Graduation MESSAGE

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This year’s graduation and completion is a once in a lifetime milestone. Not all are given
the opportunity to belong to the resilient graduating class in a school year confronted with a
global pandemic. Indeed, this year’s theme “Kalidad ng Edukasyon Lalong Patatagin sa Gitna
ng Pandemya” (Strengthening Quality Education Amid COVID-19 Pandemic) is a significant
mark of proactive collaboration among learners, teachers and parents who hurdled
unprecedented academic challenges brought about by health crisis. Steered toward an end
view of attaining quality basic education while ensuring the health and safety of the learners and
teachers, we were able to make the impossible possible, together. Hence, my warmest
congratulations to our dear graduates and completers, to our heroes in the educational frontline
- our teachers, and of course to our partners in the successful delivery of distance learning
modality – the parents.

The laurels that our graduates and completers are reaping today will never be
possible if not for their parents, whose succor to their children and to the school is a significant
instrument to the feat of this trying, historical school year. “Thank you” is an understatement.
We, at the Department of Education, are grateful beyond words for your relentless support.

Hats off to our teachers who did a great job in making things happen, keeping in mind
that learning must continue. In the midst of uncertainties and possible health threat, our
educators were able to move mountains notwithstanding the limitations brought about the
pandemic. Kudos to all our unflagging teaching as well as the teaching-related personnel.

Cheers to our graduates and completers who painstakingly adapted to the unfamiliar
milieu of learning in the new normal. The path which lies ahead of you is never easy either.
Difficulties will always be inevitable. However, I am confident that your arduous yet prolific stay
in ________(name of school)____________ School has taught you not only the lessons in
books but also the lessons in life. May the learning that you have gained especially in this
challenging time carry you to greater heights. Bring with you the emblem of hope for a brighter

Congratulations and keep the beacon of light shining through you!

EPS Designate – Kindergarten/English

pa-remove nla san background po kay may mali an

una ko na gin send na pic double “L” an English sa designation... thanx

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