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Provide your own introduction.
At the end of this activity, the student should be able to:
1. List down all the existing machinery powered by internal combustion engine and electric
motor used in crop and livestock production.
2. Identify the classification of ICE according to (a) ignition of fuel (b) number of cylinder, and
(c) number of stroke
3. Identify the classification of electric motor (AC, DC, Universal), classification
according to Construction and classification according to starting, and;
4. Familiarize with the principle of operation of ICE and electric motor according to its

1. Conduct the activity considering the guide questions.
2. Conduct a survey (can be done via online platform or sms) on the crop and livestock
production. Interview the farmers or entrepreneur and ask for different agricultural
machinery and equipment powered by ICE and Electric motor. Identify the classification of
the ICE according to ignition of fuel, number of cylinder and number of strokes.
3. Document the activity by taking photo documentation


Key and guide Questions:

1. What are the different equipment/machines (ICE and electric motor operated) in your
community that are being utilized for crop and livestock production
● Tractor
● Water Pump
● Grass Cutter
● Rice Huller
● Rice Harvester

2. What are the classification of the ICE and Electric motor? Differentiate each types.

An internal combustion engine (ICE) is a heat engine in which the combustion of a fuel occurs with an
oxidizer (usually air) in a combustion chamber that is an integral part of the working fluid flow
circuit. In an internal combustion engine, the expansion of the high-temperature and high-pressure
gases produced by combustion applies direct force to some component of the engine. The force is
applied typically to pistons, turbine blades, rotor or a nozzle. This force moves the component over a
distance, transforming chemical energy into useful work. This replaced the external combustion
engine for applications where weight or size of the engine is important.

ICEs are usually powered by energy-dense fuels such as gasoline or diesel fuel, liquids derived from
fossil fuels. While there are many stationary applications, most ICEs are used in mobile applications
and are the dominant power supply for vehicles such as cars, aircraft and boats.
ICEs are typically powered by fossil fuels like natural gas or petroleum products such as gasoline,
diesel fuel or fuel oil. Renewable fuels like biodiesel are used in CI (compression ignition) engines and
bioethanol or ETBE (ethyl tert-butyl ether) produced from bio ethanol in SI (spark ignition) engines.
Renewable fuels are commonly blended with fossil fuels. Hydrogen, which is rarely used, can be
obtained from either fossil fuels or renewable energy.


Summary : The activity shows that the student needs to familiarize on machines that are
used for crop and livestock production and how it helps the farmers on their daily duties.
Conclusion: Machinery can allow crops to be grown and harvested with minimum-to-
no soil disturbance, ensure that the soil surface remains protected by organic cover, manage
crop rotations to enhance soil health and conserve crop nutrients. The type and size of
machinery made available to farmers is also crucial.


Tractor Water Pump

Grass Cutter Rice Huller

Rice Harvester
VII. REFERENCES (Present here the citation and references related in the activity)

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