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Cursed of Egg Island

Greenery, sunlight peeked through the leaves as though it wanted to give light and hope to the pitiful
weeds beneath trees and bushes. Pond situated in the middle of a clearing that looked as though it was
a gem sparkling when viewed from a shaded place, mirrored the hue of the sky. It was a very serene and
bright forest; a mix of green soft leaves that is so frail it danced with the wind. A touch of interaction
between non-living and living organisms creates a very balanced and wonderful ecosystem. Surrounded
by sea so clear and beautiful can be compared to a five star gem that cost billions in value. The island is
small but it was big enough for a whole ecosystem to persist.

A once serene scene that only existed in fairytales and stories does exist and within the beautiful
and serene show it was, the communication between interactions is kind of a hilarious. However,
humans invade their island and try to take all the resources without care and thus raised alertness.

Fern: what should we do!?

Rock: Barricade by the use of rocks, we are tough to crack.

Apple tree: yes rocks are tough and it is so easy to move you lot.

Weeds: how about we also ask other faction like the animal kingdom, yeah?

Orchids: Wonderful ideas to ask help from our predator… so go and offer you as sacrifice! Just a
worthless little leaves. Maybe you can get them high or something.

[Weeds are dismayed by the discrimination they always get]

Laughter rang even if the situation was depressing

Orchids: You can make them feel light as clouds, yeah offer yourself as smoke.

[Weeds just mumble to themselves and talking to no one as it made different tones in voice]

Mahogany: We will fight back! Should we let ourselves be a slave of meekness and weakness? NO!?
Then let us show that we the flora kingdom can fight back to those mobile factions! Who’s with me?

Oak: Wonderful speech brave Mahogany but we should also defend our territory with the animal
kingdom; our predators should also be a target as resources by humans. Fur, meat, and all resources
they can get…

Fern: weeds and wild vines should do the honors of being a messenger.

Weeds: way to go, just because we are overpopulated the message can be done accurately? You think
so. Message relay is difficult enough and we the weeds are very proud of that suggestion. *clap* *clap*
[Weeds clap their leaves together to show they are very happy of the suggestion. Not.]

Few voices from different species of plants are heard together as conflict arose.


A loud sound was heard and silence was heard within the scene

Oak: OW! The fuck was that for!?

Mahogany: STOP YAPPING AND START MOVING! You lot better use your chlorophyll

Oak: are you human mahogany? Why the abuse?!

Chirp. Chirp.

A sweet voice can be heard and a bird landed on a branch of oak.

A period of time has passed and bird is enlightened by the upcoming danger in the island and spread the
rumor to the animal kingdom

Oak: I wonder when we would be submerged again.


Con artist: Your highness, it seems the island does have a huge amount of gold distribution. According to
one of my trusted and faithful men, he saw that a golden glimmer of light was reflected from the island.
It was said that the light was a streak and form a pattern in the air as though it was an intricate design of
sunshine when we passed by.

King: Should you lie, we would behead you as treason and deception.

Con artist: I assure you your highness that what we saw was real. It should be the island that is told by
legends that may appear or disappear suddenly. Such a legend should not be existent as to how it
should move a mass that heavy.

King: Adviser, arrange troops and arrangements for exploration to the said island. Such exploration ship
may sustain heavy loads.

King’s adviser: Yes, your highness

King: Dismissed

Dismissed, the con artist was very happy that his exaggeration was unfound. It is said that his
subordinate found strange yellow light that shone from the island. It was of golden color and they
speculate that it must be gold and so use deception to the royal family using the greed of humans to
lead a path so as to be safe from the unknown wonders of the island.

Back to the island

[Animals and plants gathered in the central area of the island where the pond was situated]

Mahogany: I suppose everyone here present is aware of the spotted danger at sea.

Oak: How come they tried to shoot us with that heavy iron ball in the first place?

Tiger: [low and rumble voice] try to land and they must see the yellow of my tooth.

Lion: small fries like them should be intimidated by my mere presence.

Tiger: oh, a presence that of a kitty?

Lion: [snarl] if so, then I must be a more powerful kitty than you were. I wonder.

Tiger: Hiss!

Both have gunpowder before long they had met. Cats with pride and self-esteem fighting like kittens.

Oak: cat fight [sigh]

Fern: Their here!

With a leaf pointing across a distance

There they found dozen of floating planks called ships sail across the ocean that covet the treasure of
the island.

They were excited as they can see that within the depths of the forest light shone with a glimmer of gold
and at the beach where white sand and a few yellow shiny dots can be seen.

Con artist: according to the legend the name of the island is egg, whether as to it came be called as egg
is a mystery our ancestors had never told about.

After reaching a certain distance the crew heard sounds, voices, whispers, murmurs, and talking.
Cacophony was what they deemed very suspicious as it seemed that the island is inhabited. They listen
with trepidation in their mind as if inviting them to come and eat to their hearts content as if a feast was
ready for them or inviting them to take all the treasure that laid on the island.

What they actually hear is the combined mixture of voices from the flora and fauna kingdom.
Complaining and yelling for them to leave them be and to go back where they came from.

The con artist and his fellow subordinates followed the ship of the royal knights as they prepared to row
a boat to the island, afraid to come closer with the ship on a shallow sea.
Captain: prepare to land!

Crew: yes sir!

Con artist: it is an honor of being led by the captain of the Revas Empire. I so sincerely felt gratitude for
your services great captain.

Captain: I do so as I was told by his highness himself.

Con artist: [twitching eyes of discomfort] well then. I apologize, captain for I will be rich from this
exploration and so I have to mentally prepare for it.

Captain: heh, an apple with a worm is rotten and so the core should also be dark and hopeless.

Stepping foot on the island all the creatures with two legs explored the island and definitely the sand
had gold specks and a tinge of gold reflected from it.

Con artist: this should be it! Gold mixed sand. If it were processed then we would profit a huge sum of it!

There they met animals as ferocious and wild; they were scared but fought to on to acquire as many
resources as they can gain from the island.

Both parties fought on and on but the humans were successful in forcibly tied the animals with great
perseverance and maybe they can be made into different raw materials or clothes.

[The con artist together with his companion entered the forest and soon arrived at the center where
they found at the bottom of the lake, mound of treasure with golds, gems, and other precious and
valuable items.]

One by one they all entered the seemingly shallow pond. Grasping the treasure with joy

The captain did not join them and only observe by the side, not taking the initiative to be as one of the
many folks that greed consumed them. However, they had not anticipated that change in their body
were visible to the naked eye.

The captain shrieked and ran back to where the boat was.

The con artist and his fellow companions together with knights were shocked and upon noticing the
change in their body they were too late.

Some had grown hairs similar to that of the tiger, some grow vines and leaves and while some are
starting to shrink.

[A cacophony of sounds was heard as though a dark melody was playing in the island]

Voices with pain and frightened. Laughter of melody made by plants and animals rang through island
The captain was afraid and shocked by what was happening and as he reached the boat he saw the
series of transformation to his subordinates and followers. The captain leaves the island with a melody
so dark and mesmerizing.

Captain: and so I was right, a test of greediness was well hidden in this beautiful façade of an island. It is
then the beauty was tantamount of a veiled darkness.

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