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January 2023

Grace Notes
Grace Lutheran Church

From Pastor Sam

Inside this issue:

Happy New Year! An- is my pleasure in serving
From Pastor Sam 1 other year down. as your Pastor and I am
Where does the time open to any comments
From the Council you may have concern-
2 go? We are looking to
improve the services, ing the services.
Lectionary Readings and we ask for your
for January We are starting the bi-
help. One of the things
we are looking at is the ble studies again to con-
Women of Grace 3
length of time we stand tinue the Biblical educa-
Grace Noah’s Ark during the service. If tion that we are provid-
Learning Center 3 you have other sugges- ing in these classes.
tions, please let me Again, if you have any
Worship & Music
3 know. I thank the comments concerning
church for the Christ- these classes, please let
Grace Happenings 4 mas gift you gave me, it me know. I am looking
is most appreciated. I forward to serving the
Church Calendar 5 also thank Dina, Car- church again this year,
olyn, Jerry, Lois, Patty, and I pray that you all
Jennifer, the Church have a good year.
Children’s Fun Pages 6
Council, and the Altar
Worship Assistant guild for their assistance Your Friend in Christ,
Chart 7 in doing the services. It Pastor Sam
Contact Info &
Church Broadcast 8
Page 2
Grac e No te s
From the Council President

I hope everyone had a Is there anyone or family change the world. OK

safe and well holiday sea- that might like to have a let’s start with Bandera!
son! I did! But I’m ready bible study in the evening I would like to thank
for spring! I have had in your home? Besides
Jennifer for taking on
enough COLD! I had Carolyn’s? The church another job at Grace.
some down time to read can also be used if there Jennifer will be working
and study! Do we ever is a small group that on the worship assis-
finish learning things from might like to meet in the tants for each service.
the bible? 400 years from evening. Let me know! Please help her by say-
Micah in the Old Testa- What can we do as a ing yes or by volunteer-
ment and the gospels in church to change the ing to help!!
the New Testament, God world? How do we Happy New Year to all!
was quiet! Wow! I’m change the world? I’m
ready for all the bible Love to all!
thinking! “One random
studies to start in 2023. I Linda James
act of kindness at a time.”
wish I could go to all of OK! How? Please help
them! What about you? me think of ways we can

Lectionary Readings for January

“Teach us to number January 1, 2023 – Acts 10:34-43 Isaiah 9:1-4
our days so that we Name of Jesus Matthew 3:13-17 Psalm 27:1, 4-9
may truly live Isaiah 63:7-9 January 15, 2023 – I Corinthians 1:10-18
Psalm 148 Second Sunday after Epiphany Matthew 4:12-23
and achieve wisdom .” January 29, 2023 –
Hebrews 2:10-18 Isaiah 49:1-7
Psalm 90:12 (VOICE) Matthew 2:13-23 Psalm 40:1-11 Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
January 8, 2023 – I Corinthians 1:1-9 Micah 6:1-8
Baptism of Our Lord John 1:29-42 Psalm 15
Isaiah 42:1-9 January 22, 2023 – I Corinthians 1:18-31
Psalm 29 Third Sunday after Epiphany Matthew 5:1-12
3 Grac e No te s

Women of Grace

Submitted by: Come and join us if you would

trips to see family for the holi-
Ruth Reeves like to. Our quilting is much
The Women of Grace have tak- simpler than what your mother
We have completed 9 quilts may have done. And our Bible
en a holiday from quilting and
since the beginning of Novem- study is always extremely inter-
Bible study until after the holi-
ber and plan to do many more esting.
days. We will not gather again
before they are shipped to Lu-
until the Wednesday after the Blessings,
theran World Relief for interna-
New Year’s week (January 11 ).
tional distribution next year. Ruth Reeves
We all have family coming or

Grace Noah’s Ark Learning Center

Submitted by Anna Sarabia

Welcome 2023! May the Lord God richly bless you and your family in this New Year.
We are so thankful for each and every one of you, and for the trust you put in us to
love and care for your precious children, each one a gift from God.

We are excited to get this New Year off to a great start! We will do our best to keep
your children safe, busy, interested and excited with new activities and learning
tools this year. The entire staff is committed to making 2023 the best year yet!

Worship and Music Committee

Submitted by:
Erlene Dexter

Thanks to everyone who

helped decorate the church.
Everything looks beautiful.
Mark your calendars for Janu-
ary 8th to stay after church to
help take everything down.
Page 4
Grac e No te s

Grace Happenings


6 p.m.

Sunday, January 29th 9:30 AM

After worship service
Sign-up sheet in Narthex
Page 5

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 Sunday Sched 2 3 4 5 Thurs Sched 6 7
9:30 Sunday School 5:30 PM Fellowship
10:15 Gathering 6 PM Adult Bible
10:30 AM Worship Study

Sam Idella Basart

8 Dina 9 10 11 Wed Sched 12 13 14

9 AM Quilting
10 AM Ladies Bible
Stella Brown

15 Carolyn 16 17 18 19 20 21
Lawrence Church
Lindner Council
Meeting 6 PM

22 Dina 23 24 25 26 27 28
Samantha Catherine Davis Morrow
D’Spain Baker

29 Sam 30 31
5th Sunday Church
Potluck Anniversary




Church Activities—Black
Page 6
G r a c e Lu t h e r an Page 7
How to Contact the
Church Council Members:
President: Linda James
Vice President: Dina Buettner
Secretary: Alphee Strand
Financial Secretary: Marge Muniz

Ways to attend Grace


Lutheran’s Treasurer: Dina Buettner

Sunday Services: 830-796-1363

Christian Ed: Debbie Dougherty
 In Person in the Sanctuary 303-521-8906
Facilities: Karl Buettner & Kirby Jones
 Facebook Live on Sunday Karl: Kirby:


830-796-2091 830-589-3579 Fellowship: Debbie Dougherty


Sunday service is posted on Mon- Evangelism/Outreach: Linda James
day. on: 830-688-9048
Worship/Music: Erlene Dexter
the Church WEBSITE— https:// 830-796-5225
Faithfully equipping God's disciples to do God's work in our
sunday-sermon--prayers.html Grace Lutheran Church
PO Box 1226
451 Hwy 173 North
Phone: 830-796-3091
Fax: 830-796-3092

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