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Present Perfect Simple Present Perfect Progressive

irregular verbs: form of 'have' + 3rd column form of 'have' + been + verb + ing
of irregular verbs

Example: Example:
I / you / we / they have spoken I / you / we / they have been speaking
he / she / it has spoken he / she / it has been speaking

regular verbs: form of 'have' + infinitive + ed

I / you / we / they have worked
he / she / it has worked

Fill in the correct form (pronoun + verb).

Present Perfect Simple Present Perfect Progressive
I / speak
he / write
they / do
you / swim
she / live

Fill in the correct form (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect


 I (practise)_________________________ the piano for 30 minutes.

 Bob (run) _________________________ 10 km.
 The children (be) _________________________ on holiday for six days.
 The dog (bark) _________________________ since midnight.
 We (miss) _________________________ the bus twice this week.
 You (eat / not) _________________________ up yet.
 He (speak / not) _________________________ on the phone for half an hour, just a
couple of minutes.
 They (work / not) _________________________ since 5 o'clock. They just started an
hour ago.
 We (know / not) _________________________ them for a long time.
 She (hang / not) _________________________ up all the pictures yet.
 How long (wait / she) _________________________ for us?
 How many times (tell / I) _________________________ you?
 How often (clean / you) _________________________ the windows this year?
 How many months (take / you) _________________________ piano lessons?
 (stay / you / ever) _________________________ in a castle?
Fill in the correct form (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect

 Daughter: Mum, Jane (phone / just) _________________________ to ask if I will go to

the cinema with her. May I?
 Mother: (you / do) _________________________ your homework yet?
 Daughter: Well, I (do) _________________________ it for about 2 hours now, but I
(finish / not) _________________________ it yet.
 Mother: If you (complete / not) _________________________ your homework, you
cannot go. School comes first. Remember, you (promise)
_________________________ me to study harder this year.
 Daughter: But mum, I (work) _________________________ really hard this year and I
(improve / already) _________________________ in Maths and Chemistry.
 Mother: But that's only because I (push / always) _________________________ you to
do something.
 Daughter: But I also need a break some time. Look, I (be / not)
_________________________ to the cinema for two months. May I go? Just this once.

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