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java operator precedence searches:

What is operator precedence in JavaScript?

precedence javascript operator precedence determines the order in which operators

are evaluated. operators with higher precedence are evaluated first. because
multiplication operator ('*') has higher precedence than the addition operator
('+') and thus will be evaluated first.

PEMDAS is an acronym used to mention the order of operations to be followed while
solving expressions having multiple operations. PEMDAS stands for P- Parentheses,
E- Exponents, M- Multiplication, D- Division, A- Addition, and S- Subtraction.
There are different acronyms used for the order of operations in different
countries. For example, in Canada, the order of operations is stated as BEDMAS
(Brackets, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction). Some
people prefer to say BODMAS (B- Brackets, O- Order or Off), while few others call
it GEMDAS (G- Grouping).

Introduction to PEMDAS
PEMDAS or order of operations is a set of rules to perform operations in an
arithmetic expression. There are different scenarios where everything goes through
various steps in a fixed sequence. Consider the following scenario. Ron and Raven
visited a toy factory. They both observed the processes followed in the factory to
manufacture toys. Toys are first designed. Next, they are built and packed in
boxes. Finally, they are checked for quality before being shipped to stores.
Everything is done in a set order.

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