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An All-Bard Oneshot from

Winghorn Press
What is this Adventure?
There’s something wonderfully attractive about Cast List
bards, and not just because they max out their Emanuel du Funq: A half-devil who operates
CHA scores, either. the 69th floor of the Tower of Song. An
In a world of wizards and warriors they’re incredible musician and charismatic leader, he
walking oddities; laughing tricksters able to slot lures mortal bards to the Nine Hells in order to
into the role of emergency healer, front-line drain their musical powers. Currently obsessed
fighter or magical support with ease. They have with the music of Allegro.
a reputation - earned or not - of being Ophelia du Funq: A half-devil and twin sister of
troublemakers whose mouth gets the heroes Emanuel, currently serving Belial. She plans to
into trouble as much as it saves the day. sabotage her brother’s operation by helping the
In short, bards are fun. adventurers break their contracts.
So what, then, would an adventuring party Allegro: A low-ranking angel in service of Milil,
made up of nothing but bards look like? What Goddess of Music and Art. They were captured
kind of adventure would they go on? by Emanuel, who is obsessed with their singing
Well, that first part is up to you and your voice.
friends. For the second part you’re going to have Taliah Swiftwood: Gnomish bard and one of
to read a little further. Emanuel’s previous victims. Has been working
Building your Bards for the half-devil for a full year, trying to find a
way to restore her musical talents.
Like a Bard Outta Hell is designed for a party of
3-6 sixth level bards. You can tinker with this as
much as you wish, but we advise placing the
following restrictions on character creation:
Seven years ago, several bards - our heroes -
● If you are allowing multiclassing, characters
signed a deal with a wealthy noble named
must have at least half their class levels in
Emanuel du Funq. He helped them to kick-start
their careers, or possibly to revive a flagging one,
● If you wish to allow magic items, each by providing money, equipment or just a few
player may select two uncommon items careful introductions.
while creating their character. In return, all they needed to do was agree to
Each character must also have the bond: “Seven perform seven shows for him, in seven years’
years ago, a mysterious stranger helped kick-start time. A minor commitment, surely?
my career. I haven’t seen them since.” What they (probably) didn’t know was that
Running the Adventure Emanuel was a cambion, an infernal half-devil.
He serves Fierna, co-ruler of Hell’s fourth circle,
The adventure should take approximately four by sourcing musical entertainment for the
hours to run from start to finish. pleasure city of Abriymoch.
Creatures from the Monster Manual are The seven shows the bards agreed to all
listed in black bold text. Creatures in red bold those years ago will take place before an
text have their stat blocks listed in Appendix A. audience of planer travellers. Worse, over the
Running an all-bard adventure can be an course of the shows Emanuel plans to extract
interesting DMing experience. Before starting their musical talents and weave them into Song
we advise you to read up on their abilities. Dolls able to perform perfectly night after night.

Bardic Inspiration Summary

Every single character playing this adventure There are three main phases to the adventure:
should have access to the Bardic Inspiration A) Escaping the Arrivals’ Lounge: The PCs find
ability. Keeping track of who’s inspired by who out about the contracts, and are aided by
can be tricky, so we advise handing out counters Ophelia du Funq
(poker chips, dice, etc.) so players can track who B) Destroying the Infernal Contracts: The PCs
they’ve inspired, and who’s inspired them. explore the Tower of Song, find their
Not that, following the rules as written, “a contracts in Emanuel’s Study and destroy
creature can have only one Bardic Inspiration die them
at a time.” You can choose to ignore this rule for C) Escaping the Tower of Song: The PCs obtain
the sake of over-the-top shenanigans, but beware Emanuel’s Planer Tuning Fork and escape
this can lead to some truly insane skill checks. through the Portal Chamber

Beginning the Adventure ● Seven years ago, he – in the form of a
wealthy or powerful mortal – made a deal
The adventure begins with the entire party with each of them, providing them with a
being sucked through fiery portals. stepping-stone on the path to fame and
Encourage the players to describe where glory
their character is and what they are doing when ● In return for the favour, each of them
the portals open. Are they in a group? Are they agreed to play seven shows over the course
alone? Are they mid-performance, or mid-battle? of seven days, in seven years time
No matter where they are, a ring of flames
● The contract they signed specified that
outlines their body and in a flash they disappear
Emanuel would arrange transport to the
from the material place (or wherever they
shows’ venue. Thus, the teleportation
happened to be at the time), leaving behind a
smell of brimstone. ● The PCs are currently in the Nine Hells –
Their contract is up. They have been specifically the fourth layer, Phlegethos.
summoned to the Nine Hells. They are on the 69th floor of the Tower of
Song, in the pleasure city of Abriymoch
1. The Arrivals’ Lounge ● He manages this floor, which provides
entertainment to beings from across the
Read out loud or summarise the following:
multiverse. Over the next seven days, they
will form part of this entertainment
You find yourselves sitting on a comfortable ● Once they’ve played all seven shows the PCs
sofa in a dark, smoky lounge. The furniture is will be returned to the material plane. He
covered in red velvet and the low table confirms they will not be harmed physically,
before you is set with a selection of drinks but refuses to provide any information
resting on slate coasters. In the distance you beyond that
can hear the faint thrum of music playing.
● In case they were thinking of getting any
On the chair opposite you sprawls a
ideas about attacking him, the contract they
handsome man with crimson skin and ink-
signed has a clause specifically forbidding
black eyes. He wears a dark suit and a wry
the PCs from “assaulting Emanuel du Funq
smile, and a pair of leathery wings sprout
through physical or magical means, or using
from his back.
magic to influence, mislead or otherwise affect
“Good to see you again,” he says. “Grab a him.” Any attempt to do this simply fails –
drink. We have a lot to discuss before your the PC cannot make themselves swing the
show!” blade or cast the spell
● Their first show is in about five hours
The man sitting opposite the party is Emanuel
During any conversation Emanuel gets
du Funq, a Cambion (also known as a half-devil)
agitated and annoyed if the PCs don’t use the
who leads the 69th floor of the Tower of Song
coasters when they put down their drinks, as it
(see THE TOWER OF SONG). He has summoned the
chafes with his lawful nature.
PCs to the Nine Hells using infernal contracts
they signed seven years ago.
The PCs may choose whether or not they
remember meeting Emanuel. If so, they recall a
The Tower of Song
chance encounter with a man who resembled Sat in the centre of the infernal pleasure-city of
him several years ago. He provided some small Abriymoch, the Tower of Song attracts music-
but significant service on their road to becoming lovers from across the planes.
a bard. Climbing like a needle into the ashen skies,
Encourage players to think of how he aided the Tower is famed to have more than 120
them. Did he stump up a few hundred gold for different floors, all designed to suit the tastes of
their first real instrument? Did he set up a different travellers.
meeting with a noble looking to hire a court On some, foul monsters listen to
minstrel for a few seasons? symphonies of pain being ripped from living
Any attempt to attack Emanuel or use any souls. On others, more refined visitors are
offensive magic on him fails, due to the infernal treated to performances by ghostly orchestras
contract they signed with him. and singers drawn from strange, alien worlds.
Emanuel is smugly confident and happily The only constant factor from floor-to-floor
chats with the PCs. In response to questions he is that of price. The Tower of Song is an
explains the following: exclusive venue and sets its fees to match.

Summoning the Guards ● She is here to help the PCs escape from the
Nine Hells with their souls intact
Once he feels that the PCs have a general idea of
● Her brother collects groups of talented
what’s going on, or he gets bored of talking to
bards on a regular basis, using the same
them, Emanuel calls a group of three Fiendish
trick he pulled on the PCs
Enforcers, large devils in dark suits wearing
sleek suits and smoked lenses over their eyes, ● Over the course of their seven shows,
and one Fiendish Charmer, a beautiful figure Emanuel will siphon off their musical
wearing an outfit of jumping flames. abilities and implant them in enchanted
An invisible Ophelia du Funq, Emanuel’s dolls, which he uses to keep patrons
twin sister, sneaks in with the small group. She entertained when he doesn’t have fresh
quietly hides in a corner to see what happens. mortal talents on hand
Emanuel orders the guards to watch the PCs ● If they break their contract by refusing or
for the next few hours and ensure they don’t failing to play the shows their souls will
wander off and get hurt. immediately be claimed by Asmodeus
Once they are in place, he politely excuses ● The only practical way to wriggle out of
himself and leaves. If the PCs attempt to stop or their deal is to destroy Emanuel’s copy of the
follow him, the Cambion instructs the guards to contract
“put them in their place.” ● Emanuel keeps his important documents in
Exploring the Lounge his study, which is in the east wing of the
floor. To get there the PCs need to cross the
The lounge measures about 30 ft. by 40 ft. The ballroom and head for the door in the
floor is covered with plush crimson rugs and the middle of far wall
furniture is made from black wood. ● The PCs may wish to disguise themselves to
A chandelier provides murky orange light get through the crowd without raising
that barely reaches the walls, which are covered suspicion, as Emanuel will probably be
in lurid paintings showing devilish figures schmoozing the audience
revelling with mortal worshippers.
If asked why she is willing to aid the PCs
Two large windows provide views of a dark
against her brother, she explains that
grey sky that rains ash. Fires flicker in the
Phlegethos is co-ruled by two Arch-Devils –
distance, and below them sprawls a city that
Fierna and Belial. Emanuel serves Fierna while
bustles with dark activity.
Ophelia works for Belial.
Escaping & Meeting Ophelia The Tower of Song has been bringing in
huge amounts of trade for Emanuel’s mistress,
Once Emanuel has left the fiendish guards take so Ophelia has been sent to sabotage him.
up positions about the room. Once she feels like she has provided enough
If the PCs start a fight the guards try to information for the PCs to be getting on with,
subdue them non-leathally. Tey to reward any Ophelia turns invisible and leaves them to make
clever ideas they think up for escaping or their own way forward.
ambushing the guards.
If the PCs don’t seem inclined to escape or
fight back, Ophelia sneaks up behind one of Legal Eagles
them and whispers that they’re in more danger
than they might think, before offering to Some players may wish to look for loopholes in
provide a distraction. She does this by throwing the deal with Emanuel, which would allow
a glass of wine into the wall behind the guards, them to escape the contract without physically
causing them to be Surprised in the first round destroying it.
of any combat. By default, there are no such loopholes. The
deal is phrased in a way that makes it seem
Talking with Ophelia innocent, but it obliges the PCs to do everything
Emanuel says it does.
Once the PCs have dealt with the guards, with or
without her help, Ophelia drops her invisibility However, if the players are determined to
and congratulates them. argue their way out of the deal - and seem like
they’d enjoy doing so - Ophelia may
She looks very similar to Emanuel, who is
recommend they speak to a contract devil
her twin brother. She is happy to explain the
currently visiting the tower as a guest, or advise
following, though she skips details if the PCs
them to seek out the legal books in Emanuel’s
seem keen to get going - Ophelia only really
Study. This may need some improvisation!
cares that they mess with her brother’s plans:

The Tower of Song - Floor 69
6. 14.



1. 11.


2. Western Hallway 3. Kitchen

A white-walled hallway. The sound of loud Read out loud or summarise the following:
music filters in from the Ballroom to the east.
The southern end of the hall leads to the
Lounge. The eastern end leads to the Cloakroom, When the door opens you’re immediately hit
the Kitchen and the Ballroom. by a blast of heat and a cloud of steam. A
half-dozen crimson-skinned devils in white
The northern portion of the hall is a long
aprons are feverishly working away at
corridor with several Guest Bedrooms to the east
chopping boards, ovens and pans, cursing
and west and a doorway to the Doll Storage
loudly as they work.
Room to the north.
Standing among them, delivering orders
This doorway is guarded by a pair of
like a battlefield commander, is a tall,
Fiendish Enforcers. They do not question guests
powerful devil with his barbed beard neatly
who pass by, and only stop people from
wrapped up in a black net.
investigating the Doll Storage Room.

If the PCs are disguised as wealthy guests the
Head Chef (use stats of a Bearded Devil) politely
4. Cloakroom
but firmly instructs them to leave, assigning one Read out loud or summarise the following:
of his six Fiendish Chefs (use stats of Fiendish
Enforcers) to escort them back to the Ballroom As soon as you enter the room the sound of
if they don’t leave promptly. music is muffled by long racks of brightly
If they’re clearly mortal wanderers, however, coloured cloaks, coats and jackets that run
he offers them a deal. from wall to wall.
The Imps that normally serve as kitchen A bored looking halfling woman with fine
assistants were unexpectedly promoted and sent blonde hair and olive skin looks up from a
off to fight in the Blood War, so the shift is short- plain wooden desk.
handed. If they spend the next hour helping – “You want to store your coats, folks?”
and do a reasonable job – he’ll provide them
with waiters’ outfits that should ensure none of
the guests pay attention to them. The Cloakroom measures roughly 20 ft. square
and is filled with racks of clothing left by the
Helping in Hell’s Kitchen Tower of Song’s guests.
The party are given three tasks to help with – The halfling woman is Taliah Swiftwood, a
cleaning dishes, whipping a huge quantity of former bard who also fell afoul of Emanuel’s
cream and removing bones from fish. schemes. The PCs might recognise her if they are
Allow the PCs to divide themselves between proficient with the lute and succeed on a DC12
the tasks as they wish. The Head Chef explains Intelligence (History) check.
that the slippery dishes requires quick hands, Unless the PCs have taken pains to disguise
whipping the cream needs strength and themselves Taliah quickly realises that they’re
endurance, and removing the bones relies on a Emanuel’s latest victims. If so, she offers to help
sharp eye and the ability to learn from mistakes. them any way she can. She might explain the
Each task requires three separate checks. following:
Count each success and failure for each task. If ● She was teleported here by Emanuel about
multiple PCs are helping with the same task, six months ago
they choose one PC to roll with advantage. ● When she played her songs the Cambion
● Cleaning Dishes: DC 12 Dexterity (Sleight of had a wooden doll placed in the wings. It
Hand) checks. The soap is slippery and the had a small crystal embedded in its
PCs have to work at an incredible pace to forehead, which shone brightly as she
keep up. On a failure they drop dishes on the performed
floor, shattering them. ● Each set seemed to drain her, and by the
● Whipping Cream: DC 9 Strength (Athletics) time she strummed her final note she found
checks. Whipping the cream starts off easy herself completely unable to play music. The
but gets harder as time passes. After each doll had absorbed her musical abilities
check the PC makes a DC15 Constitution completely
Saving Throw. On a failure the DC for all ● Once her shows were over Emanuel offered
subsequent checks is increased by 3. to teleport her back to the material plane.
● Removing Bones: DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) She refused, as she was desperate to regain
checks. Spotting all the fish bones is tricky, her music and feared she would never get a
but if the PCs make a mistake the Head Chef chance to do so if she just went home
ensures they don’t repeat it. Each time the ● Ever since then she’s worked as a cloakroom
PCs fail a check the DC of all subsequent assistant and spied on Emanuel as much as
checks is reduced by 3. she can
Should the PCs think of creative ways to Taliah cheerfully aids the party with any
accomplish their tasks, feel free to reduce the DC task she can, though she admits she is not
or change the type of check required. particularly skilled in combat. If nothing else
If at least five of the nine total checks were she can easily sort out disguises and masks
successful, the PCs held up their end of the deal. using the boxes of lost property shoved to the
The Head Chef provides them with drab black back of the cloakroom.
uniforms and sends them on their way.
If at least five of the nice checks were Taliah’s Intelligence
failures, the Head Chef claims the PCs did not Taliah’s spying has produced the following
fulfil their end of the deal and refuses to help titbits of information:
them any further.

● Emanuel keeps his contracts in his study. To The dolls’ plinths are labelled with names of
get there you enter his private quarters, the bards whose musical abilities they control. A
follow the corridor to the left and go number of them, equal to the amount of PCs,
through the first door on the right aren’t labelled yet.
● The contracts are in a safe that is magically There are also three empty plinths, which
locked. The key seems to be musical in would usually house the trio of Song Dolls
nature, so she hasn’t been able to do playing in the Ballroom.
anything with it The Song Dolls are enchanted to only obey
● Emanuel has some way of easily teleporting Emanuel. However, a PC disguised at the
to the material plane Cambion can successfully give them orders with
a DC10 Charisma (Deception) check.
● There’s something important being kept in a The Song Dolls only attack if one of their
room just north of Emanuel’s study. The number is attacked first. They are utterly
door is always locked, but sometimes she mindless in combat and simply aim to attack the
hears beautiful singing coming through the closest enemy.
If combat breaks out the Song Dolls make an
● Dozens of dolls containing bards’ stolen incredible din. After three rounds Emanuel and
abilities are stored in a room to the north, two Fiendish Enforcers enter from Backstage.
but it’s well-guarded and the dolls can be
very loud. 7. The Ballroom
● The Doll Room has a door leading to the Read out loud or summarise the following:
backstage area, which could be another way
to cross the ballroom
As the door opens a wave of sound crashes
5. Guest Bedrooms over you. Most of this comes from a stage,
where a trio of human-sized wooden dolls
These small chambers are plainly appointed and play duelling violin solos, but this is mixed
give off the feel of the bedrooms in a mid-budget with the conversation and laughter of the
inn. Like many bards who have come before lavishly dressed crowd watching them.
them, the PCs are expected to stay here while Some sit at low tables, while others stand
performing at the Tower of Song. in small groups and chat over their drinks.
6. The Doll Room Many of the figures are clearly devils but
others seem drawn from all four corners of
Read out loud or summarise the following: the multiverse.
Among the throng hulking, blue-skinned
You step into a room filled with cold, still air, ogres are casually speaking with what seems
lit by a pair of soft white globes of light that to be a levitating grey robe. An angel with
hang from the centre of the high ceiling. torn wings and blood running from her eyes
The gentle glow shines down on rows is sharing a joke with a man with a wolf’s
and rows of wooden dolls. Each of them is head. In the corner a band of what seem to
about the height of a human and carved be humanoid hippos in neat blue uniforms
from smooth blocks of pale brown wood. are playing cards and swapping war stories.
Some have intricately worked fingers that
hold instruments, others have mouths set The Ballroom is very large. The floor measures
with what looks like rows of real human about 60 ft. by 90 ft., with the raised stage
teeth. They all stand on stone plinths bearing covering another 60 ft. by 20 ft. The ceiling is
a bronze label. also very high.
Gems of white crystal are set into the A doorway in the western wall leads to the
dolls’ foreheads, and they all pulse with a Western Hallway, and another in the eastern
steady rhythm – almost a heartbeat. wall leads to the Eastern Hallway. A doorway to
As you move, dozens of blank faces turn the south leads to the staircase, while a pair of
to watch you. small staircases at either end of the stage
provide access to Backstage.
There are 25 Song Dolls in the room. They are A long bar runs along most of the western
arranged to leave a path running from the door wall. A team of devils mix elaborate drinks for
in the east wall, which leads Backstage, to the the guests. If the PCs wish to buy one, they find
door in the south wall, which leads to the that even the cheapest drinks cost around 50gp.
Western Hallway. If the PCs wish to identify the music being

It is up to the PCs to decide how they trick,
bribe or talk their way around the angry
Getting Caught creature. If they end up fighting him the Oni
There are several ways for the PCs to get caught only uses his claw attacks, and when he is
by Emanuel or his guards as they explore the reduced to half HP the rest of his party – three
Tower of Song. more Oni – move to break up the fight and let
If they haven’t destroyed the infernal the PCs go about their business.
contracts yet, they cannot harm Emanuel.
However, this doesn’t mean that being found
Enter Emanuel
out has to result in failure. The PCs can still flee Once the PCs are most of the way across the
through crowds, hide or mislead the cambion ballroom Emanuel du Funq emerges from the
and his guards. door to the Eastern Hallway and begins to greet
Ophelia can be a useful tool if this happens. guests. As he wanders the room the PCs must
She can appear unexpectedly to provide a think of a way to hide or otherwise avoid him.
magical distraction and remind the PCs that Evading Emanuel by hiding requires a DC12
they need to get to the study as soon as possible. Dexterity (Stealth) check. Avoiding his gaze by
blending in with the crowd requires a DC12
Charisma (Deception) check. These can be made
played, they may attempt a DC16 Intelligence with advantage if the PCs are disguised or
check. On a success, they recognise the style as wearing servants’ uniforms.
belonging to a trio of Air Genasi sisters known If at least half the PCs pass their checks, the
as the Howling Skies. The group was very group successfully evades Emanuel.
popular until around three years ago, when they
If the PCs are particularly well hidden or
completely disappeared from public view.
think of an inventive way to hide, reduce the DC
The Crowd or allow them to pass the check automatically.

The crowd consists of roughly 60 guests. They 8. Backstage

are all exquisitely dressed and are bedecked in
shining jewels and precious metals. Many of A crimson curtain separates this narrow strip
them are talking in small groups, but a fair few from the main stage. It’s choked with ropes,
are watching the show. props and the general detritus of the
Most of the patrons shouldn’t have any entertainment industry.
cause to get involved with the PCs – even if a The area is watched over by six Imp
fight breaks out the guests view that it’s none of stagehands, who sit in the rafters and pull ropes
their business – but if you wish to populate the and move gear as appropriate. Avoiding the
room just pick your favourite plane-hopping Imps’ attention requires a DC14 Dexterity
creatures This may include Incubus/Succubus, (Stealth) check, with at least half the group
Rakshasa, Hags, Erinyes, Giff and Githyanki. (rounding up) needing to pass.
If the PCs are disguised as servants (see The If the PCs are spotted the Imps fly down to
Kitchen) the crowds ignore them and allow investigate. They do not attack immediately, so
them to pass without problems. fast-talking PCs may be able to avoid any
If they are disguised as guests or aren’t combat.
disguised at all they may run into some of the Dashing from the backstage to the Ballroom
patrons as they cross the room. floor without being noticed requires either a
DC13 Dexterity (Stealth) check. Alternatively, a
The Drunken Oni DC15 Charisma (Performance) check allows
them to gauge the point where most viewers will
As the PCs pass by the blue-skinned ogres, one of be distracted by the music.
their number trips over his own feet and
drunkenly stumbles towards the party.
A randomly selected PC must succeed on a
9. The Stairs
DC13 Dexterity Saving Throw or the Oni crashes Read out loud or summarise the following:
into them, causing 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage
and covering them in expensive liquor. You find yourself standing before a staircase.
If they fail the drunken Oni demands they To your right, it heads down. To the left, it
buy him a new drink. However, the drink in climbs further up into the tower.
question was a bottle of incredibly rare sake However, you can see that at about the
distilled on the plane of Arborea, and costs point where the stairs hit the next landing
roughly 10,000gp. they disappear into a cloud of grey mist.

This magical staircase teleports guests to their
desired floors – wealthy guests have no wish to The room before you is neat and organised.
climb dozens of stories up, after all. To your left stands a desk stacked with notes,
If the PCs enter the mist a croaking voice as well as a rather well-stocked drinks
informs them that they “have not been registered cabinet, and to the right there’s a long
as guests.” If they continue up/down anyway, bookshelf.
they return to the same floor they started on. On the far wall hangs a painting showing
piles of gold and shining trinkets. A small
10. Eastern Hallway stool sits a few feet before the painting,
alongside a music stand that holds a pair of
A plush hall with purple carpets and golden folios. The stand seems to have a mirror
walls. The sound of loud music comes from the bound to one side of it.
Ballroom to the west.
To the south of the passage is a door to the
Instrument Room.
To the northeast, a doorway leads to
The Desk
Emanuel’s Study. Just to the north of that are Emanuel’s desk is just as tidy as you’d expect
two further doors. One in the northern wall from a devil. His notes have been divided up into
leads to Emanuel’s Bedroom, while one in the a few separate piles.
western wall leads to Allegro’s Cell. ● A discussion of ways he could use music to
The door to Allegro’s Cell is locked. Opening corrupt mortals. A lengthy section is
it requires a DC20 Dexterity check using devoted to hiding backwards messages in
Thieves’ Tools, or Emanuel’s Key (one copy is songs, but this is dismissed as “incredibly
kept on Emanuel, the other is in the safe in stupid.” It does note, however, that having
Emanuel’s Study). PCs who put their ear up to music with other effects when reversed
the door can hear a faint but beautiful could be useful
● A list of bards Emanuel has made deals
11. Instrument Room with. Accompanied by a rough schedule of
dates they’ll be summoned to his domain.
Read out loud or summarise the following: He talks about “owning” their music and
preserving it forever
Where the rest of the tower has been lit with ● An investigation in how to make an angel
yellow, fiery light, the room before you is laid fall. This part is the least organised. A DC15
out in a soft white glow. Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals
It illuminates rows and rows of Emanuel is not satisfied with the options
instruments, from horns and flutes to pianos he’s found so far, dismissing them as too
and drums, most of which look brand new. violent or upsetting for his target
● Ideas for a password. Notes suggest he plans
on using “a name I never planned to speak
Many of the pieces look as though they’re fresh
again” as a password for something
from the shop, still shiny and polished. Others,
important (the chain binding Allegro)
look as though they’ve been regularly played.
A DC13 Intelligence (Investigation) check The Bookcase
allows a PC to work out that the wear pattern on
many of the violins and other stringed Most of the books cover music theory. They
instruments comes from just one user – in this usually have hand-written notes dismissing the
case, Emanuel. authors’ ideas and claiming that the ideas being
A roll of 17 or more allows them to identify discussed are simplistic.
one well-worn fiddle that’s seen particularly Other titles cover infernal contract law, tips
heavy play, suggesting it may be the owner’s on running an entertainment business and
favourite. details on the fall of angels.
Some PCs may interpret this is a sign that,
for all his faults, Emanuel genuinely loves
The Painting
music. Others may wish to break or sabotage The painting on the southern wall is completely
Emanuel’s favourite fiddle. invulnerable to damage and cannot be moved,
except with a DC30 Strength (Athletics) check.
12. Emanuel’s Study Examining it with a DC15 Wisdom
(Perception) check reveals signs of wear on the
Read out loud or summarise the following:
wall just to the left of the painting, indicating

that it might swing back like a door. If the PCs It also contains a bright silver key, which
haven’t already guessed, the painting hides unlocks the door to Allegro’s Cell, and a bundle
Emanuel’s safe. of around 100 infernal contracts.
There is no lock to pick or handle to force. A few minutes of searching allows the PCs to
The music stand next to the painting holds find their own contracts. If the PCs destroy
two pieces of music, both written in a neat hand them, they are no longer bound by the contract
that matches the notes on the desk. and can attack Emanuel.
One is entitled “A Lock of Your Hair”. The
other is labelled “Concealing the Obvious.” A plain 13. Portal Chamber
mirror is neatly bound to the left-hand side of The small chamber is completely empty, save for
the stand, so that it creates a reversed image of a stone archway set into the southern wall. The
the music placed there. arch is engraved with complex magical runes.
When played forwards these pieces of PCs who make a DC13 Intelligence (Arcana)
music cause the safe to lock and the hidden door check recognise that the runes are linked to
(see Hidden Door) to be magically concealed, teleportation magic, and that this would appear
respectively. In both cases there is a noise or a to be a way to leave the Nine Hells. If the result
flash of light to indicate that something magical was 17 or more, they can see that the magic is
just happened. activated through some kind of magical
When played backwards they cause the safe resonance, similar to that used in Planar Tuning
to unlock, and for the hidden door to reveal Forks.
itself respectively. Emanuel holds the fork needed to activate
Hidden Door the portal, and keeps it on his person at all
There is a hidden door in the southwest corner
of the study, which leads to the Portal Chamber. 14. Emanuel’s Bedroom
It is obscured by a magical illusion and requires A neat and tidy bedroom with a large,
a DC20 Wisdom (Perception) check to spot. comfortable bed and a wardrobe filled with
The illusion can also be dispelled using expensive clothing.
music (see The Painting). A book of poetry sits on a nightstand. PCs
The door is not locked, and once spotted can examining the book find that it’s written in
easily be opened. Celestial, and that a primer on understanding
The Safe the divine language is tucked within the poetry
book’s cover.
The interior of the safe is made from a dull grey
metal. Within, it contains around 30,000gp in 15. Allegro’s Cell
gold and platinum pieces, six gems containing
Read out loud or summarise the following:
the souls of corrupted mortals - each worth
around 5,000 gp to a buyer interested in such
goods - and a +2 Rapier. The open door reveals a small bedroom with
bright white walls and a blue carpet. A plain
but comfortable bed rests in one corner, and
Missing Clues in the other stands a desk piled with what
looks to be hand-written sheet music.
Between the hints provided by NPCs, the notes Sat cross-legged on the bed is an pale-
on the desk and the mirror on the music stand, skinned figure wearing a white robe. A pair
the puzzle over opening the safe shouldn’t of white wings emerge from their back and a
prove too much of a problem for most parties. golden harp rests across their thighs.
However, it’s entirely possible for some The angelic figure has their eyes closed
groups to miss clues or not put the pieces and seems to be humming to himself as they
together, leaving them with no way to open pluck a slow, gentle tune on the instrument.
Emanuel’s safe.
If this happens, Allegro could provide more
direct hints (such as hearing the same song
being played forward and backwards from his The angel is Allegeo. They are a devoted servant
cell). Failing that, if the PCs come up with a of Milil, the goddess of music and dance, and
plausible solution of their own you could allow have been imprisoned here for several weeks.
it to simply work. Until the PCs speak Allegro keeps their eyes
Finally, you may wish to force the PCs to closed and assumes they’re Emanuel, carrying
think up an alternative way to break the deal. out one of his regular visits. A DC15 Wisdom

(Perception) check allows them to spot the speaking to Allegeo, or guess it based on the
shimmer of a spectral chain around their ankle. notes in Emanuel’s Study. Otherwise, the only
Once they realise the PCs aren’t Emanuel, one who knows the word is Emanuel.
Allegro is incredibly friendly. They happily Allegro dearly wishes for freedom but is
explain the following: more concerned about freeing the bards from
● They were tasked with investigating the their infernal contracts and releasing any
disappearance of several famous bards, as it trapped musical essence. They know that
was feared there was an infernal connection Emanuel is desperate to have them perform, and
gives the PCs permission to offer up their talents
● They were spying on Emanuel when the or even their life as part of a deal to secure
cambion tricked and captured them passage home or destroy the dolls.
● They came to the Tower of Song through a If asked about Emanuel, Allegro notes that
portal in a hidden room beyond Emanuel’s the Cambion has a vast ego when it comes to his
study. Emanuel opened and closed the own musical abilities. That may be a weakness.
portal using a tuning fork he keeps on a
chain around his neck.
● Emanuel was planning to offer up Allegro to Planar Tuning Forks
his overlords as a gift, but when he heard
the angel singing, he changed his mind These forks of enchanted metal are attuned to
various planes of existence. Normally, they are
● Since that day, Allegro has been trapped in used as materials for complex magical spells to
this room. Emanuel makes sure they have open portals, but Emanuel uses his to control a
everything they wants other than their powerful planar gate.
freedom. In return he demands that the
When struck within 15 ft. of the gate, the
angel sing the songs he writes.
fok opens a portal to any location on the
The chain around Allegro’s ankle is shifted material plane that the wielder can visualise.
to the astral plane and is unbreakable unless the This could be somewhere they’ve visited, or a
PCs have a way to access it. It can only be loosed location they can name - the taproom of The
by speaking the command word “Ophelia.” Yawning Portal Inn, for example.
There is a chance the PCs might accidentally The portal remains open for six hours
stumble across this command word while before disappearing.

Escaping the Tower Musical Challenge
In order to escape the Tower of Song and the Emanuel is highly arrogant about his musical
Nine Hells, the PCs need to retrieve the Planar abilities and is happy to bet against the PCs in a
Tuning Fork from Emanuel. They may also wish ‘Battle of the Bands’.
to destroy the dolls and free Allegro. He probably demands that if he wins, the
Generally, the most likely ways the PCs can PCs must sign identical contracts to those they
retrieve the fork are: destroyed, with added clauses preventing them
● Pickpocketing Emanuel from disobeying a command from Emanuel.
Emanuel opens any competition by grandly
● Defeating Emanuel in battle announcing it to the crowd, sending for his
● Trading for a use of it favourite fiddle and summoning a backing
● Winning it in a challenge group of Song Dolls.
Of course, if the PCs come up with some other The Battle of the Bands consists of each PC
(vaguely plausible) idea then allow them to making an opposed Charisma (Performance)
pursue it. check against Emanuel, as they each perform a
solo on their instrument of choice.
Pickpocketing Emanuel If the PCs win at least half, they are
victorious. In the event of a tie, the PCs get to
Emanuel spends most of the evening prowling
nominate one member for a Sudden Death
the Ballroom, chatting with guests and ensuring
round that decides all.
everyone is having a pleasant (andexpensive)
If the PCs interfered with his favourite fiddle
(in the Instrument Room) Emanuel
Picking his pocket requires the PCs to get
automatically loses the first check. If they
close to him without arousing suspicion, and
destroyed or stole it, he makes his first two
then to district him. A DC15 Dexterity (Stealth)
checks with disadvantage as he gets comfortable
or Charisma (Deception) check should be
with his new fiddle.
enough to get close to the Cambion, but feel free
There is a short gap between each round,
to modify this depending on the choices the PCs
where Emanuel taunts or threatens the PCs,
depending on whether he just won or lost.
Actually stealing the tuning fork requires a
This allows time for the PCs to distract him,
DC12 Dexterity (Sleight of Hands) check, with a
play magical tricks or try to win the audience
result of 15 or more allowing them to do so
over to their side. Depending on how successful
without Emanuel noticing.
they are, this may give them advantage (or
Fighting Emanuel Emanuel disadvantage) on the next check.
Emanuel is accompanied by a pair of Fiendish Completing the
Enforcers who watch him from a respectable
distance. If a fight breaks out they support him, Adventure
though any guests who might be about simply Once the PCs have access to Emanuel’s Planar
watch and choose not to get involved. Tuning Fork they can escape through the Portal
In combat, Emanuel makes liberal use of his Chamber.
wings to avoid any melee fighters. He also drops The portal transports them to any location
chandeliers on foes when possible. they desire on the material plane, though if they
If soundly defeated, Emanuel can be don’t have any particularly strong ideas it drops
persuaded to agree to the PCs’ demands. His them in the alleyway behind a tavern in
only request is that he be allowed to travel to the Waterdeep.
material plane, as he will be destroyed if he If Allegro or Taliah Swiftwood escaped with
remains in the Nine Hells after such a defeat. the PCs, they thank them profusely, promising
Trading all kinds of favours once them become re-
established. Allegro, in particular, says he plans
Emanuel may be willing to cut a deal with the to inform his goddess about their abilities
PCs if they have something he wants. directly!
Allegro’s willing service or the copies of
other bards’ contracts should be sufficient to
buy them a way out of the Nine Hells. Anything
beyond that requires a Persuasion or
Intimidation check.

Appendix A: Stat Blocks


Medium fiend (Devil), lawful evil Medium fiend (Devil), lawful evil

Medium construct, no alignment

Small humanoid (Halfling), neutral good

Medium fiend (Devil), lawful evil Medium celestial (Angel), lawful good

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