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Submitted to: Sir Ali Haider

Submitted by: Amna Shoaib

Roll# 212350028
Subject: Mathematics
BS Accounting and Finance (semester- 1)
Assignment no: 4


Question no 1

Determine the absolute value:

a) |-6|
b) |0.02|
= 0.02
c) |5/2|
= 5/2
d) -|-3.9|
= -3.9
e) |0|

Question no 2

For each number, give reciprocal if possible:

a) 4

b) 22/7
= 7/22
c) -5
= -1/5
d) -10.6
= 1/-10.6
e) 0
The reciprocal of zero is not possible.
Question no 3

Find the opposite of each number:

a) 10

= -10

b) -4.8

= 4.8

c) -0.055

= 0.055

d) 2/3

= -2/3

e) 0

Question: Simplify
a) 10+2+6

= 12+6

= 18

b) -30-12-9

= - (30+12)-9

= -42-9

= -51

c) -10+4+13

= -10+ (4+13)

= -10+17


d) -12-10+15+3

= -22+18

= -4

e) -30-12+4-10+6

= -42+4-10+6

= -42-10+4+6

= -52+10

= -42

f) 2.73+4.81

= 7.54

g) -10.3+13.8

= 3.5
h) 2.6-1.8+3

= 0.8+3

= 3.8

i) -2.3-6.4+10

= -8.7+10

= 1.3

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