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but the story is incredible, and must have arisen from the

greater part of Macedonia, but was in turn driven out of both

by copyhold tenants on the death of the lord of the manor.

where he Composed his dialogue The Academic Questions.

chargeable as all his holle rente; and also his corne shall be

endeavoured to protect the people by re-establishing the

of the hardiest may be removed to the more remote station,

afterwards developed, and embellished by additions; but in the

historian of the Peninsular war, whose Life he edited.

(Berlin, 1889-1892); F. Schutt, Das Pflanzenleben der

Samech @, which is recorded only in the abecedaria of the

members of which, now called assistant surgeons (formerly

see T. Ashby, in Papers of the British School at Rome, i.

O. Parlour. (over. h. Pig-sties. i. Sheep-folds.

Africa. With regard to Egypt the French government declared

onward by the technical skill of Messrs Chance Brothers, of

and the constructor endeavours to reduce these to a minimum.

in each subsequent year is shown in Table XXIII. In addition

Studies, (Series 20, No. 4); and W. L. Martin's Code of

or the mother of the king of Jerusalem suggesting the draught.

who appointed him in 1815 ambassador to the Hague. It was

England . . . . 1,880,475 434,773

Herbert Spencer, in his First Principles, Principles of

1298, and crowned at Aix-la-Chapelle on the 24th of August

Foote. On the 6th of February Fort Henry fell to Foote's

and flavopurpurin---are also very valuable dyestuffs. These

prolonged negotiations, a convention was signed between Great

influenced by fear of the Indians, who had been won over

by other motives, e.g. utility in architecture,13 an

who gave it characterization after all by only a few simple

at Iannina, had special facilities for obtaining firsthand

distribution of labour in the dockyards, and for the purchase

Harbor (so named, it is said, because a Dutch vessel was the

case of the title of honour borne by all descendants of the

the Grisons retained the valleys of Mesocco, Bregaglia and

to have been very widespread, in both east and west, for

Nyanza, which has seriously encroached upon the lake. At

R. Polysiphonia sp., section through young cystocarp.

not exist, whether in the shape of inn, meeting-place or

rhombic plates which melt at 63 deg. C. and boil at 287 deg. C.

(Der Ursprung der Kultur, Band i.) (Berlin, 1898); Idem,

it is generally found that the asexual method prevails in the

was followed with slight deflexions to the Togoland frontier.

year. The secretary is now charged with the supervision

in England, in William Thompson, who began by mutualism

dug up in Denmark is red; but it must not be forgotten that

ordinary diet and not for experimental purposes. The most

stirps. Many local differences exist, but none capable of

to xi. 27, ``when we were assembled.'' Further, if our

missionaries, they had almost relapsed into heathenism, but are

agreed to between Great Britain, France and Holland, and to

ft.), the Tambohorn (10,749 ft.) and Piz Timun (10,502 ft.).

Ashari. But he made a system of his own by combining

amphibole (hornblende), the use of the term being restricted,

letter. Those who wish for a more minute analysis of the

the names of the thirty-six original members nominated by the

death upon their mother, upon whom, as he stepped into his

for carrying out the provisions of the act, including the

board (see ALBUM). After remaining there for a reasonable

culture. The most significant fact in respect to scholarship,

name suggests a locality west of the Jordan) and Absalom's

was no less firmly held than Petersburg, and along the

East Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293,500

easy, as it is very porous and not more than 1/32 inch thick.

parliament). He held the government of Gibraltar from 1883 to

in Wendell's and Trent's Histories, and abundant and minute

(Oct. 1896), p. 673; them, Report of an Archaeological

(C. Tischendorf, Acta apostoloruiu apocr. 261 ff.).

organized the company, including Macready and Miss Smithson,

AElfwine, the brother of Ecgfrith, was slain on this occasion,

spine. The injection is followed very quickly, generally

enacted, would be valid. While its validity, were it to be

Ie, which is the most remarkable, dates from the 16th century.

relations. The one event mentioned by external sources is the

ANARCHISM (from the Gr. an-, and arche, contrary

disciples, who inaugurated the era of the Holy Ghost. Under

vessels, the latter from citric and tartaric acids and cream

according to later writers. It is rather in the manner of

and of the Cordilleras of South America. The reports of

often been considered, but wrongly, as a separate work.

away to Halifax, Nova Scotia. While the main interest centred

ABBOTT, JOHN STEVENS CABOT (1805-1877), American writer,

verifiable experimental foundation. Those who seek a full

western and central Sudan. Thus those qualities, physical and

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