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the same to be counterfeited or adulterated, or shall alter,

article ARBITRATION, INTERNATIONAL. The case is important,

acid to form the nitrile of a-oxyisobutyric acid.

other interests; the display of frost and cold waves signals;

popular etymology connected the word both with ``corn''

surrounded by the chief monastic buildings, and farther to

distinguished--(1) the acute ('), a rising accent; (2) the

M`Intyre (5210 ft,), Haystack (4918), Dix (4916) and Whiteface

has been gathered in Afghanistan and the adjoining regions.

reasonable doubt. But at this point disagreement begins

prove to be complexes of two or more materials, and the patterns

high place to the beauty of colours in which material darkness

1. The name of the shipper.

patrons. It thus presents to all vacancies caused by simoniacal

stands the Salvation Army Citadel, an effective castellated

and the charge of incompetency as a man of business, which

family with whom Joseph Scaliger resided. He, in consequence,

Martinique. The British admiral endeavoured to force on a close

of water, acts on a soluble glucoside, amygdalin, yielding

progress. He died at Livadia on the 1st of November 1894,

organization. Through the commission the money previously

foreign-born: (1906, estimate) 9796. It is served by the

this long-established point of agricultural practice was

and so generally to summon to one's assistance), a lawyer

Nedham, who is described as ``perhaps both the ablest and the

addition to the word Abraxas and other mystical characters,

considerable; and in 1788 he added to it by securing his

Confederates after a few marches, while Schofield was pressing

Margaret had returned immediately on Albany's departure, and

university. The work thus begun by Ptolemy Soter was carried

some extemporized method of stopping bleeding and dress

east. In the interior of South Africa the year 1884 witnessed

entitled to receive from the imperial authorities, intimated

and Roscher's Lexikon der Mythologie.

the 45th and 46th vols. of the Memoires de l'academie.

character,'' i.e. in the most exalted and peculiar sense,

at first Bernard and his companions were reduced to live on

Queen's College, Cork, a post which he held until the close

'' (actual drainage area) . . 172,500 ''

round it. But the cloister garth, as at Chichester, is not

for the court-martial is issued, drawing up the findings and

1783, when, after a visit to his brother in Florence, he

laid out. (Accra is almost the only point along the Gold

and production is limited to domestic needs. The capital,

aide-de-camp to Marshal Soult. He was exiled in 1815, and

mainly the Maryland line, were hurried down from Washington's

men. In it Agrippa denounces the accretions which had grown

known. The town grew up around three forts established in

dans l'Afrique barbaresque (1903); General Faure-Biguet,

father was a cultured man, and his mother was the sister of

P.R. Permissu reipublicae, Populus Romanus.

under the noun-headings. The title of analutika or

years. Neither the British government nor the growing party

accordance with the Cistercian rule, is very low. The windows

behalf of their respective governments. He also wrote to Pope

ABIPONES, a tribe of South American Indians of Guaycuran

Rhodophyceae. In certain Euphaeophyceae bodies built up of

pulpy. Their colour is mottled, yellow and purplish red. The

titles and petty ceremonials, and exercised little permanent

thirty years were 5,057,029 acres in 1875 and 4,109,394

disease is found in males far more commonly than in females, and

though it is doubtful whether he practised, and from the

active. Joining the league of Torgau in 1526, he acted inunison

Nova (1516) is chiefly an abridgment of Malmesbury's

Leybu Kanembu Tegele Tumali

he sums up as follows: Reason, guided by prudence, can

separators. In 1888, at Nottingham, hay and straw presses for

forth, equipped with new armour fashioned by Hephaestus,

of milk or of condensed milk, is very commonly practised,

about two centuries ago. Ross wrote: ``So may he (Sir Thomas

of the four hundredth anniversary of the foundation of the

embrace such a variety of arts, that no one can undertake any

the astrological reckonings, in which he found pleasure,

January 1 Number. Value. Number. Value.

mentions an increase of thirty, sixty and an hundred fold.

gradually approximated and became practically identical.

An action is said to ``lie'' when the law provides a remedy for

so that an alternation of dark and white bands is obtained,

subjugate the country. Next to Ghardaia the most important

ALEARDI, ALEARDO, COUNT (1812-1878), Italian poet, was

for all matters connected with Lucan authorship; comp.

indifference and a disinclination to bear the burden of

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