الفرق بين النظام الانشائي والجملوني

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Faculty of Engineering
Center of Preparatory Year

Academic Year
Prepared by Eng. Ala’a Nabil Temperature and Heat


1- In the definition of the temperature we used a word “average”. Why?

Answer: The kinetic energy (or speed) differs from one particle to another.

2- Which is the smaller temperature intervals increment a degree Celsius or a degree Fahrenheit? Why?
Answer: Fahrenheit has 180 intervals from freezing to boiling points of water, therefore it has smaller
intervals increment spaces.

3- Why does absolute zero temperature is an unattainable temperature?

• Scenario 1: Simply, at absolute zero temperature each particle should stop. Thus we can measure its
position and momentum certainty and this is against uncertainty principle of Heisenberg.
• Scenario 2: Quantum mechanics dictates that atoms and molecules would still have some irreducible
motion. The tiny heat generation from atomic motion prevents achieving 0 K.
4- At what temperature in Celsius scale in which the kelvin and Fahrenheit scales have the same
TC + 32 = TC + 273
 TC – TC = 273 – 32
! % "
TC ( – 1 ) = 241 ⟹ TC ( ) = 241 ⟹ TC = 241 × ⟹ TC = 301.25 oC
" " %
TC = 301.25 oC ⇔ TF = 574.25 oF ⇔ TK = 574.25 K (TF is the same as TK reading)

5- Get a relation between β in terms of γ

γ = 2( ⟹ ( = γ/2
β = 3( ⟹ β = 3( γ/2) ⟹ β = 3γ/2

6- Is it possible for two objects to be in thermal equilibrium if they are not in contact with each other?
Answer: Yes, it is possible.
• Scenario 1: This can be easily done by bringing a small third object between the two objects.
• Scenario 2: The two objects are separately at the same temperature.

Prepared by Eng. Ala’a Nabil Temperature and Heat


(a) In 1964, the temperature in the Siberian village of Oymyakon reached -71 oC. What temperature
is this on the Fahrenheit scale?
(b) The highest officially recorded temperature in the continental United States was 134 oF in Death
Valley, California. What is this temperature on the Celsius scale?
a) TC = – 71 oC
! !
 TF = TC + 32 = × – 71 + 32 = – 95.8 oF.
" "

b) TF = 134 oF
" " "
 TC = [ TF – 32 ] = [ 134 – 32 ] = [ 102] = 56.7 oC.
! ! !
An aluminum flagpole is 33 m high. By how much does its length increase as the temperature
increases by 15 oC?
 ∆TC = 15 oC , Li = 33 m, ∆L = ? α = 24 ×10-6 oC-1 (for Aluminum)
∆L = α Li ∆TC = 24 ×10-6 × 33× 15 = 0.0119 m
At 20 oC, a brass cube has edge length 30 cm. What is the increase in the surface area when it is
heated from 20 oC to 75 oC?
 TC1 = 20 oC , TC2 = 75 oC , Li = 30 cm, α = 19 ×10-6 oC-1 (for Brass) ⟹ γ = 38 ×10-6 oC-1
 ∆TC = TC2 – TC1 = 75 – 20 = 55 oC
 Ai = 6 L2 = 6 × 302 = 5400 cm2 (for all 6 faces of cube)
∆A = γ Ai ∆TC = 38 ×10-6 × 5400 × 55 = 11.286 cm2

A pair of eyeglass frames is made of epoxy plastic. At room temperature (20.0 °C), the frames have
circular lens holes 2.20 cm in radius. To what temperature must the frames be heated if lenses 2.21 cm in
radius are to be inserted in them? The average coefficient of linear expansion for epoxy is 1.30 ×10-4 oC-1
 Li = 2.2 cm, Lf = 2.21 cm, TC1 = 20 oC , TC2 = ? α = 1.3 ×10-4 oC-1
 ∆L = Lf – Li = 2.21 – 2.2 = 0.01 cm.
∆L +.+-
∆L = α Li TC ⟹ ∆TC = = = 34.97 ≈ 35 oC .
α )* [ -./ ×-+01 × 2.2 ]
TC2 = TC1 + ∆TC ⟹ TC2 = 20 + 35 = 55 oC.

Prepared by Eng. Ala’a Nabil Temperature and Heat

A metal rod 40 cm long at 40 °C is heated to 60°C. The length of the rod is then measured to be
40.0136 cm. What is the type of the metal?
 Li = 40 cm, Lf = 40.0136 cm, TC1 = 40 oC , TC2 = 60 oC α = ?
 ∆TC = TC2 – TC1 = 60 – 40 = 20 oC
 ∆L = Lf – Li = 40.0136 – 40 = 0.0136 cm.
∆L ).)+,-
∆L = α Li TC ⟹ α= = = 1.7 ×10-5 oC-1 = 17 ×10-6 oC-1
%& ∆'( [ /) × 1) ]

From the value of α, the metal is Copper

When 540 J is added as heat to a 30.0 g metal, the sample’s temperature rises from 25.0 oC to 45.0 oC.
What is the type of the metal?
 ∆Q = 540 J , m = 30 g = 0.03 kg , TC1 = 25 oC , TC2 = 45 oC , c = ?
 ∆TC = TC2 – TC1 = 45 – 25 = 20 oC
∆3 6/)
∆Q = m c ∆TC ⟹ c= = = 900 J/kg.oC
4 ∆'C ).), × 1)

From the value of c, the metal is Aluminum

A 30 g of water at 25 oC. Calculate the amount of energy needed to boil this water.

 ∆Q = ?, m = 30 g = 0.03 kg , TC1 = 25 oC , TC2 = 100 oC (boiling point) , c = 4186 J/kg.oC (Water)

 ∆TC = TC2 – TC1 = 45 – 25 = 75 oC
∆Q = m c ∆TC = 0.03 × 4186 × 75 = 9.42 kJ

A 1.5 kg iron horseshoe initially at 600 oC is dropped into a bucket containing 20.0 kg of water at
25.0 oC. What is the final temperature? (Ignore the heat capacity of the container, and assume that a
negligible amount of water boils away).

 Metal: Tx = 600 oC , mx = 1.5 kg , cx = 448 J/kg oC (specific heat of iron)

 Water: Tw = 25 oC , mw = 20 kg , Tf = ?, cw = 4186 J/kg oC (specific heat of water)

!w 4w 'w # !$ 4$ '$ /+%- × 1) × 16 # //% × +.6 × -)) 1/<-1))

Tf = = = = 29.6 oC
!w 4w # !$ 4$ /+%- × 1) # //% × +.6 %/,<1

Prepared by Eng. Ala’a Nabil Pressure and Fluid

1- Starting from general pressure equation P = F/A. Derive a gauge pressure equation ρgh
F = mg and m = ρV ⟹ F = ρVg
V = Ah ⟹ F = ρ(Ah)g
& ( (')) *
P= = ⟹ P = ρgh
' '


To suck lemonade of density 1000 kg/m3 up a straw to a maximum height of 4.0 cm, what minimum
gauge pressure (in atmospheres) must you produce in your lungs? Take g = 10 m/s2
 ρ = 1000 kg/m3 , h = 4 cm = = 0.04 m
P = ρ g (- h) = - 1000 × 10 × 0.04 = - 400 Pa

Crew members attempt to escape from a damaged submarine 100 m below the surface. What force must
be applied to a pop-out hatch, which is 1.2 m by 0.6 m, to push it out at that depth?
Assume that the density of the ocean water is 1024 kg/m3 and the internal air pressure is at 1 atm.
 ρ = 1024 kg/m3, h = 100 m , A = 1.2 × 0.6 = 0.72 m2

Pgauge = ρ g h = 1024 × 9.8 × 100 = 1003520 Pa

Pgauge =
⟹ F = Pgauge A = 1003520 × 0.72 = 7.23 ×105 N

A 5 kg object is released from rest while fully submerged in a liquid. The liquid displaced by the
submerged object has a mass of 3 kg. Find the acceleration of the object. Take g = 10 m/s2
 m = 5 kg , mf = 3 kg
m − mf 5−3
a=( ) g = ( 5 ) × 10 = 0.4 × 10 = 4 m/s2 (directed downward)

A block floats face down in a fluid in which the ratio of fluid to the block densities is 1.5. If the block is
3 cm submerged in the fluid. What is the height of the block?
 = 1.5, hf = 3 cm, ho = ?
ho ρo = hf ρf ⟹ ho = hf = 3 × 1.5 = 4.5 cm

Prepared by Eng. Ala’a Nabil Force and Motion


1- Does a force always produce motion?

Answer: No, a force applied on any object is not necessarily produce motion
Try to push a mountain with some force, the mountain can not be moved
2- Differentiate between a Dynamic and Kinematic.
• Dynamics: study of forces acting on a body, and resulting motion.
• Kinematics: study of motion (displacement, velocity, acceleration, time) without reference to the
force causes a motion


333⃗. ( 3A⃗ + 3C⃗ )
In figure shown below. Determine B



From Figures:
3A⃗ = 3 6i + 3 6j
B 3⃗ = - 3 6i
3C⃗ = 6i - 2 6j

3⃗ + C
A 3⃗ = ( 3 6i + 3 6j ) + ( ı̂ - 2 6j ) = 4 6i + 6j ⟹ 3⃗ + C
333⃗. ( A
B 3⃗ ) = ( - 3 6i ) . ( 4 6i + 6j) = - 12

The parachute on a race car of weight 8820 N opens at the end of a quarter-mile run when the
car is travelling at 55 m/s. What is the total retarding force required to stop the car in a
distance of 1000 m in the event of a brake failure?

 W = 8820 N , ν: = 55 m/s , ν; = 0 ( Stop ) , x = 1000 m.

< %%12
• m= = = 900 kg.
* 3.%
ν0 = > ν8= 2 = > :: =
ν; 2 = ν: 2 + 2 a x ⟹ a=
1 × <222
= - 1.5125 m/s2

• F = ma = 900 × - 1.5125 = - 1.36 × 103 N

Prepared by Eng. Ala’a Nabil Force and Motion

Two forces pulled an object of mass m = 3 kg as shown in below figure. Calculate the magnitude of
the acceleration of the object.
Fx = 20 - 15 cos 30 = 7 N
Fy = 15 sin30 = 7.5 N

FR = @FX2 + Fy2 = @ 72 + 7.52 = 10.3 N

FG -../
a= = = 3.43 m/s2
, /
A 4 kg object under the forces shown in figure. Calculate the magnitude and direction (θ) of a force F
required to move the object vertically upward with an acceleration of 5 m/s2.

• Vertically motion: FR = Fy ⟹ FR = ma = 4 × 5 = 20 N
Fx = 0 ⟹ 0 = 20 + 10 cos 30 - F cos θ
F cos θ = 20 + 10 cos30 ⟹ F cos θ = 28.66 ------- 1
FR = Fy ⟹ 20 = 10 sin 30 + F sin θ
F sin θ = 20 - 10 sin 30 ⟹ F sin θ = 15 ---------2
By 2/1 ⟹ tan θ = = 0.523 ⟹ θ = tan-1 (0.523) = 27.63o
From equation 1 ⟹ F = = 32.349 N
!JK 5L.7/

Prepared by Eng. Ala’a Nabil Simple Harmonic Motion

The position of a particle is given by the expression
x(t) = (4 m) cos (3π t + π) , where t is in seconds and the angles in the parentheses are in radians.
(a) the frequency and period of the motion.
(b) the amplitude of the motion.
(c) the phase constant.
(d) the position of the particle at t = 0.25 s.
 xmax = 4 m, ω = 3π rad/s m, ϕ = π rad.
ω 3π 1 1
a) ω = 2πf ⟹ f = = = 1.5 Hz ⟹ T= = = 0.667 s
2π 2π f 1.5
b) Amplitude: xmax = 4 m
c) Phase constant: ϕ = π rad.
d) x(t) = (4 m) cos (3π t + π)
At t = 0.25 s ⟹ x = (4 m) cos (3×180 × 0.25 + 180) = (4 m) cos (315) = 2.83 m

A piston in a gasoline engine is in simple harmonic motion. If the extremes of its position relative to its
center point are ± 5.00 cm, find the magnitude of the maximum velocity and acceleration of the piston
when the engine is running at the rate of 3600 rev/min.
5 rpm 3600
 xmax = 5 cm = = 0.05 m , f = = = 60 Hz
100 60 60
ω = 2πf = 2π × 60 = 376.99 rad/s
 νmax = ω xmax = 376.99 × 0.05 = 18.85 m/s
 amax = ω2 xmax = 376.992 × 0.05 = 7106.1 m/s2

A block of mass m=400 g is attached to a light spring of force constant k =10 N/m. The block is pushed
against the spring from x = 0 to xi = !10 cm, and then released to oscillate on a horizontal frictionless
(a) Find the angular frequency and the period of the block-spring system.
(b) Find the magnitude of the maximum speed and the maximum acceleration of the block.
(c) Write expressions for the position, speed, and acceleration of the block at any time.
400 10
 m = 400 g = 1000
= 0.4 kg , x = -10 cm = -
= - 0.1 m ⟹ xmax = 0.1 m , k = 10 N/m.
U 10
• ω =@ =@ = 5 rad/s
5 0.4
ω 5
• ω = 2πf ⟹ f = = = 0.796 Hz
2π 2π
1 1
• T= = = 1.256 s
f 0.796

Prepared by Eng. Ala’a Nabil Simple Harmonic Motion

νmax = ω xmax = 5 × 0.1 = 0.5 m/s
amax = ω2 xmax = 52 × 0.1 = 2.5 m/s2
W − 0.1
ϕ = cos-1 [ ] = cos-1 [ ] = cos-1 [ -1 ] = 180o ⟹ π rad.
Wmax 0.1

 Position: x(t) = xmax cos (ω t + ϕ) ⟹ x(t) = ( 0.1 m) cos (5t + π)

 Velocity: ν(t) = - ω xmax sin (ω t + ϕ) ⟹ ν(t) = - ( 0.5 m/s ) sin (5t + π)
 Acceleration: a(t) = - ω2 xmax cos (ω t + ϕ) ⟹ a(t) = - ( 2.5 m/s2 ) cos (5t + π)

Prepared by Eng. Ala’a Nabil Electric Field

1- What are the factors affect the magnitude of the electric force between two stationary
• The magnitude of the charges.
• The distance between the charges.
• The medium at which the charges are placed.
2- What are the types of the electric force when:
i. The two charges having same electric charges
ii. The two charges having opposite electric charges
i. Repulsive electric force.
ii. Attractive electric force.
3- Coulomb’s law is valid only for stationary charges. Explain briefly

Answer: In case of moving charges, a magnetic force will be produced and Coulomb’s force
can not be alone to be measured

A 7.5 nC point charge is located 1.8 m from a 4.2 nC point charge.
a. Find the magnitude of the electric force that one particle exerts on the other.
b. Is the force attractive or repulsive?
 q1 = 7.5 nC = 7.5 ×10-9 C , q2 = 4.2 nC = 4.2 ×10-9 C , r = 1.8 m .
|[\ | |[= | L.* ×+,-^ × /.0 ×+,-^
a. F = Ke = 9 ×109 × = 8.75 ×10-8 N = 87.5 ×10-9 N = 87.5 nN.
]= ( +.% )=
b. The two charges are positive ⟹ repulsive electric force
Two charged balls in which q1 = q2 = 3 μC air if the repulsive force between them is 9 mN. Calculate the
distance between the balls.
 q1 = q2 = 3 μC = 3 ×10-6 C , F = 9 mN = 9 ×10-3 C.

|[\ | |[= | |[\ | |[= | 6 ×+,-_ × 6 ×+,-_

F = Ke ⟹ r2 = Ke = 9 ×109 × = 9 ⟹ r = √9 = 3 m
]= & 8 ×+,-`

Prepared by Eng. Ala’a Nabil Electric Field

Three charged sphere are placed as shown figure. Calculate the electric force on q1 = 1 μC placed at the
middle. Given that q2 = - 3 μC and q3 = - 4 μC.

 q1 = 1 µC = 1 ×10-6 C , q2 = - 3 µC = - 3 ×10-6 C , q3 = - 4 µC = - 4 ×10-6 C, r1,2 = 0.2 m ,
 r1,3 = 0.2 m
|[\ | |[= | ) ×)*+_ × - ×)*+_
F1,2 = Ke = 9 ×109 × = 0.675 N
]= \,= ( *.0)=
|[\ | |[` | ) ×)*+_ × 3 ×)*+_
F1,3 = Ke = 9 ×109 × = 0.9 N
]= \,` ( *.0)=
Fx = 0.675 – 0.9 = - 0.225 N and Fy = 0
• The magnitude: FR = 0.225 N
• The direction: θ = 180o
Two unlike charges equal in magnitude are given as 2 ×10 8 C placed at A and B at a distance of
6 cm. Calculate the force on the charge 1 ×10 8 C placed at P, where P is 4 cm on the perpendicular bisector
of AB.

• q1 = 2 ×10-8 C, q2 = - 2 ×10-8 C , q3 = 1 ×10-8 C

The resultant electric force on q3 = 1 ×10-8 C

 r31 = r32 = @ 32 + 42 = 5 cm = 0.05 m

|q1| |q3| 0 ×)*+d × ) ×)*+d

F13 = Ke = 9 ×109 × = 7.2 ×10-4 N
r2 (*.*>)=

|q2| |q3| 0 ×)*+d × ) ×)*+d

F23 = Ke = 9 ×109 × = 7.2 ×10-4 N
r2 (*.*>)=

 θ = tan-1( ) = 53.13o
• Vector analysis
Fx = 7.2 ×10-4 cos 53.13 + 7.2 ×10-4 cos 53.13 = 8.64 ×10-4 N
Fy = 7.2 ×10-4 sin 53.13 - 7.2 ×10-4 sin 53.13 = 0
FR = 8.64 ×10-4 N

Prepared by Eng. Ala’a Nabil Electric Field

Calculate the resultant of the electric field at point P as shown in the fig. and its direction from the
positive x - axes.

• q1 = 8 nC = 8 ×10-9 C , q2 = 10 µC = 10 ×10-9 C
• r1 = 0.6 m, r2 = 0.6 sin 30 = 0.3 m
|[\ | % ×)*+^
E1 = Ke = 9 ×109 × = 200 N/C
]\ = *..=

|[= | )* ×)*+^
E2 = Ke = = 9 × 109 × = 1000 N/C
]= *./=

• Vector analysis

Ex = 200 cos 30 = 173.21 N/C.

Ey = - 1000 - 200 sin 30 = - 1100 N/C.

E = @EW 3 + Ef 3 = g173.21 3 + (− 1100 )3 = 1113.6 N/C .

hi > ))**
θ = tan-1( ) = tan-1( ) = - 81 o (the forth quadrant).
hj )L/.3)

θ +x = 360o - 81o = 279 o


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