purposes, although their presence should be noted.


In summary, density, diameter and shape are increasing depth might be a provenance effect, and
the fundamental controls on the hydrodynamic the presence of corrosion textures on mineral grains
behavior of heavy minerals. Grains with the same may be the result of localized weathering processes
hydrodynamic behavior are transported and depos- (for example, in a non-marine depositional setting or
ited together, and their relative abundances cannot below a subaerial unconformity). Another poten-
be fractionated by varying hydrodynamic cond- tially useful parameter is the overall abundance of
itions. For a more detailed review of the behavior of detrital heavy minerals (heavy mineral concen-
heavy minerals during transport and deposition, see tration in the terminology of Garzanti & Andò,
Komar (2007) and Garzanti et al. (2008). 2007), which will also reduce as intrastratal
dissolution proceeds.
Burial diagenesis The most direct indication of heavy mineral
Arguably, of all the factors that obscure the dissolution is the presence of corrosion textures on
original provenance signal, burial diagenesis in the grain surfaces (Fig. 8-10). Corrosion textures, first
subsurface has the most profound effect on heavy documented by Edelman and Doeglas (1932, 1934),
mineral assemblages. Heavy mineral suites react to include etch pits, surface mamillae, facets, ragged
burial diagenesis by dissolution of unstable phases edges, hacksaw terminations and skeletal structures
(a process known as intrastratal dissolution) and (Hemingway & Tamar-Agha 1975, Milliken 2007,
growth of secondary minerals. Burial diagenesis has Morton 1979, Rahmani 1973, Turner & Morton
the potential to alter heavy mineral assemblages 2007, Velbel 1999). Corrosion textures similar to
dramatically, causing detrital suites that have high those observed on natural grain surfaces have been
diversity at the time of deposition to become highly produced in laboratory experiments (Berner et al.
restricted at great burial depths. Mineral dissolution 1980, Hansley 1987, Nickel 1973). Facets on garnet
in the subsurface is diagnosed by: grains have been attributed to both corrosion and
(i) the presence of corroded surfaces on mineral overgrowth, but Morton et al. (1989) and Salvino
grains. and Velbel (1989) concluded that the overgrowth
(ii) the co-existence of high diversity and low hypothesis cannot be sustained on the basis of
diversity assemblages in adjacent high and low thermodynamic considerations, experimental
permeability sandstone. studies, distribution of faceted garnets in the
(iii) decreasing mineral diversity with increasing subsurface, textural relationships and compositional
burial depth. variations within faceted grains.
The presence of all three lines of evidence may Direct evidence for mineral dissolution in the
be taken as proof of intrastratal dissolution, but subsurface is provided by the occurrence of high-
caution is required if some of the evidence is diversity detrital heavy mineral zones within
missing. For instance, decreasing diversity with sandstone successions otherwise typified by low-

FIG. 8-10. Scanning electron

micrographs showing typical
heavy mineral corrosion
a = clinopyroxene, Eocene,
Rockall Trough
a c b = calcic amphibole,
Pliocene, South Caspian
c = epidote, Paleocene,
Faroe-Shetland Basin
d = titanite, Paleocene,
Norwegian Sea
e = kyanite, Jurassic,
e Norwegian Sea
f = staurolite, Cretaceous,
g Norwegian Sea
100 microns f g = garnet, Jurassic,
d Norwegian Sea


diversity assemblages. Bramlette (1941) was the Morton 1985, Morton & Hallsworth 2007, Morton
first to recognize that early calcite concretions may et al. 1994, 2012b, Rahmani 1973, Scavnicar 1979,
contain higher diversity assemblages compared with Smithson 1941, Walderhaug & Porten 2007,
enclosing friable sandstone. Blatt & Sutherland Wieseneder & Maurer 1958). Intrastratal dissolution
(1969) observed that mudstone contains higher- therefore appears to be a ubiquitous feature of burial
diversity assemblages compared with interbedded diagenesis. Furthermore, patterns of mineral
sandstone units. Yurkova (1970) showed that oil- depletion are closely comparable between
bearing sandstone has higher diversity assemblages sedimentary basins, enabling formulation of a
compared with adjacent water-wet sandstone. generalized order of relative heavy mineral stability
Similar cases have been described in Paleocene (Table 8-4).
sandstone units of the UK continental shelf (Morton Although the relative stability of heavy
& Hallsworth 2007). In all these cases, it is minerals remains essentially uniform in sedimentary
unreasonable to argue for a difference in provenance basins worldwide, there are major differences in the
between the high diversity and adjacent low burial depths at which specific minerals become
diversity zones, indicating that at the time of depleted. For example, amphibole depletion takes
deposition they had similar heavy mineral place at ~4000 m in the Pliocene of the South
assemblages and, subsequently, the high diversity Caspian Basin, but only ~600 m in the North Sea
zones were protected from the corrosive action of Eocene. Similarly, garnet dissolution is complete at
pore waters, unlike the adjacent low diversity ~3500 m in the North Sea Jurassic, but shows only
sandstone units. These example show that protection incipient signs of dissolution at the same depth in
of heavy minerals against dissolution is afforded by the Bengal Basin (Morton & Hallsworth 2007).
a variety of factors, including poor permeability (as Burial depth is therefore only an indirect control, the
with the case of mudstone), early cementation important factors being pore fluid temperature and
(sealing sandstone from pore waters), poor fluid composition, rate of pore fluid movement, and time
connectivity (restricting circulation of pore waters), (Morton & Hallsworth 2007).
and displacement of pore waters by oil during Pore fluid temperatures inevitably increase
hydrocarbon emplacement. Identification of high during burial. The increasing temperature drives
diversity heavy mineral assemblages within reactions such as the smectite-to-illite transform-
otherwise low diversity sandstone units not only ation (Hower et al. 1976) and the decarboxylation of
proves that intrastratal dissolution has taken place, organic matter (Tissot et al. 1974), causing changes
but also provides a record of the composition of the in pore water composition. As pore fluid
detrital assemblage prior to dissolution. temperatures increase and pore water compositions
Decreasing mineral diversity with increasing change, heavy minerals become unstable and start
burial depth has been observed in sedimentary
basins worldwide, and is most likely to be
attributable to intrastratal dissolution during burial
diagenesis. However, since such patterns could arise least stable
through changes in provenance, other lines of
evidence (presence of corrosion textures or olivine
occurrence of anomalous high diversity zones) are orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene
required to diagnose intrastratal dissolution. Burial- sodic pyroxene
related heavy mineral depletion has been positively calcic amphibole, andalusite, sillimanite
identified in the North Sea of the UK and Norway, epidote
the Faroe-Shetland Basin of the UK, the Vøring and titanite
Møre basins offshore Norway, the US Gulf of kyanite
Mexico, the South Caspian Basin of Azerbaijan, the sodic amphibole
Bengal Basin offshore India, the Sava River Basin staurolite
of Croatia, the northern Apennines of Italy, the allanite
Vienna Basin of Austria, the Cleveland Basin of the garnet, chloritoid
UK, offshore New Zealand, Alberta and tourmaline, monazite, spinel
Saskatchewan in Canada and the North Sumatra rutile, anatase, brookite, zircon, apatite
Basin of Indonesia (Cavazza & Gandolfi 1992, most stable
Gazzi 1965, Milliken 2007, Milliken & Mack 1990, (from Morton & Hallsworth 2007).


to dissolve. The depths at which minerals become Pettijohn (1941) proposed that geological age is
unstable depend on the pore fluid temperature the principal cause of heavy mineral loss, based on
gradient, which is ultimately controlled by heat the observation that older sandstone units have
flow. The temperatures at which heavy minerals less diverse heavy mineral assemblages compared
became completely depleted from sandstone on the with younger sandstone units. However, there are
Norwegian continental shelf have been estimated by many examples of ancient sandstones with rich
Walderhaug & Porten (2007), with amphibole and diverse heavy mineral assemblages,
disappearing at 40oC, titanite at 45oC, kyanite at including Permo-Triassic sandstone units in
92oC, epidote at 95oC, staurolite at 109oC and garnet Ukraine, Devonian sandstone units of the
at 175oC. Walderhaug & Porten (2007) also Pyrenees, and Ordovician sandstone units of
observed a relationship between heavy mineral Scotland and Ireland (Dewey & Mange 1999,
dissolution and the extent of quartz cementation. Kelling 1962, Sarksiyan 1958, Stattegger 1976,
Secondary quartz is absent in sandstone containing Styles et al. 1989). Therefore, although older
amphibole and titanite, but there is <1% quartz sandstone units tend to have low diversity heavy
cement in sandstone containing kyanite and epidote, mineral assemblages, the presence of ancient
up to 6% quartz in staurolite-bearing sandstone, up sandstone with diverse heavy mineral assemblages
to 24% in chloritoid-bearing sandstone, up to 25% proves that geological age is not the main control on
in garnet-bearing sandstone, and 25–35% quartz intrastratal dissolution. Nevertheless, geological
cement in sandstone containing only stable heavy time plays an important role, because with
minerals. increasing time, dissolution events are more likely
Pore fluid movement is another important factor to occur, and even slow chemical reactions may
in governing mineral distribution in the subsurface. proceed to completion.
Poor porosity and low permeability inhibit pore
fluid movement, thereby decreasing the rate of Heavy mineral assemblages and the sedimentary
mineral dissolution. For this reason, siltstone, cycle
mudstone and sandstone with early carbonate The processes that affect the composition of
cement have more diverse heavy mineral heavy mineral assemblages from source to sink are
assemblages compared with adjacent friable shown schematically in Fig. 8-11. Mineralogy is
sandstone (Blatt & Sutherland 1969, Bramlette ultimately controlled by the composition of the

FIG. 8-11. Schematic

diagram showing the
controls on heavy
mineral assemblages
operative from source to
sink (adapted from
Hurst & Morton 2001).


source rocks in the hinterland and by the weathering Recycling

regime (transport- or weathering-limited) that is Since many heavy minerals are stable during
operative in the drainage basin. When detritus enters weathering and diagenesis, they can be readily
the alluvial basin, it undergoes weathering-related recycled from pre-existing sandstone. However,
degradation during periods of storage. The extent to quantifying the amount of recycled detritus in a
which the sediment is modified in the alluvial basin heavy mineral population is a complex issue. A
is controlled by time, climate and accommodation heavy mineral assemblage rich in unstable phases
space. Apatite is an especially sensitive indicator of such as pyroxene and amphibole almost certainly
the extent of weathering during alluvial storage. indicates the sandstone has an important first cycle
On the shallow marine shelf, sedimentary component, but the stable phases such as zircon,
processes involve repeated cycles of erosion and rutile and tourmaline may nevertheless be recycled.
deposition, which tend to homogenize the Furthermore, the recycled component is likely to be
mineralogical variations present further up-system relatively depleted in heavy minerals compared with
through changes in provenance and weathering. the first cycle component, especially one derived
Consequently, heavy mineral signatures of shallow from a mafic or intermediate source. Hence, the
marine strata tend to be characterized by more recycled contribution is likely to be underestimated
gradual and/or lower frequency changes than those if provenance is interpreted on the basis of heavy
of alluvial basin strata. Heavy mineral signatures of mineral abundances without regard to the heavy
deep marine (turbidite) sequences have different mineral productivity of the first cycle and recycled
styles, some having uniform characteristics whereas sources.
others show high frequency variations (Fig. 8-12). Low diversity heavy mineral assemblages may
These differences are explained by contrasting be indicative of recycling, especially if they have a
sediment transport paths (Hurst & Morton 2001). high degree of textural maturity. Hubert (1962)
Deep water sandstones with fluctuating mineralogy introduced the zircon-tourmaline-rutile (ZTR) index
are inferred to be derived directly from alluvial as a measure of maturity, and this index has often
basins, bypassing any contemporaneous shallow been used to estimate the extent recycling.
marine shelf, whereas those with homogeneous However, it is important to recognize that burial
characteristics are inferred to be fed by sediment diagenesis has significant potential to modify ZTR.
that originally accumulated on the shallow marine Furthermore, it is also possible that first cycle
shelf. sandstones may have high ZTR, especially if they
Well 22/11a-5 Well 204/24a-3
have a largely granitic provenance and underwent
2320 2100
intense tropical weathering during the sedimentary
2330 2110 cycle, as in the case of Eocene–Oligocene of Borneo
2340 2120
(van Hattum et al. 2006).
depth (m)

2360 2140 The processes of weathering, transport,
2370 2150
deposition and diagenesis play a major part in
controlling heavy mineral assemblage compositions.
2380 2160
It is therefore vital that provenance-sensitive
60 70 80 90 100
2390 parameters are used to evaluate accurately
2400 provenance and to develop reliable correlation
40 50 60 70 80 frameworks. Such parameters must be
FIG. 8-12. Contrasting styles in turbidite mineralogy in comparatively insensitive to variations in the extent
the Paleocene of the UK continental shelf. The ATi of weathering, to changes in hydraulic conditions,
profile in well 22/11a-5 is from the Forties Formation and to differences in the extent of burial diagenesis.
in the central North Sea, whereas that from 204/24a-3 Two complementary approaches are recommended
is from the Vaila Formation in the Faroe-Shetland to assess heavy mineral provenance (Mange-
Basin. Note the much greater fluctuation in ATi in the Rajetzky 1995, Mange & Wright 2007, Morton &
Forties Formation compared with the Vaila Formation, Hallsworth 1994, 1999). The first is conventional
suggesting the Forties depositional system bypassed heavy mineral analysis, which uses attributes shown
the shelf, in contrast to the Vaila sandstone, which is
by the entire heavy mineral suite, whereas varietal
interpreted as having been shed from a shallow marine
shelf area. Adapted from Hurst and Morton (2001). heavy mineral analysis, also termed high resolution


heavy mineral analysis (HRHMA) by Mange- or by hydraulic processes that operate during
Rajetzky (1995), concentrates on the attributes transport and deposition. Of the provenance-
shown by individual mineral species. sensitive parameters proposed by Morton &
Hallsworth (1994), rutile:zircon (RuZi), monazite:
Conventional heavy mineral analysis zircon (MZi), chrome spinel:zircon (CZi) and
The processes of transport and deposition apatite:tourmaline (ATi) are unaffected by burial
control the relative proportions of minerals with diagenetic processes, since apatite, chrome spinel,
different hydraulic behavior. The principal factors monazite rutile, tourmaline and zircon are all stable
influencing hydraulic behavior are grain size and under such conditions. However, garnet:zircon
density, with shape being an important but (GZi) has dubious value in sandstone units that have
subordinate influence. Therefore, changes in suffered garnet dissolution. Although ATi is a
hydrodynamic conditions cause variations in the useful provenance-sensitive parameter, it is also a
ratio of denser minerals, such as zircon, garnet or reflection of the extent of weathering, since apatite
rutile, to less dense minerals, such as apatite and is unstable under such conditions. Consequently,
tourmaline, within the size range recommended for ATi may provide information on sediment transport
analysis. history. Prolonged or intense weathering may also
In order to minimize the effects of hydro- result in lowered GZi, as in the Statfjord Formation
dynamic fractionation on the original provenance of the northern North Sea (Morton & Berge 1995)
signal, it is necessary to determine the relative since garnet is also unstable in weathering, although
abundance of minerals that behave in the same way to a lesser extent than apatite.
during transport and deposition. Since grain size and As noted above, the zircon-tourmaline-rutile
grain density are the principal controls on hydraulic index (ZTR) is commonly used as a measure of
behavior, the provenance signal can be isolated by maturity of heavy mineral assemblages (Hubert
restricting the analysis to a relatively narrow size 1962). However, it is important to bear in mind that
fraction and by determining ratios of minerals with a high ZTR index could also be the result of intense
similar density, such as apatite:tourmaline and diagenetic modification, and may not necessarily
rutile:zircon. In order to maximize the possibility of indicate a polycyclic history.
identifying the full range of detrital minerals, the
size fraction concerned should be at the fine end of Varietal heavy mineral analysis
the sand range, the most suitable being the 63–125 The effects of diagenesis on heavy mineral
μm fraction (Morton & Hallsworth 1994). assemblages can be minimized by concentrating on
To minimize the diagenetic effects on heavy properties displayed by a single stable mineral
mineral assemblages, it is important to consider only group. This approach also minimizes the density-
those minerals considered to be stable in the context controlled sorting that occurs during transport.
of the study. This can be assessed by a consideration Varietal heavy mineral methods fall into three main
of the overall diversity of the assemblage, the burial categories: petrographic, mineral chemical, and
history, and whether grain surfaces display evidence isotopic.
of corrosion.
Morton & Hallsworth (1994, 1999) considered Petrographic data
that ratios of stable minerals with similar Petrographic varietal data are acquired by
hydrodynamic behavior (Table 8-5) reflect source categorizing different varieties of individual
area characteristics, since they cannot be minerals on the basis of optical properties such as
significantly fractionated either by burial diagenesis color, habit or zoning pattern, and is termed

Index Definition
ATi apatite:tourmaline index % apatite in total apatite plus tourmaline
GZi garnet:zircon index % garnet in total garnet plus zircon
RuZi rutile:zircon index % rutile in total rutile plus zircon
MZi monazite:zircon index % monazite in total monazite plus zircon
CZi chrome spinel:zircon index % chrome spinel in total chrome spinel plus zircon
From Morton & Hallsworth (1994)


HRHMA by Mange-Rajetzky (1995). For example, Mineral chemical data

zircon morphology has been used as a petrogenetic Virtually every component of the heavy mineral
indicator (Pupin 1980), and color varieties of zircon suite displays a range of compositions that can be
(Mackie 1923) and tourmaline (Krynine 1946) may used to categorize and differentiate mineral varieties
be diagnostic of provenance. Variations in (Mange & Morton 2007). Furthermore, in many
amphibole color have been used as a proxy for cases, mineral chemical data can be used to relate
metamorphic grade of detritus in Alpine rivers sediment directly to specific source rock types.
(Garzanti et al. 2004, 2006b). Textural data, such as Mineral chemical data have been used to evaluate
the extent of grain rounding, may also yield provenance of clinopyroxene (Pinto et al. 2004),
important information on sedimentation history. An amphibole (von Eynatten & Gaupp 1999), epidote
example of the application of HRHMA is shown in (Spiegel et al. 2002), titanite (Asiedu et al. 2000),
Fig. 8-13, which displays marked changes in staurolite (Acquafredda et al. 1997), garnet (von
varieties of tourmaline, zircon and apatite in a Eynatten & Gaupp 1999), tourmaline (Morton et al.
Triassic red-bed succession from the UK central 2005), chrome spinel (Pober & Faupl 1988),
North Sea (Mange-Rajetzky 1995) and suggests that chloritoid (Lonergan & Mange-Rajetzky 1994),
the provenance evolved substantially during apatite (Morton & Yaxley 2007), rutile (Meinhold et
deposition. By comparison, the overall heavy al. 2008) and zircon (Grimes et al. 2007).
mineral spectrum shows relatively little variation Compositions of opaque minerals, notably ilmenite
and does not resolve the changes in provenance and magnetite, have also been used for provenance
evident from the HRHMA data. evaluation (Grigsby 1990, 1992, Schneiderman

FIG. 8-13. Heavy mineral

assemblages in the
Triassic of well 22/24a-5,
UK sector of the central
North Sea, from Mange-
Rajetzky (1995). The
conventional heavy min-
eral data show little
systematic variation,
but varietal analysis
(HRHMA) of tourmaline,
zircon and apatite reveals
distinct provenance-
related variations that can
be used for correlative


1995), with ilmenite compositions having particular the metamorphic history and unroofing of the source
significance for diamond exploration (Nowicki et al. terrain.
2007). There is potential to use other minerals, such
as monazite, which displays variations in REE HEAVY MINERALS AS INDICATORS OF
patterns (Fleischer & Altschuler 1969) and kyanite, SEDIMENT PROVENANCE
andalusite and sillimanite, which have variable trace In order to maximize the provenance
element compositions (Pearson & Shaw 1960), but information from heavy mineral assemblages, it is
as yet little attention has been paid to these minerals important to adopt an integrated approach involving:
in a provenance context. (i) conventional (petrographic) analysis, to
The minerals that have greatest application in determine the overall composition and
provenance and correlation studies are those that are concentration of the heavy mineral assemblages
stable, since they provide crucial provenance and to assess the roles played by hydrodynamic
information from sandstone that has undergone sorting and the extent of diagenetic
extensive diagenetic modification. The minerals that modification.
have been most widely used are garnet and (ii) determination of provenance-sensitive ratios,
tourmaline, since both are relatively stable and show which directly reflect source area character-
a wide range in compositions that can be related to istics and are comparatively insensitive to
specific source rock types (Henry & Guidotti 1985; processes operative during the sedimentary
Mange & Morton 2007). However, garnet cannot be cycle (Morton & Hallsworth 1999).
used universally because it undergoes dissolution in (iii) acquisition of varietal data, including
very deep burial conditions. Care is required if petrographic characteristics, mineral chemical
garnet geochemistry is used to evaluate provenance data and single grain isotopic information.
in sandstone units that show evidence for advanced Acquisition of varietal data is especially
garnet dissolution, since Ca-rich garnet is less stable important in sandstones that have undergone
than Ca-poor varieties (Morton & Hallsworth 2007). extensive diagenetic modification, since
Recent studies of rutile, another ultrastable mineral, considerable amounts of provenance
suggest this mineral will play an important role in information is destroyed under such
provenance studies of diagenetically modified circumstances, and it is therefore critical that as
sandstone (Zack et al. 2004, Meinhold et al. 2008). much information as possible is obtained from
Mineral chemical analysis of apatite and chrome the phases that remain.
spinel also have considerable potential for This combination of approaches achieves
reconstructing provenance in such circumstances. three purposes: first, it categorizes sandstone units
into different provenance groups; second, it
Isotopic data evaluates the extent to which the assemblages have
Single grain isotopic methods provide powerful been modified during the sedimentary cycle, and;
constraints on provenance, since they give third, it establishes a fingerprint that enables the
geochronological data that can be used to sediment to be traced back to source areas in terms
complement the mineralogical constraints provided both of mineralogy and geochronology.
by conventional heavy mineral and mineral
chemical data. Single grain dating is possible on a Case study: Paleocene submarine fan sandstone
wide range of heavy minerals. Detrital zircon U–Pb units, Faroe-Shetland Basin
age dating (Fedo et al. 2003) has become almost The importance of an integrated approach to
ubiquitous in provenance studies, and is frequently provenance is illustrated by a case study dealing
complemented by Lu–Hf isotopic analysis with Paleocene deep water submarine fan sandstone
(Augustsson et al. 2006). Other minerals that can be units in the Faroe-Shetland Basin (Morton et al.
used to provide geochronological constraints on 2012b). In this basin, four different sand types
provenance are amphibole (Hemming et al. 1998), (FSP1, FSP2, FSP3 and FSP4) have been identified
mica (von Eynatten & Wijnbrans 2003), monazite on the basis of a combination of parameters:
(Evans et al. 2001), rutile (Birch et al. 2007), apatite conventional heavy mineral data (in particular
(Chew & Donelick, this volume) and titanite clinopyroxene abundance), provenance-sensitive
(McAteer et al. 2010). An alternative approach is to ratios (notably rutile:zircon), garnet and rutile
use fission track dating of minerals such as apatite geochemistry, U–Pb dating of detrital zircon, and
or zircon (Carter 1999) to provide information on palynofloral analysis.


Sand types FSP1, FSP2 and FSP4 were all does not enable differentiation of any of the other
sourced from the eastern margin of the basin three sand types (Fig. 8-21).
(Orkney-Shetland Platform). FSP1 is interpreted as Terrestrially derived palynofloral assemblages
having an important basement component identify input to the Faroe-Shetland Basin from both
comprising both Archean (Lewisian) gneiss and west and east. However, the distribution of the
Proterozoic (Moine/Dalradian) metasedimentary westerly derived ‘Greenland flora’ is wider than the
rocks. FSP2 includes a large recycled Triassic distribution of the westerly derived sand type FSP3
component, and FSP4 was at least partly recycled (Fig. 8-14). The apparent decoupling of pollen and
from the Carboniferous. The FSP2 source area was sand provenance is interpreted as the result of their
located towards the south of the Orkney-Shetland different hydrodynamic behavior. Terrestrially
Platform, whereas FSP4 sands were derived from derived palynomorphs fall into the 5–60 μm size
further north. The amount of recycling diminished range, and therefore have hydrodynamic properties
with time: FSP2 and FSP3 sandstone types are comparable with silt size sedimentary particles. As a
dominant in the earlier sediments, with FSP1 result, they are likely to remain in suspension for
detritus becoming more abundant in younger longer periods than sand particles derived from the
sandstone layers. same region. In consequence, they can be
By contrast, FSP3 sandstone was derived from transported further offshore than sand particles,
the west. It was in part derived from mafic volcanic accounting for their wide distribution in the
rocks and in part from Archean basement rocks. A Paleocene of the Faroe-Shetland Basin.
westerly origin is confirmed by the association with This study demonstrates that understanding the
a diagnostic ‘Greenland’ palynoflora. The source of complexity of sand provenance in sedimentary
the FSP3 sandstone type remains uncertain since basins requires an integrated approach, and that
zircon age data rule out derivation from the significant detail is likely to be lost if only one
Greenland landmass, and it is considered most likely provenance tool is employed. In this instance, zircon
that it was sourced from intrabasinal highs. The dating proved to be relatively poor at distinguishing
distribution of the four sand types and of the different sediment transport systems. Consequently,
‘Greenland’ palynoflora are shown in Figure 8-14. an incomplete understanding of provenance patterns
An integrated approach was crucial in the in the Paleocene of the Faroe-Shetland Basin would
recognition of these four sand types and to have been reached if the only technique used had
determine their provenance, because they cannot be been zircon age dating. An integrated approach
distinguished on the basis of one single parameter. maximizes the amount of provenance information
The rutile:zircon index (RuZi) distinguishes sand and is crucial in building up a detailed picture of the
type FSP3 from the other types, but cannot lithological, mineralogical and geochronological
discriminate FSP1, FSP2 and FSP4. Furthermore, constitution of sediment source regions.
there is a limited amount of overlap in RuZi values
between FSP3 and FSP4 (Fig. 8-15). Clinopyroxene CORRELATION USING HEAVY MINERALS
is present only in sand type FSP3, but not every Heavy mineral stratigraphy has been used to
FSP3 sandstone sample contains clinopyroxene subdivide and correlate siliciclastic successions
owing to the instability of this mineral during burial since the early work of Illing (1916). The technique
diagenesis (Fig. 8-16). Garnet geochemistry is the is normally applied in cases where biostratigraphic
main parameter that has been used to distinguish control is poor or absent, but is also used to
FSP1, FSP2 and FSP4 (Figs 8-17 and 8-18). complement traditional biostratigraphy (Morton et
However, FSP3 garnet populations overlap those of al. 2002). Successful application of the technique
FSP1 and FSP2. Furthermore, this technique cannot depends on the presence of changes in sediment
be used in the deeper parts of the basin owing to the provenance or transport history during deposition of
extensive garnet dissolution at burial depths the succession in question. Reliable correlation also
exceeding 4 km (Fig. 8-19). Rutile geochemistry depends on using parameters that reflect changes in
differentiates FSP2 from FSP1 and FSP4, but is provenance and transport history, and are insensitive
difficult to apply to FSP3 owing to its low rutile to fractionation during transport and deposition or to
content (Fig. 8-20). Zircon geochronology has the effects of burial diagenesis. Early attempts to
relatively poor discriminatory value. It is helpful in zone hydrocarbon reservoir sandstone units using
distinguishing FSP3 from FSP1, 2 and 4 on the basis heavy minerals failed because of a lack of
of the abundance of the Archean component, but appreciation of these factors, notably burial-related


FIG. 8-14. Distribution of sand types FSP1, 2, 3 and 4, and of the ‘Greenland flora’, in the Faroe-Shetland Basin, west of
Shetland, UK (from Morton et al. 2012b). Published with permission from the Geological Society of America.


60 60


40 40

20 20

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
southern area northern area

60 60


40 40


20 20

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

FIG. 8-15. Plots of rutile:zircon index (RuZi) and apatite:tourmaline index (ATi) for sand types FSP1, FSP2, FSP3 and FSP4
in the Paleocene of the Faroe-Shetland Basin, from Morton et al. (2012b). Published with permission from the Geological
Society of America.

FIG. 8-16. Relationship between rutile:zircon index (RuZi)

40 and clinopyroxene abundance in the Paleocene of the
Faroe-Shetland Basin, from Morton et al. (2012b),

showing that sandstone with high clinopyroxene contents

only occur in sandstone with low RuZi (sand type FSP3).
20 Published with permission from the Geological Society of

0 20 40 60 80
% clinopyroxene
Sand Type FSP1 Sand Type FSP2

Sand Type FSP3 Sand Type FSP4


FIG. 8-17. Representative garnet ternary diagrams for sand types FSP1, FSP2 and FSP4, Paleocene, Faroe-Shetland Basin
(after Morton et al., 2012b). For definition of garnet types Ai, Aii, B and C, see Mange & Morton (2007) and Jolley
and Morton (2007). Published with permission from the Geological Society of America.






0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Burial depth (m)

FIG. 8-18. Relative abundance of garnet types Ai, Aii and FIG. 8-19. Relationship between garnet:zircon index
B+C in Paleocene sandstones of the Faroe-Shetland (GZi) and present-day burial depth in Paleocene
Basin, showing the differentiation of sand types FSP1, samples from the Faroe-Shetland Basin. Published with
FSP2 and FSP4, and the overlap shown by FSP3. permission from the Geological Society of America.
Published with permission from the Geological Society
of America.


50 50
204/19-3A, 1944.21 m, 208/17-2, 2405.00 m,
n=52 (FSP1) n=65 (FSP1)
40 40

30 30

% rutile
% rut ile
20 20

10 10

0 0

50 50
204/20-1z, 2673.15 m, 208/19-1, 2458.55 m,
n=58 (FSP2) n=60 (FSP4)
40 40
30 30

% rut ile
% rut ile

20 20

10 10

0 0


amphibolite/eclogite granulite amphibolite/eclogite granulite

metapelitic metamafic

FIG. 8-20. Rutile geochemistry for sand types FSP1, FSP2 and FSP4. Note the abundance of granulite-facies rutile in sand
type FSP2, which differentiates this sand type from FSP1 and FSP4. Differentiation of metamafic and metapelitic rutile is
achieved using Cr and Nb contents as described by Meinhold et al. (2008). Temperature calculation uses Zr following the
formula proposed by Watson et al. (2006). Published with permission from the Geological Society of America.
mineral dissolution that caused heavy mineral zones The key parameters that were used to erect the
to cross-cut other stratigraphic markers, sometimes correlation framework are provenance-sensitive
at high angles (Cogen 1936). Heavy mineral ratios of heavy minerals, notably GZi (garnet:
stratigraphy fell out of favor at this point, and has zircon), RuZi (rutile:zircon), SZi (staurolite:zircon)
been reaccepted only relatively recently following and ATi (apatite:tourmaline), together with apatite
research into the controls on heavy mineral grain morphology. Variations in these parameters,
distribution in the subsurface and a better which are shown for the fully cored well Core Area
understanding of provenance-sensitive parameters. 206/8-8 (Fig. 8-23), enable recognition of a
fundamental change in provenance at the Lower
Correlation case study Clair Group–Upper Clair Group boundary, together
The use of heavy minerals for stratigraphic with identification of six units (I-VI) and a number
correlation is illustrated using an example from the of subunits within the Lower Clair Group related to
largely non-marine Devonian–Carboniferous Clair more subtle changes in provenance and sediment
Group succession that hosts hydrocarbons in the transport history. Particular features of note are the
Clair Field, west of Shetland, UK (Fig. 8-22). The presence of two units (III and V) that contain
Clair Group comprises over 1000 m of clastic abundant well rounded apatite, interpreted as
sediment deposited in a range of fluvial, lacustrine indicating greater eolian influence, and the upward-
and eolian environments (Allen & Mange-Rajetzky decreasing trend in GZi in the upper part of Unit VI,
1992, Morton et al. 2010). The scarcity of which reflects increasing input from intermediate to
palynomorphs and microfossils precluded acidic gneiss.
development of a high resolution biostratigraphic The stratigraphic framework that was
correlation framework, requiring an alternative established for the cored well 206/8-8 (Fig. 8-23) is
approach to establish a viable reservoir model. This also evident in the adjacent well 206/8-9Y (Morton
has been achieved using heavy mineral analysis. et al. 2010), even though analysis on this well was


Sand type FSP1
(46/60, 90-100% concordant)
Archean = 33%
FIG. 8-21. Zircon age spectra In FSP1,
FSP2, FSP3 and FSP4 sandstone
units displayed as relative
0.001 probability plots generated using
Agedisplay (Sircombe, 2004). Dark
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 grey areas are zircon grains with 90-
Sand type FSP2
100% concordance, pale grey areas
0.003 (87/109, 90-100% concordant) are zircon grains with <90%
Archean = 31%
concordance. Published with
permission from the Geological
Society of America.
Relative probability


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Sand type FSP3
0.003 (120/128, 90-100% concordant)
Archean = 63%


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Sand type FSP4
0.003 (122/135, 90-100% concordant)
Archean = 38%


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Age (Ma)

FIG. 8-22. Clair Field location map,

showing the main structural blocks
and wells mentioned in this paper.
From Morton et al. (2010).
Published with permission from
SEPM (Society for Sedimentary


1620 UCG
1640 (VII/VIII)
1660 VIc
1800 VIa
1900 V
Depth (m)

2040 IVb
2080 IVa
2200 IIIa
2260 II
2340 I

gamma ATi ARi GZi RuZi SZi

FIG. 8-23. Heavy mineral stratigraphy of the cored well 206/8-8 (Core Area), showing subdivision of the Lower Clair Group
(units I-VI) and the contrasting composition of the Upper Clair Group (UCG).
ATi = apatite:tourmaline index RuZi = rutile:zircon index
ARi = apatite roundness index SZi = staurolite:zircon index
GZi = garnet:zircon index
conducted on ditch cuttings. However, as shown in (i) Thinning or absence of units below Unit V in
Fig. 8-3, ATi values are lower owing to the Lower Clair Group in the Ridge Area (well
mechanically induced loss of apatite through the 206/8-2).
abrasive action of the drill bit. Apatite roundness (ii) Thinning of the upper part of Unit VI on the
measurements are also lower in the ditch cuttings Ridge compared with the Core Area, possibly
samples due to grain fracturing. due to erosion following deposition of the
The heavy mineral stratigraphy established in Lower Clair Group and prior to deposition of
the Core Area wells 206/8-8 and 206/8-9Y is also the Upper Clair Group. This suggests that the
evident in other parts of the Clair Field structure Ridge Area was uplifted to form a positive
(Horst and Ridge, Fig. 8-22), enabling correlation structural feature. Evidence for tectonism at
across the entire field area (Fig. 8-24). Key features this time is supported by the major change in
of the correlation are: provenance that took place across the Lower
Clair Group–Upper Clair Group boundary.


(Ridge) 206/8-9Y
(Core) 206/8-8
X BC U (Core)

VII- (Horst)




gamma (API)
200 IIIc
0 200
gamma (API)

0 200
gamma (API)

0 200
gamma (API)

FIG. 8-24. Heavy mineral correlation of Clair Field wells 206/8-2 (Ridge), 206/8-9Y (Core), 206/8-8 (Core) and 206/13a-2
(Horst). BCU = base Cretaceous unconformity.
(iii) The increased thickness of the Upper Clair typical Upper Clair signatures (very high GZi and
Group in the Ridge Area, including SZi values) with only a thin Lower Clair Group
preservation of the youngest part of the succession present at the base.
succession (Unit X). The existence of a high resolution stratigraphic
(iv) Truncation of the Upper Clair Group in the two framework for the Clair Group succession in the
Core Area wells, and of the upper part of the Clair Field has enabled the use of heavy mineral
Lower Clair Group in the Horst Area, implying analysis to be used to track stratigraphy on a ‘real-
that the Core and Horst areas were structurally time’ basis during drilling of high-angle appraisal
elevated compared with the Ridge during the and production wells (Morton & Milne 2012). The
Cretaceous. technique is effective because data can be generated
The heavy mineral correlation framework rapidly, with heavy mineral preparation and data
established for the Clair Field reservoir succession acquisition taking less than 2 hours from receipt of
has also been used to solve specific stratigraphic each sample at the surface. Since the key logging
problems. For example, well 206/9-1 (Fig. 8-22), sensors are located more than 20 m behind the drill
NE of the main part of the field, has a Clair Group bit, and penetration rates are commonly between 5
succession over 600 m thick. Initially, the majority and 10 m/h, heavy mineral data are generally
of the succession was assigned to the Lower Clair acquired before geophysical logging data are
Group, with a thin Upper Clair (Allen & Mange- available. Furthermore, a change in stratigraphy can
Rajetzky 1992). The stratigraphy was reinterpreted usually be identified by a while single heavy
following reprocessing of seismic data, and mineral determination, in general at least 10–15 m
concluded that the well had actually penetrated a of log trace is needed to identify the same change
thick Upper Clair succession overlying a thin Lower with any confidence.
Clair. Heavy mineral data acquired from the Well 206/8-A03Z is a typical example of the
succession (Fig. 8-25) conclusively prove the latter application of heavy mineral analysis to monitor
interpretation, since most of the succession has stratigraphy during Clair Field drilling (Fig. 8-26).


FIG. 8-25. Stratigraphic variations
in selected heavy mineral
parameters for well 206/9-1,
showing the heavy mineral pick
2400 for top Lower Clair Group,
identified by the marked
Measured depth (m)

downhole decrease in SZi and

coincident increase in ARi, and
the subsequent fall in GZi.
ATi = apatite:tourmaline index
ARi = apatite roundness index
Top LCG as GZi = garnet:zircon index
defined by heavy
mineral data
SZi = staurolite:zircon index
0 50 100 0 20 40 60 80 90 100 0 50 100





0 200 0.1 1000 2.1 2.7 20 100 0 50 40 100 0 40 0 100
gamma resistivity density ATi ARi GZi RuZi UTi

FIG. 8-26. Heavy mineral stratigraphy of the Clair Group acquired during drilling of Core area production well 206/8-A03Z.
ATi = apatite:tourmaline index GZi = garnet:zircon index
ARi = apatite roundness index RuZi = rutile:zircon index
Unstables (white symbols) = epidote + titanite (%) UTi (grey symbols) = unstable minerals:tourmaline index
The well was planned to cross-cut the Upper Clair boundaries between Unit VIa and Unit V are clearly
Group, then build up the angle of penetration within marked by changes in ATi, ARi, GZi and UTi. Unit
Unit VI and to become near-horizontal in Unit V boundaries picked on the basis of the heavy mineral
(Fig. 8-27). The aim was to maximize penetration of data are closely coincident with changes in density,
Unit V, which has the best quality reservoir which is the most reliable log pick for the top of
sandstone. In practice, the outcome was somewhat Unit V. A decision was taken not to alter trajectory
more complicated, with heavy mineral analysis while drilling through the faulted zone, since the
picking out repeated entry and exit from units V and heavy mineral data showed that the well path was
VIa through a faulted zone, before penetrating a tracking close to the Unit V – Unit VI boundary.
long section of the target Unit V reservoir at the toe The successful application of heavy mineral
of the well (Figs. 8-26 and 8-27). The repeated analysis in the Clair Field demonstrates that the


FIG. 8-27. Schematic diagram of

the 206/8-A03Z well track
showing the interpreted geology
along hole, adapted from
Morton and Milne (2012).

method can be reliably applied to correlation of Parameters that can be reliably used to identify
clastic successions, and is particularly applicable for provenance are those that are relatively insensitive
correlating hydrocarbon reservoir sandstone units. to hydrodynamics, weathering and diagenesis.
The technique is successful because it generates Suitable parameters include ratios of minerals that
data that are independent of factors such as are (i) stable in the diagenetic context of the study
hydrodynamics and diagenesis, and therefore and (ii) behave in a similar fashion during transport
directly reflect correlatable geological events such and deposition (controlled by grain size, grain
as changes in provenance, sediment transport density, and to a lesser extent, grain shape).
history and climate, and because it can be applied to Provenance-sensitive data can also be acquired by
ditch cuttings samples with as much success as core studies of individual mineral varieties (‘varietal
or outcrop material. data’), including data acquired petrographically
(color, habit, shape), and major and trace element
CONCLUSIONS data acquired by EMPA or LA–ICP–MS.
Heavy minerals are highly sensitive provenance Heavy mineral provenance studies yield
indicators with a long history of application in optimum information when an integrated approach
studies of sand and sandstone. However, successful is adopted, since this builds up a detailed picture of
application of heavy mineral analysis to evaluate the lithological, mineralogical and geochronological
sand provenance and transport history requires constitution of sediment source regions. Acquisition
careful consideration of the effects of processes that of single grain mineral chemical and isotopic data is
operate during the sedimentary cycle, since these especially important in sandstone that has been
may obscure or remove crucial provenance inform- heavily modified during diagenesis, since a
ation. The processes that have the greatest impact significant amount of provenance information will
are hydrodynamic sorting during transport and have been lost through mineral dissolution.
deposition, weathering during periods of alluvial Changes in provenance or transport history
storage on the floodplain, and diagenesis during during sandstone deposition provide a potential
deep burial. Mechanical abrasion appears to have basis for correlation. Reliable correlation
little impact in natural situations but some minerals, frameworks depend on the use of provenance-
notably apatite, are susceptible to depletion during sensitive parameters, such as mineral ratios and
drilling through the abrasive action of the drill bit. varietal data. It is especially important to exclude


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