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Shopping in small local shops is much worse than shopping in a big supermarket because the

possibilities are lower and the product range is limited. Although the local shops have some benefits,
they don’t stand a chance in front of supermarkets.

First of all, the goods available have a higher chance to be found in bigger markets than in local
shops. Distributors believe that people choose big markets and that’s why the products are usually
in higher proportion and quality.

Secondly, the prices are different when comparing shopping in those 2 places. In local shops the
range of products is limited and the prices are higher. Supermarkets have a different approach: the
prices are lower and the products are many.

Third of all, a big difference between the 2 is made by marketing and promoting campaigns.
Supermarkets usually have TV commercials, smartphone apps, and deals that are shown
everywhere. Local shops are only promoted trough people’s thoughts and opinions, which makes it
harder to gain popularity.

In conclusion, shopping in supermarkets is much better than shopping in local shops with
differences like product quality, prices and popularity.

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