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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Ilocos Norte

BARANGAY __________, ______________________


Series of 2020


______________, LAOAG CITY

WHEREAS, Section 5 of Republic Act. No. 11032, otherwise known as the Ease of
Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018 mandates all
government offices and agencies to regularly undertake cost compliance analysis, time and
motion studies, undergo evaluation and improvement of their transaction systems and
procedures and reengineer the same if deemed necessary to reduce bureaucratic red tape and
processing time;

WHEREAS, Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2019-01, dated December 10, 2019 of the
Department of the Interior and Local Government and the Anti-Red Tape Authority provided
guidelines on the Regulatory Reform for LGUs;

WHEREAS, DILG Memorandum Circular 2019-177 provided for the Guideline in the
Integration of the Issuance of Barangay Clearance in the Permitting Processes of Cities and

WHEREAS, Section 6 ( Local Government Units are mandated to issue an

executive order designating the composition of the Regulatory Reform Team;

NOW THEREFORE, I, __________________________, Punong Barangay of

Baranngay ___________________, Laoag City, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do
hereby order the following:

Section 1. Organization of the Barangay Regulatory Reform Team. The Team shall
be composed of the following:

Chairman - ___________________________________
Punong Barangay

Members - ____________________________________, SB Member

____________________________________, SB Member
____________________________________, SB Member
(At least 3 SB Members from related committees
designated by the Sanggunian through a Resolution, but can
be increased depending on the needs)

________________________________, Brgy. Treasurer

________________________________, CSO Representative

Head Secretariat - ________________________________, Brgy. Secretary

Members, Secretariat - ________________________________, (Optional)
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Ilocos Norte
BARANGAY __________, ______________________

Section 2. Functions of the Team. The Barangay Regulatory Reform Team shall have
the following duties and functions:

a. Conduct inventory of all existing barangay ordinances and issuances made solely or
jointly made with other Barangays;
b. Conduct public dialogues with stake holders such as NGAs, CSOs and the private
sector, to identify cumbersome regulations and determine priority ordinances and
issuances for review/assessment;
c. Review/Assess prioritized barangay ordinances, issuances and resolutions, if it is
redundant, outdated, or unnecessary using the Four-way Test;
d. Recommend policy options that may be adopted by the Barangay;
e. Draft policies based on the result of assessment;
f. Accomplish the Regulatory Reform Technical Report;
g. Create a Monitoring and Evaluation System;
h. Create and or update the database systems;
i. Establish regulatory management procedures and methodologies in the modification,
adoption, implementation, and evaluation of existing barangay ordinances, issuances
and resolutions of the barangay;
j. Conduct studies/reviews in the promotion of efficient government services and ease
of doing business;
k. Conduct quarterly meeting and as the need arises with proper documentation; and
l. Ensure regular and timely submission and ARTA.

The Barangay Regulatory Reform Team (BRRT) shall conduct regular stocktaking,
monitoring and recommendation of policy options using the same process forms.

Section 3. Secretariat. The Barangay Secretary as the Head/Secretariat of the

Barangay Regulatory Reform Team shall provide Secretariat Services to the Team. It shall be
responsible for providing technical support, documentation of proceedings. Assist in the
preparation of reports and such other assistance as maybe required in the discharge of the
Team’s functions. All reports required shall be submitted to the Anti Red Tape Authority
(ARTA), copy furnished the DILG;

Section 4. Repealing Clause. All prior issuances on the organization and functions of
the Barangay Regulatory Reform Team inconsistent herewith shall be deemed superseded by
this Executive Order.

Section 4. Effectivity. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.

Done in the Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, this ____ day of January 2020.

Punong Barangay

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