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The fish population

15 bears can support this area

If the bear population grows bears would fight for food and some will die.

water, sunlight, soil, nutrients, growing space

How much space they have to grow

Animals that eat plants. Their growth limit would be them receiving
food from the plants.
The weather

Probably not

The tempature, amount of rainfall, and natural disasters.

Dependent because they would probaly compeate for the

Dependent or amount of limited food that they have.

Dependent because the extreme cold might cause a disease

Dependent or
Dependent or dependent because they are gain stress from the lack of land
Why? that they have

Independent. The temperature effects the population if certain

Dependent or areas

Dependent. Plants need sunlight inoder to make thier own

Dependent or food, if its gone then plants wont be able to make food nor give
independent? food to other animals

Animals population size in a certain habitat

Carrying capacity and limiting factors are the same because once animlas in a certain habitat
reached their limit in resources or other things and their population slows down, that population
finally reached it carrying capacity.
Year 2020

The bears might have had density- dependent limiting factors such as the lack of fish that they
might have gotten

The Bear population would grow, and would probably have alot of bears

The Bear population would decrease alot and the limiting factor is space to move around.

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