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School name: _____________________________________________________________ Department: Chontales Level: Fourth grade.

Month period: January 23rd – March 30th. School year: 2023. Subject: English Teacher: __________________________________

Unit Name emotional, Learning Evaluation Start Finish
Performance Indicator Content Resources Remarks
Number learning and Activities Activities Date Date
 The student identifies the V: Greetings: Hello! Hi! Goodbye! Bye! Good  Songs  Observation  Flashcards 3 H/C
days of the week through morning! Good afternoon! How are you?  Matching  Oral  Board
audios, visual aids, and - Days of the week.  Role-play questions  Markers
written forms. G: ------------------------------------------.  Guessing about  Drawings
 Videos greetings and  Pictures
 The student uses formal W: Complete with the missing letters.  Crossword days of the  Audio
Adaptation Social harmony and informal greetings in Complete the conversation. Complete the puzzle week. tracks
Week and Citizenship English to playing roles in crossword puzzle.  Word  Vocabulary  Speaker Jan. Jan.
short conversations. search recognition  Cellphone 23rd 27th
R: Read the conversation. Read and match. through  Worksheets
Read the lyrics: Days of the week. pictures.  Tape
 Listening and  SB
L: Listen and say the words. Listen and speaking
circle.  TB
and days of
S: Sing the song: Days of the week! Asking the week)
questions about days of the week? Saying
days of the week in order and randomly.
 The student recognizes V: Months of the year.  Songs  Role-play  Audio 3 H/C
the months of the year  Matching  Guessing tracks
Unit I through audios and visual G: -------------------------.  Hangman  Dice game  Pictures
Special aids.  Spinner  Point and say  Flashcards
Days W: Write the words. Complete with the  Toss the  Interview  Speaker
Social harmony  The student uses months missing letters. Write sentences about ball  Writing  Cellphone Jan. Feb.
and Citizenship of the year to describe celebrations. Writing Dictation.  Craft celebrations  Ball 30th 03rd
celebrations in an oral and activity  Listen and  Worksheets
written form. R: Read the story and circle the months of  Videos circle.  SB
the year.
 Word  Writing from  TB
L: Listen and match. Listen and circle.
search dictation.  BBB
H/C S: Say the celebrations in your community
according to the month of the year.
Interview: What’s your favorite month?
When’s your birthday? My birthday is in
 The student interviews V: Ordinal numbers. Celebrations. Calendar  Matching  The secretary  flashcards 12 H/C
others about special days,  Videos game.  Drawings
birthdays using wh- G: noun + be (am/is/are) + color.  Songs  Peer  Pictures
questions - Wh-question: What…? When…?  Simon interview  Calendar
- Preposition “in” says  Dice game  Tape
 The student uses ordinal - Questionnaire.  Rumor  Point and  Videos
numbers through different  Puzzle say.  Audio
activities in oral and W: Write sentences about apartments. 
 Hangman Listen and tracks
Unit I Social harmony written forms. Writing about special days. Completing
 Flashcards circle.  Speaker
Special and citizenship questionnaires about themselves. 
 Ruled Listen and  Cellphone
Days  The student uses ordinal paper write.  SB
Feb. March
numbers and months of R: Reading and understanding ordinal  06th 03rd
numbers from texts. Reading song lyrics.  Maze Worksheets.  TB
the year words to describe 
Oral  Worksheets
special days and presentation
celebrations in oral and  Dice
written language. L: Listen and say the words. Listen and
circle. Listen and complete.
 Role-plays
S: Asking questions about months of the
year. Saying months in order/randomly. Talk
about celebrations.
 The student identifies V: Clothing and footwear: shorts, T-shirt,  Grammar  Unscrambling  Audio 3 H/C
items of clothing through pants, sweater, shoes, coat, dress, sandals. cards. words.  SB
audios, visual aids, and  Filling the  Spinning  Worksheets
written forms. G: It’s a + (item of clothing). These are + blanks.  Oral  Speaker
(items of clothing). Those are + (items of  Matching. interviews.  Tracks
clothing).  Videos.  Oral  Videos
 Word presentations  Real
Unit II Social harmony W: Complete with the missing letters. Look search about clothing
The and citizenship at the picture and write the word. Listen and  Crossword clothing and items March March
Weather write the sentences. 06th 10th
puzzle footwear.  Tape
 Tracing  Point and
R: Read and match. Read and circle the
 Hangman say.
correct spelling. Read the sentences. 
 Chants Write the
description of
L: Listen and circle the correct word. Listen the clothes.
and put a check. Listen and say the words.
S: What is this? It’s a… What are these?
These/Those are…

 The student uses clothing V: Clothing and footwear. Colors: green,  Picture  Oral  Postcards 6 H/C
and footwear vocabulary black, purple, yellow, blue, orange, pink, and description descriptions  Pictures
to ask and answer red.  Ruled  Unscrambling  Drawings
questions about what paper words.  Flashcards
someone is wearing. G: I am wearing + (item of clothing).  Songs  Point and  Grammar
- He is wearing + (item of clothing).  Videos say. cards
 The student understands - She is wearing + (item of clothing).  Change  Look and  Videos
simple texts to get details place write.  Laptop
Unit II Social harmony about items of clothing W: unscramble the words. Unscramble the   March March
Tracing Listen and  Speaker
The and citizenship and footwear vocabulary. sentences. Spot the error and write the  13th 24th
Hangman circle.  Cellphone
Weather sentence correctly. 
 Grammar Dictation.  Tape
cards  Role-plays  Realia
R: Read and color. Look at the pictures and
 Matching  The secretary  SB
write what he/she is wearing. Complete with
game.  TB
the missing letters.
 Worksheets.  BBB
L: Listen and circle. Listen and match. Listen  Markers
and point. Listen and say the sentences.  Board
 Audio
S: Describe what I am wearing and what tracks.
he/she is wearing. Role-plays.
 The student identifies V: Weather types: sunny, windy, rainy,  Guessing  Dictation  Flashcards Teachers will
3 H/C
weather types vocabulary cloudy, snowy, cold. games.  Listen and  Drawings have next EPI on
through audios, visual - Review clothing and footwear.  Tracing circle  Pictures March 31st.
aids, and written forms.  Picture  Oral  Speaker
G: It’s + (weather type). Result using “so.” description descriptions  Audios
 The student describes It’s snowy so I am wearing a sweater.  Songs  Point and say  Cellphone
weather by using pictures.  Videos  Look and  Postcards
Unit II Social harmony W: Writing expressions about weather  Grammar write the  Worksheets
The and citizenship conditions. Combining sentences to show cards descriptions.  SB
Weather result with “so.” Unscramble the sentences.   March March
Listen and write the sentences.
Word Worksheets.  TB 27th 30th
search  Hot potato  Tape
 Crossword  Weather craft  Markers
R: Read song lyrics. Read short stories
puzzle  Do you  Ball
about weather conditions and favorite
 Filling the prefer…?  Grammar
clothes. Read and circle clothes and
blanks cards.
weather types.

L: Listen and read. Listen and circle the

sentence you hear. Listen and read the song
“in my closet” How’s the weather?
S: Describing how the weather is like and
what clothes to wear.
 The student identifies V: Action verbs: Play, skate, sing, laugh,  Command  Write the  Student’s 3 H/C
action verbs through talk, eat, drink, cry. game. words. Book
audios, visual aids, and  Tracing.  Unscramble  TB
written forms. G: --------------------------------.  Songs the words.  Flashcards
 Videos  Listen and  Drawings
Unit III Social harmony W: Complete with the missing letters. Trace April
 Dice circle.  Videos April
Leisure and citizenship the words. Unscramble the words.  Word  Point and  Audio 17th 21st
Time search say. tracks
R: Read and match. Word search.  Crossword  Perform the  Speaker
puzzle actions.  Cellphone
L: Listen and point. Listen and circle. Listen 
 Guessing Worksheets.  Tape
and put a check.
game  Songs
S: Guessing game. Point and say.
 The student identifies V: Action verbs: write, draw, color, paint,  Command  Unscrambling  Flashcards 3 H/C
action verbs through count, measure, paste, cut. game words.  Drawings
audios and visual aids,  Dice  Listen and  Pictures
and written forms. G: -ing ending.  Back to the perform the  Tape
board actions  Overhead
W: Complete with the missing letters. Add  Flashcards  Listen and projector
the –ing ending to the action words.  Drawings number  Laptop
 Pictures  Singing  Speaker
R: Read and follow the instructions. Match  Songs songs  Audio
Unit III words with the correct picture. Read and  On April 28th,
Social harmony  Videos Oral tracks
Leisure circle the correct spelling. April April teachers will have
and citizenship  Slides questions  Cellphone
Time  24th 27th next EPI.
L: Listen and say the words. Listen and act  Word Reading and  Student’s
search following book
out. Listen and number the actions. instructions  Teacher’s
 Completing guide
S: Talking about actions they like doing:
 Matching  Piece of
what do you like doing? (playing, painting,
etc.). Answering about the –ing form of paper
action verbs. Point and say. containing
a word

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